羶កលវិទ្យាល័យភូមិន្ទភនំពេញ ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PHNOM PENH សម㿒ថ徶េ徶េᾶ诒នកដកឹ ននំ យក羶លា㾶មទ្យសសន្ៈ របស់ពលាករូ诒នករូ羶លាបឋមសិកា កងុន រាជធាន្ីភនំពេញ School Principal' Leadership Competency as Perceived by Primary School Teachers in Phnom Penh Municipality A Thesis (Research Report) in partial Fulfillment of the Requirement of the Degree of Master of Education (Educational Management and Planning) Song Kunthea February 2015 羶កលវិទ្យាល័យភូមិន្ទភនំពេញ ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PHNOM PENH សម㿒ថ徶េ徶េᾶ诒នកដកឹ ននំ យក羶លា㾶មទ្យសសន្ៈ របស់ពលាករូ诒នករូ羶លាបឋមសិកា កងុន រាជធាន្ីភនំពេញ School Principal' Leadership Competency as Perceived by Primary School Teachers in Phnom Penh Municipality A Thesis (Research Report) in partial Fulfillment of the Requirement of the Degree of Master of Education (Educational Management and Planning) Song Kunthea Examination committee: Dr................................................... Dr................................................... Dr................................................... February 2015 SUPERVISOR’S RESEARCH SUPERVISION STATEMENT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Name of program: Faculty of Education, Master of Education Program Name of candidate: Ms. Song Kunthea Title of thesis/research report: School Principal' Leadership Competency as Perceived by Primary School Teachers in Phnom Penh Municipality This is to certify that the research carried out for the above titled master‟s thesis /research report was completed by the above named candidate under my direct supervision. I played the following part in the preparation of this thesis/research report (delete one): School Principal' Leadership Competency as Perceived by Primary School Teachers in Phnom Penh Municipality Supervisor (s) (Sign)………………………… Date…………………………………………… iv CANDIDATE’S STATEMENT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN This is to certify that the thesis /research report School Principal' Leadership Competency as Perceived by Primary School Teachers in Phnom Penh Municipality that I (Song Kunthea) Hereby present entitled: School Principal' Leadership Competency as Perceived by Primary School Teachers in Phnom Penh Municipality for the degree of Master Education at the Royal University of Phnom Penh is entirely my own work and, furthermore, that it has not been used to fulfill the requirements of any other qualification in whole or in part, at this or any other University or equivalent institution. Signed by (the candidate): ………………………… Date: ………………………………………………. Countersigned by the Chief Supervisor ………………………………………… Date:……………………………….. Second supervisor (if any) ……………………………………………………… Date:……………………………….. ABSTRACT The purpose of the study is to find out, compare the relationship between primary school teachers to the leadership competency of the school principle based on their perception. The sample of the study was selected from 493 primary school teacher who teach from grade 1 to grade 6 in Phnom Penh Municipality. The method of selected using the table of Krejcie & Morgan, stratified random sampling, and simple random sampling by lucky draw. The question of Cambodian Leadership Practices Inventory (CLPI) was adopted from author Mok Sarom was used during the data collection. The reliability of the question is checking by the lecturer and classmate and try out before doing the data collection and analyze of the reliabilities of question is analyze by the alpha is 0.97%. The statistical data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, independent samples t-test and One-way ANOVA. Test the difference of the average was lay a pair by the way of Scheffé's method. The summary of the research finding were describe as follows: The purposes of the study were: 1) To explore the School Principles' Leadership Competency as Perceived by Primary School Teachers and 2) To compare the School Principles' Leadership Competency as Perceived by Primary School Teachers in Phnom Penh Municipality, based on gender, age, educational background and teaching experience. The research sample was 493 teachers from primary school who teach from grade 1 to grade 6 by using questionnaire. The research instrument was 3 parts of questionnaire; including Demographic Data, School Principles' Leadership vi Competency as Perceived by Primary School Teachers in Phnom Penh Municipality and Open-ended questions with its reliability at .97% level. The collected data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The hypotheses were tested by using independent sample t test and one way ANOVAs, when each aspect was significant difference, scheffé was used to compare of each pair. The significance differences were set at .05 levels. The main research findings were summarized as follow: 1. School Principles' Leadership Competency as Perceived by Primary School Teachers in Phnom Penh Municipality” as the result of the finding among three aspects namely Demonstrating to Strengthen Deliverables (DSD),Engaging the heart in implementing an Organizational Strategy (EIO) and Translating a Shared Vision into Moral Obligation (TSM) showed that it is “High” levels. 2. When comparing based on gender has significant difference level of 0.05 among in the aspect engaging the heart in implementing an Organizational Strategy (EIO). The teaching experience has the significance at the p- value at the level of .05 in the aspect engaging the heart in implementing an Organizational Strategy (EIO). And the other aspect has no significant 3. The main challenges found in the study were school director have a party, budget expense no transparency and accountability, have no good the relationship with communities, decision making without participation from teachers etc. Recommendations are made for policy makers and educators who engage in school principal leadership in Cambodia. This study can potentially benefit for Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, and international education partners. vii មូលន្័យសពងេប គោលបំណងននការសិក្សារាវរាវគឺគដមើ បគី ធើវការស្សវងរក្សពត័ មា៌ នការ គរបៀប-គធៀបនិងទសសនៈយល់គ ើញរបស់គោក្សរគូអ្នក្សរគូស្ដលបគរងៀនគៅ ាោបឋម សិក្សា គៅនឹងសមតភាថ ពភាពាអ្ក្សន ដឹក្សនរំ បស់នយក្សាោ បឋមសិក្សាគៅរាជធានីភគនំ ពញ។ សរមាបកា់ រគរជើសគរសើ សំណាងតាងគឺគធការើវ គរជើស គរសើ គោក្សរគូអ្នក្សរគូ ស្ដល បគរងៀន ពថ្នី ន ក្សទ់ ី១ ដល់ ថ្នន ក្សទ់ ី៦ ចំនួន ៤៩៣នក្ស ់ គៅរាជធានីភគនំ ពញ។ ការគរជើសគរសើ ំណាងតាងគឺគរបើរាស់តារាង Krejcie & Morgan,គ ើយ គធើវការ គរជើស គរគើ សគោយនចដនយ។ សំណួ រគឺគរបើរាស់ គោលការណ៍ អ្នុវតតន៍ ភាពា អ្នក្ស ដឹក្សន ំ គៅរបគទស ក្សមុពា (CLPI)។គោលការណ៍ននក្សរមង សំណួរគនេះានមក្សពគី ោក្សបណិឌ ត មុក្ស ារ ុ ំ ស្ដលរតូវ យក្ស មក្សគរបើ សរមាប់ ការរបមូលទិនន យ័ ។ ក្សរមងសំណួរ រតូវាន រតួតពនិ ិតយគោយយក្សចិតទត ុក្សោក្ស ់ ពសី ំណាក្សរ់ គដូ ឹក្សននំ ិងនិសសតិ រួមរក្សុមស្ថម ទំងាន គធើវការាក្សលបងគៅឯ ាោមុនគពល ចុេះអ្នុវតតន៍ាក្ស់ស្សតង។ ចំគ េះភាពគជឿាក្ស់ នន សំណួ រគឺ ០.៩៧%។ ទិនន យ័ ស្ដលរបមូលានគឺវភាិ គតាម Frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation, independent samples t-test and One-way ANOVA។ លទធផលស្ដលរបមូលានគឺគធកាើវ រវភាិ គគោយគតត តគៅគលើគោល បំណងដូចខាង គរកាម៖ គដើមបស្ី សងវ រក្ស쯒យគ ញើ នូវសមតភាថ ពពតិ រាក្សដរបស់ នយក្សាោ តាម រយៈ ទសសនៈរបស់គោក្សរគូ អ្ក្សន រគូ និងគរបៀបគធៀបសមតថ viii ភាពននការដឹក្សន ំ របស់ នយក្ស ាោសតាមរយៈ គយនឌ័រ គភទ អាយុ ក្សរមតិ វបបធម ៌ និងបទព ិ គាធន ៍ ននការបគរងៀនរបស់គោក្សរគូ អ្នក្សរគូ។ សំណាក្សតាងគឺគធកាើវ រគរជើសគរសើ រគូចំនួន៤៩៣គៅាោបឋមសិក្សា រាជធានីភគនំ ពញគោយ គរបើរាស់សំណួ រស្ចក្សគចញាប ី ស្ផនក្សគឺ៖ ពត័ មា៌ នអ្ំពី ាថនភាព ទូគៅ របស់ គោក្សរគូអ្នក្សរគូ ទសសនៈរបស់គោក្សរគ ូ អ្ក្សន រគូគលើ សមតថភាពភាព ាអ្នក្សដឹក្សនរបស់ំ នយក្សាោក្សុនងរាជធានភនំគពញី និងបញ្ហា របឈម និង ដគំ ណាេះរាយ ននការដឹក្សន ំ របស់នយក្សាោ។ លទធផលស្ដលរក្សគ ើញមានដូចខាងគរកាម៖ ាទូគៅការដឹក្សនរំ បស់នយក្សាោគឺមានក្សរមតិ ខ្សព ់ ស្តគបើគធើវការគរបៀប គធៀបនឹង គយនឌរ័ គឺរគូមានទសសនៈយល់គ ើញគផសងោន ចំស្ណក្សតាម បទ ពគិ ាធន ៍ ននការ បគរងៀនក្ស៏រគូមានទសសនៈខ្ុសោនផងស្ដរ គោក្សស្លង ស្ត ក្សរមតិ វបបធមន៌ ន ការសិក្សា របស់រគូ គកាឺ រយល់ដឹងរបស់ោត ់ មាន លក្សខណៈ របហាក្ស់របស្ លោន។ បញ្ហា ចំបងៗននការដឹក្សនរំ បស់នយក្សាោមានដូចា បក្សសពក្សួ និយម ថវកាិ តាមក្សមមវធិ មី និ មានតមាល ភាព មនិ សូវមានទំនក្ស ់ ទំនង ាមួយស គមន៍ ការសគរមច ចិតមត និ មានការចូលរមួ ពគី ោក្សរគូ អ្ក្សន រគូ។ ចគំ េះអ្នុាសន៍ រតូវានគធើវគ ើង សរមាប់ អ្នក្ស គធើវការសគរមចចិត ត អ្ក្សន សិក្សា ស្ដលចូលរួមមាន ការទក្ស់ទង ាមួយ នយក្សាោ គៅ របគទសក្សមុាព ។ ការសិក្សារាវរាវ គឺសំខានខា់ ល ងំ ណាស់ចគំ េះរក្សសួង អ្បរ់ ំ យុវជន និង ក្សីឡា និងនដគូននទងំ ថ្នន ក្សា់ តនិ ិងអ្នតរាតស្ិ ដលមានការទក្សទ់ ង នឹងការ អ្ប់រ ំ ក្សុនង របគទសក្សមុពា។ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The researcher has enjoyed every aspect of being a graduate student from the start of her master‟s program to this dissertation studies. If her life were a journey, the pursuit of a Master at the Royal University of Phnom Penh would be an unforgettable trip. Besides academic accomplishment, her great discovery has been love, friendship, and the goodwill of people around her. Many incredible people deserve more than just verbal recognition. As the researcher being near the end of this challenging, sometimes frustrating, but always enjoyable journey, it is only right to acknowledge those who have given of their time and efforts to guide her whether their names appear herewith or not. The researcher is honored that he was guided and assisted, when needed, by her major thesis advisor, Dr. Mok Sarom. The professor has never hesitated to share his extensive knowledge of leadership and his commitment to the completion of this requirement. When necessary, encouragement is offered and when progress waned, he is subtle but clear in pointing to the goal and the necessity in staying on the path. He not only teaches the importance of positive behavior support for students, but he also has provided her, as one of his best students, with the best supports and encouragement. One phrase the researcher heard from him and the researcher will always keep in his mind: “You can do it, Kunthea.” Thanks so much. The researcher will continue traveling and always looks forward to the challenging trips as his life will bring. Supervisor Dr. Mok Sarom who believes in the researcher‟s ability and keeps the faith tempering the toughest days with his brilliant judgment and priceless sense of humor, the researcher is grateful to each of the school directors and teachers for all of their time and participation during this study.
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