KENYON COLLEGE LIBRARY 44 v J II the QOOAAOoqh o a I i II II IP c g J toL II JLJ1E qDA 5 dddlHIp J3li eoian VOL LV1I1 K FX VOX COLLEGE GAM III EK OHIO XOVEMBEK 14 1931 XO a MARIETTA TO PLAY KENYON DOWNS HABART EASILY SAMUEL MATHER TRUSTEE AND FRIEND CAPITAL 44- 0 VANQUISHED 26- 6 IN GAMBIER TODAY OF COLLEGE DIES IN CLEVELAND Mauve Flays Breaks Well and Runs On October 24 the Kenyon football Up Large Score team journeyed to Geneva New High School Seniors To York and gave Hobart its twenty- Prominent Manufacturer Kenyon defeated Capital Univer- third consecutive defeat With the Director In Many Be Guests of Student sity on October 31 at Columbus and score tied at the half the Purple Corporations Body And Faculty in doing so piled up the largest came back strong after the inter score a Kenyon team has made for mission to score three touchdowns College comes to Gam- Ho- ACTIVE Marietta several years The final score was The final score was Kenyon 26 bier today to take on our team in bart 6 Kenyon 44 Capital 0 At the begin- the last football game of the season Early in the game Hobart scored In Church and Red Cross ning of the last quarter the Purple a touchdown but it was no good for Marietta has not made an impres- Also held only a twelve point lead but in two Hobart men were off- side on the year have sive record this They period was swamped play Kenyon had no trouble in this Capital Death has summoned Kenyons lost to Ashland Rio Grande Uni- scoring its first touchdown After a Sammon was the star of the contest greatest Math- versity of Cincinnati Marshall Ot- long march down the field the team W I benefactor Samuel although he played only a few min- and Ohio Northern and executed a perfect forward pass er terbein utes He made three touchdowns J by a score of play and Hiller raced untouched For years a trustee of the College have defeated Capital twenty on runs of forty thirty and across the line Hobarts tally came the Cleveland steel manufacturer 6- 3 To date they have scored a to- yards and on these showed why he also by the aerial route seven games and philanthropist for more than tal of twelve points in is considered one of the best back- Hobart saw chances of its first they three decades was the unobtrusive It is reported however that field men in the state The other victory in three years but the Pur- strong have a rather line and that four touchdowns were made by ple team soon spoiled those Stocks but unswerving friend of Kenyon scoring done through not much is Hammond Sutton Swan and Trit- passes worked perfectly Two of the generous in his donations and faith- it Their line averages about 165 sch touchdowns were made through ful in the discharge of his duties as to while pounds from tackle tackle In the first quarter Capital drove passes a member of the Board average 155 the backfield is about toward the Kenyon goal but was The prettiest run of the day was Mr Mather died in his residence per 18 pounds man stopped a few yards short During made by Stock He started off- after a heart attack October He Following probable start- is the the rest of the period the ball was tackle but just after crossing the was 80 years old line- up Clark le ing for Marietta in midfield With the wind at its line of scrimmage reversed his field On the Hill his name is perpetuat- c King It Buck lg Heldman rf by Science Hall gift back after the change of goals Ken- and ran forty yards for his first d the Mather Bookwalter rg Markley rt Lollini yon took advantage of its good score of the year Hiller made his of his business associate Henry G VittrS qb Fleming re Nevada lh punting and kept the Capital team second by catching a short pass from SAMUEL MATHER Dalton The donation was the mark Dyre fb rh on the defensive Swan and Sam- Stock and stepping across the goal Coaches Kutler and Maloney of OLDEST ALUMNUS GAVE mon scored in this period but line Kenyon will probably start the fol- EDISON FIRST JOB DEATHS HAND HEAVY Stock failed to kick goal both times Hiller and Stock were the stars of lowing men Swanson le Thomp- ON KENYON TRUSTEES Capital made its only threat of the the day Hiller showed that he had son It Ibold lg Garfield c Mere- James N Gamble Nsed Inventors game as the intermission drew near possibilities of developing into a Communicating System Within two years death has dith rg Hammond rt Sutton re Receiving the ball on the kickoff stellar ball carrier Stock played summoned eight of Kenyons MacNamee qb Stock lh Sammon after Sammons touchdown the ball better ball than at any other time The recent death of Thomas Alva Board of Trustees two of them rh Hiller fb A victory for the was advanced to the one yard line in the last two years His running Edison has brought to light the fact Bishops and three of them grad- Mauve is expected where Kenyon held When the half and punting were fine but it was in hat one of the first jobs ever held uates of the College All were Aside from marking the finish of ended it was the Purples ball one throwing passes that he excelled by the future dean of inventors was Ohio residents They were is this football season today also yard from the goal Nearly every one was completed given to Mr Edison more than 60 High School Senior Day The Col- The Right Rev W A Leonard Playing the breaks the Kenyon Kenyon could not be stopped that years ago by Kenyons senior lege has invited men from the high Cleveland team scored five times in the last day by Hobart and so Hobart men alumnus James N Gamble 54 The schools in near- by towns to be pres- The Right Rev T I Reese period It was a series of Capital must go on for a while without that latter is living at the age of 95 in ent and many members of the stu- Cincinnati Continued on Page Four shave Continued on Page Two dent body have invited their friends Talfourd P Linn 72 Columbus from more distant places Some of Francis W Blake 80 Gambier the high schools are sending bands JUBILEE COLLEGE RESTORED AS RELIGIOUS CENTER The Rev Albert N Slayton 96 for the occasion and it should prove Cincinnati to be a gala day indeed Site Of Former College Returned To Heirs Of Bishop Chase Claude Meeker Columbus Charles C Bolton Cleveland Kenyon men remembering Dr Samuel Mather Cleveland ALPHA PI KAPPA HOLDS eirces Freshman Lecture course ANNUAL ELECTION will be interested to know that Jub- of his gratitude to Mr Mather for lee College sec- Philander Chases A it was as office boy that Mr Dal- collegiate venture 4 nd which for 7 i i ton began his long association with SEVEN MEN CHOSEN BY HON- many years has been used as a barn he company of which he became the ORARY SOCIETY and hay- mow is now to be restored head and used as a church and Boy Scout Mr Mather himself gave about center Alpha Pi Kappa the senior hon- three- fourths of the amount of mon- Bishop Col- orary society has recently held an Chase founded Jubilee ey necessary to build Leonard Hall ege in 1839 after leaving Kenyon election of men for the coming year He also established two funds of and in many ways the two schools McTammany Continued on Page Two Charles Stires John are similar Chase first bishop of and Robert Swanson are the mem- llinois as well as of Ohio apparent- Dr Peirce Represents bers of organization over ly liked Gambier as a site for a the held Mt Vernon in Washington from last year They have chosen small college because Jubilee vil- following as new members lage is very small A gravel the road Dr William F Peirce recently Baird Coffin Marty Sammon Ralph leads from the Peoria- Galesburg Dormitory Chapel at Jubilee College journeyed to Washington D C Stock Hutsinpillar pike to village which is located and Richard James the where he presented the application Meredith Morrie Thompson and on top of a small hill overlooking rom whom Philander Chase solicit- grounds that it was no longer being of Knox County and Mt Vernon Robert Hoffman latter is the a river However Jubilee was de- The d funds for the establishment of used for religious purposes The or the location of a veterans hos one junior member which the soci- stined not to know the success that he school The valuable stained- court returned a favorable decision pital there Dr Peirce ably de ety has Dr Peirce is an honorary is Kenyons and after many years of window was lass stolen the altar and the lands and buildings were cribed the advantages of Mt Ver- member financial struggles finally was aban- up orn and the chancel rail broken sold to Dr George A Zeller of non as a site for such an institu Alpha Pi Kappa was organized on doned The one remaining building nto pieces according to the report Peoria according to the Chicago Tri- ion The probability of placing a the Hill in 1930 Its object is to rec- a large L- shaped structure in Gothic a of recent visitor Only the grave bune which recently carried an ar- hospital there is somewhat slight ognize the merits of members of the architecture somewhat similar to yard in which Bishop Chase was ticle about the college and the suit ue to the fact that the larger cities Senior class through partici- Old Kenyon was used for a cow their buried has been kept in good con- It is to be used under Episcopal of the state are putting up a vigor pation and interest in campus ac- barn and the Chapel located at one dition auspices as a Boy Scout and religious ius fight for the institution The tivities through their scholastic end of this building has fallen into Recently the heirs of Philander center The chapel and other build- laims of more than thirty Ohio standing and through their good a state of disrepair This chapel was Chase
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