COUNTY BLOCK 200 CITY SUAD LOT 7 & }j8 MAMF- Schlesser-Burrows House _ COUNTY: Harris AnnRF«;«;- 1123 Harvard _ CITY: Houston UTM:. ARCHITECT/BUILDERrJoe Schlesser-buiIder nATF- 1912 PERIOD: nwNiFP. Edna J. Burrows STYLE: 1123 Harvard Houston, TX 77008 THEME: r^FsPRiPTiriN--Spanish-type, square, brick, l-story house, hip roof with ornate, arched, proiecting bay in center (with 3 windows), below those windows is wide arch over recessed doorway, single door with transom^ -Fl anVf>d hy wi ndnw.t; with tracery, contrasting stone trim, interior brick chimney, basement and BUILDING MATERIAL: wall: roof: ( COnt) PHYSICALrn\niTinN excellent-signi f i cantsiTFr originaL .or moved. .date. ALTERATIONS: Sir.MFirANrF-Design is unique in this neighborhood. Built by a rnni-rari-or ^ .Tos, Schlesser, for his own family. several houses in Heights were built by .mir.h craftsmen. AREA OF SIGNIFICANCE: LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE:. DESIGNATION: NR NHL RTHL HABS HAER HESI HSI OTHER: ORIGINAL IISF- residence PRESEN residence RELATIONSHIP TO SiiRRniiNnivr.^nice, small yard: well-kept ACREAGE/BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA: SEE INFO/CORRESPONDENCE FILES:. RECORDED BY: KLL INFORMANT:. Edna J. Burrows DATE: 4/14/80 PHOTO DATA: 1 - 35mm (rev. 6-79) 1 NPS Form 10-900-a OMB No. 1024-0018 Exp. 10-31-84 CM2) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service For HPS use only National Register off Historic Piaces received Inventory—Nomination Form date entered Continuation sheet Item number 4. 7. 8, 10 Page 53 Site No. 33 NAME Schlesser-Burrows House COUNTY Harris BLOCK 200 ADDRESS 1123 Harvard CITY Houston •L0T_7&NJJ of 8 UTM Zone 15 E 268,330 N 3.297.800 mm¥m3-l-/BUILDER Joe Schlesser DATE 1912 PERIOD 1900-- OmER Edna J. Burrows STY LE influenced by Mission Style 1123 Harvard, Houston, Texas 77008 THEME DESCRIPTION One-story square, brick house; hipped roof with ornate, arched, projecting bay on front facade over recessed doorway; Corner brick pilasters of bay porch extend upward beyond roof, with mission parapet between; cast-stone cap to parapet, window lintels and sills, and voussoirs of wide front entrance arch; single front door with transom flanked by windows with tracery and stone trim; interior brick chimney; basement; stucco foundation. Building material: wall common-bond brickroof composition Physical condition excellent-significantgite: original or moved date Alterations SIGNIFICANCE Design is unique for this neighborhood. Built by a contractor, , Jos. Schlesser, for his own family. Several houses in the Heights were built by such crafts- men. Ornamental parapet-"Alamotif"-strongest high-style element, and the brick con- struction was not common in the Heights in its early days. Area of significance architecture Level of significance local _ DESIGNATION: NR NHL RTHL HABS HAER HESI HSI OTHER ORIGINAL USE residence PRESENT USE_ residence RELATIONSHIP TO SURROUNDINGS Small, well-kept yard; adjacent to old Masonic Lodge; generally a residential neighborhood. ACREAGE/BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION less than one acre BIBLIOGRAPHY RECORDED BY L. K. London INFORMANT Edna J. Burrows DATE April 14, 1980 PHOTO DATA 1 - 35 mm. Tex. Hist. Commission APR 9 1984 NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES EVALUATION / RETURN SHE National l»»4i Schlesser-Burrows House (Houston Heights MRA)... HorrisCounty TEXAS— ^ ^ A MAY 9 1983 Working No. • Fod. Rog. O'atv: Da to Duo: £79 7JT^^^7^T77^ Action: ACCEPT , . rotubmisslon U^PTItRM ^7^ Af nomination by poraon or local govornmont REJECT ownor objoction Fodoral Agoncy: appoai Subatantlva Rovlow: _aamplo roquest annual NR decision Roviowor'a commonta: Rocom. /Criteria Rovlowor Discipllno. Data aoo oootinuation sheet •Nomination roturnod for: technical corrections cited beiow ^..^substantive reasons diacuaaad bolow i. Naino Z, Location 3. Classification 4. Ownor of Property 5. Location of Logai Doscription 6. Boprosontation in Existing Surveys tmm mm , m ,f tmm, mm<mmma ilifiiT 7. Description summsry paragraph completeness cisrity alterations/integrity dates boundat ••laetlon 8. SIgnificanco immm summary paragraph completeness clarity applicable criteria justification of areas checlted relating significance to the resource • context relationship of integrity to significance justification of exception other 9. i^ajor Bibliographical References /ID. Ooographical Data 11. Form Prepared By 12. State Historic Prosorvation Officer Certification Tlw evoAuoled s<gnlftcanoe o4 ttiia propety wlOtm 13. Other Maps Photographs Other Questions concerning this nomination may be directed to Signed /J^^^^-n^XT^y^^——- nat« ^x^^ ^d<^A Phone: 202 272 -3504 Comments for any Item may be continued on an attached sheet NPS Form 10-900-a OMB No. 1024-0018 tM2) Exp. 10-31-84 United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register off Historic Places Inventory—Nomination Form Continuation sheet Item number Page Multiple Resource Area Thematic Group Name Houston Heights Multiple Resource Area State Harris County, Texas Nomination/Type of Review Date/Signature Entered In tfie 81. Perry-Swilley House National Be«l*ter fKeeper ^pidi-'^^^Y^ ('7^Ai3 Attest 82. Reagan, John H. , Senior High Keeper ^jTu^^-^^ 5 School Substantive F^^VIRW Attest ^bBiautlve fieview 83. ' Renn House Keeper s Attest 84. Schauer Filling Station mtsred in thfl •peeper A(JAi^~-L.^^,Aiyc,<^ -^'/^ National Begteter Attest 85. Schlesser-Burrows House Eirt^TBy Til USEB K National Heglpter eeper p^.y.yL^-\y.^*.^(fY'*..*^ ^'I7A lUetermlneS fillglWa / / 86. Southwestern Bell Telephone Keeper A^<7^l-j^A^.^c>€^ Company SubBtantlve Review Attest 87. Thornton, Dr. Penn B., "o'^se^^^.^^^^ <^*r<^eper ^'Uj^^.^.y^-^^-^A^rT^^^ UWir} ^'•^'-•^1 Register Attest 88. Upchurch House Entered In tS« {deeper .^ALU.^y-^.,/^^y<y^ c/^^ ^ National Begleter jr— t/ T Attest :^.:l:<jred in tfiff A /> ^ / 89. Ward House Hational Hegleter (Keeper fA7^-^-^---A>jcy^ ^/>'-A3 Attest Entered la the A 90. Webber House National Register "^^eper O<jo.<l^c-c^w^.^.<^ sr/7Jfy Attest WASO Form - 177 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ("R" June 1984) NATIONAL PARK SERVICE NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES EVALUATION/RETURN SHEET Schlesser-Burrows House (Houston Heights MRA) Harris County TEXAS Working No.. ^7 17 r-^ Fed. Reg. Date: Date Due: Action: _i.:?«CcfePT Q resubmission itered 1Q the RETURN • nomination by person or local government ifatlonal REJECT. CH owner objeaion Agency: EH appeal Substantive Review: • sample • request • appeal • NR decision Reviewer's comments: Recom./Criteria. Reviewer Discipline Date see continuation sheet Nomination returned for: .technical corrections cited below .substantive reasons discussed below 1. Name 2. Location 3. Classification Category Ownership Status Present Use Public Acquisition Accessible 4. Owner of Property 5. Location of Legal Description 6. Representation in Existing Surveys Has this property been determined eligible? • yes • no 7. Description Condition Check one Check one excellent I I deteriorated unaltered • original site cn good I I ruins altered moved date. CHfair I I unexposed Describe the present and originat (if known) physical appearance CH summary paragraph CH completeness • clarity 1 I alterations/integrity I I dates I I boundary selection 8. Significance Period Areas of Significance-Check and justify below Specific dates Builder/Architect Statement of Significance (in one paragraph) CH summary paragraph CH completeness O clarity CH applicable criteria CU justification of areas checked CH relating significance to the resource CH context CH relationship of integrity to significance CH justification of exception CH other 9. Major Bibliographical References 10. Geographical Data Acreage of nominated property Quadrangle name UTM References Verbal boundary description and justification 11. Form Prepared By 12. State Historic Preservation Officer Certification The evaluated significance of this property within the state is: national state local State Historic Preservation Officer signature title date 13. Other CH Maps CH Photographs CH Other Questions concerning this nomination may be directed to. Signed Date Phone: Comments for any item may be continued on an attached sheet Please refer to the map in the Multiple Property Cover Sheet for this property Multiple Property Cover Sheet Reference Number: 64000847 .
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