LOCAL PLAN POLICY OPTIONS JUNE 2013 DRAFT CRANFORD & OSTERLEY & CHISWICK HESTON SPRING GROVE BRENTFORD HOUNSLOW ISLEWORTH BEDFONT RIVER THAMES HANWORTH FELTHAM Hounslow | Local Plan Hounslow | Local 2 OAD R anworth FOREWORD H Hounslow is a borough of opportunities which is changing fast. To make sure these changes are in the best interests of our residents we need to make sure that the local plan- ning system can respond positively to change; promotes LONDON ROAD high quality development and regeneration; protects what CHISWICK local communities value the most, and makes sure we have the services and infrastructure in place to make our communities sustainable in the long term. The Local Plan is the most important planning policy docu- ment as it sets out our vision for the development of the borough over the next 15 years, and we want to hear what you think. It includes options for how we guide future development, and how we make sure that we have the homes, jobs, schools, shops, services and leisure facilities Bath ROAD we need to make life enjoyable. It also includes conserva- tion of our natural and built environments, and the local distinctiveness that makes the districts of Hounslow so unique. We want residents, businesses and local service providers to be central to how the Local Plan is shaped. It is impor- tant that we all benefit from future investment in Houn- slow and the prosperity this will bring. This latest consulta- tion has been shaped by your input into our previous Core Plan Hounslow | Local Strategy consultations (now replaced by the Local Plan) and we encourage you to continue to take part and make your views known. Councillor Steve Curran Lead Member for Planning and Regeneration, and Housing 3 CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 06 4 PROMOTING economIC DEVELOPMENT 117 Introduction 08 Promoting office growth and development 121 Policy context 10 Maintaining the borough’s industrial land supply 122 History of Hounslow 12 Hotels 124 Borough overview 14 Enhacing local skills 125 Key challenges 18 Areas for regeneration 126 2 SpatIAL StrategY 20 5 DELIVERING sustaINABLE COMMUNITIES 128 Proposed local vision 22 Housing growth 131 Proposed spatial strategy 24 Housing affordability 132 Key diagram 29 Housing size 134 Objectives 30 Housing density 135 Districts of Hounslow & site allocations 34 Housing design standards 136 Residential conversions, extensions, alterations 137 Garden land 139 3 SupportING OUR TOWN CENTRES 104 Housing to meet specific housing need 140 Gypsy and traveller provision 141 Hounslow town centre 107 Houses in multiple occupation, hostels and 142 Brentford town centre 108 temporary accommodation Feltham town centre 109 Student accommodation 143 Chiswick town centre 110 Town centre designations 111 Retail growth 113 Diversification of town centres 115 Public realm 116 Hounslow | Local Plan Hounslow | Local 4 CONTENTS 6 ProtectING AND ENHANCING LOCAL CHARACTER 144 9 ENSURING ENVIronmental QUALITY 188 Design quality 146 Climate change and Carbon Reduction 190 Amenity and function 148 Sustainable Design and Construction 192 Public realm 149 Flood risk and Surface Water Management 195 Tall buildings 150 Sustainable Waste Management 197 Heritage assets 151 Pollution 198 Advertisement Panels, Hoardings and structures 152 Contamination and Hazardous Substances 200 Minerals 201 7 MAXIMISING GREEN AND blue INFRASTRUCTURE 153 10 ENHANCING connectIVITY 202 Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land 155 Open Space 159 Strategic Transport Connections 205 Active uses of open space 161 Sustainable Local Transport Network 208 Green Grid, Corridors and Chains 163 Heathrow Airport 213 Biodiversity 165 Telecommunications 215 Trees 167 Blue Ribbon Network 168 8 DELIVERING COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE 172 APPENDICES 218 Protecting social and community facilities 174 Infrastructure delivery schedule 220 Delivering community infrastructure 175 Glossary of terms TBA Plan Hounslow | Local Educational Facilities and School Places 176 Health and well being 177 Leisure and Cultural Facilities 179 Outdoor Spaces for Play 181 Multi-use Community Facilities 182 Local Shopping Provision 183 5 Hounslow | Local Plan Hounslow | Local 000 Hounslow | Local Plan 01 INTRODUCTION 000 INTRODUCTION The Local Plan is a local development plan docu- The key elements of the development strategy PROCESS ment that will set out the council’s proposals for put forward in the ‘Policy Options’ are: the future development of the borough over the Hounslow’s new Local Plan will replace all of the next 15 years through a suite of new planning poli- policies and proposals in the existing local devel- • Allocating development sites for delivery of cies. All local authorities are required to prepare opment plan currently made up of the Brentford 7,800 new homes primarily within the Hounslow a Local Plan with the objective of contributing to Area Action Plan (2009), the Employment De- and Brentford areas. the achievement of sustainable development, velopment Plan Document (2008) and the saved addressing the spatial implications of economic, • Securing the regeneration of Hounslow and policies in the Unitary Development Plan (2007) social and environmental change. Brentford town centres to deliver new retail and together with supporting Supplementary Planning leisure facilities. Documents and/ or Guidance. The Local Plan pro- cess also replaces the previous local development • Promoting new employment growth in desig- plan terminology of Local Development Frame- nated areas through the provision of 200,000 sq m works led by a Core Strategy which the council of additional office floorspace. had previously been preparing. • Seeking major transport infrastructure to im- prove public transport access to the Golden Mile The Policy Options for the Local Plan is the first as one of the borough’s strategic employment stage in the preparation of the council’s new Local locations. Plan. However, the council has used feedback • Opposing further expansion of runway or termi- received through two earlier consultations on its nal capacity at Heathrow Airport then emerging Core Strategy (a predecessor to the Local Plan) to inform the development of the • Supporting the development of a new stadium options where possible. There are also options for Brentford Football Club at Lionel Road. presented for new policy areas which haven’t • Promoting the redevelopment of Feltham Are- previously been consulted on – most notably pro- nas as a sporting and recreation hub posed development site allocations and develop- • Supporting the restoration and enhancement of ment management policies. Boston Manor and Gunnersbury as major heritage and open space assets. Following the Policy Options consultation, there • Allocating sites for the expansion of schools in will be one further public consultation on a draft Feltham, Hounslow and Brentford to accommo- Local Plan, also known as the ‘proposed submis- date the increase in pupil numbers. sion’ Local Plan. Following this consultation, the Hounslow | Local Plan Hounslow | Local Local Plan will then be submitted for an independ- 8 INTRODUCTION sustaINABILITY APPRAISAL PUBLIC consultatION ent examination. The examining Inspector will The Local Plan is subject to a number of statutory The Policy Options and accompanying Sustainabil- assess whether the Local Plan has been prepared impact assessments, including Sustainability Ap- ity Appraisal are published for public consultation in accordance with legal and procedural require- praisal (incorporating Strategic Environmental As- for a six week period from 14th June to 26th July ments, and whether it is ‘sound’ with reference to sessment) and Habitats Regulations Assessment. 2013. the following tests: Each of the options presented in the consultation document have been assessed for their impact on Please consult the council’s webpage to view the the economy, community and environment and document and to respond using our online ques- • The plan has been positively prepared based on have been appraised for their impact against sus- tionnaire: a strategy which seeks to meet the objectively tainability objectives. This sustainability appraisal assessed development and infrastructure require- process has enabled the assessment of reason- www.hounslow.gov.uk/consultation ments, and whether it is reasonable to do so and able alternatives options including a comparison consistent with achieving sustainable develop- of their likely impacts. The Sustainability Appraisal Alternatively, please contact the Planning Policy ment. is published as a document alongside the Policy Team using the details below: • The plan is justified as the most appropriate Options document for consultation. strategy when considered against the reasonable Email: [email protected] alternatives, and based on proportionate evidence. Tel: 020 8583 5202 Web: www.hounslow.gov.uk/localplan • The plan is effective in that it is deliverable over TImetable the plan period and based on joint working on cross boundary strategic priorities. JUNE-JULY 2013 • The plan is consistent with national policy, ena- bling the delivery of sustainable development in FEB-MARCH 2014 accordance with the policies in the NPPF. There POLICY OPTIONS Plan Hounslow | Local is also a requirement for Local Plans in London to JUNE 2014 be in general conformity with the London Plan. PROPOSED SUBMISSION OCT 2014 SUBMISSION EXAMInatION 9 POLICY CONTEXT The starting point for developing policy options for natIONAL PLANNING POLICY FRAMEWORK authorities, public, voluntary and
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