. .. ' mm.mtmammammmimmimmmmmmmmmnMmmtmmjG?r--rmxtt?- & mtmmmMMllMW ' . iUiBHHnEHVHHBBBWHBHnH9HHBHHHHHIW4M.lf Mi ll MISS B 1 ll 1 T.HE, EVENING WORLD, .SATURDAY, N'AY 6, 1922. AMERICAN BOXERS FIRST INVADED ENGLAND 112 YEARS AGOI Poat Office Clerks In Game. Tho Murray 11111 Uaieball Club AMERICAN HEAVIES ABROAD engage the New Tork Post DEMY'S VISIT RECALLS Copyright by Robert Bdgrtn, Clerks' baseball team at the City Ipira ft4ai!liim. IlittS KiM,t anit aam Avenue. afternoon. HOW MOLINEAUX STARTED WHY DID MAYOR OVERSEAS INVASION! N 1 81 0 HYLAN, N i 1 THE KING fltolineaux Finished Blake, First English Opponent, "With a Tre- mendous Hit on the Head That Completely Took All Recollec- ev MRaHiA DAjwcf OF tions but of Him" Record of Other Yankee Invaders. ENGLAND, By Robert Edgren. trim O'Brien and get all tno glory and theatrical ACK DEMPSEY'S invasion of dates for himself. NUMEROUS the old world la no novelty. M'COYCHALLENGE3"ANYTHREE J Other American cnampions nave IN ONE NIGHT." STATE Iwem going over with (air success McCoy landed In England unher r alded, hsKl undpr-groun- d ever since boxing became an Inter- but foxy Jack an wire knew he GOVERNORS sport. Tho was a Vir- somewhere and national first was coming. O'Brien flitted up to 'ilerr ginia darkey a boxing sailor named Scotland and trimmed a couple of easy AND Tom Mollneaux, who claimed that marks there. McCoy, missing him, r HOB V vVrV fnr I , toS-- YoO YOUR. UeCM ? his father had been boxlns cham- quickly planned a stunt that would Jv.j Jp$. rf (teto O j!0 "H TIB i S V T,S pion of America. , muko O'Brien's feuts look llko a cop- TWENTY iT Mollneaux had his first fight In per cent to a Waldorf waiter. England July 24, 1S10, 112 years ngo. Ho offered to fight any three men His opponent was a Bristol mun. In England on the same night, with MILLION m Tha tight lasted an hour, ut the end ten minutes' rest between fights, and ft of which tlmo the Kngllsh fighter, knock them all out or forfeit tho .nit urse. tVT to Co quoto a local account of that day, "WOr. TUKRO-VJfva- challenge A RQWT PEOPLE "was so severely punished that It His was acceptod and he fAUCH UEFT or was Impossible to distinguish a sin- was matched to fight Dave Barry, '.is. gle featuro In his face." Jack Madden rind Jack Scales. He VISIT THE ' Next tho darkey fought Tom Hlake, nocked out Barry In two rounds. OKI Known as "Tom Tough," who was Madden In four and Scales In around. OLD AUSTRALIAN econded by Tom Crlbb, tho Kngllsh McCoy was a master boxer with a .1 Now Wants Only 5 champion, and Bill Gibbons, who may punch and a mind so keen and din Kilbane $60,000 have been 'an ancestor of the fighting ing that he acknowledged no mental ...r CONVICT IHi Olbcms family. equal in tho ring but Bob Fitzsim- For Title Bout at the Garden Mollneaux mauled Blake for eight mons. finishing htm "with a McCoy liked to have his little Joke. at rounds, California In the other twelve-rounde- r. hit on the head that com- - Jack Scales, when him fight at Featherweight Champion in a Young Wllllo Fitzgerald meets Oakey Keyes lA.la nil 11 f H nn fl 1 ftf Whltechapel, was a thick, square- - for sU rounds. SHIP htm," as an English sporting writer uilt fellow, rather fat and as slow as Huff Raises His New Terms - iisTt. Quaintly described It. Ho knocked dray horse. McCoy knew hb could - w All details have tccn completed for the 18 Qeti& to the Sky. eight-roun- ' out a number of other opponents, knock Scales out easily, but preferred JSiWitY to d go between Lew Tendler and "SUCCESS" 4i one of whom was one "Itlmmer or to do it by trickery. Just bccauscSvln- - HAWV A) bOUt- - iOMWVrft Bobby Barrett, the crack Philadelphia fight- Mollneaux knocked lng by trickery him. As OULtW A, ,HU&KV OBT HM5D VJLl ers. They will fight at an open-ai- r show Lancaster." amused By John Pollock. to be staged by Bobby Gunnlsa and Herman NOW AT THE rummer out with a "dreadful Scales stepped up to meet McCoy in "TZsKE tT MTo HIS HEAt) To TRMrtit. TOO . nfe Champion Johnny Kilbane is so Taylor at the Philadelphia baseball park on stomacher" In the fifteenth round, the first round the Kid stopped and Friday night, June 2. The managers of .'f upon which the crowd broke down dropped his hands, looking at Scales's peeved over the treatment he re- both fighters havo posted a forfeit of BATTERY? the. ring and attacked Mollneaux feet and laughing. ceived at Madison Square Garden $2,500 ha a guarantee thn men will weigh tho antipathy felt against a 'Why you tlo your In at 133 pounds at 2 P. M. uU "from don't shoelaces?" last Tuesday night that he Is not 3ian of color proving the conqueror." asked McCoy. LIVE WIRES BECAUSE, AS . League Averages likely to engage In a battle for his Fred Fulton, the Western heavyweight, . FREEMAN, THE AMERICAN Scales looked down. There was Major only one blow By title there unless ho gets the sum he and Capt. Hob Iloper ot Chicago have Just GIANT. struck and the referee Neal R. O'Hara. signed articles of agreement calling for MAYOR could have counted a hundred. twelve-roun- ' NATIONAL LEAGUE BATTING. AMERICAN LEAGUE BATTING. Copyright, 1922 (New York Evening World), demands, $60,000. Kilbane was not them to meet In a d bout to a "Boxlana" describes the scene as I saw Scales afterward, and he said by rreae racnsmng (jonipany. the Stockyards Denver, Col., Player. Club. All. 1U II. P.C. Player. 31ub. KB. XI. 11. P.C. allowed to be Introduced from thr decision at at . ft been by on night of May 12. Both men are HYEAN follows: he'd beaten "a blawstcd Kelly, New York 6t IS 30 .448 Moharn., Detroit 1 1000 With the straw hat season so im the confusion was beyond every- ankco trick," and was very Indig 12 Kentucky Derby grab ring by Announcer Joe Humphreys. training hard for the contest. "Tho 'ost, Drooklyn 0 2 4 .444 Stephenson, Cleveland 27 9 13 .481 minent this is WRITES: thing, g, sticks and whips at work In nant. But I think he was lucky, for ,42tl .431 blng a lot spaco. Before leaving for home Johnny de- Wrlghtotone. Philadelphia.. 7 filsler, Bt. Louis 72 23 3t of Panama Joe dans, the colored champion, directions, people in McCoy might have had a notion to S .429 ten thousand O'Farrell, Chicago . .... Gutsto, Cleveland 7 2 clared ho was never mode an offer by will leave New York on Monday or Tueaday Speaker, Cleveland CO 14 28 .424 I wnnt you to know how thoroughly- one rudo commotion." let him stay a few rounds and cut him Gowdy, Hoston Now Babo has bought a for Cuba, where he wilt engage In threo Maranvllie, Karr, Boston 13 2 6 .400 that Ruth Matchmaker Flournoy to fight at the Mrs, Ilylan nnd I enjoyed our be- to ribbons. ritteburgh .. .4N Kolp, 5 1 2 .400 got next weeke. the visits Twenty minutes later, Blmmer Smith, New York .401. St. Louis '. New England farm he can never bouts within the five For to your Seeing' O'Brien had dodged Smith, Boston 63 18 25 .397 Garden during three consultations. tight Clans gets 12,000, the second remarkable old craft. The cxjv ing on his feet again, a ring of men that liornsby, at. Loula .404 15 .393 along with Ruppert and Huston. first ,- to Walker, Philadelphia .400 Witt. New York 38 10 3.000. hllilt df relics of barbaric ImprUoD-- surrounded tho battlers and the fight him McCoy Jumped back New York ... Williams, St. Lout 67 16 26 .388 Soonor or later this summer the Yank As Matchmaker Flournoy has rofused nutther, Brooklyn .400 Mogrldge. 18 3 5 .385 ment was most extraordinary and m was continued. Mollneaux then beat and O'Brien returned to England to II. Griffith, Urooklyn.... .383 Washington management will be pulling for fair to give um jones, ,flw korK is 2 5 .385 Kilbane the ho demands, unique and one which could not bo,nt Rlmmer to a pulp. Later Mollneaux beat Charllo McKecver and YanK Powell. Uoston .383 Jamleson, Cleveland 68 9 28 ".82 weather and Babe will b praylnr for Kenny. Tlerney, Plttaburgh .373 Hush, Washington 24 9 .8(5 lt .nnU. ,f thn f.athrwenrht will adequately comprehended in a single n. was twice defeated by Tom Crlbb, 27 ......... ,5 rain. Groh, New York 13 .375 Pratt, Doeton 67 25 .373 never fight there unless he comes visit. with some assistance from tho crowd, A TITLE BOUT FOR $200. Harper. Cincinnati 0 18 .375 Harris. Philadelphia 11 2 4 .384 see LeUourveau, Phlladelphli 5 12 .375 Blue. Detroit 61 12 22 .361 may No severer Indictment of "thesis which had no mind to an English England when U When .it comes to demanding his down In hla terms. Kilbane Jim Jeffries visited Gainer. St. lx)Uln 3 .375 D'Nelll, Cleveland 25 2 9 .860 heart-achin- g offcred-','- , beaten by foreigner. 8 1 3 .375 gate Johnny Kil some good twelve days" could be champion a he was champion and found no'one to Mnrquard, lloston Wambsgansa, Cleveland ... 46 14 16 .348 cut of the receipts fight man for s Charles Freeman of York, a Watson, lloston 8 0 3 .375 t'lttenger, Boston 21 4 10 .3(5 bane Is a 100 cent.
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