•.1.84 20p ....__ Edinburgh University Student Newspaper'__ _ NEWS IN FOCUS MUSIC SAS break-in Writing for U2 inte,view I ,. sruoEN .. -- • the Arts ,,,.,,.,,.,,.,, AccoMMODAt10N­ SERVICE, ·· , \'./ • 2 THE STUDENT Thursday, 26th January 1984 News . .. News ... News ... News. • • News .... New NEWS IN BRIEF Better-Informed SRC? The long and the New Appointments AFTER THE SUCCESS of the · THE SRC, WHICH was founded Publicity Committee on Union 100 years ago laal week by Robert affairs the SAC Executive has set Fitzroy Bell, has two new up an Information Committee for short of it and "getting' students treated like In the interest of members. Juliette Lowe was itself. Mike Conway, Honorary adults, ye ken". (Bob has an ele-cled External Affairs Convener Secretary, supported the idea for objectivity (and you have endearing, unaffected charm). He last Thursday, January 19 and the purposes of gathering said that the referendum was a test to admit we are nothing if Mark Burgess Academic Affairs information rather than for not objective!) Student for both EUSA and NUS itself. Convener last Monday, January publicisi ng the SAC. The Jim then went on to say that the t6. Honorary Treasurer, Teresa Bray, hopes to give equal pro- NUS faction needs to amounts of space to both on the other hand, thought the convince about 3,000 students to Football 1; whole idea was a bureaucratic factions in the NUS' vote for NUS in order to win the waste of time. day. This would be done, he said, Church 0 referendum campaign. by " mor e leaflet i ng and However, we ran into A Sunday afternoon com­ canvassing". He.alluded to himself munion at a church next to Wave Goodbye? difficulties at our first and Bob as being a "little and large Tynecastle has been called off attempt. The meetings to team". Maybe that's who it was . because it clashes with Hearts RUMOURS THAT THE grant to or was it longer ago? select the directors of third round cup-tie with Partick the Department of Me-chanlcsl Campaign Information facts Thistle. The communion service Engineering Wave Power Project each campaign took were then distributed (I wasn't and the match wfJre due to start at was lo become a viclim of the allowed to take one - "wrong place on Wednesday Susan Deacon the same time next Sunday. About lalest round of cuts have proved lo 18th. One lasted for two As Ken scurried away having hands" and all that). The subject of 100 worshippers were expected, be unfounded. Although several performed his job with the skill and money was discussed and various while the football is likely to attract other projects In British minutes and th€ other precision we have come to expect proposals were put forward as to 10,000. Universities have been whoHy or took over two hours to from him; Susan took the floor, how people could be convinced . partially axed, the Edinburgh looking equally formidable. She that they will be getting value for · Liverpool CND proje-ct remains unscathed and conclude. We can only their £37,861 . It would be unfair to report what we saw and . immediately stressed the need for work at lhe department's famous maintaining a " high profile" list the proposals here since they si-t-in ·wave tank will continue tor al leas! heard. throughout the campaigA, were not designed to be heard by . 'Members of Liverpool Univer­ the next two years. The anli-NUS faction met in asserting that Edir>burgh is not a those who were once on the other sity CNE> held a sit-In at the Room 17 of the William Robertson lost cause and that if everyone .side of.the wall, but had long since unlvenity recently to prevent Building while the pro-NUS here-is prepared to give up the next gone home. anyway, I'm sure they recruitment Interviews for the Festival bonus supporters were getting their act few weeks of their time the vote know: I thought I smelt a rat- or at .A1o·m1c Weapo-ns R,esearch Edinburgh Council are to pay together in the next room at the will be to re-affiliate to the NUS. least a mole. ·E.tabllshment, Aldermaaton. It the Festival Society an additional On campaigning, the advice , same time. It was probably as well Growing increasingly uncom­ worked well. T-nty demonstra­ £70,000 grant to offset last year's that there was a · wall between for-table and lonely, Susan from the chair was to be careful to.rs managed to stop the £150,000 deficit. It was claimed the them. As well, that is, for two .eventually asked for B9b and Jim not to put stickers on University Interviewer, a ciYII servant from the loss had been administrative, not minutes. Only 17 people arrived in •to be sent for. Now Bob and Jim property since this is illegal. On AWRE, trom meeting any ot lhe artistic. But Labour councillors room 17 (cute, eh?). The absence were hiding in DHT basement cafe other issues, both sides of each potential applicants. He left lhe criticised the Festival Society for of females prompted Mike awaiting nervously to see whether argument were put and unlverslly alter an exchange of ignoring the Edinburgh com­ Conway to comment "eh ... there or not we wanted to hear them compromises were generally views - not inlervlewsl munity in favour of prestigious, reached. The campaign should be are so few women here . .. eh ... it speak. We all clamoured " Oh, yes elitist productions. looks like the Masons ... eh . please" except for Anna Burnside interesting - I have a sneaky Bacon,eggs The meeting was chaired by (professional hack et al) who feeling that you will all be hearing Heather Lamont. She asked for a asked " Is the urn boiling yet?" It from this group somehow, and NUS Israeli Students nomination , M i ke Conway wasn't - it was still tepid. somewhere. Oh! Morecambe and Wise! No, ON 19TH JANUARY Neil nominated Tim Farley, some other Tepid, that is, until Bob and Jim Stewart appeared on "Breakfast THE ARREST OF two students In rusk - sorry hack - seconded, made their appearance. I can't that's not right either. the West Bank's Blrzelt University Michael Devlin Time" TV when, as spokesman for and that was it: two minutes of think which comedy duo they NUS, he brought the plight of has prompted Senior President, sheer democracy. reminded me of. Anyway, one of NB: The antl-NUS faction did hold students to the attention of the Ken Shoji, to send a telegram to Meanwhile, on the other side of them slipped under the crack in an earlier meeting which meant public. Being interviewed by Frank the Israeli Detence Minister Moshe Nissim. The telegram read '"We the wall, Ken Shoji hadn't even the door while the other quietly that the one mentioned above Bough, he claimed that there were requesl immedlat release ol finished clearing his throat. He opened the wall and came in that need only have lasted two 350 , 000 further education gave a speech about rules and way. Introductions made it clear minutes. However, since this student's receiving no grant at all, Mohamad Sarraj and Naef Seel!at." regulations, urged the large crowd that they were Bob Mclean and meeting was In no way and that thousands more were Juliette Lowe, the new External. to keep it clean, rang the bell,. Jim Doran, the President and publicised, 'Sludent' could do receiving less than the £25 per Affairs Convener, who knows the shouted "seconds away" ... well,· Vice-President of Scottish NUS nothing about It. The campaign week paid to youth trainees. Mr ·students personally said that one he didn't really. He asked for respective ly. organiser, Tim Farley, was Invited Bough suggested that maybe had been arrested simply for nominations, someone recom­ Bob was the first to speak, as he lo write a report of what happened there shouldn't be so many having a book about Palestlne, a· mended Susan Deacon, someone outlined the general objectives of at the earlier meting. Al time of students. Neil wanted to say "piss­ word which Is virtually Illegal In, else seconded, no one opposed NUS - better students grants, going to press, no such report has off!" but didn't. Israel. Both cases are belog and that it was it - nearly! defence of travel award system arrived In the 'Student' office. supported by Amnesty lnter­ King of Energy ·nallonal. Edinburgh Is expected to be Ken kept busy as chosen soon as one ot lhe "leading Self-Defence cities" In a Department of Energy experiment. Local MPs believe Boom that the city's excess eleclrlclty capacity at Cockenzle power THE TREND TOWARDS muscle­ demands for station makes II particularly bound women in the University suitable for the experiment Into a seems set to continue. Over 40 combined heat and power 'students have registered for network. Earlier In lhe week !hey Women's Self-Defence Classes letters increase had a 'lrlendly' meeting with Lord which last term successfully Avon, a Junior Minister In the DOE. attracted even greater numbers. The present SRC seems ----------------------------- to have been weaned on the milk of international solidarity and brother­ hood if the events of Edinburgh makes chart recent months are anything to go by, writes Edinburgh University is received the Times Higher It is nol surprising that some Graham Chalmers. one of the top five Education Supplement's ques­ prejudice should show through institutions of higher tionnaire. Edinburgh comes out given that three of the survey's six The rate at which it has sent best in Biology and English questions asked tor the personal letters to parties involved in education in Britain winning 4th position in both in opinion of the heads of political controversies outside the according to a Times terms of the quality of Its researcH.
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