14ND CHARITY DRIVE LAGGING ---- ENTERING LAST WEEK TO MAKE GOALS Vol. 5, No. 23 U. S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, T. H. Friday, September 21, 1956 MCAS Target Of Brigade Attack Assault Elements Will Be Air Transported From Hawan" To Oahu Objectives In Huge Tactical Airlift Operation The biggest tactical air operation yet conducted by the 1st Marine Brigade-and possibly by the Marine Corps-starts next week, Brig. Gen. George R. E. Shell, Brigade commanding general, announced this week. This week 15 large R5D four-engined transport planes arived from El Toro, Calif. On D-Day, Sept. 26, a tactical airlift will bring assault elements of the 4th Marines (Reinf), Brigade Headquarters and support units from- General Lyman Field in tion and will seize, occupy and de- procedures will be practiced. Hilo. Hawaii. to the Kaneohe Ma- fend an objective area encompass- The assault force is expected to rine Corps Air Station Over 200 ing Ulupau Head and Kapaa. The separate lifts are planned. secure its objectives and end the Brigade will then prepare for fur- problem by the first week in Oc- This Air Station and the Kapaa ther offensive operations on the tober. General Shell emphasized training area are initial objectives. Windward side of Oahu while pre- that, despite the nature of the While the general public may not ' paring to reembark for future oper- problem, Marines will not be wag- be aware of it, the enemy is con-1 ations. ing war in the streets of Kaneohe one complete and sidered to have Throughout the operation Ma- or Kailua. All training on Oahu one reduced rifle division on Oahu. rine Aircraft Group 13 jets, pro- will be conducted on the Air Sta- On the Windward side a battalion peller-driven aircraft and helicop- tion or in regular training areas. to be in Kaneohe is reported ters will provide air transport, close Doing the heavy hauling, includ- town, one Kailua and another at in air support. aerial cover, reconnais- ing elements of the Brigade artil- the Air Station. sance and simulated artillery spot- lery, will be Marine Wing Service OFFENSIVE OPERATION ting missions. Group-37 from the Marine Corps The 1st Marine Brigade will es- Air Station at El Toro, Calif. RUGGED TRAINING-It isn't easy moving with as lava underneath Helicopters will bring in the first tablish an airhead at the Air Sta- LST's TO SHUTTLE and barbed wire on top, but (left to right) Pvt. Ezekiel Keno, Cpl assault troops to secure the air- field for the landing. The main Heavy equipment and base camp Alfred A. Porche and PFC Graham R. Hollingsworth, all from the will re- body of troops of the 4th Marines personnel and equipment third rifle platoon of "C" Co., 1st Bn., 4th Marines (Reinf), edge the Big Is- will arrive by fixed wing aircraft turn to Kaneohe from their way through Drive Coal 840 during the battalion assault in the Pohakuloa train- Charity shortly after H-hour. land by Navy LST. The LST's ing area on Tuesday. The 60-man aggressor force from the recon and 859, which have been trans- For problem purposes, the heli- platoon and the Drum and Bugle Corps also laid mine fields, road porting the Brigade throughout the copter-borne forces are considered series of training exercises blocks and used tear gas grenades to harass the Leathernecks the Exceeded By Hq Co, current to be attacking from an advanced which started the last week in Aug- 1st Bn. base on Mole:ai but in actuality ust, will load at Kawaihae starting will be operating from Bellows Air Sept. 24. They will shuttle between 1st Marine Brigade Force Base. Oahu and Hawaii until the last Big Island Lava Terrain Provides Members of Hq. Co., 1st Marine SIMULATED BOMB load is picked up, probably Oct. 5. Brigade, FMF, went over the top in Both sides in this mock war are Personnel and equipment to be Testing Area For Brigade Power meeting their goal last week in the considered to possess nuclear wean- flown from Hawaii will move by ' 14th Naval District Combined Char- ons. In fact, a brilliant flash in convoy from Pohakuloa through OnP hundred thousand acres between Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea ity Drive at K-Bay. the vicinity of the Air Station Hilo to the marshalling area at during the exercises probably will General Lyman Field. on the Big Island are giving units of the I st Marine Brigade, FMF, ex- The unit's goal was $732.00. At be cellent opportunity to exercise their limbs and unloose the full power press time, the Brigade Headquar- only a photoflash bomb simu- A rehearsal, involving Brigade lator. At about 9 a.m. Monday air and of their weapons. ters Company had pledged $1,086.32 headquarters and token to go over their goal with a per (Sppt 24) a simulator will he gro,,nd forp.s. win be held Monday. Col. Bryghte D. Godbold, maneuver control director, expressed the centage mark of 148 per cent of during a rehearsal. On D- mood of the Pohakuloa training quota. Day, the 26th. another one will go The rugged lava will be when he said. "the Brigade units are terrain inter- "C" Co. (Rein!) 7th Engineer Bn.. off before dawn. The flash visible El igi ble Marines undergoing the most carefully spersed with shapely cinder cones is hot on the heels of the front- for a considerable distance will be Air planned and detailed problems that and scattered underbrush is prov- runner with 96 per cent of its goal but over water near the seen in Marine Station. I have ever the ing a worthy arena for Marine in- pledged. Marine Aircraft Group-13 Eye 1957 Quotas Corps." fan,,:ymen. The great distances and is in third place with 65 per cent In the event of nuclear attack Maximum use is being made of rarefied atmosphere demand the of its goal pledged. against the Marine forces, regular or Promotions the time and space available. On highest degree of conditioning. Lt "The reaction from all people con- decontamination and evacuation Tuesday while the 1st Bn. was mov- Col. John A. Lindsay, commanding cerned with the Drive has been ex- Washington (AFF'S1 - A total ing in the attack against strong ag- officer of the 1st Bn., 4th Marines cellent thus far and we feel that if . ' of 7,435 leathernecks will be pro- gressor action. units of the 2nd Bn. Reinf commented as his men com- everyone continues to support it in C OMM1ttee Meet moted in the first three grades were executing live fire exercises pleted the two-day battalion exer- the -.losing weeks as they have so prior to June 31. 1957. the Marine with machine guns, rockets and cise. "this terrain is a great test of far. we will easily reach and sur- Corps has announced. mortars, and units of the 3d Bn. leadership control and physical con- pass our set quota for Kaneohe." To Form Rodeo, The quotas are: master sergeant, were employing helicopter lifts for ditioning. Its the best training we've stated Lt. Col. Thomas H. Rogers 267: technical sergeant, 1,270; and platoon raids. had to date." Jr.. chairman of the Policy Com- Barbecue Plans staff sergeant. 5.898. Control became a very important mittee for the Drive. Last fiscal year promotions in Plans for the big rodeo on Oct. 26 100. 715, and factor to Col. Lindsay's battalion A breakdown of collections up to these grades were Promotions In View 27 to take shape rapidly yesterday when dense fog and mist Sept. 18 is as follows: and began 3,700 respectively. For Sgts. and Cpls. settled into the saddle. Barely able HQ. Co., 1st Marine Brigade this week wit,. a meeting Wednes- A board convened here Sept. 10 of to see hands in front of their faces, Pledged Collected G$7o3a2l day committee members. to select staff and technical ser- WASHINGTON D. C. Quotas $1.086.32 Brig. Gen. George R. E. Shell. CG geants for up-grading. for meritorious squads and platoons moved in an promotion clearing Det. One, 3d Services .8Regiment giment of the 1st Marine Brigade. outlined The cutting score for staff ser- sergeant and corporal for fiscal orderly manner, mine fields. cutting away barbed wire. and with - $389.00 $ .00 $981.00 to the committee the broad plans geants and quotas for grade E-3 1957 were announced last week standing aggr. essor strikes. "C" Co., 7th Engineer Bn. for the two-day affair. He pointed and E-4 promotions will be an- by Headquarters Marine Corps. $594.50 $385.00 $642.00 out that the 26th, a Friday, will be nounced later. the Marine Corps Two gas Most units are authorized quotas attacks by "aggressor" MAG-13 a day set aside for military person- said. of eight percent of corporal billets aircraft had to be called off be- $4.130.35 $1.792.05 $6.297.00 nel and their families exclusively. cause of the heavy fog. The fog, and 10 percent of private first 4th Barines (Reinf) An inspection and review for the deter DON'T BE ALARMED! class billets. however, didn't the enemy $2.147.50 $776.50 $13.218.00 Commandant of the Marine Corps is from employing a simulated atomic MCAS Exchange Employees tentatively scheduled for the 25th. During the Airlex next week Promotion percentages are based attack to end the forward thrust of on T/O billets and fractions of $74.00 $49.00 $579.00 The next day would be a day to re- a photoflash bomb simulator one of the assault companies in the Marine Corps Air Station lax and have fun-everybody.
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