6 IMPLEMENTATION n developing Plan 2035, the NJTPA took stock of the full range of the region’s transportation needs. As outlined in Chapter 4, these span a wide spectrum, Ifrom repair and maintenance of the network to addressing “hotspot” congestion to taking advantage of opportunities for transit expansion. In addition, the region must meet important goods movement, safety and bicycle/pedestrian needs. This chapter outlines how the NJTPA will invest limited transportation funding over the next 25 years to address these extensive and diverse needs. It also discusses policy and other initiatives the region and state should pursue in its efforts to im- prove the transportation system while dealing with population and job growth over the next 25 years. This chapter highlights just a few examples of the hundreds of projects and studies that are being conducted (or will be conducted) in the region. A complete picture of all the projects and initiatives called for by Plan 2035 is provided in the Project Index included at the back of this plan. These projects and initiatives make Plan 2035 calls for new and improved transit service throughout the region. Mor- ristown Station, Morris County. PLAN 2035 • 6 Implementation 61 Selected and Refined Strategies As a follow-up to the Strategy Evaluation effort (as dis- • Evaluate the possible expansion of Park and Ride lots cussed in Chapter 4), which identified transportation along the Morris & Essex Line between Summit and Dover and needs and strategies around the region, the NJTPA un- investigate local shuttle service to improve access to rail sta- dertook a Strategy Refinement project to develop con- tions. cepts for future improvement projects on the highway • Identify routing and long-term funding sources for rail shuttles around Raritan Valley Line stations in Somerset County. and transit networks. Strategy Refinement will produce a total of 30 concepts, including studies, to address signifi- • Study funding, purpose, market served (i.e. industrial, commuter, retail) and needs for shuttle services. Identify criteria cant needs in 21 places within the NJTPA region. Each to assist in evaluating and funding shuttles. concept will include an assessment of the place’s needs • Identify routing and long-term funding sources for rail and strategies, specific potential transportation improve- shuttles around Northeast Corridor stations in Middlesex and ments, anticipated performance benefits, basic consider- Union Counties. ation of environmental issues in the area, cost estimates and recommendations for implementation. Public Transit Enhancements While concepts emerge through many avenues in the NJTPA • Provide improved transit service from residential areas in process, those developed in the performance-based Strategy Jersey City to industrial and retail employment centers in Se- Refinement become candidates for future project development caucus, which would build on the results of prior studies. and implementation. Further detailed study and project imple- • Investigate express bus service from outlying park and mentation will be the responsibility of the NJTPA and/or the re- rides to New Brunswick along Routes 9 & 18, and develop gion’s implementing agencies, including NJDOT, NJ Transit, methods to prioritize bus mobility in the corridor. and Transportation Management Associations (TMAs). • Study reverse peak transit service from Hudson County to job centers in Essex and Morris Counties including Livingston, The concepts developed through the Strategy Refinement East Hanover and Parsippany. are listed below. Further detail about the development of • Develop an inter-modal transit hub in Elizabeth to effi- the Strategy Refinement Study is presented in Appendix C. ciently deal with the growing bus and rail service in the area Ridesharing/Transit Support and provide room for future expansions. • Create appropriate and safe bicycle and pedestrian facili- • Study improving bus service from the Route 9 corridor in ties in an area of Bergen and Passaic Counties to be deter- Ocean, Monmouth and Middlesex Counties to Midtown Man- mined in consultation with the county. hattan, including destinations outside the Port Authority Bus • Create ridesharing and vanpool programs for areas in Terminal. Hudson County not well served by traditional transit service. • Study using technology to improve transit operations re- gion-wide including, but not limited to real-time information for up the Plan 2035 Scenario that is the NJTPA’s fiscally con- cisions depending on the future of transportation funding. strained plan for the region, based on reasonably antici- pated resources through 2035. The targeted investment Roadway/Bridge Repair and percentages among various categories of needs discussed Maintenance in this chapter are based on the Plan 2035 Scenario. The NJTPA region boasts an extensive network of As discussed in Chapter 5, two other investment sce- roads, bridges, rail lines and other transportation facilities. narios were developed in the creation of this plan—a Base- No task is more vital to the future of transportation in the line Scenario that considers more limited funding and less region than maintaining existing assets in a state of good extensive investment, and an Aspirational Scenario that repair. Only then can the region turn to other investments looks at opportunities for greater investment should more that will improve and expand the system. This is reflected funding become available. The investment percentages in the investment principle calling for devoting the majority among various needs in the Aspirational Scenario, based on of funding to “fix it first.” desired funding levels, closely match the investment goals in As discussed in Chapter 4, the region’s repair and the NJTPA's Regional Capital Investment Strategy (included maintenance needs are primarily identified by various in the back of this plan). These scenarios provide the NJTPA management systems that track the condition of infra- region with a degree of flexibility in making investment de- structure in the region. Bridges, roads and transit systems 62 6 Implementation • PLAN 2035 operators and passengers and improved communication be- • Improve roadway operations along Routes 23 in Sussex tween vehicles and operations management. County area by improving signal timing, mitigating bottle- • Study BRT concepts in Bergen/Passaic area such as a bus necks, and re-configuring intersections along this major re- service circulator around the River Edge Rail Station, regional gional corridor. shopping areas and the Hackensack Hospital in Bergen County. • Investigate mitigating congestion along Route 22 in the • Create express bus service from the Route 9 and 35 corri- Phillipsburg area by improving signal timing and re-configur- dors in Ocean and Monmouth counties to Metropark and sur- ing intersections. rounding areas. • Investigate operational improvements at intersections along • Study BRT concepts for bus service along Main Street in Route 18 in East Brunswick to mitigate congestion and improve Paterson and Paterson-Hamburg Turnpike between Paterson access to transit and pedestrian facilities. and Wayne. • Improve operations along I-80 in Morris County by im- • Study concepts for express bus service along Route 27 be- proving interchanges and using technology to manage inci- tween Princeton and New Brunswick. dents and deliver real-time driver information. • Extend the Passaic-Bergen Line from its current planned • Improve operations along Route 202 in Hunterdon County terminus in Hawthorne to the Butler area. by improving intersections, using technology to manage inci- dents and deliver real-time driver information, and managing Roadway Improvements access. • Create methods and facilities to manage congestion caus- Freight Improvements ing incidents and improve ramps on I-280 in Downtown Newark. • Study and apply operation/safety technologies for freight- related incident and construction management, roadway safety • Study operational improvements along I-78 and Route 31, and congestion, cargo security and road operation throughout including signal timing, intersection configuration and ramp of the Core Freight Facilities Area. design to alleviate congestion. • Improve the operation of major rail bottlenecks (including • Study operational improvements along Routes 33 and 66 Marion Junction, the eastern end of the Lehigh Valley Line and between the Garden State Parkway and the Shore, including Port Jersey Junction) to facilitate region-wide movement of rail signal timing, intersection configuration and ramp design to al- freight, as well as passenger service on the Raritan Valley Line. leviate congestion on this important east-west route in Mon- mouth County. • Improve port access, dock facilities, truck and rail access, and support areas to allow for better handling of larger cargo • Improve roadway operations along Routes 70 & 88 in the vessels. Lakewood-Point Pleasant area by improving signal timing, mit- igating bottlenecks, and re-configuring intersections along this major east-west corridor in Ocean County all require extensive repair and maintenance in the region. The Plan 2035 Scenario calls for devoting 19 percent This section contains a summary of the region’s com- of available funding to bridges. Repair and maintenance of mitment to address repair and maintenance on the road- this critical infrastructure is a top priority of the region. In way network focusing on bridges and pavement. Projects the future, bridge
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