Denver Catholic Vol. LXXVI No. 30 35 Cents 100 years of service to the Gospel August 2, 2000 0 0 A shrine at Sacred Heart of Mary cemetery in Boulder offers a place of healing for those grieving the loss of a child. ' /t.ii .< / !\ Memorial to Life Healing process begins with grieving loss, says columnist — 11 William Bennett From left, Mike Danitz, Marie Heule and Ronny O'Dwyer of St. Thomas More Parish, were among the 400 young people taking part in a mini youth rally at the John Paul II Center to Seeds of Hope prepare them for their pilgrimage to Rome for World Youth Day 2000. rill'll* In/ Riniinrir K/nv William Bennett to speak at benefit New Roman MissdI emphasizes unity in worship for inner city schools — 1 0 2 DFNU-lv f ATHc 'il K RFCilSTFR AuqiiM 7, 7000 Eucharistic Congress offers encounter with Jesus 'Spirit of the Jubilee' reflected in joy experienced at World Youth Day, Denver n the next few days, young people How many of us have made a pilgrim­ dars. Whether you've been actively from around norfhern Colorado age to one of our stational churches Archbishop's living the Great Jubilee all along, or you're just beginning to discover it, this I will begin their journey to World here in the archdiocese? Or traveled Column Ycuith Day 2000. Coming exactly seven abroad on pilgrimage? How many of event is the centerpiece of our Jubilee \'ears after World Youth Day in Denver, us have sought out the Jubilee indul­ celebrations as an archdiocese. Don't this year's gathering in Rome will have gence in a serious way? Or tried to By Most Rev. --r —^ V miss it. Come for a day of music, learn­ a special meaning for Coloradans. apply in our daily lives the habits of Charles J. Chaputj^ ing, fellowship and worship. Come to \ encounter Jesus Christ . and renew .No single e\’ent in the last 50 years repentance, forgiveness, a return to fre­ O.F.M. Cap. ^ has had such a v'ivid and life-giving quent confession . and above all, a again your love for His Church. effect on the Church in our state as renewed love for the Eucharist? those few August ciays in 1993. August understanding of the Eucharist; to The archbishop xvill continue his 2000 in\'ites all of us to relive and 'Source and Summit' renew our devotion to the sacrament as remarks on the archdiocesan Jubilee renew that joy. And those who can't go Vatican II described the Eucharist as the center of Catholic life; and finally to Eucharistic Congress next xoeek. to Rome are bv no means "left behind"; the "source and summit" of our life as point us outward, confidently pursuing Tickets are free - but you must hax’e a they can still be part of World Youth a Church for a reason. The Eucharist is the mission Jesus gave us all — to bring ticket for entry. Contact your local 13av 2000 by praying for those who do. the embodiment of Christ's final words Jesus Christ to the world, and the parish office fo r informatiott by August 4 I know that I'll remember all of you in to us: "I am with you always, to the world to Jesus Christ (see Mt 28:19). 15, or xvrite: Ms. Carrie Sigmau, mv prayers each day of our pilgrimage. close of the age" (Mt 28:20). The Eucharistic Congress tickets. P c So will (Hir young people as they expe­ Eucharist is not just a symbol; not just a Local Eucharistic Congress Archdiocese of Denver, 1300 South d rience Rome. metaphor; not just a community meal. The Archdiocese of Denver's Jubilee Steele Street, Denver CO 80210. C Above all, the Eucharist is the real flesh Eucharistic Congress will take place Register online at xvxvxv.archdcn.org. t( Key to ministry of Pope and real blood of Jesus Christ, tangible, Sunday, September 17, from noon to 6 This is a year of special grace — a alive and dwelling in the Church and p.m. at the Magness Arena, Ritchie Archbishop's Schedule P 5 once iii a millennium moment. Pope in each of us when we receive Him. Center, University of Denver. We're Y John Paul II has prepared for this Great The Eucharist is the heart of what it tremendously blessed to have Bishop Aug. 2-3: Attend Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha Native American N lubilee tor more than two decades. In means to be a Catholic. Sean O'Malley, of Fall River, Mass., and This is why the Holy Father desig­ Conference in Lincoln, Nebraska; fact, the Holy Father has described the Cardinal Dario Castrilldn, from Rome, Aug. 5: Board of Directors Meeting nated the Great Jubilee as the Year of Jubilee as the key to understanding his joining us and leading us in reflection for EWTN in Birmingham, Ala.; Aug. ministry as Pope. the Eucharist. And this is why dioceses that day. Bishops Joseph Hart and 6: Mass at St. Patrick Church in Yet as we near the end of summer and arclidioceses all around the world David Ricken of Cheyenne, and Denver (11 a.m.); Mass at Cathedral \acation time, with sev'en months of will gather their people together this Bishops Richard Hanifl'n of Colorado of the Immaculate Conception (6:30 the Jubilee Year already past, I wonder year to celebrate a "Eucharistic Springs and Arthur Tafova of Pueblo p.m.); Aug. 7: Cemetery and how man\’ of us have really spent time Congress." Every Eucharistic will also be with us. Mortuary Board of Directors Meeting trying to live the spirit of the Jubilee? Congress seeks to deepen people's Mark September 17 on your calen- at John Paul II Center (1:30 p.m.). Rome to host 1.5 million for World Youth Day 2000 VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Rome, a Rome, youths will participate in a host Francis Stafford, president of the At the various "cafes" - prayer ses­ city usually known for ancient splen­ of activities, both spiritual and cultural. Pontifical Council for the Laity, which sions, concerts, plays and art exhibits dors and timeless atmosphere, is set to Even before the Aug. 15-20 celebra­ is in charge of the event. set up expressly for the event - young take on a younger face in August as the tion's official kickoff, more than 100,000 "Never before have they had the people from all over the world, includ­ host of W'orld Youth Day 2000. young adults will spend five days in chance to cross the threshold of the ing some from countries traditionally With the latest attendance estimates 200 Italian dioceses, where hosts will Holy Door, so many hundreds of hostile to one another, will come tor the event's culmination - an Aug. 19 treat their guests to local customs and thousands of young people," the car­ together in peace, said the cardinal. \ igil and Aug. 20 Mass with Pope John share in their common Christian her­ dinal told Catholic News Service as "The community of believers, they Paul II - pegged at 1.2 million-1.5 mil­ itage. final preparations neared their con­ will find, knows no enemies," he said. lion young people from 163 countries, Upon arrival in Rome at their "base clusion. The events preceding the meetings the "Eternal City" vvill seem eternally camps," which might be a hotel, con­ In addition to the pilgrimage to St. with the Pope, said Cardinal Stafford, \-oung. vent, school or local parish, partici­ Peter's, 300 catcchesis programs w'ill be are "extremely important in experienc­ During the four days leading up to pants will receive a "pilgrim's sack" offered, focusing on World Youth Day's ing the Church as a community of the papal highlights at Tor Vergata, a containing the Gospel of Mark, a theme, "The Word became flesh, and friends, transcending all national and uni\'ersitv campus on the edge of prayer guide, a terra cotta candle hold­ dwelt among u.s," in groups organized ethnic boundaries." er, an official World Youth Day bandan­ according to 32 different languages. By Aug. 18, organizers expect a total na and a map of the city to help them Pilgrims will have the chance to go of 800,000 participants, many of whom navigate their way between events. to confession at the Circus Maximus, an will march in an evening Way of the At the first scheduled mass ancient Roman racetrack that will hold Cross procession from the Church of encounter Aug. 15, the Pope will wel­ some 300 confessionals staffed by more Santa Maria in Aracoeli to the m m - come Italian youths in an opening cere­ than 2,000 priests conversant in a total Colosseum, led by Cardinal Camillo mony at the Basilica of St. John Lateran, of 30 languages. Ruini, papal vicar of Rome. then make his way to St. Peter's Square to meet with an expected 200,000 for­ Denver Catholic Register (USPS 557-020) is eigners. Denver Catholic Register published weekly except the last week of From Aug. 16 to Aug. 18, partici­ Published by the Archdiocese December and the first week of January by the pants will be divided into three groups Archdiocese of Denver, 1 300 S. Steele Street, of about 200,000 people each to allow of Denver, 1300 S. Steele St., Denver, CO 80210, and printed by Times Call for better organization and movement Denver, CO 80210 Printers in Longmont. Periodical postage paid thrciughoLit the city.
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