\4an Dies as Home Burns SEE STORY BELOW o The Weather FINAL Partly cloudy during day Re<l Bank, Freehold and cloudy at night both today and tomorrow with chance of Ixing Branch X.. rain at night both days. Low EDITION tojUgM in low to Aid 30s, 28 PAGES .._&!. Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL 95 NO. 103 RED BANK, N.J. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27,1972 TENCENTS iiiiinuuiiiiiiui •uiiiiiiiniiiiiuiiiiii iutinitiiiuii<iiiiiii>iiiiiiiitiHiiiiiiiiaiiiii»wHi«MHminin»iiiitiiiiitiiiiiiiiitrii(<tMiininuiiiiiiiiiHitii IIIIIIIH nHiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiuiiniiiiaRiiii U.S» May Be Readying ShowdownWith Thieu CAMP DAVID, Md. (AP) - rial in the newspaper Nhan Thieu for Id minutes today, said as late as Friday that Sonic observers suspected •President Nixon scheduled his Dan as saying: but there was no announce- Nixon would not meet Dur, that a decision by Le Due third meeting in as many days ••The about-face of the ment of what was discussed. and the apparent change of Tho. Hanoi's chief negotiator,. with Henry A. Kissinger American side, which refuses One source said Bunker may mind was regarded by other to remain in Paris while Kissi- today, possibly as a prelude to to sign the already-agreed- have delivered a private mes- sources as significant. nger returned here for con- a showdown with the South upon accord on the date fixed, sage from Nixon to Thieu. "Putting this all together." sultations indicated,the main Vietnamese on terms of a pro- and the insolent demands of Thieu's senior foreign policy one, official said, "it could negotiating problem is be- posed Vietnam ceasefire. the puppet, Nguyen Van adviser, Nguyen Phu Due, very well mean Nixon lias de- tween the United Mates and Nixon, who flew to his Thieu, echoed frenziedly by was expected to arrive in cided it is time to tell the Saigon. ' Maryland mountain retreat officials in Washington and Washington from Paris today score" to the South Vietnam- here last night after spending the American press, little by or tomorrow. The White ese. Administration sources said the weekend in New York little dissipate, even before House said over the weekend The President met with Kis- that If the talks between Kis- City, arranged-tD^amfex-dur=—the-inMs-dry-T-Hhe silhouette that~NixmrlradiigrPPtf ti> a '"sTnger~rwroe"T?ltil(nTr New- g PARIS REPORT — President Nixon confers with Henry A. Kissinger In ing the afternoon with Kissi- Of peace' which many Ameri request from Thieu to receive York — for an hour late Sat- an insurmountable barrier, New York after Kissinger returned from a week of secret negotiations in nger, his chief negotiator to can journalists have Due for discussions of the urday night, after Kissinger the negotiations would have -Paris with North Vietnam's Le Due Tho. The White House announced lat- the secret Vietnam peace sketched." ceasefire negotiations in returned from Paris, and . been broken off indefinitely as er that the President is "confident that we will achieve the right kind of talks in Paris. In Saigpn, U.S. Ambassador Paris. again for an hour yesterday in (he past, rather than being settlement" in Vietnam. The meetings came amid Ellsworth Bunker met with \dminist ration officials had morning. rescheduled for Dec. 4. speculation by administration sources that an interruption in the Paris peace talks may mean the United States has decided to tell South Vietnam Sentencing of IRA that no more concessions can be won from North Vietnam in a ceasefire agreement. The talks, which adjourned Saturday, are scheduled to re- Chief Stirs Trouble sume Dec. 4. DUBLIN (AP)-IRA chief- security precaution. Police "There are 40(1 other patients See Hopes Dimmed tain Sean MacStiofain is • cordoned off the building. in there as well," she said. Meanwhile, North Viet- "very weak but in no imme- At one point last night, nam's official newspaper said about 4,(H)0 supporters of the The demonstrators moved hopes for peace have begun to diate danger of death" as a off to the General Post Office, result of his nine-day-old hun- IRA were milling around the dim following what it called hospital, demanding MacStio- scene of hard fighting during an about-face by the United ger and thirst strike, doctors Ireland's struggle for indepen- treating him in a Dublin hos- fain be freed to preserve his States and "insolent de- life. dence'from Britain earlier mands" by President Nguyen pital said today. this century. MacStiofain, who is fasting When they began an all- Van Thieu of South Vietnam. to protest his arrest by the Ir- night vigil, the guerrilla lead- At dawn, about 511 demon- In a broadcast monitored in ish Republic was given a six- er's wife. Marie, appealed to strators still were huddled to- Tokyo today, the Vietnam month jail term Saturday for them to move elsewhere. gether there in the cold. News Agency quoted an editn- belonging to the outlawed Ir- ish Republican Army. His sen- tencing spawned a futile at- tempt to" free, him last night, gun battles in Belfast and demonstrations in London. British troops said they shot 11 IRA men in heavy skir- mishing in Belfast, the capital of Northern Ireland, and cap- In Newark Project REVIEWING THE PRESENT — Keyport Police Capt. Michael Kelley, left, steps forward for In- spection by members of Borough Council and reviewing officer. Capt. Kelley and all borough police- tured three IRA officers, in- He said Gibson would "have cluding a company command- NEWARK (AP) - Assem- Baraka, formerly known as men will wear new uniforms which include Stetson type hat and blue-gray lockets. Reviewers Include- blyman Frank Megaro, D-Es- LeRoi Jones, is a leader of to bear the responsibility of Mayor William A. Ralph/ foreground, Councilman George Leone, police committee chairman, and Po- er and an explosives expert, any bloodshed or injury re- in a raid on a dance hall. sex, says he may begin a Kawaida Temple, a religious lice Chief William Gleger. "fullscale investigation" of group sponsoring tlie con- sulting from any con- Police said four persons struction, and has been asso- frontation" at the construc- were slightly wounded in the the controversial Kawaida Towers apartment complex if ciated with various black na- tion site. attempt by eight gunmen — tionalist civic groups. The councilman-assem- two dressed as Roman Catho- poet-activist Imamu Amiri Baraka is not removed from a blyman said "community resi- Yule Fete Wrangle Takes lic priests, the others as doc- ••If Mr. Baraka goes, reaso- dents will never stand for a tors and hospital workers — prominent position in the sponsorship of the project and nable men may be able to find housing complex where ha- to free MacStiofain from Dub- a solution to this crisis," Me- tred of the white man will be lin's Mater Hospital. The cas- if Newark Mayor Kenneth A. Gibson does not change his garo said, -if Mr. Baraka preached." ' ualties were one of the gun- stays, then violence and Spotlight Off Winning Team Could Cut Funds men, who was captured, one position on the building. Megaro said an in- bloodshed is inevitable." Megaro said he would use By CHRIS CONMELL ruling against the pageant. Irovcrsy has produced its were inclined to disagree with policeman and two bystan- ••every tool at my command ders. vestigation could cut off slate V.H: District Court Judge share of crank mall, including CAKES'complaints, runds for the apartment build- ;is chairman of the Assembly (AP) - The Frederick I)., Lacey refused t« anonymous threats to buy ail t ,, Shramm said the sacred Seven Flee Municipal Government Com- football season is over, and Jewish merchants. '' •,/ The seven other gunmen ing- . grant an injunction against music sung in the pageant The assemblyman, who is Holiday mittee to launch a full-scale Westfleld High School's font- the pageant scheduled for But in the high school itself, •was"not actually toadiingre- fled in taxis^. investigation of this project ball team, which hasn't lost a ••It happened durirtg the also a city councilman repre- Dec. 20 but he .said he would the .storm looks more like a iigion — it's Just singing mu- senting the North Ward where which may lead to a cut-off of game since liiliH. has kept its rule in the new year on the tempest in a teapot. sic." hospital visiting time." a po- state funds." streak inlact. Now the "1 think It's being made a lice spokesman said. "Lots of the project is being built, said Traffic constitutionality of the shows. Kimmcll added. "About KS yesterday he would launch the ' He said the state could hold spotlight at the school is Tempers Rise lift le loo dramatic," said Jody per cent of all good music Is people were waiting to see up a $ti.4 million loan although turned on another activity — McManus, a lH-ycar-'old Junior sick relatives." and the dis- investigation of the towers un- • Meanwhile, the dispute has sacred. Leonard Bernstein is less Gibson "is willing to lis- Toll: 638 construction has been started the school choir's annual raised tempers, both in the who sings, alto In the choir one Jewish and he conducts Mas- guised gunmen mingled with and all agreements signed. Christmas pageant. afternoon following practice. the visitors. ten to the reasonable de- By The Associated Press predominantly Jewish group ses." mands of North Ward citi- State officials have upheld the Choirs do not usually slir — the Committee Agalnsl He- "The kids don't talk about It "Our men were in an office validity of the loan agree- unless someone brings It up." On boy quit the choir in Sep- zens." The nation's death toll for the interest generated on the llgious ICncroiichmcnt in tember shortly after school leading to the ward where ments.
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