rei ~day ~ ne e at FlL 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto, UP Leased Wire - Five Cents ,. Si e , , alms rameu U.S. to Okay Oil Talks Fail; Breakdown Follows Reels 2( per Pound British May ,Charge 01 UN Bombing TOKYO. (T.HUlRSDA Y) (JP) - The Reds called off the turbulent Kaesong trUCe talks today "from now on" after charging that a U.S. -. Aba' dan plane dropped brunbs near quarters of the Red truce delegates last Beef Increase O(Cupy. night. Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway's WASHINGTON. (JP)-The gov­ TEHRAN, (JP) - British-Iran­ headquarters announced the Red ernment disclosed · Wednesday ian oil ' talks. fostered by Ameri­ senate CommiHee decision and said heatedly "the II!iIt It expects to let retail beef can Envoy Averall Harriman and whole incident is a frameup staged from firn to last." price cellln,s increase by up to carefully nursed through 18 days $ Cuts 1 Billion .A Red liaison officer. reading two cents a pound. of ups and downs, collapsed in a from notes which appeared to Otnclals ot the office of price final disagreement Wednesday. From' Foreign Aid have been prepared well in ad· stabilization said ceilings will Premier Mohammed M06sa­ vance. told Allied liaisQll repre· have to be boosted under pro vi· degit announced after a 90-minute WASHINGTON (JP) - Two sen- sentatives at Kaesong shortly after f • • • sions of the new defense produc- meeting with British Cabinet ate cOmmittees followed the lead midnight that the talks were "of! thin act to preserve the meat in­ Minister Richard Stokes that "we of the house Wednesday and voted from now on." dustry's profit position on beef. reacbed no agreement with re­ to slash President Truman's for- That was only a few hours after William Remington spect to British mana,ement" of the Reds charged that an Allied They said prices for cattle hides Gets New Trial the nationalized _oil industry. eign aid program by $1.001,000,000. plane dropped jellied gasoline and are down 25 per cent below ceil­ Stokes, fully expecting the Sen. Torn Connally (D-Tex.) explosive bombs on Red guarters Ing levels, and tallow is down 33 breakdown. already had announc­ reported the cut was agreed upon near Kaesong. per cent - so that wholesale anrl ed he is flying back to London at a joint meeting of the foreign No UN Aircraft Reported retail beef prices must be hiked Circuit Court Grants earl" today, leaving this neighbor relations and armed services com- Ridgway's headquarters sa,id a to return the industry to a normal of RUSsia to its own chaotic oU mit tees after half a dozen votes. preliminary report from the U.S. profit level guaranteed by the new Remington Re-Trial affairs. Connally presided at the closed Fifth air force indicated no UN Jaw. · C The British cabinet took "the session. aircraft were in the Kaesong area Before the new law went into n erJury ase nec,esary decisions" Wednesday in The speed with Which the com- during last night. None flew of! eUect Price Stabilizer Michael V. I P anticipation of the break, official mittees acted left the administra- course, the report said. ' DiSalle had planned a ten cent NEW YORK (JP) - A new trial London sources said. tion little hOPe that it would get But Fifth air force reported that a pound cut in retail beef prices. :vas order:d Wednesday for Will- The decisions, still secret, pre­ the $8.5 billion originally requested an unidentified plane was spotted That was under a series of plan­ lam RemlO~on, for.mer govern- sumably answered the big ques­ by Mr. Truman for military and by radar w~st of Kaesong at 9:30 ned rollbacks which have been ment .economl.st convIcted of per- tion: Will British forces occupy economic aid to countries allied p.m. last mght (5:30 a.m. CST), banned by the new law. jury In denYing he ever was a Abadan the Iranian oil refining with the United States against Wednesday) . Earlier Wednesday, the White member of ~he ~ommunist party. center? 'The government announc- Communism. Ridgway's announcement of the House made it clear President The U.S. ClrcUlt court of appeals ed last month its forces would Last week a coalition of Repub- Red decision closely followed an Truman has decided to demand ~eversed h.is. conviction in a una.n- occupy Abadan under certain cir­ Iicans and southern Democrats in angry broadcast by Peiping pur· far stronger economic controls Imous declSlon that held the tnal cumstances _ which were not the house lopped $ off porting to ~ive details ?f the al· from congress. court erred in its charge to the defined. the bill approving a $7498750 000 leged bomblOg as qbtalned from , • ., K "d' t h" The White House announced jury. British sources said Mossadegh program. a aesong lspa c . • that Mr. Truman is completing The higher court upheld a de­ did not give an inch in the long Most senators figured the com- Dama,e~ .General s Jeep a special message to the senate fense contention that the trial negotiations. and stoutly held to mittees' action would result in a The Red l1also!l group at Ka~. and house on the subject, and court·s definition of membership the letter of the nine-poi!).t law deeper cut in military funds than song charged that t~e alleged aIr that he hopes to send it to the in the Communist party was "too canceling Britain's 60-year oil the house voted and a lighter cut attack damaged the Jeep of North Capitol before the week is out. vague and indefinite." concession and nationalizing the in economic funds. Korean ~en. Nam 11,. the poker· Details of the message have not U.S. Attorney Irving H. Saypol, Anglo-Iranian Oil company, more faced chlef Red negotiator. been disclosed. but its theme is who prosecuted Remington, said than half owned by the British The Red representatives sub· expected to be that present laws the reversal was being studied government. Can't Ask ' mited two hits of marble-sized controlling prices and credit are and a decision would be made u.s. metal which they said struck the too feeble to resist inflation. quickly whether to seek a review MacArthur to Jap jeep. by the U.S. supreme court. Ridgway's statement said the "Remington certainly will be Hurricane Hits Peace Conference Allied liaison officers, Col. J ames DeArmond Funeral retired," Saypol saiq. Murray and Col. Andrew J . Kin· A jury deliberated only four WASHINGTON tm - Secretary ney. were "escorted within 100 hours and 25 minutes before it Tampko; Kills 3 of State Dean Acheson said Wed.:. yards of the United Nations com· Is ~t for Today returned its verdict of guilty last nesday the United States cannot \Cland delegation and there were Feb. 7. TAMPICO. Mexico, (U') - A. invite Gen , Douglas MacArthur to shown a rumpled piece of metal." Services for Ralph R. De- Federal Judge Gregory F. Noo- tropical hurricane howled out of address the Japanese peace con­ The Red Colonel Chang ascerted Armond Jr., 16, 332% S. Du- nan imposed the maximum sen- the Gulf of Mexico and ripped ference at San Francisco without this was a naplam (jellied gaso· buque st., who was crushed to tence of five years in prison and into the coast just north of here the agreement of other nations line) bomb." death in an accident at the River <1 $2,000 fine. Remington, 33, Dart- Wednesday, killing at least three attending the historic session. The report of Vice Adm. C. I Products Co. quarry two miles mouth college honor graduate, has persons and injuring hundreds "Obviously the U.S. is not in a Turner Joy chief Allied negotiator, north of Iowa City Tuesday, have been free on $7.000 bail pending more in this oil port city. position to issue an invitation on to Ridgway added: been set for 2:30 p.m. today at action on his appeal. The tail of the 130-mile-an- behalf of the conference," Acheson No Bomb Crater Beckman's. hour storm lashed Tampico as said in a statement. "There was no bomb crater near The Rev. Robert R. Sanks of the the center struck 30 miles north Truman Foes Blocking Official sources could not pre­ and no scorched earth but about First Methodist church will offi- of the city. 25 yards away there was a minor ciate at the services and burial Anti-Red Fight: Brannan Gusts recorded as high as 158 dict Wednesday whether the U,S. would suggest such an invitation depression in the earth about 24 will be in Memory Gardens ceme- COON RAPIDS, lAo (U') _ Agri- miles per hour - 83 miles per at San Francisco, but there are in­ iery, culture Secretary Charles F. Bran- hour above hurricane force - (Continl/ed 011 Page 8) Ralph was killed when a truck nan in a fighting speech Wednes- tossed palm trees, roof tops, fence dications MacArthur' would be in­ he was directing 'backed into him, day accused administration foes of posts and other debris through vited by the conference if the na­ crushing him against a stone blocking the nation's effort to stop this city of 90,000. tions agree quickly on the invita­ building at the quarry. Charles Communism by "pointing accusing Compania Mexicana De Avia­ tion. NewmJre, Iowa City, driver of the fingers at honorable citizens and cion. a Pan-American airways af­ Ambassador John Foster Dulles, truck, told Albert J.
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