2015-2016 年報 ANNUAL REPORT 機構簡介及使命 Our Organization & Mission 2009 小寶慈善基金於 年成立,為政府認可的慈善機構。我們致力 協助社會上有需要的人士改善生活,並為保護環境出一分力。 我們透過食物援助計劃、中央廚房、食物回收及派送車隊、社區 外展服務、社區中心、教育項目及義工團隊,致力推行由源頭 減少食物浪費,協助紓解飢餓及貧窮問題,並教育下一代珍惜資 源及保護環境。 Founded in 2009 as a registered charitable organization, Bo Charity Foundation dedicates to conserving the environment and caring for the underprivileged communities of Hong Kong. Our mission is to help reduce food waste at the source, alleviate hunger and poverty, and to educate the next generation by means of our food assistance program, central kitchens, food collection and delivery fleet, community outreach services, community centre, education program, and volunteer team. 關於我們 About Us Board of Directors Staff Team 董事局成員 工作團隊 No. of Staff Mr. Antony Leung Mr. Kaven Leung 人數 梁錦松先生 梁偉文先生 ( 2016 3 As of March 2016) Director 截至 年 月 主席 董事 Chairman Mr. Douglas So 食物回收團隊 25 蘇彰德先生 Food Rescue Team Ms. Gigi Tung Director 董愛麗女士 董事 Founder 創辦人 食物援助團隊 48 Mr. Kenny Yiu Food Assistance Team 姚凱勤先生 Mr. Michael Cheng Director 鄭明哲先生 董事 服務團隊 15 董事兼義務法律顧問 Service Team Director and Honorary Legal Advisor KPMG 教育團隊 2 畢馬威會計師事務所 Education Team Ms. Kitty Ip Honorary Auditor 葉潔馨女士 義務核數師 董事兼義務公共關係顧問 行政及項目支援 13 Director and Honorary Public Ms. Zoe Lee Executive and 李凌君女士 Relations Advisor Director, Organization Program Support 策略及發展總監 Strategy and Development 惜食堂年報 Food Angel Annual Report 2015-2016 主席的話 Message from Chairman 2016 年,是惜食堂踏入五週年的重要日子,正好亦讓我們在不斷擴大服務的同時,回望一下我們五年來的足跡。 20 初創時惜食堂規模甚小。由起初只是製作 盒熱飯餐,經過五年的努力,我們在食物回收、援助兩方面的數量, 均有數百倍的增長。到今天,我們已有超過一百位同事在共同努力,每天回收四噸剩餘食物,在兩所中央廚房 製作成熱飯餐,再經超過一百三十間合作機構,免費送到六千多位受惠者手中。 我們感恩能有機會為我們居住的城市作出小小貢獻,更感恩在貢獻的路上,遇到慷慨捐助食物及金錢等資源的 善長,勞心勞力的義工,與我們攜手同行,一步步走到今天。 在此,我們希望對過去五年為惜食堂付出過的每一位善長、義工、夥伴,衷心說一句:「感謝!」 2016 展望來年,我們的「惜食分餉站」將在 年第四季投入服務。位於荔枝角的「惜食分餉站」將會作為中央 食物收集,處理及儲存中心,及製作食物包的地點。我們期望將運作流程重新分配,可以騰出兩間中央廚房 的空間及時間,提高熱飯餐的質素及製作量。 2017 另外,我們亦將在深水埗豐盛大廈多租用一層,用作「惜食體驗館」教育中心,預計在 年啟用。 「惜食體驗館」將以體驗學習模式,讓公眾珍惜食物及關懷身邊有需要人士。 我們將繼續推動食物回收、食物援助、及教育下一代三方面的工作。希望大家繼續與我們並肩同行, 逐步實現「停止浪費,解決飢餓,以愛相連」。 梁錦松先生 小寶慈善基金主席 As Food Angel celebrates its 5th anniversary this year, we take a moment from our rapid expansion to review our footsteps. In our humble beginning, we were producing merely 20 meal boxes a day. And through five years of solid work, we have undergone a remarkable growth into an organization of over 100 staff, which collects 4,000kg of surplus food, and produces and distributes meal boxes to over 6,000 recipients through 130 partner organizations daily. We are grateful to be in a role to serve our community, and for the friendships and many partnerships we have built along the way—generous donors of food and funds, devoted volunteers, and dependable partners, all of whom have contributed tremendously to making Food Angel what we are today. For this, we would like to extend our deep gratitude to our donors, volunteers, and partners. Our Food Station will commence operation in the fourth quarter of 2016. Located in Lai Chi Kok, Food Station will serve as the centralized site for food collection, processing, and storage, as well as food pack production. By streamlining our operation, we expect to enhance space and time allocation at our two central kitchens and to enhance both their capacity and production quality. We will also rent an extra floor at Fung Sing Building to set up a “Food Angel Experience Centre”, to be opened in 2017. At this Centre, the public will learn about the importance of cherishing food and caring for the needy. We shall continue with our three proned mission of food rescue, food assistance, and education. We invite all of you to join us in realizing our goal, “Waste Not, Hunger Not, With Love”. Mr. Antony Leung Chairman, Bo Charity Foundation 惜食堂年報 Food Angel Annual Report 2015-2016 1 食物回收計劃 Food Rescue Program 2011 惜食堂是小寶慈善基金於 年展開的食物回收及援助計劃,宗旨為 「停止浪費、解決飢餓、以愛相連」。 團隊致力向本地飲食界回收仍可安全食用之剩餘食物,分別送往位於 柴灣及深水埗的中央廚房,通過嚴格的食物安檢程序,將食物烹煮製成 營養均衡及充滿愛心的熱飯餐及食物包,最後由物流團隊免費派發給 社會上有需要食物援助的人士。 6,000 惜食堂每日生產約 個熱飯餐(內含蔬菜、肉╱海鮮和五穀)及 21,000 食物包,要達到這目標,我們平均每日需回收到約 棵菜心 8 600 4,000 1,200 (或相等份量的菜蔬)、 隻豬或 隻雞或 條魚及 公斤白米。 食物捐贈伙伴對我們的幫助及支持至為重要。 Food Angel is a food rescue and food assistance program launched in 2011 by Bo Charity Foundation with the mission of “Waste Not, Hunger Not, With Love”. The program rescues edible surplus food from different sectors of the food industry that would otherwise be disposed of as waste. Following strict safety protocols, the rescued food items will then be prepared as nutritious hot meals in our central kitchen and be redistributed to serve the underprivileged communities in Hong Kong. Food Angel prepares around 6,000 hot meals (standardised with vegetables, meat/ seafood, and grains) and food packs a day. That requires an average of 21,000 choy sum, (or an equivalent amount of vegetables), 8 pigs or 600 chickens or 4,000 fish, and 1,200kg of rice. As you can see, support from our food donors is most important to our operation. 麵包回收 Bread Rescue 在回收麵包方面,「愛包行動」計劃連結義工及本地的麵包店攜手 合作,將未出售的新鮮麵包直接運送到鄰近的社會服務機構,供受 惠者翌日享用。 As for our bread rescue initiative, volunteers from our Bread Angel Program collect unsold products from bakeries at their closing time and deliver them directly to our beneficiary organizations for their consumption on the following day. 2 惜食堂年報 Food Angel Annual Report 2015-2016 Although we are only running a small-scale pork stall here, there are always surplus stocks at the end of the day. It’d be such 我們這個豬肉檔雖然不是大集團,但每天 a waste to just throw them away! So it was great news when 都總會有些賣剩的新鮮豬肉和豬骨,如丟 Food Angel offered to collect the 棄它們,真的十分浪費!惜食堂來回收這 surplus to prepare free meals 些食材去製作免費飯盒,不浪費又能幫有 for the less fortunate… 需要的人… —黃先生 街市豬肉檔檔主 —Mr. Wong, Wet Market Pork Stall Owner 4,300 三年內捐贈超過 公斤豬肉及 Donor of 4,300 kg of pork meat and bones to Food Angel in three years 豬骨給予惜食堂 Since 2012, we have been donating fruits, vegetables, bread, meat, and packaged foods to Food Angel. Additionally, we have joined Photo: Food Angel hands with the “City Food 攝影 惜食堂 Drive” scheme to collect food and donations from the public, and to deliver hot 我們自2012起將店舖的蔬果、麵包、肉類及包裝 meals to those in need. 食物捐贈至惜食堂,並攜手推行「全城傳愛齊 We are delighted to work 捐食」計劃,收集市民捐贈的食物及捐款,用以 with Food Angel, to spread 製作溫暖的飯餐送給有需要的人。我們很高興與 love to those in need. 惜食堂合作,將關愛帶給有需要的人士。 In four years, ParknShop has donated more than 780 tons of food, making a 780 百佳超級市場,四年多以來捐贈超過 公噸食物予惜食堂, total of over 2 million free meals and 200 20 200,000 food packages 合共製作超過 萬個免費飯餐及 萬份食物包。 惜食堂年報 Food Angel Annual Report 2015-2016 3 Photo: Bobby Lee & Food Angel 攝影 惜食堂 食物援助計劃 Food Assistance Program 惜食堂社區中心 Food Angel Community Centre 惜食堂社區中心於深水埗區服務獨居及有緊急困難的長者,每天到 250 訪中心的長者超過 人次。 雖然只是簡單的一份熱飯餐,我們認識到的,是每位長者的生命故事, 我們十分珍惜與每一位長者的相遇,聆聽他們令人觸動的經歷。 我們期望服務能夠為長者的晚年生活,添上一份色彩。 透過不少義工的幫忙,社區中心除了每日提供兩餐的堂食熱飯餐服務 之外,我們亦有定期舉辦季度生日會、節慶性的慶祝活動以及不同 類型的興趣班,為參與長者生活增添姿彩。 The Food Angel Community Centre in Sham Shui Po serves over 250 elderly, who live alone or who are facing a crisis situation, every day. We extend our friendship and loving care to the elderly with a simple meal we place into their hands. We value our personal relationship with them and the chance to listen to their life stories. Food Angel hopes that elderly people will find happiness and can regain vitality and confidence in life at our Community Centre. With the help of our volunteers, the Community Centre serves hot meals and hosts birthday parties, festive celebrations and interest classes with the elderly. I thank Food Angel from the bottom of my heart. Food Angel genuinely cares for us like family when society turns its head away. They look after us better 衷心,衷心感謝!惜食堂像家人般對待 than our family. —Uncle Au 我們,真誠愛心關懷,我們是感受得到 Elderly service recipient at 的。社會很冷漠,自己家人亦沒有這樣 Food Angel Community Centre 的關心自己… —區伯伯 惜食堂社區中心受惠長者 Food Angel Community Centre is sponsored by Ms. Debbie Chang. 惜食堂社區中心由張培薇小姐贊助。 惜食堂年報 Food Angel Annual Report 2015-2016 5 食物援助計劃 Food Assistance Program 社區外展食物援助服務 Community Outreach Food Assistance Service Photo: Bobby Lee 攝影 150 外展天使自服務開展至今,已接觸了超過 位獨居及有緊急困難的 長者。透過我們每位外展天使的細心與關愛,逢星期一至五,走到筲 箕灣,透過熱飯餐及食物包作為媒介,為長期病患、行動不便及獨居 隱蔽在家的長者,送上問候與關懷。 對於要長期留在家中的長者,外展天使的到訪,是他們每日所期待的, 她們以關愛把長者與社區連繫在一起。 Our Outreach Angels deliver meal boxes and food packs to the elderly Monday through Friday. Since the program launch, our volunteers have offered support to 150 vulnerable elderly in Shau Kei Wan suffering from chronic illnesses, impaired mobility, and/or those living in loneliness or in isolation. Home-bound elderly especially look forward to every visit by our Outreach Angels who help to re-establish a much needed connection between them and their community. Food Angel Community Outreach Food Assistance Program 外展天使由葉志成慈善基金有限公司及永利佳企業有限公司贊助。 is sponsored by Ip Chi Shing Charitable Foundation Limited & Ever Wealthy Enterprises Limited. 6 慈善機構伙伴 Charity Partners 6,000 每天,惜食堂中央廚房平均每天製作 個愛心熱飯餐及食物包,當中 95% 超過 是送到我們的合作機構,再送到有需要人士手上。感恩過去 130 一年,我們有機會跟超過 間機構合作(當中包括:社區中心、教會、 6,000 籠屋住戶及特殊殘疾中心),一起努力,每日平均派出 份熱飯餐及 500 27,000 份食物包。而「愛包行動」計劃在過去一年,將接近 個未出售的 26 新鮮麵包直接運送到鄰近 個社會服務機構。 我們與以上合作機構均以服務弱勢社群為使命,透過食物援助服務, 改善貧困老弱人士的生活。 我們將繼續積極回應不同慈善機構邀請合作,將我們的熱飯餐、食物包 及麵包,送到不同的社區,派發予有需要人士。 The Food Angel Central Kitchens prepare an average of 6,000 hot meal boxes and food packs every day, of which over 95% are delivered to our Charity Partners to be distributed to people in need. It has been our great pleasure to work with over 130 organizations (including community centres, religious groups, centres for cage home dwellers, and special disability centres) in the past year alone. On the other hand, our Bread Angel Program has rescued over 27,000 unsold bread at bakeries and has delivered them to 26 nearby establishments of community services to benefit those in need. Food Angel and our partners regard serving the community’s underprivileged as both our responsibility and our mission. It is our goal to improve the lives of the underprivileged through food assistance and related services. We shall continue to address the requests of charity organizations to expand our food assistance services to more people in need. I worried daily until after receiving 以前我每日也為生活而煩惱,直至接受 free meals from Food Angel, my standard of living has 了惜食堂免費飯餐後,生活得到明顯改 significantly improved.
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