Cross.bindex 9/19/06 4:27 PM Page 283 INDEX A Atlee, T., 135, 147 Bolles, R. N., 92 A CLUE, 86 Authentic happiness, 113 Bonk, C., 170, 171, 172 Abu Dhabi World Café, 138fig Bourdain, A., 151 Accelerating Change 2005 conference, B Bowling Green University, 229 5 Baldwin, T. T., 32 Boyatzis, R., 95 Access: to expertise, 25–26; as informal BAR Camp, 206, 210–215 BP: approach to improving interface learning factor, 18 Batelle, J., 210 within, 195–199; background infor- Adams, J., 94 Baum, D., 182 mation on, 195; cartoon mapping Adaptation, 15fig–16 Beale, S., 213 critical interface in, 197fig; decision ADD (attention deficit disorder), 93, Behlendorf, B., 227 cards used by, 198fig–199 94 Bell Harbor Conference Center Brache, A., 33 Adkins, S., 32 (Seattle), 207 Brand, S., 2 Advanced Micro Devices, 121 Bennett, A., 91 Bransford, J., 79 Aetna Insurance, 57 Berensson, A., 103 Brinkerhoff, R. O., 32 Akers, J., 43 Berman, M., 31 Broad, 32 Alcoholics Anonymous serenity prayer, Beyond Bullet Points: Using Microsoft Brown, J., 135, 136 228 PowerPoint to Create Presentations Brown, J. S., 38, 45–46, 132, 212 Allee, V., 10 That Inform, Motivate, and Inspire Buchanan, L., 177 Alta Visa, 169 COPYRIGHTED(Atkinson), 103 MATERIALBuilding Beehives (Kahan), 151 Altus vSearch, 155fig Bird by Bird (Lamott), 101 Bullitt (film), 64–65 Amelio, G., 121, 124, 126 Blakeslee, S., 12 Bureau of Labor and Statistics, 17 American Fern Society, 153 Blended learning: description of, 171– Burke, J., 107 American Psychological Association, 172; dimensions of, 172–173t; Burns, F., 113 112 origins of, 170–171 Bush, G. W., 174 Apache Corporation, 227–228 Blink (Gladwell), 87 Business ecosystem: benefits/results of Appreciative Inquiry, 229 Blogger community, 153 informal learning for, 25–29, 232; Argyris, C., 148 Blogs, 179–182 creating value in, 92; delusions of Asch, S., 12 Blue Pages (IBM), 61–62 control belief held by, 17–18; evolu- ASTD study (2001), 166 Body language, 100 tion of, 6fig; learning component Atkinson, C., 103 Bohm, D., 134 of, 91; push and pull concept of, 283 Cross.bindex 9/19/06 4:27 PM Page 284 284 INDEX 38t–39; spending-outcomes paradox Communication: body language, 100; Curry, A., 207, 209 and corporate learning, 17; value conversation form of, 131–148; Customer segments, 82 of intangibles of, 34. See also informal learning during conversa- Organizations tional, 28; networks connected D Business Week (magazine), 8 through, 5–6; public speaking, Dalai Lama, 133 “Butterfly effect” metaphor, 9 97–100; stories/storytelling for, 103, Damasio, A. R., 95, 108 Button, R., 187–188, 191, 192 132; unconferences form of, Daul, B., 75 205–217; unmanageable nature of Davenport, T., 8, 43, 45 C modern, 10; written, 100–106, Davis, E., 31 Caen, H., 79 118–119; XPLANE XPLANA- Decision games, 87–88 Calvin and Hobbes cartoon, 56–57 TIONS used in, 200fig–203fig Decision making: PB decision cards used Canada’s National Research Network Communispace Corporation, 135 for, 198fig–199; shell scenarios/games on New Approaches to Lifelong Communities of practice: Cisco as, to develop, 87–88; tips for, 88–89 Learning, 17 154–158; cultural differences and, Decker Communications Program, 100 Capella University, 171 160–161t; description of, 151–154; Decroux, E., 114 Capitalworks, 17 LEGO Company, 158–160; world Delivered from Distraction (Hallowell & Capra, F., 65 jam platform for, 162 Ratey), 94 Carnegie, A., 29–30 Communities of purpose (HP), 154 Deming, W. E., 25 Carnegie, D., 98 Company Command Web site, 181–182 Denning, S., 103, 132 CBT Systems, 169 Computer connectivity evolution, 7fig Depression, 93–94, 97 “CEO Charm School,” 99 Connections (TV series), 107 Desert Survival Game, 131 CGI: background information on, Connectors, 75 DesignWorlds for Learning, 64 187–188; rich learning environ- Conner, M., 58–59, 166, 175 Drucker, P. F., 8, 34, 43, 76, 222 ment created by, 186; technical Conrad, B., 2 “Drunken monkey,” 79 library of, 190fig; technology leader- Conversation: informal learning during, Dubai, 133 ship program of, 188fig, 190fig; TFC 28; initiated by mentors, coaches, Dublin, L., 99 (Technology Focus Connection) and facilitators, 132–133; at Pfizer, tool of, 189, 191fig; TFN (Tech- 143–148; as powerful learning E nology Focus Network) of, 189, device, 131–132; stories/storytelling Ecstasy and Education (Leonard), 21 191–192; Thought Leadership as element of, 103, 132; UAE’s use Edgerton, H., 2 project of, 192 of Emiratization and, 133–134; Education Development Center of Challenger space shuttle disaster, 147 World Café, 135–141fig, 142fig Massachusetts, 17 Chambers, J., 158, 169 Cooperrider, D., 95, 229 Education Without Borders conference Change: informal learning facilitating Corporate culture: displaying values of, (2005), 134 transformation and, 26; keeping up 50–52; importance of, 51, 230–231. 80/20 rule, 63 with, 29; long-term enterprise com- See also Cultural differences Einstein, A., 117, 223 mitment to, 84–86 “Courageous Conversations” program eLearn International Conference Children’s Museum (Chicago), 50 (Pfizer), 143–148, 231 (Edinburgh, 2004), 55 CIO (magazine), 177 Creating Value with Knowledge (Cross), eLearning: birth of, 169–170; blended Cisco community of practice, 154–158 63 learning component of, 170–173t; Clark, D., 55 Creative relationships-shared space effectiveness of, 166–168; future of, Cleese, J., 22 link, 58–59 175; results of, 168; ROI advantage The Cluetrain Manifesto (Locke, Cross, A., 4fig, 111 of, 166; University of Phoenix suc- Weinberger, Levine, & Searles), 230 Cross, J., 57, 141fig cess with, 173–175 Coaches, 132–133 Cross, R., 63, 69–70 eLearning Guild, 17 Coaching, 127 Cryer, B., 111 Electronic Performance Support Systems Collier, R., 195 Csikszentmihalyi, M., 95, 112, 227 (Gery), 57 Collins, J., 84 Cultural differences: among countries, Ellison, L., 185 Columbia space shuttle disaster, 102, 161t; communities of practice and, Emergent learning: creating learning 147 160–161. See also Corporate culture spaces for, 43–52; creating learn- Cross.bindex 9/19/06 4:27 PM Page 285 INDEX 285 scapes for, 40–58; creating playful fMRI studies, 12 “Google-izing,” 25 workplace for, 52–55; digital natives FOO Camp, 206, 209–210 Googleplex (Google headquarters), 54 of, 55–57; Knowledge Campus Forbes 400 (magazine), 174 Graham, C., 170, 172 (Novartis) facilitating, 49–50; Ford, H., 221 Granovetter, M., 67 moving from training programs to, Ford, J. R., 32 Graphics: visual impact of, 119; 40–43; push and pull concepts and, Ford, K. J., 32 XPLANATIONS, 200fig–203fig 38t–39t; shared space, creative rela- Ford Motor Company, 80 Gray, D., 142 tionships, and, 58–59; traditional Formal learning: comparing outcomes of Grok (holistic recognition), 195 versus, 37t; work flow learning as informal, 31–34; described, 16–17; Grokking: BP’s approach to, 195–199; part of, 58 dimensions of, 127t; eLearning reflections on, 199–200; XPLANA- Emerging Elearning conference (2005), approach to, 166–175; spending-out- TIONS communications design as, 137 comes paradox of informal and, 17. 200fig–203fig Emiratization (UAE), 133 See also Informal learning; Training The Grove Consultants, 122, 125, 126 Emotional intelligence, 108 Fortune (magazine), 69, 104 Grudin, R., 111 Empowering workers, 91 43 Things Web site, 92–93 Gutenberg, J., 118 Engaging Learning: Designing e-Learning Fowler, R., 112 Simulation Games (Quinn), 76 Freeman, W. J., 8 H Engaging Learning (Quinn), 52 Friedman, M., 228 Hagel, J., 38, 212 Engelbart, D., 8 The Future of Work: How the New Halliburton, 72–73 Enterprise learning: commitment to Order of Business Will Shape Your Hallowell, E., 94 transformation and, 84–86; for cul- Organization, Your Management Style Hamel, G., 143 ture, knowledge, or skills, 85t and Your Life (Malone), 5 The Handbook of Blended Learning Envisioning: Bob Horn’s experience Future Salon, 8 (Graham), 170 with, 117, 126–129; history of Handy, C., 15 printed works using visual language G Happiness, 111–114 and, 118–119; multiple meanings Gafni, E., 17 Hartmann, T., 94 of, 117; National Semiconductor’s Gamez, J., 155–156 Harvard Business Review, 148, 171 experience with, 119, 121–126; Gandhi, 11, 132 Hathaway, R., 144 XPLANE poster example of, 120fig Gatto, J. T., 83 Haussmann, Baron, 114 Esteva, G., 153 Gehry, F., 45 Health factor, 108–111 Evaluating innovation, 29–30 Geneen, H., 26 “Heart intelligence,” 108 Evolution: of business, 6fig; of connec- General Electric, 69 Heinlein, R. A., 195 tivity of computers, 7fig; of learn- Gerstner, L., 230 Henschel, P., 223 ing, 7fig–8 Gery, G., 57 The Hidden Connections (Capra), 65 Experts: decision games used to develop, Gibbons, J., 143 Hill, N., 8, 30 88; informal learning to increase Gill, S. J., 32 Hodder, M., 205 access to, 25–26; situation assess- Gillmor Gang audio program, 208–209 Hoffer, E., 52 ment by, 87 Gillmor, S., 207–208 Honoré, C., 11 Exploratorium (San Francisco), 50 Gillmore, D., 207–208 Horn, B., 117, 126–129 Gladwell, M., 75, 87 How Buildings Learn (Brand), 2 F Gnomedex, 206, 207–209 “How to Ask Questions the Smart Facilitators, 132–133 Goldberg, N., 101 Way” (Raymond), 152 FAQ (frequently asked question), 63 Goleman, D., 95, 108, 226 HP (Hewlett Packard): communities of Feelings, 94–96 Good, R., 69 purpose approach by, 154; learning Field Museum (Chicago), 50 Good to Great (Collins), 84 space problem at, 43; Stanford Find-yourself aids, 92–93 Google: corporate culture displayed by, Instructional Television Network Five-Minute University (comedy rou- 51; human butterfly effect observed participation by, 142–143; UAE tine), 31 at, 9; intangible
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