mm r k**i, gib'NRi Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/carysnewcorrecteOOcary . C A RY’ S JV^E TV' and C O ERE C T E NGLISH AT LAS II EI.XO ANew Set of County Maps FR O.M AC TU A V S TJ RYEY S • /: a h r ji i 7'/.v o l// m/jj;, rt.Z Cm/s 'Roads, ( Y//es, foivas, sirs/ most coasdfen/t/e TV/tages, Eadcs.lt/ve/ NAVIGABLE CANALS ire. ( Preceded by a bra/r/vd - I h I'P ofSo//fJt Jlrifoi/t S HE WJJVG The Connexion of one Map with another. + 1 L S O x/ Gcnem/'J)escri/>tion of ' each Cotmfy, Directions for the junction of the Roads from one County to ANOTHER. X O «A 'JJ OSV : Printed for JOHN C ARY Y, noraver Se Map-leller, N?i8i, near Norfolk Street, Strand. , .'/ l‘ab/is/u/1 as //><• . let i/uvi /s . Jan f//<);> CONTENTS GENERAL MAP of SOUTH BRITAIN and WALES. Bedfordshire. Staffordshire. Berkshire. Suffolk. Buckinghamshire. Surrey. Cambridgeshire. Suffex. Chefhire. Warwickshire, Cornwall. Westmorland, Cumberland. Wiltshire. Derbyshire. Worcestershire. Devonshire. Yorkshire, a General Map. DorSetShire. Ditto, North Riding. Durham. Ditto, Eaft Riding. Effex. Ditto, Weft Riding. Gloucestershire. North Wales, including Hampshire. the Counties of HereSordShire. HertSordthire. Anglefea. Huntingdonshire, Carnarvon. Kent. Denbigh. Lancashire. Flint. Leicestershire. Merioneth, and Lincolnshire. Montgomery. MiddleSex. MonmouthShire. South Wales, including NorSolk. the Counties of Northamptonshire. Brecknock. Northumberl and. Carmarthen, Nottinghamshire. Cardigan. Oxfordshire. Glamorgan. Rutlandshire, Pembroke, and Shropshire. Radnor. Somersetshire, . NOTE. ready the it tOR the more application of Turnpike Roads given in this work , is to he ohfeived, that they are on the to the extremity conncited Maps from one county another hy reference letters at of each Map , unlefs adjacent places belonging to the adjoining county are given to each, fo as to anfwer the fame purpofe of connect- ing hy affording a fimilar reference. The Route to London is alfo particularly defcrihed hy London Road, or to London, being added to fuch to dijlant roads as lead to the Metropolis ; fo, on the contrary, may he traced the roadfrom London any place, being vice verfa of the foregoing rule, and which, it is prefumed, will anfwer the purpofe intended, that of rendering a route, however detached in feparate Maps, as eafy to trace as if wholly connected * . - . j 1 3 2 lr EII'»'r2!I .. LTCl'IL"' t l!l L—, ERE-lNTt , Dtunsnes V. Morpeth£ » Xpwcaith Stnumnetr AiHrtiilbriphK Durham iTtockerrnoiilh J > ichma/u NorthAMerton Scar 5 borough * °27ursh Motion inrasl lieveriercr Preston CiUler Ponte/hut Grimsby C-' .Von 'ton T>nKHn^ • » © \°f.iverj>ool VNGJLESEj jicaumaetj Chester < Lincoln Denbic Newcastle sunder tine DerbrJ 'ST-JlTOJtDi !ino*f UERIONE Ti Grantham ' fastie Pisieuf Mont [St/imGml Xorvioli Liidi/icJd .eiect O ME R T S ^ Jhmu Wen/ock * y 9—* l ' 11rultf e northx k Al0Dl?.°^ Sy Ire KJy/rxrXW Thelford OJl fix g no.Vi lutlouy. yT N THf rimitinedoiu> flan- Hi(f ham J’c/tJl f ‘PEdmorids A rtMPTOjyyo leoniahs/rr fort ha musi<>n / C am bmderc l/T\ or FOLK 'forester 1 Orforeta Sudbttn > <* * Bedford] IpR^ich_ J 'EMRROKL Hereto rdV Shir forksbury Gorun , \ hheelrt ftnvrrtci y Voodstock# JVrtlnrJ /.’ 'J'Tp ~ ,y X w f. a lo tftn o nth p ( I Mc,U-r MONJfOTTIti \W/][ba, 11LA M Oil GA X im xford > inadon % Sui/RE t S HI RJT\ j LandafF° ’ Bristol TlWr e, t~Y j 0>rr C a rd i /Tc fy (ar(' Y(ab Rcaoiii' ^ Rennet 1 Roches ° y ^ 6^ <'itwin llaidstoru JJrvizes C*• i * hidjpershaL 6 * - * cJiliitchurch Wcstbi ; r r* ’ H4yV m p Jiamstapb Hruh/niafcrJ r' fastis,rri Nvtodcbridr - 5 '*+Wilt™^°£a]i}h -y n Xy Torsham tomn * /'"rn/ Ivclcttester ^ 1L 1 RPE*J AVinchester iv * . X1 v A fiownPFoift. l RE^A friers Tnpton Mitbor, StrJninpf- im/nber , rices biches !nm * , 1 X Tiverton ter * Jete! *\Gatbrd. Tlonilon (> OhhnrnptiX P ''A \ohridport "^'honT Tavistock mdlshbur_ fflM pit ^Vj 6?/Z *B^'C o ^ 'ogresuston \ J.yAnrrk ?<4 XaUdne/'e Kinoat/, ' L esr^u i/biet ^ FairriA* - * X zp/vniton - ( 1 ilL* Onrtrnoito . Xi.TJte Stare proLeal tv the Toutis denote the Number or Members returned to Parliament . i re L( melon Publish d Jan'ifiygg.lsYj dxvy.Enerea k Ueep-scfla : Skand * « / . y . Three . >7t//y . Up/ir C ovtngln ; TfTr.li AM diroois. Shclton *» TEKREKS # '''/}ran A1BOLTOS Carde Yell dm Ru.«h(len Newton. [eiiliall BromsIjoU. -r i’anuiisli Ejtxsoc MilfJTou , , StaugJirmi L llaoiui LOt till' vLittlc ‘Pn ddin otW HaloV jPaxton. *. Puddle .\Vrtton\ )57 ^ ‘Dock Han/trick . jj !=--i»aijldro| End //•« School Jwik/ru ffoMS XEOTS ’ ' v<7' Church \ Vole Xj-.’nd . t 77v Era bury nirlei* UiOCC * \Jthiyh 7. a/ui jr ' Odell £ clioerI55aE */Lit. V Sales 1 ^tnu - If^^ r /Barfor(l\ » n Pawn o-lii tm thtiusloFC Three S/tire == YP^e»«»V. • »=- F. netEnd Snrbon. WestEnd ' 'r luivey St eve 11 ton ~~7 ih no • a r ' , Du/'h TVcoru//c r //on.- \£ Jircrrrthu GoldiitiHoj stfldl iFORJ>/ iUnigt< iin tir.c ("amp ijRi l \Smitford n . Panama « Porto ft Wrestling^ortV pi^-din "ton ST " # Kem^tJp^jrp / \K> ////>.</on neden y U yana ^M'e.rrPSid . .*Ma / ^•JcPnt/xcton j JV / /sRoad Fa ywortfr, ^ HooJJFn/tif f £ JTijmp t J !ggle9\> aixe y^-\ Wortonfe* lo t>iU.-hcini 4 XKCol/rri lind (Sr -to.%: // \ * 'StrrUan '=v4^untan lshamftea< jMarslon _ . UMillabury £ ZoW.'7ic/k>n / •uahtn \ !Minksu orth Afill Afarstoi v//< no- */ibf/cnrutnc TIinkxworth Salford rnul Toll Gate ‘ ' ’ ... T £& \ Ala i lid en \ / ^ \\_Mrfiiuj. ,r^/r y/./vinn anpc JTo i4’ /f' Hors __ ousta-Ljj '^1 5»t3 lh° < (/C^-~LF •>/ t •/Park Ho (*/£ Shit Lin IforsenwrCX \ FSF" Holhve^fi* a (W T/bj/r. tW#ur FEX2TT * kx STRAnORD \\Pico\j 'Oraji rr:!’ C; F.n-i * $ a/? - . "// -n^Farbt 7 ^Sjl - Ae ilift <wi 'Sf OlSOTt \-*° IM / Bryant / Ottisrnnotpy O/d )i Dyers ^orui Park ( Hod <rx. *i W /-'eadi S: Taddmg;tnnj yf y' V. Heath JinJenumsc * Ch ^Hoc '"‘V 1 \j r/iyultvn C//psion\ % / ’* .’'ca C Praminowarm Li3 lcy : — aTI •airitoijL-^ y \ fud,r<n / j?' yy\ frw“' ’/ 7 .A Grcyrt^ H (»fJfrliton\ V4p»'<A if N *1 ***''^^' Little . v '^yfifarre/s Ho L [BEBFOItDSH ' \-S)ane.<treet 6f(-.TL _ Chdtrcn UtHstabU >, MoorJit k! Ken.Twcrrt]» ^.v CARV ^ Biny Pritish Statute Jfdes fig 2 to n Dearer Market Street ---3 I — ,- l--~l u/Jia/u, ach tread Stuxfh am ijo Lon.^itude Wir*t from London. jj L«mfl tm.Fidh.rhcd Jatusjpy, by 3-CaexJznqravcr &r.3£ap teller Strand. ; B E D F O R D S H I R E a Is fmall inland county, which, during the Saxon heptarchy, belonged to the kingdom of Mercia ; it is now in the province of Canterbury, bifhopric of Lincoln, and the Northern circuit being miles from North to South 20 miles broad from Ead to Well: ; 35 ; and 145 in circuit; containing an area of 480 fquare miles, divided into 9 hundreds, compriling 124 parifhes, with xo market towns, to parliament, title of Duke to the Ruflel viz. Bedford, the county town, which fends 2 members and gives the family ; Ampthill, Potton, Shefford, the title of Baron to the family of Fitzpatrick ; Bigglefwade, Dundable, Leighton Buzzard, Luton, Tuddington, and villages, the title Woburn. Among the Turvey gives the title of Baron to the Mordaunt family ; Bromham fame to the Trevor family; Bletfoe, the like title to that of St. John; Cranfield, the title of Baron to the Sackville family; Hawnes, the like title to the Carteret *• family as does Hampded Marfhall to that and Southill, to the family Byng. It ; of Craven ; Battlefden, to the Bathurfl family ; of fends members to parliament, 2 for the county, and 2 as before-mentioned pays parts of the land tax, and provides 400 men to the 4 : 7 national militia. Its rivers Ivel, are, the Oufe, navigable to Bedford, and divides the county into two parts ; the Lea, and other fmaller its dreams. It produces abundance of corn, cattle, w’ood, barley, and v/oad for dying, and rich padures ; chief manufactures are, malt, feet bonelace, and ftraw goods. Its mod noted places are Dane’s Fields, remarkable for 2 pits 1 5 diameter. It is a pleafant county, diverfified with fruitful plains and rifing hills. The air is healthy, and the foil in general a deep clay. The North fide of the Oufe is fruitful and woody ; the South fide lefs fertile. It produces fuller’s earth, an excellent ingredient for our woollen manufactures. There are many remains of Roman, Saxcn, and Danifii antiquities. The mod confiderable Seats in this county are, Ampthill Park, near Ampthill. Eaton Socon Houfe. Odell, near Harrold. BafmcaJ, near Hale Wefton. Hafell Hall, near Potton. Sandy, near Potton. Battlefden, near Woburn. Hinwick, near Puddington. Southill, near Shefford. Beach wood Park, near Luton. Hockliffe, near Tuddington. Sutton, near Potton. Bletfoe Park, near Thurleigh. Houghton Conqueft Park, near Ampthill. Tuddington Park, near Tuddington, Brolborough Park, near Ampthill. Luton Park, near Luton. Woburn Park, near Woburn. Chickfand Abbey, near Shefford, Melchburne Park, near Rifeley. Wreft Park, near Shefford. Clapl;am, near Bedford. Oakley. ; o BERKSHIRE title the the Is an i aland county, which gives the of Earl to Howard family, and fends 2 members to parliament. During Saxon heptarchy it belonged to the Weft Saxons. It is- now in the province of Canterbury, diocefe of SaFifbury, and circuit of Oxford containing 730 fquare miles, or 467,500 fquare acres; being 40 miles long, 29 broad, and about 180 in circuit, divided into 20 hundreds; has 140 parifhes, 12 market towns, viz.
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