■: " V "'I < : j THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 19BS PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT ‘V Averaxe Didiy Net Press Ron fpstpr lEuPtting l| pral^ Fer the Week Eaded nut-Weather " Nav. 5, 1955 ' Fdraeast of U. 8. Waatkwr Boeaaa t : Baptism, as found In/tho Book of ’ Mathodist Man tit, tha South The MUIl'ary Whist of Manclits- Generally fair, not aa eeol ter, Emblem Club, Np.' 251, Common Prayer, will also bo oa- Msthoqist Chuseh will sponaor a AboutTown .Wednesday sveriing,, Nov, 16. plshied. Any fsmllies having can­ baked bean aflpper''Saturday at 6 HFTH ANNUAL 11,898 night liow 35-40. Partly ehtody, / in. Tinker HSjL wHI be open to didates for bsplism fbouid plan to p.m., in Cooper Hall of the church. ' Member of the Audit mild ^Saturday. High 55-69. Bala attend this session. ' Bureim of arcnlatioa • The Emanuel Women’s Mlsalpn* the'public. .A sale of home madq The meal will consist of frank­ likely Sunday. • \ ary Society will meet Friday eve­ food will be In charge of Mrs furters. beans, potato salad, rolls M a ncheztef ning, at.7:30 in* .the chapel. Melvin Lawrence LaPolla. ' and Mrs. Helen Davidson Lodge, No. 98,, ,ahd butter, dessert and coffee. Peterson will show a sound movie, Jeqp'ne Beauregard will presidq at Daughters .of Scotia will bold a the apron table, Mrs. Paul Gagne regular meeting tomorrow night at. VOL. LXXV, 88 "Outpost in the Andes," on Lu­ BAND FESTIVAL (■hVENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN^ FRIDAY, NOVEMBi 1955 (Claaaltled Advarttalag on Pago If) PRICE nV B CENTS theran missionary work . In -South heads-the rcfreshipent committee. 7:43 at the Masonic Temple. New­ Tickets- may. be obtained froth ly elected officera will.be Installed SATURDAY. NOV, If— t P.M. America. Mr^.^my (Prison will Mrs. Napoleon.. Pitcher or Mrs. by Installing Deputy Marjy Stew­ lead the devotions.' Refreshments Edward SerrelL.Edward McKeever art o f New ..Britain and her staff. J O W i VERPLANCK SCNOOL Rains Fail to Bring will be served by the hostess com.- will direct the whist playing. A social hour will follow. Members OPEN d a y FRIDAY, ARMISTICE DAY mitte'e,. Mrs. Victor Johnson, are rerdinded'to bring'gifts for the Hm MAMNIS. son, chairman; assisted by Mrs. A conference on baptism will be Christmas party. ^ State Flood Threat Eldward Leemon, Mrs. Alfhlld LMt WMk. In thi( (pace, w* To reduce stock before month held In the parish hsll of St. SALVATION ARMY BAND Wogman and Mrs. Esther Gustaf­ SIsry’s' Episcopal Church tonight Windsor Locks, Nov. I t toM you that you Juat can-' end. Inventory we offer very The daughter born Tuesday in special values on; son. * . \ at 8 o’clock. All parents and god­ in Stamford Hospital to Mr. .and (F) — the U.S. Weather not buy a*arettea In, Con- Cott Dietetic Beveri^tes . parents of the children to be bap­ Mrs. Carl D. Lenihsn,. 46 Brace- Featuring Harold Brasch . Bureau here at 6:45 a.m. to­ mcUcut at KW'er prices th*n the 6 pack which usually sella Alan Gould, son of Mr. and Mrs. tised next Sunday morning are ex­ wood Dr., that city, has been day founded the. welcome newB that “it lo o ^ like the ttaoae which prevail at Pinei\ for 87c carton? will be fea­ .George H. Gould. 78 Chestnut St., pected to attend. Under- the lead­ named Mari Carol. Mrs. Lenlhan, CNIEP M U SICIA N U.S. NAVY lA N D Rule tured at 69c, so you save 18c* has been elected treasurer of the ership of the Rev. Donald N, Hun- prior. to her marriage. Wai Miss flood threat la over." \ ^ o n t every day. In every on eveiy carton you buy. We glee club at Bryant College, Provi­ gerford. this group will discuss the Csrol McVeigh, daughter of Mr. Since yteaterday morning, Caneli. Luckies, etc., Xave plenty of the popular dence, R. I. He is s graduats of meaning and implications of Holy j and Mrs. James H. McVeigh, 81 DEWEY-RiCHMAN CO. ADMISSIO!*^ ONE DOLLAR Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, N o v .f by a group of Army leaders who Connecticut, hardest hit of all .it carton, 21c pkg. Pall crecjn. root and raspberry, a Manchester High School. Baptism'today. ’The Office of Holy I Oxford St. 767 MAIN STREET 11 (/P)—The Brazilian Cham- r^wrtedty were planning tb pre­ northeastern atatea by the vent Kubita:hek.’a taking office. Aug. 19 and Oct, 15 floods, MalU carton. 22c pkf; , limits^ amount of cherry and < ber of Deputies today named grape. Luz waa believed favoring thla had kept a wary and fearful ' TVxlay we «w»nt to comment And savtf 20c on every pur­ Nereu Ramoe, president of plot. eye on a rain storm moving on prices of najlonally ad­ chase of three large bottles the Senate, to be provisional Paaalng the presidency to Ramoa up the seaboard from northern ' vertised foods and'to tell you of Cott dietetic (sugar free) ia in -conformity to the Oonititu- Florida. -........ .... ........ president of BraziL' succeed- tlon, aince the Senate preaiden't la No such tprrentisl rains as that when you buy tlw^m at beverages . usually 25c ing Chrlos Coimba da -{.uz, Bottle, now featured at 3 next in line r©r the office after feJX Jn August and October. Ptneburst you get low evfciy- bottles 55c. Plenty of root ousted in an Army coup this the president of the House of were" expected at any time, Deputies. but with the ground saturated day prioea right In line and orange, limited amount IHPB.L') m* morning. , Makes Offer to WiU competition and further that of gi%er ale. Cannon fire ffom Ck>pacaba-ia and streams still swollen, even Fort ahook the faahidna’-le 0>pa- a moderate' to heavy rain car­ we have on our shelves as '^And hero’s another special Rio Dfe Janeiro, Brazil, beyerage value . a real Nov. 11 {IP)—The Brazilian cabana .beach district this morning ried a threat. many and pertiaps more price, sale on Cott’s new when the Navy apparently sought However, the . Weather Army ousted provisional to resist the Army coup. B\ireau’a early morning report Russian Policy Shift famous brands thanxany QUICKY- drink . buy 2 store In Manchester . « cartons of 6 bottles for the President Carlos Coimbra da Witncs.<ies said the fort’s big said only an inch and a quar­ price of ,1 carton 31c . bot­ Luz early today and asked guns were fired across the bow of ter of rain fell )iere. Let’s take a few . r HAirs a warship heading out of the har­ The State Police at Hart­ tles and tax extra. Congress to choose a new ford checked all areas of the Geneva, NoV, 11 (^)—Secretary of State Dulles told Ruseia Beechnut Baby Foods bor and that the ship turned back. today the United States is willing to extend President Eisch* Strained........... •. -4 for 39c temporary chief executive. Army,, units commanded by gen­ State, they reported, and erals took over Central Police found no flood conditions. ' bower’s aerial inspection plan to America’s foreign bases Chcqpped ............ 3 for 43c The revolt seemed mainly an SELF S W E ^ effort to insure that presi- Headquarters and m e office of the Tomorrow. ^ the IVeather and scores of Allied countries if the Soviet Union will reverse ^linsweet Prune Juice ..S3c mayor In the capital and iagu.ed an Bureau said, 'will brfng in-/ ' dent-<elect Juscelino Kubit- creasing cloudiness to thi; its policy and accept the plan. Bakers Chocolate . .46c order closing all stores at'noon. Dulles made'the announcement in a Big Four conference Nastle's B iU ................ .33c schek w’ill be inaugurated Other units surrounded govern­ . area and mild tei^nperatuc '-•i ' -I reaching into the upper S(Ka. meeting. Soviet Minister V. M. Molotov rejcicted the broposal Carnation Milk . .2 for 37c and ' next Jan. .31, ment buildings, the radio station, The Navy and the Air Fdrca re-, the Po.et Office and several news­ yesterday as a first step t(iward creation of a global disarma­ Carnation New fuaed to support the Army coiip, paper buildings. Choco. Dry Milk . .39c ”1 iT TsT li WsiaiR. tSl<i ment program. Dulles said he hoped Molotov’s statement was led by Gen. Henrlque Teixeira, and ' Claims (Sngreaa Support Snow Blamets not “the last word.” 7--------- -—— ........................ J ^ ......................S for 25c «vM * fcsNfs caps frMS • V MEAT DEPT. issued a Joint b-tatement pledging Lott issued a communique French Foreign Minister An­ Wesson OU . .pt. S3c .qt. 65c snyssssrtmsnfof loyalty to Luz, a dissident mem-. claiming support of the president toine Pinay announced France Scott’s Softweve . .3 for 33c HALE'S RANDALL lONED ber of Kubitschek’s Social Demo­ of the Supreme Court, the presi­ Wide Arfea would accept eatabllahment of fix­ UN Unit Bars cratic party. dents of both hoiises of Congress ed or mobile disarmament con­ Nabisco Qrahama .........35c-irs Later the Navy was reportea re­ and most Army officers in Rio de Nabisco Choco. Pecan ..3 9 c A P FRESHLY GROUND trols, whether technical or finan­ MEAT DEPARTMENT liably to lie ready to accept any Janeiro and the interior. ', New gland cial, on French territory. His North Korean Keebler’a Choco. Fudge ' ooMr CMfAUTVMVIBAOn CHICKEN .decision made by Congreas. Luz has taken refuge on a Navy meaning appeared to bo that the Sandwici Cookies.........45c. m m IT'S TIME FOR A DELICIOUS FRESH HAM ROAST Radio Globo reported Congress vessel, Torres da C^nha, J)resident French government.
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