,.I Highway C?fficials Decide· New1l7 Route to Jackson The Ingham Counfym·~News Hlnlo. hlghwny on111neers qr(l 1 Within~~;;:; 2rir~~~~g n few ~~n~~snweelc~ rlght·.Qf·wny~! .\~~~~~~~ ._;..;..-"-Nin,ty·Fifth ____ Year,;_ No._______ 39 _..;, ___.;.... _____Mason,..,... __Michigan,,_.;. ____ Thursday,_;.,_...;.. September____ 30,...._ 1954 ___________________________________ ,f Sections- 26 Pages_ buyt'I'H will go to worlc on. the .. long Hlre\ch of the new route, with onlel'H to huy for 11 4·lane highway, lliw the ta mlleR ell:· New Fair.Board tending now lmtwecn Mason and New School Board ·,;t, ,Johns to the north. 'l'he new 'lnlt between ,Jnclcson's North Will Permit Old o1elt 1 U::>· 12) soul\! to the present IJS·t27, east of Somerset Center, 's now unrler construction. Only To Die on Vine , ·\I Chooses Officers ·1 w Ma~o n to J acltson sector re· m11lns. Ingham's Agl·lcultural Society, The offlclnl announcement which OIJerated the county Jair rmrn the stat!.' highway dep11rl· until the supervisors toolt over :· · ~{ And District Name rnc!lll m•t•nsionerl no sm·prlse, this year, will be loft to wllhct' on When Stnte Illghway Commls' the vine. · .Dr. R. PeMurtin, Mason dentist, heads the new school ~:loner Charles M. Ziegler was In 1'he new fair bounl called n R. Mnson a year ago nt the opening meeting for WednefJdny niJ.:hl to board elected Tuesduy. The ri who were elected met. Wednes­ of the by-puss he reveuled the lo· have 11 director elected for tlru day night to nume Dt·. DeMm•tin us pl'esidenL They also "Ill ion o( the route between Mn· old bon rd. After Jengt11y discUS· chose Lyle Thot·bm•n as secretm·y and Stanley Holmes us 'ion nnd Jacltson. The map show· slon, the election was culled off lng the new route merely con· on the grounds that there Is now treusm•et·~ Louis A. Stid and D. L. Bmy ut·c tru:olecs. flr·ms the verbnl p!Rns Announced no upparcnt reason for the exls· While all 5 were eleeted Tuesday, all served on distl'iet by Commissioner Ziegler a year tencc or the old society ami that boards before the met•ger of ---·- - -- -·-- ·· ·-- - .. ago. dlrl!ctors of that organization In hi:' Ialit nt. Mason Commls· hAve no rcs]Jonslblllllcs for the the Mason, Alalerlon 'J'own· '>loner· Ziegler sn id, "When US· fnlr. ship Unit, Hawley and Wilson School District 127 IH eornpleted between Mason The term of s. A. L;~xton, Ve· distl'icts. 'IIHI .Tadtson tmfflt! Is expected to vny, on the Ingham Agricultlll'al Dr. DcMnrtln ami Bray were irwt·ease rapidly and Mason and Society expl!·ed. 'l'he vacancy was, trustees on the Mason boarrl and Must Vote Again 1tlwr towns will be glad to be by· no• filled. Holmes was treasurer. Stir! was [JaSHCd." ' There Is a possibility, some modemtor of the Hawley rllstrlcl For Special Levy H 1he his: bond Issue now being directors said, that some ol'l:!\11· and Thorhum wns secretary or lbcussctl goen through, the Mn· lzatlon may huve to be set LIJl to the Alaledon Township Unit. At Its m·gnnizallon meeting In Mnson Wednesday nl~ht, 2,1 hours ~on·.Jael•son job will be 'lm· handle state nid for fairs. Man· .. The new board rleclderlto retain mcrlialcly undertalten. It Is up nt nger Joy O. Davis, however, de.. (lnyhnm Counly New• Photo) GOVI~RNJ\IENT IIOUSING FOR CORN- not people- following electinn, tile new dis· the top of the list even wllhout clurcd his bl!lief that state uld ···--- ------··-·---·-----· is being constructed on a 2-act·e piece of lai1d on Not•th Ma- the name of Mason public schools as the official dcslJ.(nallon nf the trict sd10ol hoard called an elec· lion for Oetober ll. Calling of the 9. the hond Issue. Ma,;be' In 1!J5:i, can be p11ld directly to thi! present 200 Qff BI d son street. '1'1 11s• wee1 t 18 o f tl1C 47 sch e d l1 Ie d s t m·uge b'111s f or district. The merger was consu· ·~ct·talnly In l!l5G, is about what fnlr board. He and Trcasut·cr Eurl er 00 recelvinrr the govct·nmcnt-IJUrchused COl'Jl have been built. mated under the rural agrieul· election. lrourr.l members learned, the t>ituation loolts lilte now, higiJ· " was millie necessary to continue way officials Indicated. Dunsmore were authorized to The storage bins will hold 151,750 bushels of shelled corn tural school law and the election the levy of~ mills for the lmild\ng visit state departments to lcal'll In Va•'n Attempt which is being bought by the govel'l1ment under the depart­ Tuesday was called in the namc Probably the new construction what policy should he followed. of the Mason Ruml Agricultural llllll site fund. won't be 4·lane all the way, es· ment of agriculture corn support progmm. Merger of lhe Alaiedon '!'own· pecinlly from Mason to the Les· Directors discussed the 19 ~' 1 In the pictut•e the workmen m·e adjusting the elevator school district. T s M h The merged dlsti-ict will be op· ship Unit, Ilawley and Wilson lie by·pass. More lllcely, engl· fnlr report as submitted by Duns· 0 Ot for storing the first loads of government corn. Met·edith Pat- ave ef crated under thl! rural agrlcul· districts wllh Mnson lmoclwd necrs explained, the new ·route more. They also henrd Duvls tell terson of Bunltcr Hill township was the first farmer to bring out, or at lcnsl mnrlc questionable, for south-bound traffic "'lll b~? why It Is difficult to gel 11 carnival D 1 tl If I 11 f 1 I··· 1""2 1 · 1 1 I turai school law, Supt. James H. ,. company to play at Mason. Ac· esp te re o er o ga ons o his corn to the stomgc yare. ::tiS was v;J corn w 11C 1 me Vander Vcn said. To change I he the exiotlng 5·mili building and huill with the present route be· cording to Davis, the Ingham ban O·typc blond, Mrs. George Soule, been rescaled. Close behind Patterson was a load of com name, though, would entail tire site fund levy. 't lng left for·nar.a noJ·th·houndou't. truffle ll"ainst gypsy fortune te I \ers, :m, f!icc! last Friday of compllca·d f rom tl1e PI 11·1 and 11· 0 Jd en St'l·1 es 1' at•m 11 Bu 11 IW r !It'll. • expense of repainting school Alaiedon had a special 2·mill Ullt)l it W '' ~ ,, "girlie",., shows and gam bli ng lions followln"" surgery connecte The government 1ease d tl JC 1an d f rom W o 1vepne · E• ngt-' buses nnd reprinting report cards levy. Wilson and Hawley t!lstrlcts The pt·csent route wlll be· fol· concessions has scared carnival with the delivery of 11 still·born neering Co. There is still room for another 13 bins besides and other materials, he explained, had none. lowed from Mason south to Hull 1 11 daughter 2 days before. opemtors nwny. Dav s sa ( an the 47 . and in the end the people woulrl Voters will have twin propo· rnncl. At that point the new route elfort is being made to interest More than 200 pints ·of blood . ·,- E'ach bi'n stands 16 feet hirrh and is 18 feet in cltameter. still call It the Mason school. sitlons placed before them, one will go south to Olds rond at Five h t · from men nnrl women having - " Corners. From there the route ot er earn1 va 1 opct·a ors m com· . ·Two 50-foot drives have been built into the storage area At Tuesday's special elccllon calling for increa~;ing the tax lng to Mason next year. blood classtfrcd 0 minus and 'r·l·om Mason str·ent. Tl1c ])1.11S ar·e mal1Uf'acttll'ed by the Oht'o 515 voters cast ballots to elect a limitation by 5 mills and the will continue gcnernlly r:muth to ' 0 positive werea~ offered· at the " State roar! between Base Line and President Otto Hartig stated j ho!!pilal. gighl tmnsfusions were Machine Products Co. of Columbus, Ohio. 'fhe erection work completely new school board, al· other authorizlnh' the school TcrritDrial roads and joining M· that efforts are als~ being mn:le ·marie Thursday and before she was subcontracted to Charles VanDorstine of Grand Rapids. though the entire 5 were on dis· board to levy ri mills in taxes for trlct boards. Dr. DeMarli n, the building and site fund. The ;;oat tha County Farm rqad. The to secure the cooperation of fmm 11' 1 F 111·· Ia morning. Other J.Y"' 1'n turn J1as subcontmctcd the erecting to the Martinez a hlnery dealers For the p·rst tel Y ct ... Holmes nnd Bray were on the llt:sl proposal will be submitted nPW 127 wlll follow the M·!10 t'C· m c · ' tnnsfusions •vet·c on the sched· Construction Co. of Mason. Under the contract, the bins 0 Mason board, Stld was on the to all voter~. the second only to l!)[':ttlnn route to the Detrolt·Chl· ~~e~~;:'~~~!ct ~~~~~i~~~~~er:th';~~ ul~ Ira~! Mr~. Sottle ~·eqt!irecl wet·e to have been erected by October 1. That's the date I{nwlcy board and Thorburn on voters wlto are owners of prop· f~~~~i~~~~l~~~~w~~o~;~sUf~~~s~~ fair: Hartig conceded the validity them, hospital attendants sat(.
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