See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/271138666 The Tatar Progeny of the Golden Horde Mokhshi Ulus Population Article · February 2014 CITATION READS 1 128 2 authors, including: Zhaxylyk Sabitov Eurasian National University 49 PUBLICATIONS 125 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Human Y-chromosome haplogroup Q-L275 View project All content following this page was uploaded by Zhaxylyk Sabitov on 21 January 2015. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately. The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy (Русская версия): Том 6, №1, 2014 год ISSN: 1920-2997 http://ru.rjgg.org © Все права защищены RJGG The Tatar Progeny Zh.M. Sabitov of the Golden Horde Mokhshi M.M. Аkchurin Ulus Population Abstract This Article is dedicated to the origin of Tatar Mirzas referring to such lineages as the Akchurins, Kashaevs, Kudashevs, Muratovs, Engalychevs, Enikeevs, Isheevs, Sedekhmetevs, Dashkins, Diveevs, Mansyrevs, Syundyu- kovs, Efaevs, etc. This Tatar Group origin concept is backed up by historical sources, genealogical notes and ge- netic results. Mokhshi settlement is known to appear in the Under the rule of Batu, the Golden Horde early 14th century; the first coins minted there comprised 19 uluses (regions), and in every one refer to 1313. The ruins of the Golden Horde of them resided 4 clans headed by a Karachi- Mokhshi settlement are currently located near bek. By the time of Uzbek-khan ruling, the the present-day Narovchat village in Penza Re- number of uluses had increased to 23. Batu gion [15, 106]. In Russian Annals this settle- used to appoint Karachi-beks from the close cir- ment was known under Naruchad’ name. Ac- cle of his devoted persons being of different cording to V.L. Egorov, Mokhshi was an adminis- descent. These four Karachi-beks were formally trative centre of the ulus (territory, region) subordinated to the ulus ruler being a Genghis where “the Mordvinian tribes habited”. To the Khan’s offspring. After Batu’s death, the khans west this ulus comprised the Tsna, Moksha, and of the Golden Horde were forced to fight with Vad river basins; to the east, it was limited by regional rulers (and their relatives) with the aim the left bank of the Sura river, as well as by the to centralize the power. This policy was actually Alatyr’ and Pyana river basins. The northern ter- implemented in the Administrative Reform of ritories included the southern part of the con- Uzbek-khan when all previous ulus-beks (re- temporary Nizhniy Novgorod Region [15, 44]. gional rulers) of Genghis Khan’s origin were su- The rise of the settlement when Mokhshi along perseded by representatives of the congeneric with Crimea, Bulgar, Khoresm and Saray was nobles. Given that the Golden Horde had 23 one of the main centres of the Golden Horde uluses each comprised of 4 clans, the final num- coin issue, happened to be in 711-730 of hegira ber of clans in the Golden Horde was equal to 92 (1313 to 1329) [12, 98]. Certainly, the rise of [22, 232-239]. The lists of 92 “Uzbek” ilatiya all towns of the Golden Horde, and namely, of tribes are widely known in eastern sources; Mokhshi, is connected with the administrative these lists register the names of all nomad clans reform of Uzbek-khan. The confederacy of no- of the Golden Horde. mad hordes when the power in uluses (regions) used to be passed on only to descendants of The emission of coins in Mokhshi also took Genghis Khan was transformed into a centra- place after the 730th year of hegira through to lized empire, and the rulers of uluses were ap- 758 (1357) [13, 62-63]. After commencing of pointed directly by Uzbek-khan. It is worth not- Zamyatnya (popular uprising) in summer 1361, ing that the major part of new ulus-beks (region Tagay, the Duke (in Russian, Knyaz; in Tatar, rulers) descended from congeneric nobles. bek) of the Horde from Bezdezh (this town was located on the right bank of the Volga river with- in the area where Volga nearly converges with _____________________________________________________________ Received: January 31 2014; accepted: February 2 2014; the Don), seized Mokshi (Naruchad’) [24, 165] published: February 3 2014 and commenced minting his own coins [15, 62]. Correspondence: [email protected] 5 The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy (Русская версия): Том 6, №1, 2014 год ISSN: 1920-2997 http://ru.rjgg.org © Все права защищены RJGG In 1365, Tagay initiated a campaign from Naru- stored the XVIII century stemmata of Tatar chad (Mokhshi) against Ryazan but he was de- Dukes lived in the western part of Mordvinian feated. Thereafter his name disappeared from lands. The ancestor of such ducal lineages as the pages of annals [15, 208]. In 1366-1367, the Sedekhmetevs, Akchurins, Kugushevs, Eni- the coins of Janibek (named “deceased”) and keevs, Engalychevs, etc., was a certain Bekhan Bulat-Timur were issued in Mokhshi. The major- from the Golden Horde [23, 64-79]. On Bekhan ity of researchers consider that Bulat-Timur who there remained the following entry: was not a descendant of Genghis Khan and con- sequently did not possess a right to issue coins, “In the summer of 6897 since the creation of minted coins on behalf of the deceased Janibek- the world (1388/89 – Zh.S.,М.А.), by the reign khan [8, 85-86]. This Bulat-Timur is also known of Velikiy Knyaz (Grand Duke – Zh.S.,М.А.) for his seizure of Bulgar region (territory of con- Dmitriy Ivanovich and his son Vasiliy Dmitre- temporary Tatarstan) in 1361. In summer 1367, vich, there was a Knyaz from the Golden Horde Bulat-Timur declared war against dukes of Nizh- named Bekhan who used to dwell between the niy Novgorod but he was defeated and fled to rivers Sarov and Satis in the close vicinity to the the Horde where was killed by Asis-sheik (one of estuary of the Sarov river. At that time the the Golden Horde khans) [24, 61]. On coins the named Knyaz Bekhan, on behalf of the Golden name of his father may be read in different Horde tsar, owned a lot of neighboring towns ways. Kh.M. Fren read it as “Nugan”; P.S. Save- and villages of the Tatars and Mordovians; but lyev specified a possibility to transliterate this due to frequent military attacks he left that name since the coins lack any diacritical signs, place and moved behind the river Moksha to the and offered it to be read as ‘Tugan”. Y.E. Varva- location of the contemporary Kangush village, rovsky supposed this name may be read as “Ta- and constructed there a lodgment surrounded gay”. Therefore, Y.E. Varvarovsky used to call by an earth rampart which also fell into decay as Tagay as the father of Bulat-Timur [10, 86]. We soon as the further dominion of the Golden think that this interpreting is unlikely possible. If Horde ceased…» [21, 6]. he had been a Tagai’s son, it would have been duly specified in the Russian Annals; and Bulat- Moreover, the more detailed study of these Timur’s political activities must have com- genealogies revealed that they did not cover all menced upon Tagay’s death rather than at the ducal lineages but only those whose estates be- same time: Tagay used to seize Mokhshi when came the property of Sarov monastery at the Bulat-Timur was seizing the ulus of the Bulgars. beginning of XVIII century [8, 118]. Bekhan Knyaz is actually shown there to be the ancestor As is well known, in 1509, Akchura Adashev of only the following genealogic trees: the Se- the fifth descendant of Bekhan (the son of dekhmetevs, Akchurins, Kudashevs, Dashkins, Adash, who is the son of Murat, son of Kuday- and Kashaevs. The Sedekhmetevs originated berdey, son of Khanbek, and son of Bekhan) fell their surname from Knyaz Sedekhmet, and the heir to the estate of his farther Adash and uncle representatives of the last four families were the Sedekhmet, and “was conferred the dignity of a descendants of Knyaz Akchura who was the Knyaz over Konyalskaya Mordva”. By this time nephew of Sedekhmet. he had been apparently an adult person (Akchu- ra was born approximately in 1470-90 years, According to the guide-book “On noble li- and by commencement of his reign he might be neages of the Russian Empire”, the ancestors of 19 to 39 years of age). Since the average age of the Dashkins [14, 134] and Kudashevs [14, a single generation is nearly 30 years, we may 165] are of unknown origin and their kinship be- assume that his ancestor Bekhan was born with- tween themselves and to other families failed to in the period from 1320 to 1340, thus, around be stated. The book also specifies 5 lineages of the time of the Golden Horde rise. We may sup- the Engalychevs being of different origin, with pose that Bekhan was one of 4 karachi-beks of one of the branch being originated from the Ak- Mokhshi ulus. churins [14, 136-143]. M.G. Safargaliev in his book on History of Ta- According to the Sarov monastery archive tars of Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist data, the simplified diagram of the genealogic Republic published in 1963 wrote that in the tree source roots is shown below. funds of the former Sarov monastery there 6 The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy (Русская версия): Том 6, №1, 2014 год ISSN: 1920-2997 http://ru.rjgg.org © Все права защищены RJGG The Tatar generations shown in the picture Kashaevs used to be the descendants of Knyaz above constitute a single ducal dynasty possess- Akchura have not yet been found.
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