
THE KENYA GAZETTE Pubhshed under the Authority of Hw Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at thc G P 0 ) NAIROBI, 7th October, a958 Pnce Sh 1 CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES GAZETTENOTICES--(CO~~~ ) PAGE 1 PAGE Appointments, etc 1 The Wild Animals Protect~onOrdinance-Appointment 1151 East Afrlca (High Commission) Order in Counc~l,1947 The Natlve Liquor Ord~nance-Liquor L~censmgCourt 1151 -Temporary Appointment to Central Legslative Assembly Liquor Licens~ng 1152-1155 The Kenya (Conshtution) Order m Councll- The Production of Food Crop Rules-Earliest and Appointment of Mnister Latest Dates of Plantlng 1155 Termination of Appolntment Transport L~censing 1156-1158 The Afr~canDlstnct Counc~ls-Appo~ntments The Clown Lands Ordinance- Central Whltley Counc~l-Appo ntments Plot at Nakuru 1159 The Probation of Offenders (Case Committees) Rules, Plots at Sotik 1160 1958-Appomtment - Plots at Turbo 1161 The Prisons Ordinance-Appointments Plots at Rusru 1162 The Municipalities Ordinance-Appointment The Companies Ord~nance 1163,1171 The Courts Ordmance-Appointment The Bankruptcy -Ord~nance 1164,1165 The Educat~onOrdnance-Appointments Probate and Admmistration 1165,1166 The Hotels Ordinance--Apponntment 1144 Trade Marks 1167-1170 The Water Ordmance- Appointment 1144 Nakuru County Council 1170 Regulations 1145 The Electnc Power Ordinance-Apphcation for Licence 1171 East African Railways and Harbours-Amendment to Tender 1171 Tarlff Dues No 5 1145 Loss of Policies 1171 H M Court of Appeal at Nalrobi- Cause Lst 1146 The Fraudulent Transfer of Busmesses Ordinance 1172 Amendments to Calendar 1146 Nobce of Change of Name 1172 The Animal mseases Ordinance-Infected Areas 1146 D~srolutlonof and Change m Partnershp 1172 Producer Pnces for Maae Planted m 1958 1147 Kenya Stock 1148 SUPPLEMENT No 71 Award of Colonial Pol~ceLong Service Medal 1148 Ordrnance 1958 The Afrncan Teachers Service Ordmance-Appointments to Pensions Board 1148 SUPPLEMENT NO 72 I The Agriculture Ordmance, 1955-Membersh~p to Sub- Legzslatwe Supplement Commttee 1148 LEGALNOTICE NO PAGE The Trout Ordinance-Flshg m Kiptlget Rver 1148 436-The Natlve Lands Trust (Amendment) Ordln- The Weights and Measures Ordmance--Notice to ance, 1958-Proclamat~on 709 Traders . 1149 437-The Kltale Municipahty (GeneraI) (Amend- The Au Semces (Licens~ng) Regulahons, 1957- ment) (No 2) By-laws, 1958 709 Application for Licence 1149 438-T-he Kapsabet Townshp (Amendment of The Br~tlshCounc~I-Kenya Bursames, 1959 1149 Boundaries) (Amendment) Order, 1958 71 1 The Name Lands Trust OrdinanceSetting Apart of Land 1149,1150 I 439-The Townships @ncroaching Structures and I Adve&sements) (Amendment) Rules, 1958 712 The Traffic Ordmance, 1953-Appointment 1150 1 The Regulauon of Wages and Con&~onsof Employ- 440-The Penal Code-Amendments to Schedule 713 ment Ordinance-Reappomtments 1151 441-The Movement of Controlled Produce Order, Candidates Selected for Appolntment by the Civll 1947-Notice 714 Semce Comrmssron 1151 442-The Education (Exclus~on from School on Vacanc~es 1151 Account of Infectious Dseases) Rules, 1958 715 [I141 1142 TH E K EN YA G A ZEXTE 7th October, 1958 CORRIGEN D A JOHN BRIAN DUDLBY ROBINSON, B SC (AGRIC ) (CHEM ) (HONS ) A R I c , to act as Senlor Research Ol cer, Cosee Research G azette N otlce N o 3176, page 918 Senu-Annual Revsslon Statlon, R ulru, D epartm ent of A grlculture, wlth effect from of Reglsters of V oters- speclal Issue of Kenya G azette dated 3Qth July, 1958 5th Septem ber, 1958 - RAOUL ARTHIJR ROBINSON 7B sc (A.GRIC ), DIP AGRIC (CANTAB ), EI FCTORAL A RBA No Z- NAIROBI SOUTH D T à. (TRIN ), to act as Senlor Research Oëcer, Scott Agn- S 242 Should zetr?tf Sykes, Cecll. M anager, Box 10484, cultural Laboratorles, D epartm ent of Agrlculture, wlth esect Rl&erslde Lane W est, N alrobl from 21st Julv 1958 EI-ECTORAL A REA N o 6- N YANZA REVERSION S K 29 gbholtld FCC?J Kelsall, John Desmond, Chhf Flsherleb O fficel , Box 271, K lsum u A RTHIJR W II-I tAM H ORNER, T D , ceased to act as Perm anent K 30 Should reatl Kelsall Joan Llndsay Housewlfe Box Secretary, M lnlstry of E ducatlon, Labour and Lands, wlth 271, K lsum u effect from 27th September, 1958 ELECTORAL AREA No 8- RIrT V AI-LE,Y BEVAN Cccll- W lL1.s p sc , oly, AGRIC (wYE), A I c 'r & , ceased to act as Dlrector of Agrlcultul e w1th esect from 27th Under z4#ll/l(?z?uç add- Septem ber, 1958 N 43 N oon, K enneth Edm und, Englneel Laleshwa Farm , P O Box 13, N akuru LAIaRE.NI)E N ou LEZXC'H ceabed to act as D eputy Registrar- General m th elfect trom 2nd Septem bers 1958 N 44 N oon, A vls M ary, H ousewlfe, Box 13 lfakuru P 83 Purshouse, Roland Farm Asslqtant Engaphola JOHN PHILLIPS W ISBBER ceased to act as Deputy Publlc Prose Farm Box 48, N akuru cutor m th cfect llom 2nd' October, 1958 D ERRICK STEBHP,N DAvlEs ceased to act as Senlor Crown G azette N otice N o 3280, page 970- Sem i Annual Revlston û ounsel wlth effect from 2nd October, 1958 of Regtsters ef Voters- spemal Issue of Kenya Gazette, dated 10th September, 1958 - By Com m and of the G overnor III-ECTORAI- ARBA No IS--CBNTRAL (ASIAN NON M USLIM) W P COU TTS, D 171 1 Sllould lead Devendra s /o Damodardas Chlej Seo etary I 306 kbhould / sad lndumatl w /0 Ramanlkral Acharya K 2688 Should Iead Kusumben Chtmanbhat Patel wIo Chlm anbhal D ahyabhal Patel M After the end of letter L ' and before the start of GAzs'r'rs Non cs N o 3547 - letter T<M ' tnsert M 2418 to M 2521- can celled and then cllange all the num bers accord- THE EAST AFRICA (HIGH COM M ISSION) ORDER IN lnglv, startlng the letter TM '' wlth N o 2522 CO U N C IL , 1947 lnstead of 1522 D BCLARATION OF INCAPACITY AND APPOINTMENT OF W MPORARY D eêete- M BMBER OF THF EAST AFRICA CENTRAL LBGISLATIVE A SSBMBLY M 2059 M oosand Param pll Gopalaplllal lndukumar Clvll By H1s Excellency the Honourable Slr Evelyn Bartng, K ntgitt Servant, Box 1044, N alrobl Grand Cross of the M ost D lstlngtushed Order of Salnt M lchael Insett-- and Salnt G eorge, K nlght Com m ander of the Royal Vlctonan h; 3059 M oosand Param pll Gopalaplllal lndukumar Cjvll Order, G overnor and Com mander-ln Chlef of the Colony and Servant, Box 1044, N alrobl Protectorate ot K enya # N 1486 Nlrmalabcn Ratllal w/o Ratllal Nathalal Shah, BY VIRTU E of the provlslons of sectlon 21 of the East H ousem fe, Box 1413, N gara Road, N alrob, Afnca (H1gh Commlsslon) Order In Councll, 1947, 1 do hereby R 174 Ralendrakumar Vedl s /o M ukandlal Vedl, Buslness- declare that- m an P O Box 12019, 8 Chulanlllal Road ARTHUR H OPBUONES, C M G N a,robl a nom lnated M em ber of the East Afrlca Central Leglslatlve R 175 Ralendralal M lne s Jo M llkluram M eohamc Lake A ssem bly 1s, by reason of absence, tem porarlly unable to dls- M agadl charge hls functlons as a m em ber of the A ssembly, and I do R 1986 Ralkumarl Vedl wlo Ralmdra K umar Vedl, Buslness hereby appom t- woman 8 Churanlllal Road, Box 12019, N alrobz N ORM AN FRANCIS H ARRIS R 2048 Should read Ramanlkyal s /0 Premshanker Acharya to be from the sald date a tem porary m em ber of the Asyembly Advocate ln tbe seat held by the sald Arthur H ope-lones, c M G Gtven under m y haad tlnq 3rd day of October, 1958 Gazette Notlce N o 3281 page 1046- Sem l-annual Revlslon of R eglsters of Voters- speclal lssue of K cnya G azette, dated E BAIU N G 5th Septem ber, 1958 - Governot BI-SCTORAL AREA No 19- M UsLIM (W EsT) F 365 Should lead Fahmlda Begtzm w/o M ohamed lqbal, H ouscwife, Box 80, Plot N o 975, Sectlon LVIJI N akuru Q;AZSTTE lfoTlcs è4o 3548 M 1719 Should read M ohamed Jalll Chaudlm s/o Khall D1n W ONST 1 /2/6A) Chaudbrl, Clvll Selvant, Box 3565, N alrobl Addltlon- THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION)ORDER IN COU N CIL, H 684 Hyderall s/o Yusuf Theram, Clvll Servant, M lmstry 1958 of Dofence, Box 4159, N alrobl (Z N No 158 oj 1958) S 1374 Shasultan w/o Hyderall Yusuf d/o Chatul Popat, A RPOINTM FNT olz M INISTER H ousowlfe, Box 4159, N alrobl By H 1s Excellency the H onourable S1r Evelyn Barlng, K nlght G rand Cross of t5e M ost D lstm gm shed Order of Salnt M lchael (IAZBTTS 7foTlcB lfo 3546 and Salnt George, Km ght C omm ander of G e R oyal V ctormn Order, Goveraor and Comm attder-m -chlef of the Colony and APPOIN TM EN TS Protedorate of K enya ARTHUR PGYNTZ JACK, 'r D lesumed duty as Deputy Pubhc IN BXERCISB of the powers conferred by sub-sectlon (2) Prosecutol wlth eiect from 2nd October, 1958 of sectlon 11 of the Kenya (Constltutlon) Order m Councll 1958, ln pursuattco of lnstl uctlons glven to me by Her M alesty W ILLIAM ALLAN CIJNNINGHAM M ATHIESON, C M G y M B E to through a Secretary of State, l do heroby appolnt- be Educatlon Secretary and M lnlster for Educatlon, Labour and Lands m th effect from 27th September, 1958 W ILLIAM ALLAN CUNNINGHAM M ATHIESON, C M G M B E ARTHUR W ILLIAM H ORNER, 1 Eh , to be seconded to the oë ce to be a m em btr of the Councll of M tmsters of tho M lmster for Educatlon, Labour and Lands for speclal duty wlth esect from 27th Septem ber, 1958 Glven under m y hand and the publlc seal of the Colony thls 27th day of September 1958 ROGER JOHN M wssv SWYNNERTON, o B E , M t, r B à (HONy ) plP AGRI? (CAXTAB ), A 1 (2 T A resumed duty as Dlrecto! E BARIN G , of Agrlculture wtth effect from 27th Septem ber, 1958 G ove' llo, 7th October, 1958 TH E K EN Y A G AZETTE 1143 GAzs'mz N oaqcE No 3549 GAD TTE N OTICE N o 3553 (CONST 1 /2/6A) CEN TRAL W HITLEY COU N CIL THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN COUNCIL, 1958 APP/INTMEN'r LL N N o l58 of 1958) Ir IS notlfied for general mform ahon that the G overnor TEMPORARY M INISTER- TBRMINATION oir APPOINTMSNT
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