ARMENIAN GOVERNMENT ARMENIANS IN JERUSALEM: HOSTS ANTI-CORRUPTION THE POLITICS OF SURVIVAL IN THE HOLY LaND PAGE 5 COUNCIL SESSION Page 2 ARMENIA HIGHLIGHTS Weekly Digest of the Government of Armenia October 7-13 2010 THEMA “Quote of the week” “WE IN ARMENIA WERE GUIDED BY A VISION OF A FUTURE IN WHICH GENERA- TIONS WOULD LIVE IN PEACE AND SAFETY. THIS ARME- NIAN INITIATIVE MET A POSITIVE RESPONSE BY THE TURKISH PRESIDENT...” SERZH SARGSYAN: LACK OF TRADE TURNOVER EDWARD NALBANDYAN WITH SLOVENIA IS OMISSION OF ARMENIAN RA FOREIGN MINISTER AUTHORITIES rmenian President Serzh Sargsyan with almost zero export from Armenia. Asaid that intensification of eco- Slovenia exported pharmaceutical goods, nomic relations between Armenia and ethyl alcohol, perfume, cosmetics, etc. Upcoming Events Slovenia will create prerequisites for Mr. Sargsyan said that Armenia wel- the bilateral relations development also comes Slovenian investments. He noted in other fields. “We discussed economic that four documents, which create a leg- cooperation and international relations. islative basis for boosting the bilateral October 16: Armenia Celebrates the The intensification of economic ties is cooperation, were signed as part of the Day of Alphabet and Translation an important chain, which will approxi- Slovenian President’s official visit to Ar- mate our people and serve as an impe- menia. The Convention for Avoidance October 16: Official opening cer- tus for the relations development also in of Double Taxation and agreement on emony of Tatev Ropeway other fields,” Mr. Sargsyan told a joint economic cooperation are among them. press conference with his Slovenian “We will work on expanding the legisla- October 22-23: PM Tigran Sarg- counterpart Danilo Turk on October 11 in tive field,” the Armenian President said. syan leaves for Yekterinburg Yerevan, summarizing the results of the Referring to international cooperation, Armenian-Slovenian business forum. Mr. Sargsyan noted that it has changed The business forum brought together qualitatively and become more arranged. around 40 Slovenian companies from Specifically, Armenia already negoti- various fields, including, trade, tour- ates on signing of the association agree- USEFUL LINKS ism, construction, power industry, ment, as well as works are carried out • www.president.am high and information technologies. on the project for joining the deep and • www.gov.am The Armenian President noted that the comprehensive free trade agreement. • www.parliament.am lack of trade turnover between the two Serzh Sargsyan said that Slove- • www.mfa.am countries is an omission of the authorities. nia, which has passed this way, can • www.armenpress.am In 2009, the trade turnover between the share its experience with Armenia. • www.panarmenian.net two countries amounted to $9.5mln, October 11, 2010 www.panarmenian.net • www.matenadaran.am ARMENIA HIGHLIGHTS CHRONICA HEADLINES OF ArmeniAn Prime minister’s visit to irAn scheduled for end THE WEEK OF OCTOBER • OCTOBER 7: Armenian Presi- dent offers participants of Arme- an parliamentary speaker Ali Larijani. nian-French decentralized co- The parties discussed perspectives of eco- operation forum to visit NKR nomic cooperation development, empha- • AH sizing the importance of joint programs • OCTOBER 7: Lebanese Prime in transportation and energy sectors. Minister shelves visit to Armenia The Prime Minister spoke of his visit to • AH Iran scheduled for the end of October. • OCTOBER 8: Hrant Dink was target- A visit to Iranian Chamber of Commerce, In- ed by Turkish mob before his murder dustries and Mines to brief Iranian business- • AH men on perspectives of economic develop- • OCTOBER 8: Armenian par- ment in Armenia is on the Prime Minister’s liament members demand in- n October 9, Armenian Prime agenda, governmental press service reported. volvement of Armenia’s rep- OMinister Tigran Sargsyan met October 9 2010, www.panarmenian.net resentatives in investigation of with a delegation led by the Irani- Manvel Saribekyan’s murder in Baku • AH • OCTOBER 10: Title of Honored ARTHUR GHUKASYAN: HIGH 240 ARMENIAN SCHOOLS TO Science Worker awarded to Yer- FEST 2010 WAS A SUCCESS BE PROVIDED WITH HI-TECH evan Medical University pro-rector rmenian audience needs to be ac- EQUIPMENT • AH • OCTOBER 11: Emir Kusturica re- Aquainted with experimental theat- n October 8, Zoravar Andranik minds Turkish director Semih Kapla- er art, High Fest President said. ON5 School in Armenian region noglu about the Armenian Genocide “This year’s festival was a success,” of Armavir hosted opening of a com- • AH Arthur Ghukasyan told a press confer- puter class. The equipment provision • OCTOBER 12: Serzh Sargsy- ence on October 8. was sponsored by South Caucasus an gives high assessment to Ar- “It’s gratifying that Armenian per- Railway, GeoProMining Company, menian Relief Society activities formances attracted greater audience GNC- ALFA network services opera- • AH than foreign ones,” he said. tor in Armenia and Rossotrudnichestvo • OCTOBER 13: Pan-Armeni- an information field can help October 8, 2010 www.panarmenian.net Armenia with the assistance of Rus- neutralize false propaganda sian Embassy in Armenia. The mod- GRIGOR MKHITARYAN WINS ernization of the computer class was MINIMUM SALARY IN ARMENIA chAmPion’s title At World implemented within the framework of RAISED BY AMD 2500 YOUTH AND JUNIOR SaMBO a program aimed at provision of 240 he Armenian government ap- chAmPionshiPsi’m fighting Armenian schools with Hi-Tech equip- Tproved amendments to the IN MEXICO ment. RA law on minimum salary. October 8, 2010 www.panarmenian.net “The amendments envisage raise of salary by AMD 2500, to total AMD ARMENIAN GOVERNMENT 32 500 instead of previous AMD HOSTS ANTI-CORRUPTION 30 000,” Minister of Labor and So- COUNCIL SESSION cial Affairs Arthur Gevorgyan said. October 7, 2010 www.panarmenian.net n October 12, Armenian government Ohosted the anti-corruption council ses- ARMENIA 3RD IN EURO 2012 GROUP B sion led by the head of the council, Armenian rmenia secured a powerful 4-0 win Prime Minister Tigran Sargysan. Amend- Aover Andorra in their 2012 Euro- ments to the regulations on Creation of Anti- pean Championship qualifier on Octo- corruption Council were presented, envisag- ber 12, scoring three goals in the first half and adding one more after the break. ing changes in the structure of the monitoring Gevorg Ghazaryan’s fourth-minute lead n October 8, Armenia’s Grig- committee in charge of anti-corruption strat- was Armenia’s 100th goal since the coun- Oor Mkhitaryan (weight class egy. Monitoring results in the framework of try gained independence. Henrik Mkhi- 48kg) won champion’s title among 2009-2012 activity program in the frame- taryan made it 2-0 in the 16th minute, juniors, while Mher Karapetyan work of anti-corruption strategy were dis- Yura Movsisyan then volleyed in Sargis (weight class 75kg) won bronze. cussed. Meeting participants also focused on Hovsepyan’s cross from the right in the Youth representatives will en- the report of the head of Armenian delega- 33rd and was replaced in the 53rd minute, tion to GRECO (Council of Europe's Group right after Marcos Pizzelli made it 4-0. ter competition on October 9 Thus, Armenia climbed 3rd in Group B, and 10, Armenia’s Sambo Fed- of States against Corruption), governmental press service reported. gaining 7 points. Russians top the standings eration told PanARMENIAN.Net with 9 points, followed by Ireland (7 points). October 9, 2010 www.panarmenian.net October 12, 2010 www.panarmenian.net October 2, 2010 www.panarmenian.net 2 AH ARMENIA HIGHLIGHTS RES PUBLICA ARMENIAN PRESIDENT PARTICIPATES IN CELEBRATORY EVENTS NaLBANDIAN: ANKARA TIMED TO 2792ND ANNIVERSARY OF YEREVAN NEEDS TO PROVE ITS GOOD INTENTIONS rmenian President Serzh Sargsyan Aparticipated in celebratory events timed to 2792nd anniversary of Yerevan. A program of Yerevan Day celebration was opened with a theater performance in Erebuni Museum, presidential press service told PanARMENIAN.Net Armenian President participat- ed in celebratory events timed to 2792nd anniversary of Yerevan October 10, 2010www.panarmenian.net he Wall Street Journal has published Ar- Tmenian Foreign Minister Edward Nal- THE WaLL STREET JOURNAL DENIAL OF ARMENIAN GENOCIDE IS bandian’s article titled OFFENSIVE “TURKEY HaS GONE BaCK ON ITS hairman of the Armenian National His refusal to call out Azerbaijan’s ag- Word.” CCommittee of America Kenneth gression, his silence in the face of Az- V. Hachikian sent a letter to The Wall erbaijan’s demolition of a 1,300-year- The article reads: “Last year on Oct. 10 in Street Journal on Matthew Bryza’s nom- old Armenian cemetery, and his ardent Zurich, after intensive negotiations, Arme- ination as ambassador to Azerbaijan. defense of Stalin-imposed borders at nia and Turkey reached agreement and the The letter was published by the the expense of democracy, have all con- foreign ministers of the two countries signed newspaper, the ANCA reported. tributed to the instability of this pivotal the protocols on the establishment of diplo- “You are off the mark in your editorials region. Add conflict of interest issues to matic relations, opening of the border and attacking Sen. Barbara Boxer and the the mix and he is clearly the wrong dip- development of bilateral relations. The Ar- Armenian-American community for lomat, at the wrong time, for this post. menian-Turkish relations were in a deadlock opposing President Obama’s flawed America needs a fresh start in the when President Serzh Sargsyan initiated the nomination of Matt Bryza as ambassa- Caucasus, with a new ambassador normalization process with Turkey. We in dor to Azerbaijan (“Barbara Boxer (D., who will stand strong against Az- Armenia were guided by a vision of a future Armenia),” Sept. 20, and “Undiplomat- erbaijani aggression. Sen. Boxer and in which generations would live in peace and ic Hold-Ups,” Oct. 6). The stakes for Sen. Robert Menendez have provided safety. This Armenian initiative met a posi- U.S.
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