PROPOSAL FOR USE OF FOREST LAND FOR NON-FOREST PURPOSE CONSTRUCTION OF APPROACH ROAD FOREST LAND REQUIRED 0.30 HA. AT-VILLAGE KOREGAONBHIMA TAL-SHIRUR DIST-PUNE COMPTT. No.303 S.No.151GUT No. 675 TALUKA-SHIRUR , DISTRICT-PUNE. No.FP/MH/Others/31657/2018 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY Asst.Manager, Poshs Metal Industries, Gut No.746, Sanaswadi, Tal-Shirur Dist- Pune-410 508 1 Reference: Index Sr. No.1 APPENDIX (See rule 6) FORM – A Form for seeking prior approval under section 2 of F.C.A.1980.Proposal by State Government and other Authorities (See Rule 6) PART – I (To be filled up by user agency) 1. Project Details I) Short narrative of the Purpose:- Proposal for Constructed approach proposal and project / road regulised for Gut No.745, 746, 898A, & 898B, scheme for which the forest land is required. to located factory premises. This area is declared industrial zone by town planning department. There are many small scale industries/ factories are going on and basic amenities are being developed in this industrial area, such as 1) Poshs Metal, 2) Praj Industries, 3) Wakratund Ispat & 4) Hirschvogel Components India Pvt. Ltd. In above industries there are average employing is 1500 to 2000 per day & their lilvelihood depend on this industrial work. The existing village road is near from our companies and it is 360 mtr away from factory premises. As the forest area Comptt.No.303 S.No.151 Gut No. 675 lies exactly in between the industrial zone and existing village road. East side of parallel boundary of Forest Comptt.No.303 S.No.151 Gut No. 675 is totally built-up & covered by various factories. There is no scope to remove the permanent structure because the factories are 2 manufacturing different type products. Since last 25 years. The land forest Gut No. 675 Village Koregaon Bhima, Tal-Shirur Dist- Pune was observed to be under industrial zone, more ever there were various plant working around the said Gut. When we purched the Gut No. 745, 746 we did not came to know the adjoining gut No. 675 of Village Koregaon Bhima, Tal-Shirur Dist- Pune is under contolled or ownership of forest department it is incharge of Revenue Department. We observed no remark on the 7/12 extracts reflecting control of forest department adjoining on Gut No. 675 Village Koregaon Bhima, Tal-Shirur Dist- Pune. The 7/12 extracts shows the ownership of Revenue Department. In the year 1999 the revenue department handed over this land to forest department Dated as on 24.02.1999 and then forest department took possession. Now the forest department constructs fencing to Gut 675, mean time we were using the road for our entry & exit purpose from our factory to village road. But now we lost our road facilities of transportation. Now there is no any option to entry or exit from our factory except to use the forest land. We have examined all other possible alternatives, but it is not possible to avoid the forest land and no any alternative non forest land available to approach road. The required forest area of this propose approach road is only 0.30 ha. We use turn shortcut 3 at two points and avoid using maximum forest area for the road. The required land is Reserve Forest land. However, the prior permission of the Government of India, under the provision of the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980, is necessary & essential for carrying any non-forestry work in such forest land. The demanded area is barest minimum. We are aware of the fact, that such forest land have comes under purview of the provisions of the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980, making it incumbent on the State Government to obtain prior approval of the central Government under the provision of the said Act. Hence submitted this proposal for approval. II) Map showing the Essential map attached on page No. ------ required forest land, boundary of adjoining forest on a 1:50000 scale map. III) Cost of Project. Already in use IV) Justification for locating The proposed & required forest area for already the project in forest area. constructed approach road for transportation of our Gut No.745, 746, 898A, & 898B to located factory premises at Sanaswadi Tal Shirur Dist Pune. When we purched the Gut No. 745, 746 we did not came to know the adjoining Forest Comptt.No.303 S.No. 151 Gut No. 675 of Village Koregaon Bhima, Tal- Shirur Dist- Pune is under contolled or ownership 4 of forest department it is incharge of Revenue Department. We observed no remark on the 7/12 extracts reflecting control of forest department adjoining on Gut No. 675 Village Koregaon Bhima, Tal-Shirur Dist- Pune. The 7/12 extracts shows the ownership of Revenue Department because this land handed over to Revenue Department then Government for management purpose by Government G.R.No. 11270, Dated 18.11.1907. It is incharge of revenue department near about 92 years. Then after 92 year it is transferred to Forest department and forest department took possession of this land as on 24.02.1999. Before took possession of this land there is road which is mentionded in the Rural road development plan scheme in the year 1981-2001. Also the Zilla Parishad Pune’s Letter No.Bandh/596/2005,Dated 1/09/2005 it is mentioned that the proposed and constructed and which is already in use road is Rural road. The proposed already constructed approach road is rural road. The road is in use before established industrial zone and last 70 years ago.The forest area lies exact between the constructed road industrial zone area and existing village road. There is no any other alternative non forest land is available for propose approach road. 5 .We have examined all other possible alternatives, but it is not possible to avoid the forest land. The demanded area is barren & open forest. The required forest area of this purpose is only 0.30 ha. The surrounded area’s villagers states that ,this road is in use since last 70 years. This land was incharge of Revenue department. Hence the problem of road does not arise. Now forest department took possession ot this land therefore problem of road is created. The above circumstances now regulised this road the proposal is being submitted under Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980. If due to problem of road our plant may be closed.Moreover employees of our plants whose livelihood depend on it they will face th problem of unemployment & statvationas well as the same problem will be created for our family. Since last 25 years the land forest Comptt.No.303 S.No.151 Gut No. 675, of Village Koregaon Bhima, Tal-Shirur Dist- Pune was observed to be under industrial zone, more ever there were various plant working around the said Gut. When we purchused the Gut No. 745,746 we did not came to know the adjoining Gut no 675 is under contolled or ownership of forest department. 6 It is incharge in Revenue department. We observed no remark on the 7/12 extracts reflacting control of forest department it is under control Revenue Department. The 7/12 extracts shows the ownership of Revenue Department on Comptt.No.303 S.No.151 Gut No. 675. After some year the revenue department handed over this land to forest department, and then forest department took possesstion. Now the forest department constructs fencing to Gut 675, mean time we were using the road for our entry & exit purpose from our factory to village road. But now we lost our road facilities of transportation. Now there is no any option to entry or exit from our factory except to use the forest land. We have examined all other possible alternatives, but it is not possible to avoid the forest land and no any alternative non forest land available to approach road. The required land is Reserve Forest land. However, the prior permission of the Government of India, under the provision of the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980, is necessary & essential for carrying any non-forestry work in such forest land. The demanded area is barest minimum and no trees are required to be felled. V) Cost – benefit analysis Not Applicable VI) Employment likely to be Road already constructed now it is blocked. generated. 7 2. Purpose-wise break-up of the Forest land required. Name of Name of Forest Land Required Legal Non-Forest land Required TotalA Compo nent Village Status rea of (Ha) F.S./ Comptt Length x Area Land S.N./ Length Area Gut No. Width (m) Gut x Width (Ha) No (sqm) (Ha) No. (m) Construction Koregaon 675 303 360X 8 2880 0.288 R. F Nil Nil Nil 0.288 of approach bhimaTal: 40x4/2 80 0.008 R. F Nil Nil Nil 0.008 road Entry & Shirur Exit District- 20x4/2 40 0.004 R. F Nil Nil Nil 0.004 Pune Total area to be require for the Project 3000 0.300 R. F Nil Nil Nil 0.300 3. Details of displacement of people due to the project, if any. Number of families. : Nil Number of Scheduled cast / Scheduled : Nil Tribe familied Rehabilitation plan (to be enclosed) : Not Applicable Whether cleara nce from environment : No (protection) Act 1986 required? (Yes/No) Undertaking to bear the cost of raising : Undertaking to bear the cost of and maintenance of compensatory compensatory afforestation and afforestation and / or penal others is enclosed on page No.----- compensatory afforestation as well as cost for protection and regeneration of Safety zone etc.
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