f '«l Dr. Fred Schwarz Volume48, Number 10 Dr. David Noebel October 2008 Barack Obama's Chicago Connection Part II by Cliff Kincaid "Afterhearing about Barack Obama's ties totheRev. Jeremiah Wright, Bill The Schwarz Report Bookshelf Ayers, BemardineDohm, Fr.Michael Pfleger, andmilitantactivistsofACORN To see a complete list of books recom (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), it should mended by the Christian Anti-Communism be clear to everyone that his extremist roots run deep. But the presumptive Crusade please check out our website at Democratic presidential nominee has yet another connection with the world of www.schwarzreport.org. This site also has far-Left radicalism. Obama has long been linked—through foundation grants, back issues of The Schwarz Report as well shared polticial activism, collaboration on legislation and tactics, and mutual as other great resources. praise and support—with the Chicago-based Gamaliel Foundation, one ofthe least known yet most influential national umbrella groups for church-based "community organizers." —^Stanley Kurtz, National Review, September 1, 2008, p. 32 "The same separatist, anti-American theology of liberation that was so boldly andbitterly proclaimed byObama's pastor isshared, ifmore quietly, by Obama's Gamaliel colleagues. The operative wordhere is "quietly." Gamliel specializes in ideological stealth, and Obama, a master student of Gamaliel strategy, shows disturbing signs ofbeing a sub rosa radical himself Obama's legislative tactics, as well as hispersistent profession of non-ideological prag matism, appear tobe inspired byhisradical mentors'mostsophisticated tactics. NotonlyhasObamastudied, taughtandapparently absorbed stealthtechniques edited by Dr. David A. Noebel and Dr. Michael from racidal groups like Gamaliel andACORN, but in his position as a board Bauman. The Crusade's address is PO Box 129, member of Chicago's supposedly nonpartisan Woods Fund, hequietly flinneled Manitou Springs, CO 80829. Our telephone money to hisradialallies—at theverymoment he mostneeded theirsupportto number is (719) 685-9043. All correspondence boost his political career. It's high time for these shadowy, perhaps improper, and tax-deductible gifts (the Crusade is a 501(c)3 ties to receive a dose ofsunlight. tax-exempt oi^anization) may be sent to this ad The connections are numerous, Gregory Galluzzo, Gamaliel's co-founder dress. Permission to reproduce materials from this Report is granted provided our name and andexecutive director, served asa trainer andmentor during Obama's mid-1980s address are given. organizingdays in Chicago. The DevelopingCommunitesProject,which first hired Obama, is part ofthe Gamaliel network. Obama became a consultant and eventuallya trainer ofcommunityorganizersfor Gamaliel. (He also servedas a trainer for ACORN.) And he has kept up his ties with Gamaliel during his And do not participate in time in the U.S. Sentate. the unfruitful deeds ofdark —Stanley Kurtz, National Review, September 1, 2008, p. 32 ness, but instead expose them. Ephesians 5:11 continuedon followingpage "Dwell on the past andyou 11 lose an eye;forget the past andyou 11 lose both eyes. " Old Russian Proverb Till-; Sciiw'ARZ Rkpok'I" /OcroBKR 2008 Chesa Boudin is an QditQr ofLettersfrom YoungActiv Barack Obama's Chicago ists, a 2005 book about a new "movement" for "progres Connection, Part II sive social change" that includes a preface from Bemar- dine Dohm, who praises the "young militants" for trying by Cliff Kincald to change the world. The book includes an endorsement from convicted cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal and gives Provding a modem example ofthe "Red diaper baby" thanks to "lifelong activist and educator Bill Ayers." syndrome, Chesa Boudin, the son of Kathy Boudin and "Dear Dad," writes Chesa Boudin in a letter published David Gilbert, was raised by Dohm and Ayers because his in the book. He tells his father, convicted and incarcerated parents had gone to prison. Chesa Boudin went to Yale, terrorist David Gilbert, that "Che Guevara would have where he was a leaderofthe Yale Coalition for Peace. He described your revolutionary spirit as guided by love." was selected as a Rhodes Scholar and is a big fan of"The Before they became members ofthe Weather Under Venezuelan Revolution," which just happens to be in the ground, Ayers and Dohm were officials of the Students title ofa book that he co-authoredthat is sympathetic to the for a Democratic Society (SDS), an openly communist brand of communism being promoted by Hugo Chavez. group that engaged in anti-police violence on the streets He reportedly lived in Venezuela so he could support the Chavez government. "To our fathers and mothers, who of Chicago in 1968 and 1969 and on college campuses. During the "Days of Rage" in October of 1969 on the brought politics to our lives," says the acknowledgements. streets ofChicago, 287 arrests were reported on charges They sure did. ranging from resisting arrest to disorderly conduct and Computer documents seized from the Revolutionary aggravated battery and 59 police officers were injured. Armed Forces ofColombia (FARC) and authenticated by Ayers and Dohm were indicted on federal riot charges. INTERPOLdemonstrate that the communist narco-terror- Examples of SDS pamphlets and literature demon ist group has been receiving support from Chavez. The documents also show that an agent ofthe FARC referred strate its communist orientation. The Weather Underground Organization (WUO), to "the proposal of the gringos," explained by FARC which was spawned by the SDS, was openly dedicated foreign minister Raul Reyes as a reference to the "new president oftheir country" being Obama, who opposes a to world communism and had links to hostile foreign powers. An FBI report noted the "foreign influences" free trade agreement with Colombia and the U.S. military on the WUO and said the organization was "carrying out aid program for its anti-communist government. the policies and purposes" ofthe communist Vietnamese One has to wonder who those "gringos" are. More investigations have to be conducted into this serious and Cuban govemments. The FBI said that the "Vencer- emos Brigade" trips to Cuba were organized by the WUO matter. "with the encouragement and instructions of the Cuban We do know that on the wall outside ofAyers' univer government." sity office is a big poster advertising Ayers' appearance In short, there was Cuban direction ofthis communist at a conference in Venezuela. This is apparently a refer terrorist group. ence to the "World Education Forum" in Venezuela, in "We're revolutionary communists," Ayers himself which Ayers delivered a talk that was translated by Chesa Boudin. Ayers told the group: "This is my fourth visit said in 1969. That same year, Ayers was a presenter at an "Experimental Education Seminar" at the Washington, to Venezuela, each time at the invitiation ofmy comrade D.C. headquarters ofthe controversial Institute for Policy and friend Luis Bonilla, a brilliant eductor and inspiring fighter for justice. Luis has taught me a great deal about Studies (IPS), the pro-Marxist think tank that supported CIA defector Philip Agee and Communist regimes such the Bolivarian Revolution and about the profound edu cational reforms underway here in Venezuela under the as Cuba and North Vietnam. leadership ofPresident Chavez. We share the beliefthat The IPS was the subject of the 1988 book, Covert Cadre, by S. Steven Powell, with an introduction by Da education is the motor-force ofrevolution, and I've come to appreciate Luis as a major asset in both the Venezuelan vid Horowitz, the reformed far leftist. AIM editor Reed and the international struggle—I look forward to seeing Irvine described Horowitz's introduction as almost worth how he and all ofyou continue to overcome the failings the price of the book itself because he explained how of capitalist education as you seek to create something the IPS is "populated by people who are laying siege to truly new and deeply humane." democracy's defenses and crippling its resistance to the totalitarian advance." Till-: SciiwarzRkpor'I' / October2008 Perhaps the most controversial figure ever associated at a national SDS "War Council" in December of 1969. with IPS, next to Ayers, was Orlando Letelier, the former Those in attendance included SDS leader Mark Rudd, who top official ofthe Marxist Salvador Allende government also gave a speech. Rudd was the subject ofan April 27, in Chile. He was an associate fellow ofIPS and director 2008, sympathetic article in the Washington Post about of the IPS international branch, the Transnational Insti a Columbia '68 "reunion" of SDS members and student tute. He was exposed by papers found in his briefcase radicals who had taken over campus buildings. Lee Bol- after his murder in 1976 to have been secretly promoting linger, president ofColumbia and a board member ofthe communist goals, with the assistance ofCuba. Post, delivered a welcoming address and participated in Very little has been said by Obama and his campaign a panel discussion. about the relationship with Ayers. "This is a guy who The Post article about the event neglected to mention lives in my neighborhood, who's a professor of English that Rudd had been to Communist Cuba before he led in Chicago who I know and who I have not received some the riots and the takeover ofColumbia University. Rudd official endorsement fi-om," Obama said. "He's not some wrote an SDS pamphlet, titled simply Columbia, which body who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis. And declared that during the "occupation" ofColumbia Univer the notion that somehow as a consequence ofme knowing sity, "It was no accident that we hung up pictures ofKarl "somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, Marx and Malcom X and Che Guevara and flew red flags when I was 8 years old, somehow reflects on me and my from the tops oftwo buildings." The pamphlet concluded values doesn't make much sense." with a quotation from Communist Chinese mass murderer Obama campaign strategist David Axelrod told Po Mao Tse-Tung, "Dare to struggle, dare to win." litico 'sBen Smith, "Bill Ayers lives in his neighborhood.
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