.. --:-· - .. ' R.I. JEWISH HISTORICAL ASSOC 130 SESSIONS ST. 31976 PROVIDENCE , RI 02906 . .....-t. ~ ... ·Ilic • • ' . .. ~ ,i • • . ..... - .. Sup.port . ~ -~' Read By Jewish More Thon Agencies 35,000 With Your People Membership THE o,,JLY ENGllSH JEWISH ✓,EE<oY 'N R I AN8 SOU~HfAST MASS VOLUME 1.,IX, NUMBER 38 .J FRIDAY, DECE~BER 3, 1976 20¢ PER COPY Rabin-Insists That Only Lebanese Are Controlling Sout_hern Borders GENEVA: Prime Minister The conferees voted a resolution their differences over the Western Yitzhak Rabin of Israel, while in calling for early resumption of the Sahara. Geneva for a conference of the Geneva conference on the Middle Some Western European leaders Socialist International, commented East, which adjourned after a brief at the Socialist conference here in that only the Lebanese Army session following the 1973 war. The Geneva, have been among the should be in control of the southern delegations from Mal ta and Senegal recent high-level visitors to Riyadh. area of the country bordering abstained from the voting because They came back with reports that Israel. He added that he considered the resolution did not mention the Khalid had brought about a change _ the presence of either Syrian or Palestinians.specifically when it en.' of atmosphere in his country. Palestinian armed units there as dorsed self-determination for all the The Europeans said they were "intolerable."' peoples of the Middle East. impressed by the . emergence of However, Mr. Rabin also said The move by the international younger, modern-minded officials that Israel stood firmly by the 1918 comes at a time when prospects for MITZV AH EVENT: Co-chairmen of the Temple Emanu-11 Shterheacl Mlm,ah tooking for solutions to substantive borders between Lebanon and what renewed negotiations on the Middle event are Harriet Miller, left, and Marion Temkin. Here, they work on the problems rather than rhetorical was then Palestine. Reports were East seem much improved. Yester­ telethon for "From Shtett-to Stage Door." Photo lty Max l'oul •-· resonance . The t o ne of denied by aides to the Pfime day Mr. Rabin called for a Middle "fanaticism," even about the future Minister that Israel had any interest East conference on the pattern of of Jerusalem, was said to have in establishing a United Nations the meeting last year at Helsinki Temple Emanu-EI Sisterhood Is abated considerably. force as a buffer with Lebanon. that concluded the sessions of the $peaking at a news conference, Conference on Security and Towanl Bett« Olmate Planning Multi-Media Event Mr. Rabin also noted that he would Cooperation in Europe. These reports have reached the Temple ·Emanu-EI Sisterhood is Scribner, publicity; Veda Barron, meet with the Egyptians to discuss a Lool to Carter Israelis, who find grounds for en­ planning, on the evening of coordinator; Shirley Chernick, ad­ Middle East settlement "any place, Israeli officials, speaking couragement that Saudi Arabia Dec.ember 12, to present for its an­ visor; and Sylvia Cohen, ex-officio. any time." separately and privately, said that might now be willing to provide nual "Mitzvah Event" a nostalgic, Besides being a delightful musical ~ rorTalb talks might be expected in the next funds that could enable both Egypt musical multi-media work, "From experience, the program will serve While these statements few months, depending on how and Syria to cope with their tremen­ Shtetl to Stage Door," composed, as a sentimental and educational represented no significant change in long it took the administration of dous economic problems. In such a produced and directed by Jack recollection of our own ethnic roots Israeli position, they had a special Jimmy Carter to consider and climate, Israeli officials feel , these Gottlieb, American Jewish musi­ and inOuences on the theatre of to­ importance in view of the new decide its Middle Eastern policy. neighboring Arab leaders would cian and teacher. day. Israeli assessment of r-t changes The reasons for optimism now, become much more interested in a "Shtetl" is" a heart-warming, Call the temple office, 331-1616; in the Arab world. They reOect a according to Israel sources, are the settlement with Israel, to give appealing comJ>ilation of old radio Mrs. Miller, 861-6355; or Mrs. decidedly more optimistic attitude new Syrian-Egyptian agreement on priority to their home fronts. tapes, nickelodean slides, records 'Temkin, 861-0138, for reservations on the chance for negotiations than ending the Lebanese war and Saudi The Israeli view remains wary, and movie stills, woven together in and ticket information. was the case a few weeks ago. Arabia's growing role as the arbiter a framework of Mr. Gottlieb's however. The current estimate is of disputes among Arabs. that Egypt is\till not seeking a com­ ~ music and sketches. As he shows In the recent agreement on plete peace agreement but only an the inOuences of Jewish folk music, Syria Strives To Avoid Lebanon, worked out under Saudi accord on " nonbclligerence" that Hebrew sy nagogue. melodies and auspices at Riyadh, Egypt accepted wo uld fall well short of a permanent Jewish composers and comedians what has been called "the Syrian settlement. on the modern American musical A Conflict With Israel solution" - in effect the dominant stage, he brings his audience from DAMASCUS: Sources here Israelis of inherently contradictory Syrian inOuence on Lebanon, en­ The Israeli officials continue to Tin Pari Alley and ragtime to dain\ that Syriaj s anxious to avoid_ statements by holding Syria respon­ forced by the large presence of the believe that their Arab opponents Broadway musical theatre, giving Israel any reason for military sible for any attacks from Lebanon Syria Army in the framework of an will not be ready for peace until Hollywood and the concert hall. action in southern Lebanon and whi le at the same time insisting that Arab League peacekeeping force. they are convinced that there can be "Mitzvah" is the Sisterhood's that it wi,:hes to deal with the situa­ Syrian peacekeeping troops stay out Informed Israelis said that the no solution through al)other war only major fund-raising effort 'for tion there by political and of the border area. Syrians conceded, in return, that however long delayed. the temple's youth activities and diplomatic means. Israel, they said, wants to keep Egypt should take the lead in seek­ educational programs, both formal The Syrian government is putting southern Lebanon in turmoil ing a political solution with Israel. Hebrew Pupils and informal: The performance on pressure on Lebanese right-wing because it · knows that the area This understanding was said to Sunday evening, December 12, will Chri stian leaders in- Beirut and the represents one of the most have included both abandonment take place at 8 p.m. and will be nearby political center of Junieh, troublesome problems for the of Syria's previous "first priority" Show Proiects preceded by a sherry hour at 7 p.m. ·1hc: sources said. Their aim, accor­ Syrian peacekeeping forces and fo r of confrontation with Israel, and On display at Congregation B'nai Coffee and a reception will follow ding to these high Syrian sources, is President Elias Sarkis. agreement by Syria and Egypt that . the program. Israel in Woonsocket are a wide to ·preva il on local commanders of One of the decisions by the Arab the goal of negotiations now should variety of projects completed by The committee planning the rightist militia forces in the south to lea.ders al the Riyadh and Cairo be an overall settlement with Israel event includes Harriet Miller and students in the temple's Hebrew pull out of the border region and to meetings on the Lebanese crisis was - not a dditional partial school which portray the American Marion Temkin, co-chairwomen; agreeme'nts. lay down their arms. as their that Lebanon would become a Jewish Bicentennial. Every student Bertha Weintraub, treasurer; Paula counterparts in Beirut and the "confrontation state," the term Syria strongly opposed Egypt's Waldman, hospitality; Barbara selected a large colorful poster northern part of Lebanon have applied to Syria, Egypt and Jordan signing of two limited troop­ which dealt with an aspect of Jewish Kronson , invitations; Eve begun to do. as Arab nations (lirectly involved in withdrawal agreements with Israel Greenberg, mailing; Doroth·y life in America and did individual The Syrian government, at the the conOict with Israel. in 1974. Until the Riyadh recon­ research which included the use of Emanu-EI Men's Club Meet same time, is prepared to p.revent / This means that the leadership of ciliation, Cairo and Damascus took films, cassettes and interviews. armed Palestinian units from es­ President Sarkis will be associated sharply conOicting positions·on vir­ Posters and research were then In Miltori Blazar Memory tab_lishing themselves in the border more closely than in the past with tually all Middle East questions. mounted on large sheets· of "oak- On Sunday morning, December · area held by the Christian militia the -diplomatic moves and military. Saudi Arabia's willingness to use tag." · 5, the_ Men's Club of Temple forces. strategy of the other Arab coun­ its politic~! and, more importa'nt, its· Students participating in the Emanu-El will have a br_eakfast . As western diplomats in the area tries. In the past, Lebanon was on financial' resources to bring abour project ranged in ages from 8 to 12 the inter-Arab agreement is of key · meeting in the temple meeting see it, the difficulty is that the Chris­ the sidelines of virtually all aspects I /2. The activity was under the house to commemorate the memory tian commanders in the south have of the Arab-Israeli conOict.
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