www.peopledaily.co.ke // www.epaper.peopledaily.co.ke 12 .HQ\D·V COMMENTARY )5(( 1HZVSDSHU Who will end this slaughter on our roads? Kenya's most horrendous road crash yesterday dawn in Fort Ternan, Kericho county which snuffed out a mind-boggling 50 lives came barely two weeks after a similar bus carnage near Gilgil where 12 perished. These statistics are numbing and the question must be asked; when will this dalliance with morbidity end? Research and trends are unequivocal that our road accidents are largely attributable to human error. The factors !&RQWLQXHGRQSDJH People Daily NO.06668 T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 11, 2 0 18 dawn plunge>>pages 4-8 NEWS BEAT Thursday, October 11, 2018 / PEOPLE DAILY Opinion World Business Sport We need a Pope likens Over 6,000 Stars hold referendum abortion flower farm Ethiopia to to address to ‘hiring workers keep Afcon POINTERS excesses a killer’ laid off dream alive P10Kenya has P16Pontiff says P17 High production P31 After draw, Kenya inordinately interrupting a cost, shrinking now leads Group high number of pregnancy same market, multiple F with four points, representatives, as eliminating taxes blamed for one ahead of Ghana argues columnist someone sub-sector’s woes and Ethiopia &KDRVDVFRSV HYLFWKDZNHUV DWFLW\PDUNHW 6OHXWKVKXQWIRU-RZLH E\.LQ\XUX0XQXKH #NLQ\XUXPXQXKH Chaos erupted at City Market in Nairobi yesterday as anti-riot police officers evicted hawkers operating at the facility illegally. ¶SDUWQHU·LQ0RPEDVD Traders who own stalls at the when he visited Monica’s apart- market had alerted police of a Suspect captured by CCTV ment off Dennis Pritt Road in Nai- looming face-off after hawk- cameras with Irungu on the robi’s Kilimani area. ers, armed with crude weapons, CCTV cameras captured Irungu turned on stall owners. Police night of Monica’s killing said in the car in the company of an- were forced to lob tear gas canis- other person, whose identity re- ters to disperse the hawkers. to have visited witchdoctor mains a mystery. “We (stall owners) are the le- At the same time, another team gitimate traders in this market to ‘seek protection, blessings’ of detectives continue to plough but hawking is killing our busi- for more information in Juba, ness. Those who attempt to speak South Sudan, where Monica op- against it are always threatened,” E\3'5HSRUWHU erated a family business. She had Agnes Akinyi a stall owner said. #3HRSOH'DLO\.H travelled to Nairobi the day she The hawkers have been accused was killed. Her body was found of selling uninspected meat, pos- Detectives probing murder of in bathtub with her throat slit and ing a health risk to consumers. businesswoman Monica Kimani hands tied with a tape. Hawking at the facility is out- believe a missing suspect may The detectives are also trying to lawed by the county government. have gone to seek the “blessings” of a witchdoctor at the Coast. establish what Monica was car- Irungu It is believed the suspect, con- rying when she left Juba, exactly (OGHUVZDU\ was seen sidered key in investigations, may what business she was involved in, have some missing items stolen her earnings and any other activi- RILQVWDELOLW\ in the from Monica’s house and which ties she was engaged in. sleuths say are critical to the probe. 3/277+,&.(16 This is as investigators pursue company They include cash, the killer the theory that money could have LQ6RPDOLD of anoth- weapon believed to be a knife, Probe moves to Mombasa in Journalist Jacque Maribe been the motive behind her brutal Some elders from Garissa coun- keys to both Monica’s house and search of a suspect who was DQGKHUÀDQFH-RVHSK,UXQJX killing. er person car, and clothes. with Jowie on the night Monica at Milimani Law Courts on Director of Criminal Investiga- ty have warned that effects of po- was killed. litical instability in neighbouring near Investigating officers are said 7XHVGD\7KH\ZLOOWDNHSOHDRQ tions George Kinoti said his offi- Somalia could spill over to the to have travelled to Mombasa Monday 1)0505*.05):/+&/(" cers are waiting for reports from Another team of detectives the teams in Juba. country. Monica’s on Sunday to pursue the suspect WUDYHOWR-XEDWRJDWKHUPRUH The elders Liboi and Dadaab amid claims he may have gone information on Monicaʼs life in On Tuesday, both Maribe and border areas said violence is likely house, to a witchdoctor for “protection”. South Sudan. evidence after Monica’s killing on Irungu appeared before High to erupt in the upcoming elections the Sources said detectives are already September 21. Court judge, Jessie Lessit, who or- of the federal states, a situation pursuing leads on the where- Jowie, Maribe to be charged on “Preliminary investigations have dered they both be detained until they said could see Somali resi- scene of abouts of the suspect. Monday. established that Irungu was seen Monday when they will take plea. dents seek refuge in Kenya. Police said the suspect is be- in the company of another person Maribe was remanded in crime— near Monica’s house, the scene of Addressing the press in Garissa lieved to have been in the com- The two were arraigned in Mili- Lang’ata Women’s Prison while her crime. The identity of the person town after a closed-door meet- pany of Joseph Irungu alias Jowie mani Law Courts on Tuesday but fiance will be a guest of the State Police af- seen with Irungu is yet to be estab- ing, the elders led by Muhamed on the day Monica was killed. did not take plea until Maribe at Industrial Area Remand Prison. lished but the investigating team is Dekow, said the county is not fidavit Irungu, the prime suspect in undergoes a mental check-up to Irungu was positively identified following leads,” a police affidavit ready to host more refugees. They the killing, and his girlfriend TV establish if she is fit to stand trial. by four witness during a police read in part. want President Uhuru Kenyatta Journalist Jacque Maribe will be The journalist is alleged to have parade as the last person to have Irungu was driving Maribe’s car to engage his Somali counterpart charged on Monday. helped Jowie interfere with critical been seen at Monica’s apartment. Mohamed Farmajo to ensure peaceful elections. - KNA WEATHERTODAY :DQW.QHFH[DPPDUNLQJMRE"$SSO\RQOLQH dividuals to apply. Marking, Knec and qualified newly-trained examin- E\0HUF\0ZDL said, will commence immediately s.AIROBI 27° ers for the 2018 marking to apply on- #ZDQJXPDUFL after the KCPE and KCSE exams are line,” read the statement in part. s-OMBASA over. 31° The Kenya National Examinations Interested examiners can apply Those wishing to mark KCPE exam Council (Knec) has invited examiners through www.knec.ac.ke. s+ISUMU had between yesterday and October 30° to apply online for KCPE and KCSE Last year, the government acquired 31 to apply, while those seeking to marking. 20 optical mark reading machines to s.YERI 26° mark KCSE exam can apply from Oc- In a statement, the council said improve efficiency in marking. The tober 15 to November 10. the online portal will be opened machines were also meant to reduce “The council invites the existing s7AJIR 32° today for interested qualified in- the amount of work by 50 per cent. PEOPLE DAILY \ Thursday, October 11, 2018 #WhackyWorld 3 ZLWK.LPDWKLZD0XWHJL #NLPDWKLPXWHJL As a country, we have some deadly roads, but are the highways to blame or the users? Against the backdrop of yesterday dawn crash in Fort Ternan, Kericho, consider the following scary roads elsewhere and marvel at what would happen if we swapped them for ours, retaining our motoring manners (or lack of). Are these the scariest roads on earth? Yungas Road, Bolivia Also called “Road of Death”, the winding 64-kilometre road from La Paz to Coroico is mostly single lane, with massive ascents and quick descents. It has terrible visibility, no guard rails, and bizarre rules (Bolivians drive on the right, except on the Yungas Road, where they keep to the left). It’s also prone to rock slides and bad weather that makes the gravel track slick and loose. Large vehicles routinely attempt to pass each other, and with lanes that narrow down to as small as three metres, it never ends well. Kabul-to-Jalalabad, Afghanistan Guoliang Tunnel Road, China This is one of the most terrifying roads When the Chinese government decided it wasn’t worth the trouble and expense to make a road anywhere – and one of the most impor- that would be used by only 300 villagers, 13 of those villagers decided to build a 1km tunnel tant for humanitarian reasons. It has ter- through the solid rock of a vertical cliff. Located in the Taihang Mountains in the province of rible gridlock due to overloaded trucks Henan, they used explosives to blow their way through the vertiginous cliff. The 15 feet high and getting stuck, steep vertical drops, sharp 12 feet wide tunnel is barely wide enough for two cars and gets particularly dangerous when it turns, and kamikaze drivers. Buses and rains! trucks often slam into each other and tumble hundreds of feet into the valleys below, or cars simply plough into the rock Karakoram Highway walls. Plus, it’s deep within Taliban terri- Zojila Pass, India tory, and was routinely shelled in the ‘80s Connecting China and Pakistan, the “Friendship High- and ‘90s. way” is actually not friendly at all. It’s 16,000 feet in the air If you want to pick a remote road to get killed on, (light aircraft fly at 10,000feet max).
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