H9194 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE October 1, 1998 America goes to war, even a limited Congress' war power is one of its My friend who deals with them on a war. It may well be that if this body most important and most basic respon- day-to-day basis told me that his judg- voted on military action against Yugo- sibilities. The American people have a ment of why they are so perplexed is slavia, we would support it overwhelm- right to expect Congress to do its job. because they have not been at the de- ingly. As my colleague, the gentleman from mocracy game as long as we have. But there is no doubt in my mind California (Mr. CAMPBELL), mentioned They have been under tyranny, the tyr- that attacks by U.S. forces, whether a few minutes ago, he and I have draft- anny of fascism and Communism, with- under NATO or not, against a sov- ed a letter to our colleagues urging sig- in their own lifetimes, and they know ereign nation, even if it is Milosevic's nature on a letter to the President of that the miracle of this system of gov- Yugoslavia, constitute an act of war. the United States that the President ernment is not to be messed with. That Actions NATO may decide to take with respect that exclusive power in Con- is why they feel so strongly about what absolutely no congressional involve- gress and have the authority of Con- we are doing in this country is so ment could lead to an expensive, per- gress before military action may be wrong for the future of our constitu- haps lengthy involvement which, most taken against Yugoslavia. tional form of government. importantly, puts American lives at f As I was saying, in my opinion, what risk. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a we are doing now by putting the cart There are legitimate policy questions previous order of the House, the gen- before the horse, so to speak, by saying Congress should ask about the kind of tleman from New York (Mr. HINCHEY) that we are going to have a prelimi- military involvement NATO is con- is recognized for 5 minutes. nary inquiry before we know what the templating. Would air strikes do any (Mr. HINCHEY addressed the House. definition of impeachment is, to me good? Against what kind of targets? If His remarks will appear hereafter in violates the fundamental process of due air strikes do not make Milosevic stop, the Extensions of Remarks.) process, where you know what the are we willing to send in ground forces f crime is before you begin to prosecute in a shooting war into the mountains it. of Kosovo? The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a The reason the majority wants to We may be over the Vietnam syn- previous order of the House, the gentle- vote on an impeachment inquiry before drome, but that conflict, in which I woman from California (Mrs. CAPPS) is they know what impeachment really is served, should remind us of one critical recognized for 5 minutes. is because they could never vote to ini- lesson for any military involvement: (Mrs. CAPPS addressed the House. tiate such an inquiry once they really that we should secure the Nation's un- Her remarks will appear hereafter in knew what they were talking about. derstanding and support before major the Extensions of Remarks.) Once they knew what was really im- military action is taken. That is what f peachable, then we would have to ask military officers learned from Viet- THE HIGH COST OF PRESCRIPTION one more question: Is the impeachable nam, and that support is best assured DRUGS offense, such as perjury, is the im- peachable offense the kind of offense in when Congress debates and votes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under The framers of the Constitution vest- which the President's remaining in of- the Speaker's announced policy of Jan- fice is worse for this country than the ed the war power in Congress for very uary 7, 1997, the gentleman from Texas good reason: Both as a check against excruciating process of impeachment (Mr. TURNER) is recognized for 60 min- precipitous action by a President and that it will take to remove the Presi- utes as the designee of the minority dent from office? as a way to be sure that the American leader. people, through their elected rep- We need wisdom to prevail over poli- Mr. KENNEDY of Rhode Island. Mr. tics. We must see past the passions of resentatives, have been consulted be- Speaker, will the gentleman yield? fore the Nation goes to war. this moment and look to the true na- Mr. TURNER. I yield to the gen- ture of this offense, which in my opin- The framers placed the war power in tleman from Rhode Island. Congress because they saw it as an es- ion is better judged by God and family sential part of our democracy, reflect- BAD CONDUCT IS NOT GROUNDS FOR than by the Congress and the media. IMPEACHMENT ing the fact that it is the people's lives What we have here is a reckless, em- and funds that are put at risk. They ex- Mr. KENNEDY of Rhode Island. Mr. barrassing, personal act. It was wrong. pressly rejected the idea that this kind Speaker, I would like to thank the gen- The President was human in trying to of power should be entrusted to a sin- tleman for yielding. hide it, and that was wrong, too. None gle individual, the President. Mr. Speaker, I apologize that I was of this, however, shows that the Presi- Some people object that the Con- cut off but those are the Rules of the dent was on a course that was dan- stitution is inconvenient in this re- House and that is the nature of the gerous to the public. floor proceedings, but I did want to spect, that there is something wrong ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE with taking the relatively small conclude with my remarks because I The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. cannot emphasize enough to the people amount of time that would be needed EWING). The Chair would admonish the to secure Congress' approval. The situ- in this Chamber, my colleagues watch- Member not to refer to the personal ation in Kosovo has been worsening for ing on TV and the American people at conduct of the President and to address months. The President has had plenty large, that this is no light matter that those outside the chamber. we have been talking about. of time to seek authorization from b 1445 Congress for military action, and he We seem to be taking such a cavalier still has time to do so. attitude to this, and I know that obvi- Mr. KENNEDY of Rhode Island. Mr. Our participation in NATO does not ously a lot has to do with the politics Speaker, that was not dangerous to the supersede Congress' role in deciding of this season. I dare say, though, what future of this republic. It did not jus- about war. In fact, Congress condi- we are embarking on truly goes to the tify throwing this democracy into a tioned U.S. participation in NATO on nature of our whole form of govern- constitutional tailspin, and it will not the requirement that it retain its con- ment. justify it. Gifts, testimony, executive stitutional prerogatives. This point I just had the opportunity last week, privilege, all these things, do these jus- was underscored by then Secretary of as a member of the Committee on Na- tify paralyzing our constitutional form State Dean Acheson at the time the tional Security, to go to New York to of government? People say this is about a certain of- North Atlantic Treaty was ratified, listen to the President's speech on fense, perjury, and we should not let who said, global terrorism, and I met many dip- lomats who have a working relation- anyone off the hook. But during the The treaty does not mean that the United ship with our allies, democracies Watergate scandal, President Nixon States would automatically be at war, even if one of the other signatory nations were around the world, in Europe and the perjured himself in his tax returns, and the victim of an armed attack. Under our former Soviet bloc countries, and all of this was dismissed, this was dismissed, Constitution, the Congress alone has the them are so perplexed about what is as not an impeachable offense. And power to declare war. going on here in this country. what about when Caspar Weinberger October 1, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H9195 lied to this Congress about a secret ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE lesterol, Norvasc for common blood war? Remember the Iran contra scan- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The pressure medication, and Relafen, dal? When asked, Caspar Weinberger Chair would admonish all Members which provides relief from arthritis. said he had no details of such a mili- that they should avoid references to Prescription drug companies give tary offensive, no details whatsoever. the personal conduct of the President. these big discounts to managed care He lied to this Congress. Guess who Mr. TURNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise companies for these drugs, these same pardoned Caspar Weinberger? Repub- today to address an issue that is impor- 10 drugs and other drugs as well, and lican president George Bush, and he did tant to every senior citizen in our then other buyers, like pharmacists so at the behest of Senator Bob Dole, country, the problem of the increasing must pay substantially more for the who pushed him to pardon Caspar cost of prescription medications.
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