MARCH 14, 2021 | FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT PARISH ADMINISTRATIVE PARISH WORSHIP SITES OFFICE Saint Paul Saint Regis Saint Rosalia Saint Stephen 3256 Parkview Ave 411 Greenfield Ave 5115 Second Ave Cathedral 108 N. Dithridge Street Fifth Ave & Craig St Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Pittsburgh, PA 15207 Pittsburgh, PA 15207 Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Phone: 412-621-4951 Fax: 412-621-1079 MISSION STATEMENT [email protected] The Catholic Community of Greenfield, Hazelwood and Oakland seeks to proclaim, witness and share the Good News of Jesus Christ with everyone. ghocatholics.org Empowered by the Holy Spirit and nourished by the Eucharist, Saint Paul Cathedral Parish welcomes all to come and to join us on our mission to deepen our faith and holiness, grow in our love for God and others, and facebook.com/stpaulpgh extend charity to all, especially the poor and those in need. twitter.com/saintpaulpgh WWW.GHOCATHOLICS.ORG BISHOP OF PITTSBURGH PARISH INFORMATION Most Reverend David A. Zubik, D.D. LITURGY SCHEDULE AND MASS INTENTIONS CLERGY TEAM Monday, March 15 Very Reverend Kris D. Stubna, S.T.D. 8:15 am St. Paul Cathedral Fred Missenda Pastor and Rector [email protected] 10:00 am St. Rosalia John Kish 12:05 pm St. Paul Cathedral Ladies of Charity of Saint Paul Cathedral Parish Reverend John S. Odeyemi Parochial Vicar Tuesday, March 16 [email protected] 8:15 am St. Paul Cathedral Kathleen Hanley Reverend Daniel L. Walsh, C.S.Sp. 12:05 pm St. Paul Cathedral Zach Mrazik Parochial Vicar Wednesday, March 17 [email protected] 8:15 am St. Paul Cathedral Mulvaney and Spano Families, Living and Deceased Reverend Steven M. Palsa, M.Div., M.A. Part-time Parish Chaplain 10:00 am St. Rosalia Steven Kirkham In Residence 12:05 pm St. Paul Cathedral Giuseppina Sciulli and Luisa Sciulli [email protected] 12:45 pm St. Paul Cathedral Stations of the Cross Reverend Michael R. Ackerman 7:00 pm St. Paul Cathedral Novena and Benediction In Residence [email protected] Thursday, March 18 8:15 am St. Paul Cathedral Maura Rowland McNamara Deacon Thomas J. Berna, Ph.D. Deacon 12:05 pm St. Paul Cathedral Desmond Jackson Family, Deceased [email protected] Friday, March 19 8:15 am St. Paul Cathedral Jose Ortega 12:05 pm St. Paul Cathedral Rose and August Haft THIS WEEK’S READINGS 7:00 pm St. Paul Cathedral Stations of the Cross and Benediction Saturday, March 20 Monday, March 15 Lenten Weekday - 8:15 am St. Paul Cathedral Ron Lukcic Is 65:17-21 * Jn 4:43-54 12:05 pm St. Paul Cathedral Elizabeth Cumberledge, Living 4:00 pm St. Rosalia Lewis, Josephine, and Anna Civitate Tuesday, March 16 Lenten Weekday - 6:00 pm St. Paul Cathedral Maria Assunta Sciulli Ez 47:1-9, 12 * Jn 5:1-16 Sunday, March 21 6:30 am St. Paul Cathedral Betty Pikula Wednesday, March 17 Saint Patrick, Bishop - 9:00 am St. Rosalia Claire Quirin Dt 4:1, 5-9 * Mt 5:17-19 10:00 am St. Paul Cathedral Lillian Spoonamore and Family, Deceased 12:00 pm St. Paul Cathedral Harry Mavrinac Thursday, March 18 12:00 pm St. Rosalia (Spanish) People of the Parish Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, st Bishop and Doctor of the Church - 6:00 pm St. Paul Cathedral Jim and Bev Beebe, 51 Wedding Anniversary (Living) Ex 32:7-14 * Jn 5:31-47 LITURGY SCHEDULE (CURRENT) Friday, March 19 Mass Times Novena to Our Mother of Saint Joseph, St. Paul Cathedral Perpetual Help Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Saturday Anticipated: 6pm St. Paul Cathedral 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16 * Sunday: 6:30am, 10am, 12noon & 6pm Wednesday: 7pm - 8pm Rom 4:13, 16-18, 22 * Weekdays (Monday - Saturday): Eucharistic Exposition & Adoration: 7pm Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Lk 2:41-51a 8:15am & 12:05pm Novena Prayers & Benediction: 7:30pm St. Rosalia Televised Mass Saturday, March 20 Saturday Anticipated: 4pm Live on Comcast: Sunday: 9am & 12noon (Spanish) Lenten Weekday - Channel 95 (In Pittsburgh) Weekdays (Monday & Wednesday): Jer 11:18-20 * Jn 7:40-53 Live Streamed Online: 10am ghocatholics.org/tv-ministry Confession Times facebook.com/stpaulpgh Sunday, March 21 St. Rosalia Parking Lot Weekdays (Monday - Saturday): 8:15am Fifth Sunday of Lent - Friday & Saturday: 12noon - 1pm Sunday: 10am Jer 31:31-34 * Heb 5:7-9 * Jn 12:20-33 or, for Year A, Ez 37:12-14 * Rom 8:8-11 * Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator: 412-456-3093 (Office); 1-888-808-1235 (Hotline) Jn 11:1-45 or 11:3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45 PA Child Line: 1-800-932-0313 — Call 9-1-1 immediately if a child is in danger 2 SAINT PAUL CATHEDRAL PARISH | GREENFIELD, HAZELWOOD, OAKLAND PARISH STAFF REFLECTIONS Sister Mariella Bradley Office Staff [email protected] SCRIPTURE REFLECTION Larry Clapper “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so that everyone Director of Facilities and Maintenance who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” (John [email protected] 3:16). This verse from today’s Gospel is often seen on signs at football Ken Danchik games and sporting events – and rightly so because this single verse Associate Organist reminds us that the heart of the Gospel is God's love and our belief. [email protected] But there’s more to today's Gospel than that. What we have here is Beverly Farinelli Nicodemus, who was a member of the social class that as a group most Wedding Coordinator opposed Jesus, but who finds himself drawn to Jesus and so meets with [email protected] him secretly in order to avoid trouble and who later becomes a Don Fellows committed disciple and courageous defender of Jesus. We all feel like Director of Music and Organist that sometimes: we feel drawn to Jesus but are not so open about our [email protected] faith because we live in a culture where many don’t share our beliefs; Erica Gamerro we feel uncomfortable, embarrassed, we don’t want to draw attention Pastoral Associate to our faith or be responded to with ridicule or hostility. [email protected] Eileen Lancos Well, in the case of his dialogue with Nicodemus, Jesus uses all sorts of Sacristan images to make three basic points: 1.) the necessity of being born again Jean Malek in order to live a new life in the Spirit; 2.) the sacrifice of Jesus which Parish Secretary brings salvation to believers; and 3.) God's immense love for the world, [email protected] which he expresses by giving us his Son and to which the only Christina McCann appropriate response is for us to now love others as Jesus does, Wedding Coordinator becoming ourselves channels of God's love for the world. Notice that [email protected] when Jesus says that the Son of God is light for the world, he’s talking Mike Pittek about judging the world, not just making things bright and sunny. He’s Office Manager talking about bringing to light things that we’re ashamed of and want to [email protected] keep hidden. And yet his purpose is not to condemn the world, but Terri Taormina rather to set things right because if nothing changes, all will indeed be Director for Religious Education lost. God has intervened out of love (“God so loved the world”) and by [email protected] responding to that love, by aligning ourselves with God and his way of Ted Wojcik doing things (“whoever believes in him”) we are saved who otherwise Sacristan would be headed to perdition. Greg Zigray Business Manager The two operative concepts are God’s love and our belief. Love is God’s [email protected] very nature, and it should be our nature too since we were created in the image and likeness of God, but unfortunately our nature has been broken by sin. Hence the importance of belief. When Jesus says “whoever believes” he’s not talking about merely the acceptance of a QUOTES OF THE WEEK series of correctly articulated dogmas like we find in the Creed or the catechism, though these are important and helpful. But what Jesus is really talking about is where our heart is, how we live our lives, our will “Your accumulated offenses conformed to God's will, basing every decision on the answer to the do not surpass the multitude question, “what would Jesus do?” because it is in him that we have eternal life. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so of God's mercies: your wounds that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have do not surpass the great eternal life.” Physician's skill.” FROM THE HEART OF OUR PASTOR, FATHER STUBNA ~ Saint Cyril of Jerusalem WE WILL CELEBRATE THE 30TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE CATHEDRAL’S TELEVISION MINISTRY this Tuesday, March 17. For 30 years, Saint Paul Cathedral has been able to cablecast live the celebration of daily “The perfect Christian is always and Sunday Mass to countless numbers of viewers through the television ministry, many of them who are unable to get to Mass. Now the bearer of peace and joy.” the Mass can be accessed online through livestreaming, on Facebook, ~ Saint Clement of Alexandria 3 MARCH 14, 2021 | FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT SOCIAL MEDIA For parish updates, news, and more REFLECTIONS find us on Twitter and Facebook: twitter.com/saintpaulpgh and on Comcast On Demand. This is a very special gift and blessing indeed! Many thanks to our Television Ministry crew of volunteers facebook.com/stpaulpgh who work hard every day to make this happen – those in the control room, on the camera, and all who coordinate this ministry.
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