r Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria 18 December 1959 https://doi.org/10.24199/j.mmv.1959.24.10 103 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PRINTED LITERATURE UPON VICTORIAN ABORIGINES. By Aldo Massola, Curator of Anthropology, National Museum of Victoria. INTRODUCTION, This Bibliography, as the name suggests, deals only with printed literature (excluding' newspapers) upon the Aborigines of Victoria. In some eases, however, as in the Monographs by D. S. Davidson, the original papers deal with the Natives of Australia as a whole. These have been included because they contain also Victorian material. The present writer has seen most of the works here enumerated but some Kara Avis he has not seen are included because reference to them is made by reliable Authors. A number of works have been omitted because 1 hei references to the Victorian Aborigines were too scanty, or of no scientific account. The Author hopes that nothing of any importance has been overlooked. If it has, he would be interested to hear about it. The material has been presented in geographic and subjeel divisions, treated together and strictly alphabetically. Every item has been cross-referenced, and an Author Index, referring to the divisions, is added. In dealing with any particular subject or locality, such as, say, Dartmoor, the user of this Bibliography must also remember that Dartmoor is on the (llenelg River, in the Western District, and that reference to it could also he found in works under General. The serious worker must consult all these divisions. In the case of General, tins includes works dealing with Victorian subjects and localities as a whole, such as R. Brough Smyth's " Aborigines of Victoria ", or A. W. Howitt's " Native Tribes of South-East Australia ". Smyth's work, as also K M. Curr's " The Australian Race ", have been dissected, as they contain papers by innumerable Authors. I must acknowledge the great help rendered me by the Librarian of the National Museum of Victoria, Miss J* M. Shaw, B.A., who not only typed the entire proof, hut re-checked almost every reference for proper rendering of Authors' names and dates. I must also thank the Officers of the Public Library of Victoria who have always given me every assistance. To all others who assisted in any way whatever my grateful thanks are offered. 104 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PRINTED LITERATURE UPON VICTORIAN ABORIGINES REFERENCES. ADMINISTRATION. See Missions. ANTIQUITY. Adam, W.—Palate and Upper Dental Arch. (Keilor Skull.) Mem. nat. Mus. Vic. 13, 1943. Archibald, J.—Notes on the Antiquity of the Aust. Abo. Race. Founded upon the Collection in the Warrnambool Public Museum. Trans. R. geogr. Soc. Aust/sia XI. pp. 22-5, 1894. The Discovery of the most ancient or Tertiary men in Australia. Science of Man I., p. 40, 1898. Baragwanath, W.—See Wood-Jones, F., Washington, 1933. Branco, W.—Fusspuren in Australien, bei Warrnambool, Victoria und anderen Orten. Z. dtsch. geol. Ges. 56, pp. 114-121. Berlin, 1904. , Die fraglichen fossilen Menschichen Fusspuren im Sandsteine von Warrnambool, Victoria, und andere angebliche Spuren des fossilen Mensche.i in Australien. Zeit, fur Ethn. 37, pp. 162-72. Berlin, 1905. Campbell, T. D.—A suggested reconstruction of the missing anterior teeth of the Cohuna Specimen. Rec. S. Aust. Mus. 7, No. 2, p. 235, 1943. Carroll, A., (Editor) —Evidence collected to establish the Discovery of the most Ancient Men in Australia. Science of Man L, p. 54, 1898. , Further evidence to establish discoveries in Warnambool Quarries. Science of Man I., p. 87, 1898. De Vis, C. W.—Remarks on a fossil implement and bones of an extinct kangaroo. Proc. roy. Soc. Vic. (N.S.) XII. (1), p. 81-6. 1899. Ferguson, W. H.—Evidence of the Antiquity of Man in Victoria. Vic. Nat. II., p. 87-90, 1894. Gill, E. D.—New evidence from Victoria relative to the Antiquity of the Aborigines. Read before A.N.Z.A.A.S., Brisbane, 1951. Aust. Journ. Science 14, No. 3, p. 69-73, Dec. 1951. , Thylacoleo and Incised bones. Aust. Journ. Science. 14, No. 6, p. 201, June 1952. , Geological evidence in Western Victoria relative to the Antiquity of the Australian Aborigines. Mem. nat. Mus. Vic. 18, p. 25, 1953. , Fluorine Tests relative to the Keilor Skull. Amer. Journ. phys. Anthrop. XI. N.S., No. 2, June 1953. -, Fluorine Tests in Aust. on the Keilor Skull and a tertiary marsupial. Nature 172, p. 409, Aug. 1953. Current quaternary studies in Victoria, Australia. Acts du IV. Congres International du Quaternaire, Rome, 1953. , Fluorine-Phosphate Ratios in Relation to the Age of the Keilor Skull, a tertiary marsupial and other fossils from Western Victoria. Mem. nat. Mus. Vic. 19, p. 106, 1955. , Keilor Man. Antiquity. XXVIII. 110-13, June, 1954. , p. , Aboriginal Midden Sites in Western Victorian dated by Radiocarbon Analysis. Mankind. V (2), p. 51, 1955. , Radiocarbon Dates for Australian Archaeological and Geological samples. Aust. Journ. Science. 18 (2), p. 49-52, 1955. -, The Age of Keilor Man, Australia. Anthropos 50, p. 27, 1955. Gregory, J. W.—The Antiquity of Man in Victoria. Proc. roy. Soc. Vic. (N.S.) XVII. (1), p. 120-144, 1904. Keble, R. A.—Excursion to Keilor. Vic. Nat. 63, p. 11, 1946. , Notes on Australian Quaternary Climates and Migration. Mem. nat. Mus. Vic. 15, 1947. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PRINTED LITERATURE UPON VICTORIAN 105 ABORIGINES Antiquity—con tinned. Keble, R. A., and MacPherson, J. Hope. —The Contemporaneity of the River- Terraces of the Maribyrnong River, Victoria, with those of the Upper Pleistocene in Europe. Mem. nat. Mus. Vic. 14 (2), p. 52-68, 1946. Keferstein, W.—Bemerkungen iiber das skelett eines Australien von Stamme Warrnambool. Nova Acta. Acad. Leop-Carol. 32 (I), 1865. Keith, Sir Arthur.—New Discoveries relating to the Antiquity of man (Cohuna Skull) London, 1931. , Review of the Keilor Skull articles published in Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria, No. 13, 1943. Man — . 94, 1945. Kenyon, A. S.—See Wood-Jones, F., Washington, 1933. Lash, R.—Gregory iiber die altesten Spuren des Menschen in Australien. Globus. Braunschweig. 87, p. 90-91, 1905. Macintosh, N. W. G.^The Cohuna Cranium—history and commentary from Nov. 1925 to Nov. 1951. Mankind IV., No. 8, March 1952. — XXIII., No. 2, Dec. — , The Cohuna Cranium—teeth and palate. Oceania 1952. The Cohuna Cranium—Physiography and chemical analysis. Oceania XXIII., No. 4, June 1953. MacPherson, J. Hope.—See Keble, R.A., 1946. Mahony, D. J. —On the bones of the Tasmanian Devil and other animals, associated with human remains near Warrnambool, with a note on the dune sand. Vic. Nat. XXIX., No. 3, July 1912. , See Wood-Jones, F., Washington, 1933. , The Problem of Antiquity of Man in Australia. Mem. nat. Mus. Vic. 13, 1943. Geological Evidence of Antiquity (Keilor Skull). Mem. nat. Mus. Vic. 13, 1943. -, An Artefact probably of Pleistocene Age from Keilor. Victoria. Mem. nat. Mus. Vic. 14 (I), 1944. Mulvaney, D. J.—Research into the Prehistory of Victoria, a criticism and a Field Survey. His. Studies Aust. and N.Z. 8, No. 29, p. 32, 1957. Noetling, F.—Bemerkungen iiber die angebliche Menschenspur im Sandstein von Warrnambool (Vic.) Australien. Zbl. Min. Geol. Palaont., pp. 498-502, 2 fig., 1907. Oakley, K.^Dating Fossil Men. (Keilor Skull.) Mem. Manchr. lit. phil. Soc. 98 (6), p. 94, 1956-57. Officer, C. G. W.—The supposed human footprints in Aeolian Rocks at Warrnambool. Vic. Nat. 8, p. 82-4, 1891. The discovery of supposed human footprints on Aeolian Rock at ( Warrnambool. Vic. Nat. 9, p. 32-39, 1892. Tindale, N. B.—Culture succession in South-Eastern Australia from late Pleistocene to the Present. Rec. S. Aust. Mus. XIII. (1), p. 1-49, 1957. Tugby, D. J.—The Keilor Skulls. Man. 154, 1951. Vallois, N. V.—L'antiquite de 1'homme en Australie. L'Antropologie 53 (1-2), pp. 158-159, 1949. Weidenreich, F. A Wadjak Type from Southern Australia (Keilor Skull). Amer. J. Phys. Anthrop. 3, N.S., No. 1, p. 21-32, 1945. Wood-Jones, F. —With W. Baragwanath, D. J. Mahony, A. S. Kenyon. —Fossil Man in the State of Victoria, Australia. Report XVI. Int. geol. Congr. Washington, 1933. Tasmanian and Australian Man. Man 67, 1934. 106 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PRINTED LITERATURE UPON VICTORIAN ABORIGINES Antiquity—continued. Wood-Jones, F. H.—The Antiquity of Man in Australia. Nature 153, No. 3877, Feb. 19, 1944. Wunderley, J.—Anatomical Description (Keilor Skull). Mem. nat. Mus. Vic. 13, 1943. ARARAT. Bfinfield, L. L.—Like the Ark, the story of Ararat, pp. 16-25, Melbourne, 1955. Chauncy, P. —Supplementary list of places and words from Natives at Camperdown, Ararat, Daylesford, Hopkin's River. Smyth's Aborigines of Victoria II., pp. 212-216, 1878. Massola, A.—The Challicum Bun-yip. Vict. Nat. 74 (6), p. 76, 1957. Mitchell, S. R.—The Mooney Collection of Aboriginal Stone Implements. Vic. Nat. 62 (I), p. 10, 1945. ART. Barrett, C—Tommy McCrac, Aboriginal Artist. Vic. Nat. 52, p. 86, Sept. 1935. Croll, — , and R. H.—Art of the Australian Aboriginal, Melbourne 1943. — , and Kenyon, A. S. Australian Aboriginal Art. Melbourne 1929, Reprinted 1947-1952-1958. Croll, R. H.—See Barrett and Croll. Davidson, D. S.— Preliminary consideration of Aboriginal Australian Decorative Art. Amer. Philos. Soc. Mem. 9, 1937. JCenyon, A. S.— See Barrett and Kenyon. Murdoch, W. S.—Aboriginal Drawing by Alexander McCrae. Science of Man 3 (8), p. 136, 1900. See also Rock Paintings, Bark Engravings, Ground Drawings. ARTHURS SEAT. Daley, C.^Arthur's Seat in the Forties. Vic. Hist. Mag. 18, p. 57, 1940. McCrae, G. G- Aborigines of the Coast. Vic. Hist. Mag. L, p. 21, 1911. and —, Kenyon, A. S.—Notes on Aboriginal Vocabulary of the Western Port Tribe at Arthur's Seat.
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