A brighter sky Irish Extra etc. Partly sunny and warm Friday. High in the upper Notre Dame vs. Music Review 70s. Mostly cloudy and warm Dead Ringers Friday night with a 50 Stanford chance of showers. VOL. XXII, NO. 29 Weekend Edition, September 30-0ctober 2, 1988 the independent newspaper serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's Discovery lifts off as U.S. returns to space Associated Press The giant Tracking and Data Relay Satellite is a $100-million twin of the CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.-Space craft that was destroyed aboard Chal­ shuttle Discovery carried the Ameri­ lenger. can flag back into space Thursday after In Washington, President Reagan a 32-month absence, its five astronauts praised the launch, saying the shuttle riding a 700-foot tail of flame from rock­ was "headed into orbit and America is ets meticulously redesigned after the back in space." He saluted the bravery Challenger disaster. of the crew and added, "We ask God to "Everyone certainly stood tall bless this important voyage." today," said Kennedy Space Center Launch, at 11:37 a.m. EDT, came Director Forrest McCartney as Dis­ only after NASA waived weather covery settled into orbit, 184 miles guidelines to allow for flight through above earth. Mission Control said the some lighter-than-usual Florida winds. ship was "performing nominally." The 98-minute delay simply heightened Six hours after liftoff the crew ac­ the tension as NASA unveiled a spaces­ complished the main mission of its hip that underwent more than 400 mod­ flight, release of a satellite that will ifications since the Challenger flight. give NASA nearly constant communi­ Just how well the Discovery's booster cation with future shuttle missions. rockets performed in their new design It was the first launch since the Chal­ awaited detailed analysis. But J.R. lenger explosion with its toll of seven Thompson, who directed the work from lives on a cold winter day shocked the the Marshall Space Flight Center in Al­ nation and stopped the manned space abama said, "From everything I see, program in its tracks. everything looks great." "We sure appreciate your all getting Hauck's veteran flight crew con­ us up in orbit the way we should be," sisted of Air Force Col. Richard Covey, Discovery's commander, Navy Capt. Marine Lt. Col. David Hilmers; John Frederick Hauck, told Mission Control. Lounge; and George "pinky" Nelson. "We're looking forward to the next four Landing was scheduled for Monday at days -we have a lot to do and we're Edwards Air Force Base in California. going to have alot of fun doing it." The astronauts had said all along Liftoff was the first and most impor­ they were treating the mission as a test tant milestone, but more was at stake mission -a "shakedown flight," in the than simply getting into space. The 2- words of Covey -and they quickly ran year grounding of the shuttle fleet set into first-flight problems. A water back the nation's satellite delivery ca­ evaporator that provides cooling to the AP Photo pability, and release of a communica­ ship during the climb to space and Spectators watch the ascent of the Dis­ manned space exploration since the Chal­ tions satellite was the main order of return to Earth was partly clogged with covery Thursday morning. The successful lenger disaster. business in orbit, several hours after launch marks the return of the U.S. to launch. See SHUTILE, page 8 U.S. and allies agree to build space station by 1998 Associated Press allies, Japan and Canada, in ad­ "clearly the world's largest WASHINGTON -The United dition to the United States. ever international venture and States and 11 allied countries The United States is provid­ certainly one of the most com- signed an agreement Thursday ing $16 billion to the program plex." · to build a $23 billion perma­ and the other partners are con­ Twenty-two shuttle flights nently manned space station tributing more than $7 billion. over a period of three years will designed to serve as a stepping­ The agreement was formalized be required to place in Earth's stone for human exploration of at a State Department signing orbit all the hardware for the the solar system. ceremony at which Secretary ·station. Construction will be The facility, known as Space of State George Shultz completed in the first quarter Station Freedom, will be de­ presided. of 1998 although the facility will signed, developed, operated Richard Smith, a State De­ be permanently inhabited from and used by all of the partners, partment scientist, told late 1996 on, according to cur­ which include nine European reporters the project is rent plans. alumni, family and friends are cordially in­ 4:30p.m.: Band practice. Step off from Wash­ vited to the Alumni Hospitality Center for ington Hall. films and information in the North Dome of 4:45 -6 p.m.: Open Glee Club rehearsal in the JACC. Crowley Hall. 3:30 p.m.: Band concert on the steps of the 6:45 p.m.: Band step off from Washington Administration Building. Hall for Pep Rally. 4 p.m.: Glee Club performance in the JACC 7 p.m.: Pep Rally at Stepan Center. North Dome. 4:45 p.m.: Performance by Shenanigans in Saturday the JACC North Dome. 9:30a.m.: A closed meeting of the Alcoholics 5:40p.m.: Pre-game program in the Football Anonymous fellowship at the Center for So­ Stadium. cial Concerns. 6 p.m.: Football: Notre Dame Fighting Irish 10 a.m.: Band rehearsal. Step off Washington vs. Stanford Cardinals. Hall to Cartier Field. After the game: Alumni Jlospitality Center in Noon -6 p.m.: Notre Dame and Saint Mary's the JACC North Dome:" The space shuttle Discovery all ready to go at the Kennedy Space Center Wednesday after the seervice tower was rolled back. -- --- -- ------------------------- page 2 The Observer Weekend Edition, September 30-0ctober 2, 1988 INSIDE COLUMN IN BRIEF I Can't Believe It's Yogurt is sponsoring a contest ND/SMC relations need for students interested in new business ventures. The fozen yogurt chain will award $1~,000 and personal ~onsultation to the studeftt with the best Ideas for a new busmess. Entry improved atmosphere information is available at the South Bend store. -The Observer It's time for another home game, the third of seven socially acceptable weekends for Notre Notre Dame's world record in musical chairs may Dame and Saint Mary's students. Chris not stand past this weekend. The State University ?f N~w York at Albany is planning to break the record, said Tim How many times have we heard this? Prob­ Murphy Adams a WVFI-AM disc jockey. Adams said an Albany radio station WPYX-FM 106, called him last night to tell ably more times than 1 care to remember over Editor-in-Chief him about the attempt this weekend. The radio station theStudents past four complaining years. about the social life, or ;.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ said SUNY would have have more than 6,000 people in the lack thereof, is nothing new. Seniors and fresh- musical chairs game. Notre Dame established the world men alike blame the social problem on Univer- record of 5,151 in 1985.-The Observer sity policy. To the Notre Dame administration's credit, OF INTEREST it has attempted to improve the social atmo­ sphere on campus by increasing the percentage Notre Dame Crime Stoppers is looking for freshmen of women admitted to this year's freshman who are interested in getting involved in the first Colle~e class. It has worked. Campus Crime Stoppers in the country. Any students wis­ hing to serve on the Board of Directors should contact But, as the number of Notre Dame women Ann-Marie Walker at 283-3899. -The Observer increase the discontent between some Notre Dame a~d Saint Mary's students seems to in­ crease simultaneously. At times, this bitter re- ~---;. lationship adds to an already limited social at­ Juggler is accepting poetry,.drama, ficti?n•. an~ visual art for its fall issue. The deadlme for submission Is today mosphere. at 4:30 in 356 O'Shaughnessy Hall. -The Observer The often-strained relationship between Notre Dame and Saint Mary's results from a variety of factors that have been hashed over Deadline for Urban Plunge registration is Oct.. 3. time and time again in this column space. What Notre Dame students can sign up at the Center for Social needs to be brought out are some of the in­ Concerns, Campus Ministry, and wit~ dorm r~ps. St. equities in policy between the two schools. L-----------------:--- Mary's students can register at the Office of Justice Edu­ One of the great arguments students hear Notre Dame students have the right to use An­ cation, Campus Ministry, or with dorm reps. -The Obser­ when they are applying to either school is that gela Athletic facility. ver the college life is improved by the other school. So when it comes down to the dollars and One will say "but Saint Mary's is just across cents of it, which is a good way to judge here, the way," while another says "and the guys our community is divided. And these differ­ Logan Center Council for the Retarded welcomes are just across the street." Granted the ences in the way Saint Mary's students are volunteers to our Physical Fitness Recreation on Saturday strengths and weaknesses of each school can treated on Notre Dame's campus add to the from 9to 11:30 a.m. at Logan Center.
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