Herbert Hurst’s Calendar of Muniments Volume 5 Camden to Chipping Norton (College estates) Please note that this calendar was compiled 1898-1907, and therefore only makes reference to records dating 19th century or earlier. Vol. 5 Camden Deeds and papers relating to College estates at Camden, Oxfordshire Camden 1 Ordinance 3 Apr 1338 Grantor: John Fitzwilliam of Fychendon, marshal Grantee: Robert Yelkman of Champpden Grant: This order was made at Cheping nortone, on the feast of The invention of the Holy Cross (as above). Robert under a penalty of £10 engages to appear in a certain case, before the Marshal relative to a Tenement in Campden. Sealing clause. Given at the place and day and year above noted. Witnesses: Hewe Poppe of Chepyngnorton, Robert Brecon la Greyndre (? grinder) Laurence Brecon, Richard his brother, Richard alleyn, Robert Symon et "mound des autres" Indented at top thrugh several letters Seal: one red seal gone Pt. 10 3/4" x 3" Probably a Stray Vol. 5 Catworth Deeds and papers relating to College estates at Catworth, Cambridgeshire Catworth 1 List of owners of the Presentations to Rectory c. 1670 1597 John Wyborne, with sight of presentation 1603 William Berridge - presentation 1632 Sir Beauchamp St John 1634 Thomas Ekins has it, Willian Berridge dies and Thomas presents Nicholas Mason who is not admitted. 1638 Anthony akerwood* petitioned the Lord Keeper Coventry for the parsonage of Catworth as being in his gift by reason of Simony comitted betw: Thomas Ekins & Jospeh Wiborne. The King presented akerwood who was admitted &c 1651 Akerwood sequestered by the Parliament - Hookes had his place. The Committee of oel 29 put in Stephen Anderson who has continued there, ages about 55 years (or akrood) Remarks: paper Catworth 2 Sale of Advowson 24 Jan 1597 Grantor: Thomas Ekyns John Ekynes Grantee: Thomas Ekyns son and heir of Thomas Grant: Refers to sale, by Edward Watson of Rockingham, 2 Sept, 10 years previous, to Thomas Ekyns of the Manor of Catworth called Lord Vause's Manor Co Northants and Hunts with all the rights and appurtenances and the Advowson and Patronage of the Church of Catworth Magna &c. all claims &c Now J and I for a competent sum of money paid them by Thomas have given granted bargained anhd sold the Advowson, Rec-torye and Church of Catworth and the right of patronage, to have and to hold without any manner of condition or other limitations. They quit claim for the same Signed by J.E John makes his mark Initial letter interesting Seal: one, a head, not distinct Pt. 25 1/2" x 19 1/2" Catworth 3 Copy of Act of Institution to Rectory 1 Jun 1603 Grantor: The Bishop of Lincoln Grant: As John Wyborne, clerk, D.B has been nominated to the Rectory of Catworth magnd, in Lincoln Diocese on the death of the last Incumbent by -- Ekyns of Raunse, Co: Northampton, yeoman the true and undoubted patron, we admit him John Wyborne, to the Rectory canonically and institute and invest him in the same in all its rights and members &c Signed by W. Lincoln Seal: none Remarks: paper Catworth 4 Copy of Grant of Advowson 30 Dec 1623 Grantor: Thomas Ekines of Catworth Magna Grant: J.E the true and undoubted Patron of the Parish Church of Catworth Magna, dioc: Lincoln, has given, granted and by this present deed has confirmed, for the one and nearest viodance of the Rectory, to one Wm Beridge M.A his executors and assigns, the first advowson, nomination, presentation and free disposition, but the sight of patronage hereafter to remain with Thomas Ekines Sealing clause (as above) Extracted by me Tho: Pound Witnesses: five Remarks: paper Catworth 5 Grant of Advowson &c 10 Aug 1634 Grantor: Thomas Ekynes of Great Catworth Grantee: Thomas Ekynes junior Grant: J.E for the natural love and effection which he bears toward Thomas Ekynes his son and heir apparent, as also for other good causes and considerations especially moveing him, gives grants & confirms absolutely for ever, the Advowson, nomination and Presentation and Free disposition of and to the Rectory and Church of Great Catworth, all the tythes, observances, profits. Emmunyties & advanta-ges these to belonging, all manner of Deeds, evidences &c warranty Quitclaim all his rights for himself his heirs and assigns, to the same Seal: one, broken, E remains Remarks: Pt 16" x 5" Catworth 6 Plea in Court 1634 Grantor: William Archbishop of Canterbury and Anthony Akerod clerk Grantee: versus Thomas Ekynes seu Gentleman Grant: W.C and A.A were summoned on a Plea that they permit him to present a fit person to the Church at Catworth which is vacant and in his donation. Thereupon the same Thomas appeared by his attorney Wm. Glasse who showed that Thomas Ekynes was possessed of the Advowson as part of his fee and had presented one John Wyborne, clerk, who was formally admitted. At a later date J.E gave the first voidance of the Church to Wm Berridge who became owner, for one occasion, of the advowson. &c The account goes over the entire history, as elsewhere. Follows all the Acts of Parliament bearing on the case Case postponed (?) Remarks: 24 H: paper Catworth 7 A Brewiatt case of Simony c. 1635 Grantor: William, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury Grantee: v. Anthony Akrodd clerk Wm Berridge was presented to the Church of Catworth magna under a simonical agreement 24 May, 24 James, Akroyd claims the living as having been presented in due form, when the simony of the Ptron had, by a Statute of 31 Eliz. c b, placed the presentation in the Sovereign's hands and not in the jurisdic-tion of the Archbishop of Canterbury. cf Y.18, 21 and 29 Witnesses: It is but the commencement of the case-issue is joyned" on p 2 is the result of the examination of witnesses and on p. 3 a list of witnesses selected by Akrodd, to prove the several points of the case Remarks: Clearly from the Ekyn's papers Query stray paper Catworth 8 Copy of Mandate for Induction 6 Jun 1635 Grantor: John, Bishop of Lincoln Grant: We have received from Sir Beauchamp St. John the undoubted Patron of the Living of Catworth magna, letter of nominations of William Berridge M.A, clerk, to the Rectory of the parochial Ch: &c. now vacant by the death of the last Rector the permit and order you to arrange for his induction thereto, and to all the rights belonging to it This mandate shown on the 10 June 1635 and the induction carried out Remarks: paper Catworth 9 Copy of letter about admission 14 Jun 1635 Grantor: Sir Beauchamp St. John Knt Grantee: To John, Bishop of Lincoln Grant: Sir B., as true and undoubted patron of the Rectory of the parochial Church of Chatworth Magna in Country Huntingdon by reason of the grant of William Berridge of Catworth Magna by Thomas Ekynes of same town, to the Rectory now vacant by the death of Jogn Wyburn the last incumbent, he Sir B has nominated W.B and begs his paternity to admit him to the same Church and appoint, induct and recognize him as Rector of the same with all its rights privileges &c Witnesses: was admitted on 18 June 1635 Remarks: paper Catworth 10 Copy of Petition 30 Aug 1638 Grantor: Anthony Akerod clerk M. of d. To the Right Hon Thomas Lord Coventre Lord Keeper of the Greater Seale Grant: This petition showeth that the Parsonage of Catworth in the County of Huntingdon is in your Lordships guiftes by reason of Symonye committed between Thomas Ekins patron and Joseph Wyborne Clerke His humble suit therefore is that your Lordship would be pleased to present the Petitioner thereunto by lapse and from (?) Symonye and he shall dayly pray for your honours &c £17.16.10 <value of living> Witnesses: Examined Thos Coventry Remarks: paper Catworth 11 Presentation Royal to Rectory 30 Aug 1638 Grantor: The King (copy 19 Nov Grantee: To William Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate &c 1638) Grant: To William Archbishop to whom all kind of jurisdiction over the Bishopric of Lincoln now belongs by reason of his sus-pension from all Episcopal jurisdiction. As the presentation to the Rectory of Catworth has lapsed to us by reason of an Act of Simony committed about the same, we present to that Rectory our beloved in Christ Anthony Akerod, clerk, M.A and require you as far we may admit him &c Teste me-ipse apud Canbury (as above) Remarks: paper Catworth 12 Admission to Living 10 Sep 1638 Grant: Admission, To the Parish Church of Catworth magna, Co Huntingdon, Anthony Akerod, clerk M.A, to the Rectory, Dioc Lincoln, after signing the necessary papers The papers follow Y. 20-38 cf. Y. 17 Remarks: paper Catworth 13 Decree of Commonwealth (in full) 29 Oct 1651 The Committee for Plundered Ministers Grant: Whereas the Rectory of the Parish Church of Catworth magna in the county of Huntingdon is and standeth sequestered from Mr Akerod, it is ordered that the said Rectory shall henceforth stand sequestered to the use of Stephen Anderson, a godly orthodox divine and that he do, from henceforth officiate the case of the said Church as Rector & preach diligently to the parishioners there, and that he shall have for his paines therein, the Parsonage house and gleab lands and all the tythes, Rents, duties and profitts whatsoever of the said Rectory till further order shall be taken in the premises and all person or persons are required quietly to permit the said Mr Anderson to officiate the said case and to enter, possess, and enjoy the said house and gleab=landes and to have leisure and take to his owner use all the tythes, Rents, duties and profitts whatsoever of the said Rectory as they will answer the conrary at their preill (a true copy Examined mch 16.
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