Annex and Tables 207 Annex Authorized institutions and local Representative offices 212 table A Major economic indicators 214 table B performance Ratios of the Banking Sector 216 table C Authorized institutions: Domicile and parentage 217 table D Authorized institutions: Region/economy of Beneficial ownership 218 table e presence of World’s largest 500 Banks in Hong Kong 220 table F Balance Sheet: All Authorized institutions and Retail Banks 222 table g Major Balance Sheet items by Region/economy of Beneficial ownership of Authorized institutions 223 table H Flow of Funds for All Authorized institutions and Retail Banks 224 table i loans to and Deposits from Customers by Category of Authorized institutions 225 table J loans to Customers inside Hong Kong by economic Sector 226 table K Deposits from Customers 227 table l geographical Breakdown of net external Claims/(liabilities) of All Authorized institutions Page 206 AnnuAl RepoRt 2012 • Hong Kong Monetary AutHoRity Annex Authorized Institutions and Local Representative Offices at 31 December 2012 LICENSED BANKS Incorporated in Hong Kong Bank of China (Hong Kong) limited Dah Sing Bank limited Standard Bank asia limited Bank of east asia, limited (the) DBS BanK (Hong Kong) liMiteD Standard Chartered Bank China CitiC Bank international FuBon BanK (Hong Kong) liMiteD (Hong Kong) limited limited Hang Seng Bank, limited tai Sang Bank limited (formerly known as tai yau Bank, limited CitiC Bank international limited) Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation limited (the) Wing Hang BanK, liMiteD China Construction Bank (asia) Corporation limited industrial and Commercial Bank of Wing lung Bank limited China (asia) limited Chiyu Banking Corporation limited nanyang Commercial Bank, limited Chong Hing Bank limited Deletion in 2012 puBliC BanK (Hong Kong) liMiteD CitiBanK (Hong Kong) liMiteD MeVaS BanK liMiteD Shanghai Commercial Bank limited Incorporated outside Hong Kong aBn aMro Bank n.V. BanK oF taiWan CHina DeVelopMent BanK Corporation agriCultural BanK oF CHina Bank of tokyo-Mitsubishi uFJ, liMiteD ltd. (the) China everbright Bank Co., ltd # allahabad Bank Bank Sarasin & Cie ag China Merchants Bank Co., ltd. australia and new Zealand Banking BanK SinopaC CHINA MINSHENG BANKING group limited Corp., ltD. # Banque privée edmond de axis Bank limited Rothschild SA Chinatrust Commercial Bank, ltd. Banca Monte dei paschi di Siena S.p.a. Barclays Bank plC Chugoku Bank, ltd. (the) Banco Bilbao Vizcaya argentaria S.a. Bnp pariBaS Citibank, n.a. BanCo De oro uniBanK, inC. Bnp pariBaS SeCuritieS SerViCeS Commerzbank ag BanCo SantanDer, S.a. Bnp pariBaS WealtH ManageMent Commonwealth Bank of australia Bangkok Bank public Company limited BSi ltD Coöperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen- Bank Julius Baer & Co. ltd. also known as: Boerenleenbank B.a. BSI AG Bank of america, national association Coutts & Co ag BSI SA also known as: Bank of Baroda Canadian imperial Bank of Commerce Coutts & Co Sa Coutts & Co ltd Bank of China limited CANARA BANK CreDit agriCole Corporate anD Bank of Communications Co., ltd. CATHAY BANK INVESTMENT BANK Bank of india CatHay uniteD BanK CoMpany, Crédit agricole (Suisse) Sa Bank of Montreal liMiteD Credit Suisse AG BanK oF neW yorK Mellon (tHe) Chang Hwa Commercial Bank ltd. DBS BanK ltD. Bank of nova Scotia (the) Chiba Bank, ltd. (the) Deutsche Bank aktiengesellschaft BanK oF Singapore liMiteD China Construction Bank Corporation # addition in 2012 Hong Kong Monetary autHority • annual report 2012 Page 207 Annex Authorized Institutions and Local Representative Officesat 31 December 2012 (continued) DZ BANK AG Deutsche Korea exchange Bank Shanghai pudong Development Bank Zentral-genossenschaftsbank, land Bank of taiwan Co., ltd. Co., ltd. Frankfurt am Main lgt Bank in liechtenstein ag Shiga Bank, ltd. (the) e.Sun Commercial Bank, ltd. also known as: Shinhan Bank eaSt WeSt BanK lgt Bank in liechtenstein ltd. Shizuoka Bank, ltd. (the) lgt Banque de liechtenstein S.a. eFg Bank ag Skandinaviska enskilda Banken aB also known as: lgt Banca di liechtenstein S.a. eFg Bank Sa lloyDS tSB BanK plc Societe Generale eFg Bank ltd MaCQuarie BanK liMiteD SoCiete generale BanK & truSt erSte group BanK ag Malayan Banking Berhad StanDarD BanK plC Falcon private Bank ag Mega international Standard Chartered Bank also known as: CoMMerCial BanK Co., ltD. State Bank of india Falcon private Bank ltd. Falcon private Bank Sa Melli BanK plC State Street Bank and trust Company Far eaStern international BanK Mitsubishi uFJ trust and Banking Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Corporation First Commercial Bank, ltd. Svenska Handelsbanken aB (publ) Mizuho Corporate Bank, ltd. Hachijuni Bank, ltd. (the) taipei FuBon CoMMerCial BanK national australia Bank, limited Co., ltD. HANA BANK national BanK oF aBu DHaBi taiSHin international BanK HDFC BanK liMiteD national Bank of pakistan Co., ltD Hong leong BanK BerHaD NATIXIS taiwan Business Bank HSBC BanK international liMiteD neWeDge group taiwan Cooperative Bank, ltd. HSBC Bank plc oversea-Chinese Banking taiwan Shin Kong Commercial Bank HSBC Bank uSa, national association Corporation limited Co., ltd. HSBC private Bank (Suisse) Sa philippine national Bank toronto-Dominion Bank Hua nan Commercial Bank, ltd. pictet & Cie (europe) S.a. # UBS AG iCiCi BanK liMiteD also known as: portigon ag (formerly known as UBS SA indian overseas Bank WestlB ag) uBS ltd industrial and Commercial Bank of pt. Bank negara indonesia uCo Bank China limited (persero) tbk. uniCredit Bank ag industrial Bank of Korea punjab national Bank union Bank of india industrial Bank of taiwan Co., ltd. raiffeisen Bank international ag # united overseas Bank ltd. ing Bank n.V. royal Bank of Canada Wells Fargo Bank, national inteSa Sanpaolo Spa royal Bank of Scotland n.V. (the) Association iyo Bank, ltd. (the) royal Bank of Scotland public Westpac Banking Corporation limited company (The) JpMorgan Chase Bank, Woori Bank National Association Shanghai Commercial & Savings KBC Bank n.V. Bank, ltd. (the) # addition in 2012 Page 208 annual report 2012 • Hong Kong Monetary autHority Annex Authorized Institutions and Local Representative Officesat 31 December 2012 (continued) RESTRICTED LICENCE BANKS Incorporated in Hong Kong allieD BanKing Corporation Citicorp international limited oriX aSia liMiteD (Hong Kong) liMiteD J.p. Morgan SeCuritieS (aSia rBC Capital Markets (Hong Kong) Banc of America Securities Asia paCiFiC) liMiteD limited # limited KDB asia limited SCotiaBanK (Hong Kong) liMiteD Bank of China international limited KOOKMIN BANK HONG KONG Societe generale asia limited CHINA CONSTRUCTION BANK (ASIA) liMiteD uBaF (Hong Kong) limited FinanCe liMiteD Incorporated outside Hong Kong Bank of ayudhya public Company rBC investor Services Bank S.a. limited (formerly known as RBC Dexia Investor BanK Morgan Stanley ag Services Bank S.a.) euroClear BanK Siam Commercial Bank public Mashreq Bank - public Shareholding Company limited (the) Company thanakharn Kasikorn thai Chamkat also known as (Mahachon) Mashreqbank psc also known as pt. BanK ManDiri (perSero) tbk KaSiKornBanK puBliC CoMpany liMiteD # addition in 2012 Hong Kong Monetary autHority • annual report 2012 Page 209 Annex Authorized Institutions and Local Representative Officesat 31 December 2012 (continued) DEPOSIT-TAKING COMPANIES Incorporated in Hong Kong BCoM Finance (Hong Kong) limited HBZ Finance limited Sumitomo Mitsui Trust (Hong Kong) limited Bpi international Finance limited Henderson International Finance limited (formerly known as Chau's Brothers Finance Company The Sumitomo Trust Finance limited HKCB Finance limited (H.K.) limited) Chong Hing Finance limited Hung Kai Finance Company limited Vietnam Finance Company limited Commonwealth Finance Corporation inchroy Credit Corporation limited Wing Hang Finance Company limited KeB asia Finance limited limited Corporate Finance (D.t.C.) limited KeXiM aSia liMiteD Woori gloBal MarKetS aSia liMiteD FUBON CREDIT (HONG KONG) oCtopuS CarDS liMiteD liMiteD primeCredit limited gunma Finance (Hong Kong) limited Deletion in 2012 puBliC FinanCe liMiteD Habib Finance international limited Hachijuni asia limited SHinHan aSia liMiteD orient FirSt Capital liMiteD Incorporated outside Hong Kong nil Page 210 annual report 2012 • Hong Kong Monetary autHority Annex Authorized Institutions and Local Representative Officesat 31 December 2012 (continued) LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE OFFICES antWerpSe DiaMantBanK nV Corporation Bank resona Bank, limited also known as Credit Industriel et Commercial rothschild Bank ag antWerp DiaMonD BanK nV Credito Bergamasco S.p.A. Schroder & Co Bank ag BanCa popolare CoMMerCio Dukascopy Bank Sa # also known as: e inDuStria Spa Schroder & Co Banque Sa Banca popolare dell'emilia romagna Fiduciary Trust Company International Schroder & Co Banca Sa Soc. Coop. a r.l. FirSt gulF BanK # Schroder & Co Bank ltd Schroder & Co Banco Sa Banca popolare di ancona Societa' Habib Bank a.g. Zurich per azioni Shinkin Central Bank HSH nordbank ag Banca popolare di Bergamo S.p.a. Shoko Chukin Bank, ltd. (the) investec Bank limited Banca popolare di Sondrio Soc. Coop. Silicon Valley Bank Japan poSt BanK Co., ltD. a r.l. union Bank of taiwan Joint Stock Company traSta BanCa popolare Di ViCenZa - KOMERCBANKA Unione di Banche Italiane Società Società cooperativa per azioni Cooperativa per azioni Juroku Bank, ltd. (the) Banca Regionale Europea S.p.A. Veneto Banca S.c.a.r.l. Korea Development Bank (the) Banco di Brescia S.p.A. Verwaltungs- und privat-Bank Merrill lynch Bank (Suisse) S.a. Banco do Brasil S.A.
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