Applied Tariff Applied Tariff Applied Tariff Applied Tariff Rate Rate for Rate for El Rate for El for Honduras Number HS 2007 Description Guatemala under Salvador under Salvador under under the FTA the FTA since the FTA since the FTA in 2010 since 2010 2010 2011 1 0101.10.01 Horses Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 2 0101.10.99 Other Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 3 0101.90.01 Jump or race horses Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 4 0101.90.02 Non pedigreed breeding horses Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. "Horses for slaughter, when imported by 5 0101.90.03 Federally Inspected Establishment type Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. packers." 6 0101.90.99 Other Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 7 0102.10.01 Pure-bred breeding animals Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 8 0102.90.01 Dairy cows Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. "With pedigree or High Registrating 9 0102.90.02 Certificate, excluding those of code Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 0102.90.01" "Bovines for slaughter, when imported by 10 0102.90.03 Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. Industrial de Abastos." 11 0102.90.99 Other Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 12 0103.10.01 Pure-bred breeding animals Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. With pedigree or High Registrating 13 0103.91.01 EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. Certificate. 14 0103.91.02 Peccaries EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 15 0103.91.99 Other EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. With pedigree or High Registrating 16 0103.92.01 EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. Certificate. "Weighing more than 110 kg., excluding 17 0103.92.02 those of codes 0103.92.01 and EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 0103.92.03." 18 0103.92.03 Peccaries EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 19 0103.92.99 Other EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. With pedigree or High Registrating 20 0104.10.01 Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. Certificate. 21 0104.10.02 For slaughter. Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 22 0104.10.99 Other Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. With pedigree or High Registrating 23 0104.20.01 Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. Certificate. 24 0104.20.99 Other Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. When do not require food during their 25 0105.11.01 Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. transportation Newly born breeding birds, with High 26 0105.11.02 Registrating Certificate, for imports of up Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. to 18,000 heads per transaction. 27 0105.11.99 Other Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 28 0105.12.01 Turkeys Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 29 0105.19.99 Other Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 30 0105.94.01 Fighting cocks EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 31 0105.94.99 Other EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 32 0105.99.99 Other EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. Monkeys of the Macacus rhesus or 33 0106.11.01 Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. Macacus cercophitecus varieties. 34 0106.11.99 Other Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. "Whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); 35 0106.12.01 Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. manatees and dugongs (mammals of the Sirenia order)" "Pronghorn, mottled lamb, mountain 36 0106.19.01 bear, wolf, beaver, puma, jaguar, ocelot, Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. tiger cat, wildcat or tapir." Red deer (Cervus elaphus); buck (fallow 37 0106.19.02 Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. deer). 38 0106.19.03 Dogs Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 39 0106.19.04 Rabbits Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 40 0106.19.05 "Seals, sea elephants, and sea lions" Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 41 0106.19.99 Other Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 42 0106.20.01 Rattlesnake Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 43 0106.20.02 Terrestrial turtles Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 44 0106.20.03 Turtles and terrapins. Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 45 0106.20.99 Other Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 46 0106.31.01 Birds of prey Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. "Psittaciforms (including parrots, 47 0106.32.01 Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. parakeets, macaws and cockatoos)" Flamingos; quetzals; horned Guam; 48 0106.39.01 Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. royal duck 49 0106.39.02 Singing birds. Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 50 0106.39.99 Other Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 51 0106.90.01 Bees Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 52 0106.90.02 Rebellus worm Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 53 0106.90.03 Aquatic worm Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 54 0106.90.04 Phytoseiulus persimilis Acari. Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 55 0106.90.99 Other Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 56 0201.10.01 Carcasses and half-carcasses Ex. EXCL. EXCL. Ex. 57 0201.20.99 Other cuts with bone Ex. EXCL. EXCL. Ex. 58 0201.30.01 Boneless Ex. EXCL. EXCL. Ex. 59 0202.10.01 Carcasses and half-carcasses Ex. EXCL. EXCL. Ex. 60 0202.20.99 Other cuts with bone Ex. EXCL. EXCL. Ex. 61 0202.30.01 Boneless Ex. EXCL. EXCL. Ex. 62 0203.11.01 Carcasses and half-carcasses EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. "Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with 63 0203.12.01 EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. bone. " 64 0203.19.99 Other EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 65 0203.21.01 Carcasses and half-carcasses EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. "Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with 66 0203.22.01 EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. bone. " 67 0203.29.99 Other EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. "Lamb carcasses and half-carcasses, 68 0204.10.01 Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. fresh or refrigerated." 69 0204.21.01 Carcasses and half-carcasses Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 70 0204.22.99 Other cuts with bone Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 71 0204.23.01 Boneless Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. "Lamb carcasses and half-carcasses, 72 0204.30.01 Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. frozen" 73 0204.41.01 Carcasses and half-carcasses Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 74 0204.42.99 Other cuts with bone Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 75 0204.43.01 Boneless Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 76 0204.50.01 Goat meat. Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. Meat of horses, asses, mules or hinnies, 77 0205.00.01 Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. fresh chilled or frozen. "Bovine species (cattle), fresh or 78 0206.10.01 Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. refrigerated" 79 0206.21.01 Tongues Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 80 0206.22.01 Livers Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 81 0206.29.99 Other Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. "Pig whole skins or in cuts, refrigerated, 82 0206.30.01 except precooked leather in chunks EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. (""pellets"")." 83 0206.30.99 Other EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 84 0206.41.01 Livers EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. "Swine whole skins or in cuts, 85 0206.49.01 refrigerated, except precooked leather in EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. chunks (""pellets"")." 86 0206.49.99 Other EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 87 0206.80.99 "Other, fresh or refrigerated" Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 88 0206.90.99 "Other, frozen" Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 89 0207.11.01 "Whole, fresh or refrigerated" EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 90 0207.12.01 "Whole, frozen" EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 91 0207.13.01 Deboned by mechanical means. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 92 0207.13.02 Carcasses. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. "Legs, thighs or legs and thighs in one 93 0207.13.03 EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. piece." 94 0207.13.99 Other EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 95 0207.14.01 Deboned by mechanical means. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 96 0207.14.02 Livers EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 97 0207.14.03 Carcasses. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. "Legs, thighs or legs and thighs in one 98 0207.14.04 EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. piece." 99 0207.14.99 Other EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 100 0207.24.01 "Whole, fresh or refrigerated" EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 101 0207.25.01 "Whole, frozen" EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 102 0207.26.01 Deboned by mechanical means. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 103 0207.26.02 Carcasses. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 104 0207.26.99 Other EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 105 0207.27.01 Deboned by mechanical means. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 106 0207.27.02 Livers EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 107 0207.27.03 Carcasses. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 108 0207.27.99 Other EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 109 0207.32.01 "Whole, fresh or refrigerated" EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 110 0207.33.01 "Whole, frozen" EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 111 0207.34.01 "Fatty livers, fresh or refrigerated" EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 112 0207.35.99 "Other, fresh or refrigerated" EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 113 0207.36.01 Livers EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 114 0207.36.99 Other EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 115 0208.10.01 Rabbits or hares Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 116 0208.30.01 Primates meat Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. "Whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); of 117 0208.40.01 Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. manatees and dugongs (mammals of the Sirenia order)" Reptiles (including snakes and sea 118 0208.50.01 Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. turtles) 119 0208.90.01 Deer meat or remains. Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 120 0208.90.02 Frog legs Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 121 0208.90.99 Other Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. "Rooster, hen or turkey (Meleagris 122 0209.00.01 EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. gallipavo)." 123 0209.00.99 Other EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. "Legs, shoulders and cuts thereof, not 124 0210.11.01 EXCL 1/ EXCL. EXCL. Ex. boned." 125 0210.12.01 Belly fat (streaky) and cuts thereof Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 126 0210.19.99 Other EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. EXCL. 127 0210.20.01 Bovine meat (cattle) Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. 128 0210.91.01 Primates meat Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. "Whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); of 129 0210.92.01 Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. manatees and dugongs (mammals of the Sirenia order)" Reptiles (including snakes and sea 130 0210.93.01 Ex.
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