^^^^"^•^T"*" •»^^^"^^^IPH i^^PVSVVMMOT^MVVWI Tlw Eiflte Uto H—dllflht ~ Niw tor Southrn Cotenwlo County^ T«x— Thur»d«y, Augutt 31,1995 Thuraday, Aufluat 31.1995 nm Eagto Lake H—dllght — Nuww tof Southern Colorado County, Tex— J!e2 WORLD WAR n VETERANS •Killed —# Wounded Causey, Nadine Giessel, Billy Huvar, Benriie L. Ixmg, Martin PadiUo, AUM Suncik, Liwrrence J. (0) Causey, Norman Giesael, Julius W. Dr. Humbird, Charlea Lopez, Rafiul R. Parker, Calvin Stancik, William (O) Abell,Wm.H.(G) Ceamal, Wm. Howard Gilmore, Thomaa Humbird, Howard Ludwig, Chas. W. Jr. Parker, Clyde L. Sta^ileUm, Franeea Boyd ,^ Adams, Louie Herman ^ „... OBITUARIES Cervenka,JoeJ.(Q) Gist, Garence (L) Hunt, Waldo - Ludwig, Jack Parker. Haliburton Jr. Simpleton, Georfa Dale Adam, R. C. (Bob) Chambers, Hajrwpod Glaiser, Chester N. Hurd, Raymond Lundquist. Kennedi C. (0) Stapleton,Wm.L (Billy)* Adkins. Loraine Parker. James Chavis, Charles *Jr. Glaiser, William Hurd, Willie Lundquist. Kermit D. (G) StegaU.(kady Aguilar. Arthtir M. Parker, Maurice W.* Mary Bess Barclay December 18,1913 - August 25,1995 JamCS William Bakcr Glueck, Allen Alvin Hutchins, John David * Lyle,FredF. Stm,HerbertC. Agiiilar, Pedro Chisum, Roy C. Parker, Percy Glueck, Herbert Hutchins, Marvin Lyons, Jimmie Lewis Stewart, IvocyM. Manr Ben Barclay, 81, of Ei«le She and James H. Barclay Jr. were Lake, Hazel Graves and Mickie Smidi interment folk>wed at 2 pjn. from Alexander, Ervin Christal, Albert Parker, Warren H. February 28,1934 • August 28,1995 Christal, Elmo D. Glueck, Woodrow J. Ingram, Roland L. McBride, Leo Stockton. C.B. LabuMBed away on Friday, August united in marriage in Wheeler on of Farmington, New Mexico, and MemoiyGarden Cemetery in VKtoria Allen, Charlie William Parma, E. J. (Butch) :-^;'- James William Baker, 61, of chUdren, JJl., MkhaeL Savannah. Goeckler, Raymond Jackson, B. C. McCarty, Bruce W. Stockton, Doek 2S, I99S, at l(K10p.m. at die Heritage Januaiy 16,1934. Beatrice Crownover of Longview; with Rev. Larry Bailey, Paster of Alley, Earl F. Christal, Ernest Paschall, (3ene A. Huntsville passed away August 28, Tony, Shanee, Darren, Nikki and Gold, Albert Joe Jackson, Dock (A) McClain, James H. Stockton, Paul Niiniiig Home in Eagle lake. She was preceded in death by her brothers, Leonard of El Reno, OUa- Eagle Lake United Mediodist Church, Christal. Willie B. Paschall, Lester 199S, in Houston. Emily; ak)ng widi numerous nieces Alley, Felton Forrest * f \ ' Gonzales, Leon McDonell, Johiuie D. She was bom December 18,1913, husband on June 7,198S; a daughter. homa, and Samuel of New Biaunfels; officiating. Clark, Norman L. Jackson, Jessie Pajrne, Cleo Struss, Elmer HewasbcmonFebruary28,1934, and nephews. Alley, J. D. " Goode, John Tarmer McFear, Nathaniel in Wichita Fall 10 Samuel French and Patsy Baictay Dyson; a step-son, five grandchildren; seven great­ Dulany Funeral Home in Eagle Clay. Leonard H. Sr. Jackson, Readdy Bee Paschall, Louis Alvin Strzinck, Ludwig in Rock Island. Alley, Wylie Wayne Goode, Lois McLain, Floyd Beat Repais Landcaster. James W. Barclay; and brothers, grandchildren; a number of nieces, Lake was in charge of aitangements. Funeral services were scheduled Cleveland. Creston C. Jackson, Willie Peebles, James Bill Sundberg, Grover H. Almanza, Steve 0. Sr. Goode, Robert L. McMillan Robert W. She was a lesident of Fredricks- Rollo, Glen, John and Merrill Land- nephews, other relatives and loved Pallbearers were Ralph Johnson, Baker was a veteran, having serv­ for Thursday, August 31, at 10 ajn. Clipson, Richard Sr. Janik, Albert L. Piekert, Fred (Alleyton) Sundberg, Harold W. Alvarado, Frank J. Gordon, James Jr. McRee, Walter Everett, Jr. bwf for many years, dten Brady for a caster. ones. Joe Duncan, Joe Herbert McCreary, ed in the U.S. Army, a member of the from Cashner Cokxiial Oa^\ in Coats, A. C. Janak, Theo. J. Penn, Clyde Sunderman, David M. American Legion Post #95 and the Conroe widi Brodier Jack McKinney Arjderson, Floyd Gordy, Carl A. McTear, Charley short time berate moving to Eagle Survivors inchide daughters, June Funeral servkes were held at 10 Jim Buckner, Clayton Mahaltk, Ron­ Coleman, Harvey Jaramillo, Pnoerez Pennington, Alvin W. Sundennan. Luana CVana) National Rifk Association. officiating. Anderson, Maynard A. Grasshoff, Harold E. McTear, Roosevelt in 1979. Mahaltic and Betty Wood of Eagle a.m. on Monday, August 28, from Uw nie and Stephen Fbster and Tom Reed. Coleman, Steve Jr. Jaramillo, Sever^ Pennington, Calvin C. Sunderman, Vera Mae Survivors include his wife, Edna Ard, Billy D. Graves, Lester Raymond t -• Mahalitc, Alvin Bryon Chapel of Dulany Funeral Home in Sympathy is extended to the fam­ Interment is to follow at 3 p.m. in Coleman, Woodrow Jaso, Lupe A. Perez, Martin Sutton, Lee Earl Baker and daughter, Jody Russell, Myrtle Cemetery in Rock Island. Arlt, T. G. Collier, CovaV. (A) Green, Braxton -, Jenkins, LV. (M) Mahalitc, Casey Perea, Savaa Swearingen, Douglaa Eagle Lake. Graveside services and ily in Uieir kiss. Manley, Charles Lawrence bodi of Huntsville; sons, James Driver Dulany Funeral Home, Eagle Armstrong, Robert J. Cone, A. B. Green, Lee Roy Jochetz, Georgia Frances Perry, Martin Talanera, Manuel F. Ben Davis Funeral Home Marm, Belvin and Billy Ray of Houston, Leslie Lake, was in charge of local arrange­ Arnold, Ray Jr. Contreras, Benny G. Grieves, John A. Jr. Jochetz, R. J. Jr. Perry, Willis , v Tallas, Louia Marsalia, Henry Wayne of Hockley; a sister, Mary ments. Ashton, Josh Contreras, Robert G. Griffith, Robert Johnson, Albert Jr. Person. Roscoe Tate, Lawrence 8. * Monuments Paul C. Robinson Marshall, Roy Minter of Rusk; brodiers, Elmer of Sympadiy is extended to the fam­ Aull, Herbert Harold Cook, Wm.R. (Billy)* Grigar, Louis Johnson, Glen Edward Petrosky, Lee Edward Tate, lliomaa Lloyd Martin, Frank A. Spring, and George of Rusk; grand- ily in their k)ss. ; i;.. Austin, Carl W. (Sonny) Cordova, Vicente Guerrero, Trinidad Juraez, Candelario Pilkington; John T. (Tonuny) Taylor, Earl D. ^ • Prc-Burial January 20,1938 • August 25,1995 Martin, Howard * Austin, Clarence L. Corley, Robert Gutieres, Manuel M. Johnson, Cleveland Jr. Pinchback. Wm. (Buddy) (G) Taylor, T.H. (Hub) Paul C. Robinson, 57, of Houston Eloise Blasberg of Houston and Martin, Robert Samuel 931 Preston Street, Columbus Austin, Henry Loraine Cortez, Catairma Haigh, Helen M. Johnson, Frank M. (Buster) Popp, Edgar J. (N) Taylor, Walter W. passed away on Friday, August 25, Deeda Scott of Rock Island; a brodier, Martin, William Johnston Austin, John David Cortez, Henry G. Halbert, Tom G. Johnson, H. H. Popp, Herbert J. (G) Terrell, William Bums 1995, at 2:15 p.m. at Northwest Hous­ Kennedi J. Robinson of Houston; a »:^- Alma Amanda Hengst Martinez, Frank L. Austin, John H. Hale, Martin (E. M.) Johnson, Lee Reed Thomaa, Aaron Cortez, Manuel G. Marx, Charlie P. Porter, William A. 409-732-2875 ton Medical Center. number of nieces, nephews, other s December 18,1898 - August 26,1995 Austin, John Louis Haley, Thomas P. Cosgrove, Hugh J. Jr. Johnson, Mar J. Marx, Harry Powell, Clinton Jr. Thomaa, Jamea Ray Creed A. Henry, Owncr/Mzuiager He was bom on January 20,1938, relatives and k)ved ones. Austin, William David * Ham, Ford Alma Amanda Hengst, %, of La Hengst of La Grange, David and Cotton, Steve Johnson, Obie Jr. Marx, Paul A. Powell, Kado Thomaa, Oscar in Houston to Jeff and Ella Hargrove Graveside services and interment Axel, Elize Ham, Ivy Grange passed away Saturday, Au Agnes Hengst of Eagle Lake, Jon- Cranek, Lester J. (G) Johnson, Ulab (G) Marx, Raymond Powell, Lormie Jr. Thomaa, Percy Robinson. were held at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, Axel, Lester Ham, Jack D. gust 26, 1995, at Monument Hill aAan Hengst of Fredericksburg and Cranek. Leon (G) Jones, E. Carter Mathis, James A. Sr. Powers, Orville Thomaa, Raymond R. He grew up in Rock Island and August 28, from the Myrtle Cemetery Baker, Hume L. (RI) Ham, Melton Nursing Home in La Grange. Charles Hengst of Austin; 18 grand­ Craven, C. L. Jones, E. W. Mathis, Johrmy Pratt, Jordan Thomaa, Roacoe later returned to Houston, where he in Rock Island with Ford Scott and Bahm, Lt. Sandy B. =^ She was bom December 18,1898, children; and 23 great-grandchUdren. Creech, Violet Wray Hamilton, Elbert R. Jones, Robert Matthews, Earl V. Price, Jesse Bill Jr. Thomas, W. M. Jr. resided most of his life. He had been Ray Hopkins officiating. Baird. Perry in La Grange, die daughter of Jacob Servkes were hekl August 29 « Crim, Forrest Hampton, James Juarez, Tbnas Matthews, Johiutie Priesmeyer, Frederick (G) Thompson, Murray A NURSING HOME active in die Rock Island Full Gospel EHilany Funeral Home of Eagle Baker, H. and Mary Laux Reichle. St. Paul Ludieran Church in La Crim, George W. Hardy, Joe Kallina, Buren (G) Matthews, Robert L. Priesmeyer, William Thronton, Dan A. Church. Lake was in charge of arrangements. Baker, RoUin Hengst was united in marriage Grange widi die Rev. Bill Hassel offi­ Diaz, Manuel G. Harlan, Irvine F. Kallina. Charles J. (G) Matthys, George C. Prihoda,LeoW. Thumaim, Fred H. ALTERNATIVE l.'f 'u. He was preceded in deadi by his widi Charies F.W. Hengst in 1918. ciating. Balas, Frank P. (Paul) Dancy, Sam Jr. Harris, Clyde T. Kallina. Johnnie J. (G) Matula, Len Pulido, Frank Tillman, Leo Jr. parents. Synq>adiy is extended to the fam­ Balas, Joharma (Payne) -. -ip^-': .^''^':'~':T •:,::: •••^y She was a homemaker and affili­ Burial followed at La Grange City Daniel, Shell Harris, Dodie Kallina, Leon Phillip * Maxie, Edward Radack, Edmund Tise, Beiyamin F. -^—, Survivors include two sisters. ily in dieu-k»s. ated widi SL Paul Ludieran Church. Cemetery. Balas, Louis J. Danklefs, James T. (G) Harris, Eldridge G. Jr. Kana,V.J. Maxie, Herman E. Ramirez, Isidoro Tiae,Lee(Doc) Hengst was preceded in deadi by Memorial contributions may be Balas, Rudolph A.
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