Follow us on Twitter #CATribalTribune CheyenneAndArapaho-nsn.gov Aug. 15, 2019 -Vol. 15, Issue 16 Meeting on level ground one nation’s leader to another nation’s leader Left: Cheyenne and Rosemary Stephens Editor-in-Chief Arapaho Gov. Reggie Was- sana was invited to meet U.S. When an invitation is ex- President Donald Trump. tended from one sovereign Below: Gov. Wassana nation’s leader to meet with and Lt. Gov. Gib Miles at- another sovereign nation’s tend the Regional State leader what do you do? White House Conference in Accept it, of course. Re- Washington, D.C. gardless of whether you agree Pictured l-r: William with their politics or not. Crozer, Special Assistant to Cheyenne and Arapaho the President & Deputy Di- Tribes’ Gov. Reggie Wassana rector White House Office of did just that when he received Intergovernmental Affairs, a request to attend, by invi- Cheyenne and Arapaho tation only, a Regional State Tribes Gov. Reggie Wassa- White House Conference in na, Tyler Fish, White House Washington, D.C. July 25-26. Tribal Liason and Cheyenne “People have come up and Arapaho Tribes Lt. Gov. to me and expressed their Gib Miles. thoughts about my meeting President Trump. I told them we were supposed to meet nation to nation with lead- ers, not as a manager, not as a director or a coordinator and we went straight to the top because that’s what we believe in doing, but I know there were some people that had negative thoughts about Special Assistant to the President even their cities. it,” Wassana said. & Deputy Director William Crozer. For Oklahoma, the main point of Wassana said he looked at the Both Wassana and Cheyenne and concern was the infrastructure and invitation as an opportunity to meet Arapaho Tribes’ Lt. Gov. Gib Miles the recent flooding Oklahoma expe- with heads of government agencies met Crozer many months ago when rienced in the early summer months. as a Sovereign Nation’s leader in they had a meeting with him in Opening the meeting was Dep- hopes of changing perceptions of In- Washington, D.C., and then ran into uty Assistant to the President & dian Nations. him again at the National American Director of White House Office of “One lady came up to me at the Indian of Congress’s conference. Intergovernmental Affairs Doug powwow and said, ‘you know you “We were one of the only tribes Hoelscher. Speakers included Mark met the most powerful man in the he knew and I think at the time we Harvey, National Security Council, world.’ And that was interesting be- first met with him, we were the only Ray Alexander, U.S. Army of Engi- cause I didn’t think about it that way tribe he had met with at the time,” neers, Stan Gimont, Dept. of Hous- when I met him, but if you look at Wassana said. ing and Urban Development (HUD) some of the things he does and the Miles and Wassana were in atten- and Keith Turi, Federal Emergency things he controls throughout the dance with state leaders from Iowa, Management Agency. world, perhaps he is the most power- Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and One question on a lot of Chey- ful man in the world,” Wassana said. Oklahoma as numerous department enne and Arapaho citizens’ minds Wassana said he believes the heads briefed them on projects in the when they heard their governor had Tribes were invited to attend be- upcoming years and how those proj- met with the President of the United cause of their relationship with the ects would affect those states and States LEADER / pg. 11 Miss Indian World Cheyenne Kippenberger special guest at Oklahoma Indian Nations Latoya Lonelodge, Staff Reporter nual Oklahoma Indian Nations (OIN) a place like this where there’s such a powwow held Aug. 2-4, Kippenberger heavy presence, it’s almost like being at Displaying poise and grace Miss In- was invited as a special guest to par- my home away from home, and every- dian World has all the qualities a prin- ticipate in the weekend’s powwow and body’s been so welcoming and so kind cess encompasses and more. activities. and I’ve had nothing but a great time She’s charming, she’s beautiful, “I was really excited when they told out here and I can’t wait for the rest of she’s humorous and kind … she’s Miss me I was getting to come to Oklahoma today and tomorrow in all honesty, it’s Indian World Cheyenne Kippenberger. City and El Reno … I was excited be- really amazing to be out here,” Kippen- And just like her Indian name, Eete, cause I have only driven through Okla- berger said. which translates to fire, she has a spark homa City so I was like, ‘oh wow I ac- With a full agenda ahead of her that ignites a warm welcoming in each tually get to see things this time,’ but I on Friday, Aug. 2, Kippenberger was person she meets. was really excited to see the itinerary, scheduled to tour the American Indian Kippenberger, Seminole Tribe of I couldn’t believe the things that were Cultural Center and Museum (AICCM), Florida-Hollywood Reservation citi- organized for me, I’m incredibly hon- tour the Oklahoma governor’s mansion, zen, was crowned the new princess at ored,” Kippenberger said. meet with El Reno City Mayor Matthew the Gathering of Nations Powwow in With Kippenberger’s honor also White for a press conference, meet and April 2019. With a new crown comes came excitement as she said Oklahoma greet with the R.E.Sp.E.C.T. Youth new responsibilities, and with Miss In- has such a heavy presence of Native Council, as well as meet with Cheyenne dian World’s duties, Kippenberger has Americans. and Arapaho Tribes’ Gov. Reggie Was- Photo / Latoya Lonelodge a lot to look forward to in traveling “There’s 39 different Tribal Nations sana, make an appearance at the Buffa- Cheyenne and Arapaho Gov. Reggie Wassana honors across country visiting Tribal Nations and communities here and coming from lo 5k Run and Walk and participate in Miss Indian World Cheyenne Kippenberger with a Pendle- and learning about other tribes. For the a state where there’s only two feder- several OIN and Summerfest activities. ton blanket at the 30th annual Oklahoma Indian Nation’s Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes 30th an- ally recognized tribes, getting to be in MISS INDIAN WORLD / pg. 11 powwow. PAGE 2 Cheyenne & Arapaho Tribal Tribune Tsistsistas & Hinonoei Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes’ Election Commission releases final listing of candidates for 2019 Primary and General Elections (CONCHO, OK) The Cheyenne 2017-02-006 in accordance with Arti- sole candidate, Election Commissioner and Arapaho Tribes’ elections are right cle V 5.1 Regular Elections Section D, seat in Arapaho District 2, incumbent around the corner with the Primary which states, “In the event that there is Dale Hamilton will win by default as Election being held Oct. 8, 2019 and no more than one candidate registered the sole candidate, Election Commis- the General Election being held Nov. for any one elective office, sole candi- sioner seat in Cheyenne District 2, in- 5, 2019. Up for election are four legis- dates shall be declared default winners, cumbent Norma Yarbrough will win by lative seats, Arapaho District 3, Arapa- and a formal election shall be deemed default as the sole candidate and Elec- ho District 4, Cheyenne District 1 and unnecessary.” tion Commissioner seat in Cheyenne Cheyenne District 3, along with four Cheyenne District 1 candidates for District 4, incumbent Sarah Orange election commission seats, Arapaho legislator are incumbent Burl Buffalo- will win by default as the sole candi- District 1, Arapaho District 2, Chey- meat, Wilma Blackbear, Carol Limpy, date. enne District 2 and Cheyenne District Cato Redhat and Bruce Whiteman Jr. Polling locations will be announced 4. Cheyenne District 3 candidates for in the coming months. Good luck to all The final eligible candidates for legislator are incumbent Ronald Red- the candidates. Arapaho District 3 legislator are Debra shin, Darrell Flyingman, Theodore (Please turn to pg. 15 for a list of Gould, Rupert Nowling, Chester Old- Nibbs, Jerry Romannose, Charlene candidates who submitted information. bear, Linda Rhoads, Travis Ruiz and Wassana, Winnie Whitetail and Gerald See pg. 9 for final Registered Voting Anthony Spottedwolf. Arapaho District Yelloweagle. Lists for Cheyenne District 3 and pg. 4 legislator is Robert Candy, who will For the Election Commissioner seat 17 for Arapaho District 3 Voter’s List.) win by default due to Cheyenne and in Arapaho District 1, incumbent Ray Please note C3 Voter List will be re- Election Tribal Election Law 6L-RS- Mosqueda will win by default as the leased on Aug. 15 via Social Media. Twenty-First Special Session of the Seventh Legislature Latoya Lonelodge the post office and be mailed lution to authorize the sub- sisting clients with their en- Staff Reporter out,” Gov. Wassana said. mission of the application ergy bills. Agenda item 1 passed for the Low Income Home Agenda item 3 passed In accordance with the unanimously with eight Energy Assistance Program. unanimously with eight Cheyenne and Arapaho votes. The primary goals of the votes. Tribes constitution, Article Agenda item 2: A reso- Low Income Home Energy Agenda item 4: 2019 VI, Section 6(b), states: lution to approve a contract Assistance Program (LI- Semi-Annual Budget Mod- The governor may call for Election Commission HEAP) are to assist tribal ifications. Special Sessions of the Legal Counsel. members and other Native Four programs within Legislature.
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