\ * r ’ . j the Wssther rocMM ef q. a. eimxam bums A rcraRt DfiUy N et Press Run For * b » iFeek Ended FMr arild teMgkt. Lew SS to as. J a U 401, ISdO Fair iiiillawiifl warm IHieidajr. 13,125 HOfk W to M em ber o t Om A udit Manchetter— AiCity oji Village Charm BnreM ef OrenUtlon (d a aM a d AdrartlalBg as Fage U ) PRICE FIVE CENTS (FOURTEEN PAGES) VOL. LXXIX, Strikers Hear State News Roundup Red Bloc Quits Arn(s Talk, Hartford, June 27 (/P)—^The Pleas by Union first vf the men arrested in the federal-state gambling raids last March, John Rafan- BT IBB w oaA Tm FiyM ello, Bristol, was fined $1,500 Ignores New U.S. Several thousand striking management was ’ either putting today in U.S. District Court machinist members at United many of those who come back on for failure to buy a $50 Aircraft Corp. rallied at a lower pay grade Jobs, different gambling tax stamp. He mass meeting todiy at union Jobs, or else terminating their pleaded guilty. employment. Judge J. Joseph Smith granted headquarters in East Hart­ The rally theme Is the latest Bars ford prior to resumption to a stay of execution for two weeks China Airs occasion In which management to give Rafanello time to raUe the | face-to-face bargaining ses­ personnel policies have been hit at funds to pay the fine "or be com- ! sions. ^ , by union spokesmen In the past mltted.” ITerm s for The 7-plant atrlke, largest In few days. Atty. Harold Borden appealed W e k Bid ConnecUcut’a hiatoiT, la nearly Over the weekend the Connect! to the court in Rafanello’s behalf ] three weeks old, and there la atul cut State Labor Council's execu­ contending that "he is definitely no Indication ally aettlement la tive board (headed by Mitchell out of the gambling busindss now Coexistence For Floor In sight. Negotiations o f both Svlrldoff. top UAW leader In the . he.has sold the store and Is aides—nuinagement and Uie Unit-, state and a key negotiator In cur­ employed If? a nursery.” ed Auto Workers and IntemaUon- rent talks) Issued a critical state- In another case, the New Haven - Tokyo, JuYie 27 (A*)— Red Washington, June 27 al Association of Machinists — ]Ti€nt» and on Sunday lAM Dlatrict railroad was fined |1(K) for viola­ China indicated today that spent the weekend break In talks 91 leaders , on a television rapped The United States accB tion of an Interstate Commerce acquiring Formosa might be Rnssia today of shattering to draft written proposals.,, sched­ the company stand on the union’s ComnUssion reguUtion which Peiping’s price for going uled to be taken up thU afternoon. proposals for "security” provisions "the hopes of ali peoples” for makes It Illegal to place a loaded along- with Soviet Premier - The theme of this morning’s in contracts. flat car next to a tank car car­ progress toward peace by rally In Blast Hartford, which, The meetings were recessed Nikita S. Khrushchev’s policy Thursday to give negotiators the rying Inflammable products. walking out o f the Creneva dis­ brought an overflow crowd spread­ The rsdlroad pleaded guilty to of peaceful coexistence with ing out Into the lAM haul's rear long weekend In which to draft armament conference. It ap­ their written proposals. placing a flat car with a trailer the capitalist world. pealed to the Soviets to return parking lot and packing the In behind a tank car carrying 20,000 Mme Sun Yat-sen, a vice pres­ terior. concentrated on convinc­ "The walkout began June 7 at to the negotiations. the Slraftord and Bridgeport gallons of alcohol destined for a ident of Red China and widow, of ing strikers not to return to worit. Hartford distillery. Atty Thomas the founder of Republican China, A statement issued by the Machinist union offlcers and Plants; of the Sikorsky Aircraft Brennan, representing the rail­ declared: , . State Department denounced other leaders told the packed hall, road, termed It "an error of om- "China la willing to coexUt and others standing outside and 1 (Conttnued •« Page Seven) Russia’s wrecking to4py. of mission.” peacefully with anyone, even Im­ the 10-nation parley ki 6 «e - John H. Oienty, Bristol, pleaded perialism. In fact, we have to coex­ guilty to a single count of send­ ist with It (because) Imperialism va as "both deplorable and ing obscene materials through the exists as an objective reality.” disappoiiiting.” maUs and his case was continued But she added; "We will not al­ Ike Talks for pre-sentence Investigation. low U.S. imperialism to rob us of London, June 27 (/P)—Soviet 1-12 Helen Keller now 80 our own<territory (Formosa). We 1 Premier Nikita ^ Khmah- haye not won, after untold sacri- 1 chev sent a new aote today to flces, the independence of our na­ Helen Killer Note 80 tion and the* benefits of our heads of westmi govern­ On Far East Tour Eaton, June 27 t*b—Helen Kel- Socialist (Communist) revolution ments. Its content was not ler turned 80 tod a/ and marked Just to give them away under the div^ged immediately hut re­ the occasion by traveling to New false illusion of maintaining peace portedly dealt with disarma­ By KWN M. HIGHTOWER Ahower Intended to challenge Com- York for a private luncheon In her with insatiable Imperialists.” munUt propaganda charges that honor. ment. The Soviet ambassador Washington, June 27 («^—Presi­ his tour had been an Ignominious ^m e. Sun, now 69, is the former Only relatives and her closest Soong Ching-ling and a alat» of in Ldndon delivered the nme dent Eisenhower, back • failure. He was also expected to friends were Invited to the lunch­ to Prime Minister Macmillan 23,000-mlle goodwUl tour of the reply at least Indirectly to Demo­ the wife of Generalissimo Clflang eon sponsored ^ the Gotham Hotel Kai-shek, president of Nationalist En.pty » .u ft i « t £ r ! S ^ ' ’S.SS» “ i X t S S i and Fm»ign Office sources Far East, teUs the naUon tonight cratic critics of his practice of per­ by the American. Foundation for ;[i^"^e'nt talks in Geneva tdday. 'l " '’ *****^“ ” Including why he reportedly consldere It a Cailna, which controls Formosa; said similar notes were sent to sonal diplomacy and goodwill trips. the Overseas Blind Inc. ^ re, acting chairman. (AP Photofax via radio from Berne).__________ big success despite cancellaUon of His. television appearance also Red China’s official felping ra­ other western chiefs. Yesterday there was a birthday dio -broadcast her declaration, I his Tokyo visit. affords him an opportunity to dis­ Ho may discuss his remarks to­ cuss—If he wishes—charges made party at Miss KeUer’s Arcan Ridge which appeared In ahSiuHcle writ­ by the Senate Foreign Relations home, attended by her slater, ten for Peiping newspapers today. Governors Feuding nbans Probe day with his cabinet. It appeared to take a 46fter line His speech from the White friends and members of her staff of five. A large birthday cake high­ than previous bombastic Peiping House at 7:30 jUn. (EDT) wiU be (Ooattaned ea Page Sevea) lighted the occasion. assertions that coexistence was or Cause of f earrled nationwide by television out of the question. and radio. Advahce reports ^ Miss Keller, blind and deaf since Rockefeller Refuses f t m - today. The Russians and their that he will stress a belief the t ^ infancy, has stepped up her ac­ Peiping radio said the Red Chi­ Ckimmumst AlUes curtly ig- tivities' in an apparent attempt to nese Army, Navy and Air Force Hay ana ISlaStS was valuable In strengthening U.8. First President __ Inored a new American plan Qes with the alUed countries he still the sorrow brought last spring on the Fukien front opposite the by the death of Polly Thompson, Nationalist-held offshore island in M to m l,__Fto., June ST Ifor a world disarmamsnt trea- vlalted. • .1 €}nm 1 The Chief ExecuUve returned to Sworn in for her companion and secretary Since the Formdea Strait htid a demon­ Pledge to spokesman for Ln Oraz (’Hie 1914. stration jreeterday "against U.S. Oroee) eald today' agenta o< that B a v itl D ^ t y ForMgn Minister the capital yesterday saacUy two Mias Thompson had been ill for imperialism In protest against the 'Valerian Zorin and his colleagues weeks after setting out on the trip wM-Oaatro orgamzaUon la Cu­ Second G>ngo three years before her death and 10th year of U.S. occupation of in the ba touched off tbe eogiloeloB ■talked out of tljji meeting r^ m which to6k hlin to Alaska, the stu« KeUer limited her activities .Taiwan (F orm osa^ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ^strategy of over weattm protests after PhlUppines, Formosa, Korea and that rooked Havana last night. more and more during that period. A half miUlon people turned out ■rae pace of pollUcs quickened I At the governors conference, L « Cmz mnnoonoed last Feb- i charalnr that the West had refused Hawaii. Leopoldville, Belgian Congo, "She is trying to forgeV’ Mrs. Shanghai yesterday In a rally to flegotiate. Zorin said the Soviet He was to have visited Japan as June 27 I * — Joseph Kasavubu in _ . today. One state heard last minute RockefeUer’s Republican col­ roary that It was starting a Evelyn Selde said yesterday. Mrs. demanding the "liberation” of For campaigning. Presidential candi­ leagues asked him to Join them In pcogram ef terror and sabotage Union will place its new plan for the climax of hU tour beginning was sworn In today as the first Seide directs the staff.
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