to draft and publish an expression of party us "Weprinciple and policy. Democrats just a moment when she reminded indorse the initiative taken by Agree a Final Drive for tf nothing go much as a Yale cheer Republican »Senator James W. Wi.dsworth, jr., and Airplane and Gal Lend ltader saying, "Now, nine .ong rahs for Senator William M. Donkey I Calder, and wel¬ whatever it i- do at New Haven come Nominee Must Be they the indicated cooperation therein WarSavers Music at the end of this, nnd man« it go." But of the Stale Committee in calling To-day; then Copelar.d's rhythm Is often com¬ Peace Near, upon Republicans of New York to do Contrast to what American»« An Man Italian War Festa pelling. have done for two and Gay wn.; m s Upstate Irma at her beat Chopin a half centuries, namely, to assemble 424,500 AreNeeded Charming Programme by the "Valse No. 6," and »nd Erie» to talk over Marjpt matters of common con- Chorus in Costume and very «harming in "Vals* No. IS.** Mar- Says Glynn cení, arrivé sit n consensu's of view and Opera Stage Celebrities in Typical Duncans and Copeland got is strikingly like Gretel, who uted take finch action as may seem to be» Committee Decides No New to be with the Duncan Dancers. L's» in the opinion of the majority, in the Venetian Roles Turn Terrace Into at There*, to common interest, Library Replica Intensive Effort Will Be! Carnegie and also appeared advantage ... York Man Has in Chopin waltz numbers. Chairman Confer* "Wc respectfully pofrfV'out to our' Chance. of a Mediterranean Villa George Copeland opened the pro- State fellow Republicans that ¡the 'coming Made to Complete 2,000,- ! the fir»- campaign is of special significance und Least of All Hearst tranime very effectively with Senators Wadsworth _ By Heywood Broun movement of MacDowcll's "Sonata With that the welfare of the country 000 with a the tran- Pledges To-night The Isadora Duncan Dancers and Trágica." He closed blazingiy through Republican party A Caproni' airplane circling over¬ en hand will be off collection oí Spanish dances, which in¬ and Calder scends the personal Interest of every to-night auctioned a head and a donkey cart peddling vege¬ by Raymond Hitchcock at the close of George Copeland gave thrilling per¬ cluded numbers by Zuera, Albeniz and individual in the party. No one will the festa. formance at attempt to dispute the fact that not Smith Is Out of It; tables on the pavement below each gave Carnegie Hall last night Chabrier. One of the Crisis Believed Past before a since 1860 has it boon so important its particular sort of color and en- busiest young women on large audience. The per- j thnt the terrace _ the nominees of the Republican yesterday was Claire Whit¬ formance moved to a to May Take for state officers und for livenment to the festa for blinded Ital¬ ney, the motion swiftly climax,, Widow of German Convention party Rep- Walker, Alexander and Os- ian picture actress, who ending with an in -.sontatives in the Congress shall soldiers that opened yesterday in had charge of the tobacco booth. She With Thrift Societies exciting rally of make their appeal to the voters upon borne front of the Public Library. rolled cigarettes and sold them 10,315 Schubert's "Marche Militaire." Resume Maiden Name Place "Assembly" a which Are Chief Names Con¬ hundreds. Miss by platform frankly voices the The broad library terrace fronting Claire Adams, another New York Has Of the Copeland numbers Debussy's Mrs. Ethel Clyde Vollmer, of 878 opinion and belief of the average Re- actress, with a hurdy-gurdy, u tiny Organized, "Faun" and Chabrier's Park of William P. of state as to sidered by "Slate Makers" Fifth Avenue and Street marmosette "España" stood Avenue, daughter publican the the con- Forty-second and a tin cup, collected and son of the found¬ structive and underlying bloomed forth hundreds of dollars in dimes and Passed.It» Quota out, perhaps. Mr. Copeland kept the Clyde, capitalist Will Meet To¬ of policios prin- miraculously overnight ters. quar¬ er of the Clyde Lin« of steamships, Committee ciples Republicanism. into florid representation of an old- shadows billowing up through the De- obtained permission from Justice Pen- "For this purpose it is, moreover, The action of the Democratic State Girls from the "Going Ud" company- hussy's piece like a silk scarf in a Dun- dleton the Court to Decide on essential thnt women time Italian fair. Peasants in the per- in Supreme yesterday morrow the of the state peddling toy balloons up and down the Between New York and a can dance. The Spanish number was a to her name to Mrs. Ethel have that full Committee at the HotcJ Knickerhocker sons of Broadway actresses andpromi-i avenue, and the City patii- chansre opportunity to which nent New York chorus of "Oh, Lady, otic observance of National War Sav¬ fine, slashing show piece, overflowing Clyde. Mrs. Vollmer is the widow of Final Action they are entitled, both of representa- yesterday in fixing July 2,1 as the date Italian women, flower Lady" canvassing the Wall Street dis¬ in volume and The of the tion in the councils of the and girls, sweetmeat sellers and trouba¬ trict with and ings Day, celebrated stand melody. piano Major Ernst Gottfried Vollmer, party- for holding the unofficial state conven¬ dours strolled under and flags souvenirs, also con¬ to-day, seemed to. suggest music coming from German army, who was killed in in moulding and framing the expres¬ gay awnings tributed materially to the 424,500 to contribute all sides of a with bands in 1910. sion of its and tion in Saratoga was not the most im¬ umbrellas in yesterday's soft, almost receipts. unsigned pledges great square, Picardy principles policies. Chrystal Herne, Mary Boland, Car¬ to war here and guitars there and a Mr?. Vollmer said in her Special Oifpatch to Tht Tribune I "To this out an basis that the atten¬ Mediterranean, sunshine. roll regularly the nation's treasury. singing petition carry equal for portant thing engaged Tho McComas, Margaret Dale, Joseph¬ serenader or two. Yet despite the that she desired to assume her maiden June for such representation should be pro- tion of two hundred or more programme-began in the after¬ ine Drake, Ethel Campaigners conducting the drive are WASHINGTON, 27..Peace, vided. the noon, when tho Gray Terry, lone difference in the mood of the two name "by reason of the present war between the Whitman who hotel lob¬ Metropolitan Opera Bright and Bijou Fernandez moved confident that the two million object¬ pieces the cause of their between the United States and the Em¬ ..while at least, "It is needless to that a Democrats thronged the House chorus appeared in native cos- with underlying say such effective wistfulness through th* ive will be attained to¬ was the same, in pire of Germr_ry and the stigma which forces on the one hand and Senators conference should be open to every! bies. Overshadowing the date and the turnes and sang pntriotic songs. Tho crowds flowers. by midnight brilliancy perhaps war selling The war sav¬ each the marvellous pedalling of Mr. attaches to all things German." and Calder on the other Republican man and woman of good resolutions which were adopted per¬ stirring song, "Canzone Guerresca," The festa is under the ol night. report that 10,315 Mrs. has two Wil¬ Wadsworth j and was sung Marta du and the auspices Copeland was the secret of the mys¬ Vollmer children. of a of regular standing, and that, all v.-iis out of by Lac, the Permanent Blind Relief War Func ings societies have been formed, pass¬ teries. helm Pancoast Clyde Vollmer and over the question gathering should be entitled to a functorily the sounding din of Fifth Avenue traffic was com¬ to discuss voice in its de¬ for Soldiers and Sailors. Mrs. Waltei ing the quota of 10,000, is taken by tho Of the ensemble dance numbers the Goetr. B-;mhard Thomas Clyde Vollmer. j»aW York Siate Republicans liberations. Meanwhile, necessarily, a' sentiment with reference to a candi¬ pletely drowned for several minutes by Littlefield is chairman of nin-- from fixed basis the of Italians. the Italiar leaders asfa favorable omen and a most successful was the third waltz in ajred »ind six years, respeetivelv. issues, seems likely to follow the for expressing the vote of date for Goverenor. cheering committee, which Mrs. the .vho also are affected the the respective districts Merchants in the Italian districts Di comprises Jo true test of the of the Florent Schmitt suite. The Marche by change. of the olive branch by the represented One thing seems to be settled, and seph Giorgia, Mrs. L. Perera, Mrs power driving Militaire, as usual, drew the most ap¬ Thev will be known as William Hill .j.angion. must be adopted, as to which the basis contributed large quantities of import¬ Joseph Cuccio, Mrs. C. machine. and Thomas Hill Whitman faction at a conference here established the it is that the candidate is to come ed wines and delicacies to be sold for Di Anastassi, Mis; plause, but the Duncan girls have Clyde Clyde. They by Renublicnn State Vicchi and Miss A. Young. The en The crisis of the drive is believed danced it better. Anna's interpretation were born in this countrv. Committee for the convention of 1912 from up the state. This term, "up the the benefit of the fund.
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