TWO NEWS SECTIONS THIS WEEK FIRST SECTION THE CULVER CITIZEN ON LAKE MAXINKUCKEE • INDIANA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL LAKE 72ND YEAR, NO. 51 CULVER, INDIANA, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 22, 196fi TEN CENTS Funeral Services NO HOLLY-NO TINSEL Daughter Of The yesday For Lawrence Whites avis Dies At Age 25 Harold D. Davis, 422 South Main St., Culver, died at 12:40 Mrs. Joyce White Wolverton, p.m. Saturday. Dec. 17, at the age 25, of Indianapolis, died Sun­ Veterans Administration Hospital, day night, Dec. IS, at the Univer­ Ft. Wayne, where he had been a sity Heights Hospital in Indiana­ patient since Nov. 29. He had been polis after an illness of one week. in ill health for several years. Mrs. Wolverton was born in MERRY CHRISTMAS Mr. Davis was born in Roches­ Plymouth June 21, 1941, and at­ ter, on Sept. 2$, 1907, and came tended school in Culver and Akron to Culver when a small boy. He and graduated from the Miami To you from was an automobile salesman, and Consolidated High School at Mex­ was a veteran of World War II. ico, Ind. She graduated from Ind­ Surviving are a son, Donald <!. iana Central College in Indiana­ Davis, Culver; a half-brother, Ed­ polis in 1903 and was in her four­ THE ward Horgeshimer, Lansing, 111., th year teaching the fourth grade and two grandchildren. at Greenwood Elementary School. She was a member of the Emman­ Funeral services were held at 2 uel E.U.B. Church in Culver. CULVER p.m. on Tuesday. Dec. 20, at the Easterday-Bonine Funeral Home, On Aug. 1, 1963, she was mar­ with Rev. Harold Hohman, pastor ried to Lee Wolverton of Green­ of the Culver Grace United Church wood, who survives. CITIZEN of Christ, officiating. Burial was Also surviving are her parents, made in the I.O.O.F. Cemetery, Rev. and Mrs. Lawrence White of Rochester. Culver; one brother, Larry White Your Home at home; and her grandmother, Mrs. Gertrude White of Plymouth. Town Newspaper Services were held at 2:30 p.m. Ml 6 (EST) Wednesday, Dec. 21, at the John A. Cleveland G. H. Herrmann Funeral Home in uiver School I Indianapolis with Rev. Robert L. Ruth C. Cleveland Marlett, pastor of the Greenwood Baptist Church) officiating. Bur­ William Bellamy art in Janua ial was made in the Forest Lawn Dale Davis Preliminary surveys indicate Cemetery in Indianapolis. sufficient interest to tentatively CHRISTMAS 1966 School Board Fern Davis program five courses in planning The traditions of Christmas — the tree with its lights, for the Adult Evening Classes, Rex Receives Bids Mildred Ditmire Good, director of the 1907 Adult tinsel and decorations, the holly wreath on the door, the .rustic Education for the three-township ;oe ard the colorful collection of Christmas packages, all con- For New Building tvtarjorie Ferrier Culver Community School district, "ribut: to the Spirit of Christmas. Bids for the construction of the announced this week. new high school building to serve It is a time of year when old acquaintances are renewed John Hale Spanish. Modern Math, Art, the three township Culver Com­ — a time for family reunions. Harold Halien Typing and Sewing will be offered. munity School district were recei­ Registration with payment of the Sometimes in our effort to make this a bigger and better ved by the School Building Corpo­ tuition fee of $12 for the 12-hour Christmas, we are inclined to let the material things of life ration on Tuesday evening, Dec. Karheryn Harren 20. course is to be made before Dec. jvershadow the most festive holiday of the Christian world. Edith Hudson 30. Forms for registration with an Members of the Board of Direc­ announcement detailing the Let us pause ond reflect on its true meaning — and in our tors of the Culver School Building Margaret McDonald courses were distributed this week mind's eye go back to the first Christmas — the birth of the Authority received the sealed bids and copies are available at the Christ child in a stable in Bethlehem. Just what message should at 6 p.m. CST at the Culver Com­ Phebe McFariand school offices for those who wish munity Building. Ralph Osborn, copies. we draw from this momentous event? It conveys a dual mes­ Jr., is president of the Holding Trula McKce Typing and Math classes are set sage, as a famous clergyman once said, "The family that prays Corporation, and Wayne Roe, sec­ to begin Monday evening, Jan 9 j together, stays together," end it also in a dramatic way points retary. Other directors are, Don Taylor, Cecil Lucas, Eldon Davis, Everett Rice continuing once a week through [ out the attribute of humility. April 3. Art and Spanish Classes Glenn Overmyer, a n d Wayne And when man is on the threshold of nearly a half-million Rosemary Schall are scheduled for Tuesday even­ Kline. George Stevens, Plymouth ings beginning Jan. 10. Time has, mile round trip to the moon, one should conjure the thought is the attorney for the Holding Rudy Wakefield been set for each of these classes /hot a woman traveling 65 miles on the back of a donkey made Corporation. M-W, Inc., Indiana­ from 7 to S p.m. CST. polis, is the architect for the build­ Wanda, Warren :he most significant trip of all time. ing. The Sewing Class will be sched­ uled for one and one-half hour CirVIA Ensemble To sessions beginning at 7 p.m., Feb­ iasonic Officers Postmaster ruary 7 and continuing through Sreadcast Ira Area April 4. Ciirists-nas Show N \ Mrs. Digna Barrabes, graduate \ To ie installed Thanks Residents of the University of Havana will Small ensembles from Culver teach Spanish; Mrs. Barbara Win­ Military Academy and St. Mary's Thursday, Dec. 29 For Cooperation ters, beginning and intermediate Academy joined forces for a pro­ Sewing Class instructor is a grad­ gram to be broadcast over South ,?%»r- Public installation of the new Spoilt? ] officers for 1 967 of the Henry H. "Thank You!" Is the comment, uate of Purdue University and Bend Radio and Television. The today f r o m Postmaster E. W. Valparaiso University. Blue Notes and Saint Mary's Culver Masonic Lodge No. 017 Mattox. "The people of the Culver James Carter. Manchester Col­ small ensemble taped shows for will be held Thursday, Dec. 29, at 7:30 p.m. in Masonic Hall. area cooperated magnificently lege grad, will teach Modern Math WSBT-FM, to be broadcast in an A dinner will precede the in­ and we have had the best Christ­ for parents; and Mrs. Rita Law- area Christmas show between 10 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23 stallation in the Fellowship Hall mas season ever. It now appears son, Indiana State University Bus­ and 11 p.m. Christmas Eve, and Bertha Fluckey WSBT-TV, to be aired Dec. 2 0 Of the Methodist Church at. 6:30 that every piece of mail that is iness Major and graduate, will be James May from 1 to 1:30 p.m. p.m. The dinner is by reservation received by the Culver Post Of­ the typing' instructor. Bert Cramer Jr. fice before 8 a.m. Saturday will SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24 only. For reservations call Emery In Art, the instruction will co­ The groups will sing "In the be delivered before Christmas Jean Rensberger R. Kinney or H. D. Winkler be­ ver both materials and techniques Bleak Midwinter," "Balulalow," Eve," the Postmaster said. Charlotte Tasch fore Tuesday noon. Dec. 27. in Ceramics and Painting and "Riu, Riu," "Masters in This Mrs. Emerson Cabell Emery R. Kinney will be in­ According to the Postmaster, Drawing. Miss Helen Eriesen, a Hall," "The Cherry Tree Carol," Terry Lynn Davis stalled as Worshipful Master; E. the use of zip code, and a pattern Goshen College and Ball State "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen," Kemp Moore, Senior Warden; of early mailing helped them University degree holder, will and "The Boar's Head Carol." SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25 Sandra (Boetsma) Craft James I). Bonine, Junior Warden; move more mail with greater ef­ teach Ceramics; and Miss Sandra Soloists for some of the numbers Harry D. Winkler, Secretary; ficiency than ever before. Asay, graduate of Indiana State are Terry Everley, John Bibo, and Otto Richter Elizabeth Bigley Judd T. Stinchcomb, Treasurer; It was noted that the office University, will teach Drawing and Folk singer Molly Geissler. Direct­ Verlin Shaffer, Senior Deacon; Painting. ors for the groups are Milford MONDAY, DECEMBER 2 6 will be closed Saturday. Dec. 2 1, Charles Ferrier R. Larry Berger, Junior Deacon; at the usual noon closing time Myhre, Terrence Shook and Patri­ John Torr III, Senior Steward; Each of the instructors are Phyllis Foss and since Monday, Dec. 26, is cia Barendsen Shook. M. Eugene Thomas, Junior Stew­ members of the faculty of the Cul­ TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27 observed as a legal holiday, the ard; Cloyde B. Miller, Chaplain; ver Ci munity Schools Corpora­ Frank Brooke office will be closed all day and tion. ..i! evening adult classes are and Errol Culter, Tyler. there will be no delivery. The Calendar O* Charles L. McMinn scheduled to be held at the Culver Leanne Mae Foust same will be true of the follow­ high school building, Director Cosnsng Events WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2S It is reported that the Soviet ing' weekend for the New Year's Cood stated. Guy Davis Union is involved in the breeding holiday. December, I90fi Donald Junior Miller of midget cattle for stellar explo­ The qualifications of a Culver 21 —• Varsity basketball Argos ration. If successful the Russians All kinds of office supplies OS Citizen Classified A<1 are fast, here (Homecoming) 6:45 p.m.
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