NOTES FROM NO PLACE TO HIDE BUY THE BOOK: E-BOOK GLENNGREENWALD.NET NOTES INTRODUCTION 3 the British government’s surreptitious opening of mail David Vincent, Th e Culture of Secrecy in Britain, 1832– 1998 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998), 1– 14. 3 the US Bureau of Investigation Peter Conolly-Smith, “ ‘Reading Between the Lines’: Th e Bureau of Investigation, the United States Post Offi ce, and Domestic Surveillance During World War I,” Social Justice 36, no. 1 (2009): 7– 24. 4 the British and French empires Daniel Brückenhaus, “Every Stranger Must Be Suspected: Trust Relationships and the Surveillance of Anti- Colonialists in Early Twentieth- Century Western Eu rope,” Geschichte und Gesellschaft 36 (2010): 523– 66. 4 Syria’s Assad regime fl ew in employees Ben Elgin and Vernon Silver, “Syria Crackdown Gets Italy Firm’s Aid with U.S.- Europe Spy Gear,” Bloom- berg News, November 3, 2011. 4 Mubarak’s secret police bought tools Steve Stecklow, Paul Sonne, and Matt Bradley, “Mideast Uses Western Tools to Battle the Skype Rebel- lion,” Wall Street Journal, June 1, 2011. 4 “a wall of black refrigerator-size devices” Margaret Coker and Paul 020-58305_ch02_3P.indd 261 6/6/14 11:50 AM 262 NOTES Sonne, “Life Under the Gaze of Gadhafi ’s Spies,” Wall Street Journal, December 14, 2011; Paul Sonne and Margaret Coker, “Firms Aided Libyan Spies,” Wall Street Journal, August 30, 2011. 5 “Th e Internet in China” United States House of Representatives, “Th e Internet in China: A Tool for Freedom or Suppression?” 109th Cong., 2nd sess., February 15, 2006. CHAPTER 1: CONTACT 11 interrogations to which Poitras had been subjected Glenn Greenwald, “U.S. Filmmaker Repeatedly Detained at Border,” Salon, April 8, 2012. 13 possibility of passing on fraudulent documents “U.S. Intelligence Planned to Destroy WikiLeaks,” WikiLeaks .org, March 15, 2010, http:// w w w . w i k i l e a k s . o r g / w i k i / U . S . _ I n t e l l i g e n c e _ p l a n n e d _ t o _ d e s t r o y _ WikiLeaks, _18 _Mar _2008 . CHAPTER 2: TEN DAYS IN HONG KONG 37 Prosecution of alleged New York mobsters United States of America v. John Tomero et al., Defendants, S2 06 Crim. 0008, United States District Court (S.D. New York, November 27, 2006). 44 In July 2013 the New York Times confi rmed Christopher Drew and Scott Shane, “Résumé Shows Snowden Honed Hacking Skills,” New York Times, July 4, 2013. 54 systematically amplifi ed pro- war voices Howard Kurtz, “Th e Post on WMDs: An Inside Story,” Washington Post, August 12, 2004. 55 caused the New York Times to conceal the existence James Risen and Eric Lichtblau, “Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers Without Courts,” New York Times, December 16, 2005. 55 Risen was about to publish the revelations in his book Eric Lichtblau, “Th e Education of a 9/11 Reporter: Th e Inside Drama Behind the Times’ Warrantless Wiretapping Story,” Slate, March 26, 2008. 60 rec ords of reporters and editors from the Associated Press Mark Sher- man, “Government Obtains Wide AP Phone Rec ords in Probe,” Associated Press, May 13, 2013. 020-58305_ch02_3P.indd 262 6/6/14 11:50 AM NOTES 263 60 accusing Fox News Washington bureau chief James Rosen Ann E. Mari- mow, “A Rare Peek into a Justice Department Leak Probe,” Washington Post, May 19, 2013. 71 a harsh denunciation of the administration “President Obama’s Drag- net,” New York Times, June 6, 2013. 71 Demo cratic senator Mark Udall issued a statement Dan Roberts and Spencer Ackerman, “Anger Swells Aft er NSA Phone Rec ords Court Order Revelations,” Guardian, June 6, 2013. 71 “the program could hardly be any more alarming” “ACLU Calls for End to Program, Disclosure of Program’s Scope, Congressional Investigation,” J u n e 5 , 2 0 1 3 , h t t p s : / / w w w . a c l u . o r g / n a t i o n a l - s e c u r i t y - t e c h n o l o g y - a n d - l i b e r t y / m a s s i v e - n s a - p h o n e - d a t a - m i n i n g - o p e r a t i o n - r e v e a l e d . 72 “is secret blanket surveillance obscenely outrageous?” Al Gore, Twitter posting, June 5, 2013, 6:39 p.m., https:// twitter .com /algore /sta- tus /342455655057211393 . CHAPTER 3: COLLECT IT ALL 95 “the most powerful intelligence chief” James Bamford, “Connecting the Dots on PRISM, Phone Surveillance, and the NSA’s Massive Spy Center,” Wired, June 12, 2013, http:// www .wired .com /2013 /06 /nsa -prism -verizon -surveillance /. 95 “I need to get all of the data” Shane Harris, “Th e Cowboy of the NSA,” Foreign Policy, September 9, 2013. 95 Alexander grew dissatisfi ed Ellen Nakashima and Joby Warrick, “For NSA Chief, Terrorist Th reat Drives Passion to ‘Collect It All,’ Observers Say,” Washington Post, July 14, 2013. 99 the Washington Post reported in 2010 Dana Priest and William M. Arkin, “A Hidden World, Growing Beyond Control,” Washington Post, July 19, 2010. 99 a 2012 interview with Democracy Now! William Binney, interview with Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, Democracy Now!, April 20, 2012. 99 “the capacity to reach roughly 75% of all U.S. Internet traffi c” Siobhan Gorman and Jennifer Valentino-Devries, “New Details Show Broader NSA Surveillance Reach,” Wall Street Journal, August 20, 2013. 020-58305_ch02_3P.indd 263 6/6/14 11:50 AM 264 NOTES 101 “70 percent of our national intelligence bud get” Tim Shorrock, “Meet the Contractors Analyzing Your Private Data,” Salon, June 10, 2013. 103 BLARNEY relied on one relationship in par tic u lar Gorman and Valentino- Devries, “New Details Show Broader NSA Surveillance Reach.” 109 Bart Gellman, aft er receiving heavy criticism Robert O’Harrow Jr., Ellen Nakashima, and Barton Gellman, “U.S., Company Offi cials: Internet Sur- veillance Does Not Indiscriminately Mine Data,” Washington Post, June 9, 2013. 109 Chris Soghoian, the ACLU’s tech expert Elias Groll, “Th e PRISM Spin War Has Begun,” Foreign Policy, June 7, 2013. 112 described a slew of secret negotiations Claire Cain Miller, “Tech Com- panies Concede to Surveillance Program,” New York Times, June 7, 2013. 114 the revelations would surprise many Skype customers Glenn Green- wald, Ewen MacAskill, Laura Poitras, Spencer Ackerman, and Dominic Rushe, “Microsoft Handed the NSA Access to Encrypted Messages,” Guardian, July 11, 2013. 117 “nearly 100,000 computers around the world” David E. Sanger and Th om Shanker, “N.S.A. Devises Radio Pathway into Computers,” New York Times, January 14, 2014. 118 “Th e U.S. government has paid at least £100m” Nick Hopkins and Julian Borger, “NSA Pays £100m in Secret Funding for GCHQ,” Guardian, August 1, 2013. 119 Under the program name Tempora Ewen MacAskill, Julian Borger, Nick Hopkins, Nick Davies, and James Ball, “GCHQ Taps Fibre- Optic Cables for Secret Access to World’s Communications,” Guardian, June 21, 2013. 122 Th e Guardian reported on one 2007 memo James Ball, “US and UK Struck Secret Deal to Allow NSA to ‘Unmask’ Britons’ Personal Data,” Guardian, November 20, 2013. 126 President Obama told Charlie Rose President Barack Obama interview with Charlie Rose, Charlie Rose, Public Broadcasting Service, June 16, 2013. 126 Mike Rogers similarly told CNN Mike Rogers interview with Candy Crowley, CNN State of the Union, June 16, 2013. 126 Even Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Mark Zuckerberg interview at TechCrunch Disrupt conference in San Francisco, September 11, 2013. 020-58305_ch02_3P.indd 264 6/6/14 11:50 AM NOTES 265 127 Jameel Jaff er, the deputy legal director of the ACLU, explained Jameel Jaff er, e-mail message to Glenn Greenwald. 127 Yale Law School professor Jack Balkin concurred Jack Balkin, “Th e Inspector General’s Report and Th e Horse Th at Is Already Out of the Barn Door,” Balkinization (blog), July 11, 2009, http://balkin .blogspot . c o m / 2 0 0 9 / 0 7 / i n s p e c t o r - g e n e r a l s - r e p o r t - a n d - h o r s e . h t m l . 129 the FISA court’s reaction over the last six years Matthew Keys, Twitter posting, November 19, 2013, 4:23 a.m., https://twitter.com/MatthewKeys Live /status/402774028898672640. 130 “treats se nior intelligence offi cials like matinée idols” Ryan Lizza, “State of Deception,” New Yorker, December 16, 2013. 131 As Slate’s Davie Weigel reported in November Dave Weigel, “New NSA Reform Bill Authorizes All the NSA Activity Th at Was Making You Angry,” Slate, November 1, 2013. 133 In an affi davit fi led by the ACLU American Civil Liberties Union et al. v. James R. Clapper et al., 13- cv- 03994, United States District Court (S.D. New York, 2013), https:// www .aclu .org /fi les /pdfs /natsec /clapper /2013 .08 .26 %20ACLU %20PI %20Brief %20 - %20Declaration%20-%20Felten.pdf . 135 “does ***not*** engage in economic espionage” Barton Gellman and Ellen Nakashima, “U.S. Spy Agencies Mounted 231 Off ensive Cyber- Operations in 2011, Documents Show,” Washington Post, August 30, 2013. 138 surveillance targets oft en included fi nancial institutions James Glanz and Andrew W. Lehren, “N.S.A. Spied on Allies, Aid Groups and Busi- nesses,” New York Times, December 20, 2013.
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