Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1990-2000 The iH lltop Digital Archive 11-4-1994 The iH lltop 11-4-1994 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 11-4-1994" (1994). The Hilltop: 1990-2000. 123. https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000/123 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1990-2000 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. it' li ,._I fine 78, No.10 Serving the Howard University community since 1924 November 4, 1994 (arion Barry discusses do-wnfalls, con1ebacks down orJctting knocked down. a very redemptive and redeeminjl qualities such as "compassion, BY. Mlguel R. Burke II The 1rag y is to stay down. And community. We're just that way, capability, experience, knowledge Hilltop Staff Writer with lhat allilude, 1came bouncing Barry added. "I think it's probably or the community and of "Redemption·• is much more back. stronger than ever before. an attribute to the God force within government and identification with than a campaign theme for Marion and wiser than ever before," Barry us. and the fact that we believe in all segments of the population." Barry. Redemption embodies said. second chances because a lot of The other candidates in the race Barry's personal and emotional Barry says the main reason lhat members of our communit_Y, pose a threat, according to the struggle as well as the healing voters have been supportive of him wouldn't be where they are today 1£ Democratic candidate. process which he says has made is because he has a good overall it had not been for a second, 1h1rd, "l don'! spend any time thinking him a stronger and wiser person. track record with the citiLens of or fourth chance." about them. I'm worried about my This is what he feels has resulted in Washington for improvin11, lhc city. Barry also contributes his candidacy. I lhink Ms. Schwartz is his unexpected and shocking "I think that the maJority of personal redemption to finding poiming the finger as opposed to anticipated comeback as lhe next people in Washington have looked additional strength in religion, pointing away. If you listen to her mayor of Washington, D.C. at my 30 years of service and not family and frien<fs. campaign, she spends 80 percent Barry descrit,ed the philosophy just Judged Marion Barry by one "I happen 10 be a Baptist and 1 talkmg about what I didn't do, and behind his comeback as the nigtit in January," Barry said. believe that we arc a renection of 20 percent of what she may do ... resiliency of hi, individual "They have seen me work in the God. And if God has power, we Cunis [Pree] is n nice fellow. but character. community with the civil rights have power. The God power in you, he's not going very far with his "'When you're down, you can be movement, At Pride Incorporated, you pull on it, and it helps you to campaign," Barry said. down and not out and 1 on the school board, on the city get through the most difficult Tokmg guns off the streets of demonstrated that. You can bend council, as mayor, back on the city circumstances." Barry said. "I had Washington,n.c. is one of Barry"s and not break, or you can slip and council again - and they look at some good friends around me first priorities. not foll.'" Barry said. "A fot of that as a totality." including my present wife and my "The biggest of several issues people need 10 see that so their Barry also believes a lot of pastor, and [this also influenced) is getting the guns off the streets of own lives can be innuenced by lhnt voters understand that people the decision 10 change my lifestyle Washington. They're everywhere. tenacity, that courage, persistency encounter and must overcome life's for me. Not for anybody else, but You can't even go to school in and just decide that you are not rough times. for me." safety," Barry said. "You can't go to going to let your self stay down." "A lot of people understand that Barry is confident about his Howard without worrying about 13arry says the mistnke most we go through 3ifferent problems chances of winning the race for whether or not somebody walking in life. None of us are perfect. We mayor next Tuesday, and is down Georgia Avenue is acting people make 1s foiling 10 get back crazy and shooting somebody." up. all make mistakes, some greater, confident that he has qualities Democratic Mayoral Candidate Marlon Barry "fhe tragedy of life is not falling some lesser. but our community is other candidates fail to offer, niversity plans for Student Accounts renovations commi11ee reviews, the [rcnovationJ "[Tht' Administration) building" built Computers and phones will be replaced awaiting renovation,. by the insurance company as well, Varghe-se C. Bryan, Jr. "The soot from the fire covered the proposals submined by contractors. it wil of brick and reinforced concrete, and the Wnter select lhe one found to be in the best interest insurance company said that the structure said. Student Accounts Employees were carpel. and many of our eapers were dirtied also assured that their personal items would and had to be retyped .. Sarah Hemphill oflhe Unhersity," Parker said. "We should of the Student Accounts section is intact," ·1y officials are not certain when Wilson said. be replaced. on5 in the Office of Student said. who works as a secretary in the be able to cite the cost b> Friday (Nov. 4 )." . damaged heavily by a fire in the Student Loan Office. "'Some sm6kc also Internal damages may be discovered u W Johnson Administration got on lhe walls. and the back window that after the contractor begins lhe renovation Oct. :!3. "ill be complete. They was destroyed in our oflice has not been process, possibly adding une.,pectcd com -e,er, lhal it will be at least next replaced. I hope the windows will be to 1he projected amount -.c!ore emplo)ee, can move out of replaced soon because ii is cold in lhb Universny officials said insurance should ~) office now ,et up in room C­ office:· cover most of the costs of restoring Student lll!CL~B. Powell Building, which also ·111e smoke smell is. gone and lhe carpet Accounts to its original state. '"ft will be School of Communications. the has been cleaned, \>ut there i, still \\Ork that rebuilt exnctly as 11 ,1as:· Phillip Artin g and Career Sen ices Offices needs to be done." she added. said. Howard Universit, Director of 011ic~-s. Risi- Manasemcnt Director William Plar.nini; dnll r,_.,. l ·, •. Riiht OCl\\ of the computers and other Wilson said lhe insurance company's loss were in the process ot selecting a contractor ~a.reset up no,, in our temporary control division examined the fire site and to do the restorations:· Arlin s:iid. Student Accounts Secretary advised University officials to "'do whatever According 10 Materials Management •Wiggins :;aid. "We do still need to is necessary to restore Student Accounts." officials, the renovations will be done in "No one knows yet lhe total value of lhe phases. boxe, of supplies and small 'The cleaning process was the first phase, uems." items destroyed in the Student Accounts tmporary office has enough space office," Wilson said. "First Risk and that is now completed," De!)uty te Student Account needs, Management has to take an inventory of lhe Director George Varghese said. "The lack some luxuries. :iccording losses and that should occur lhis week.'" process of finalizing the contract for Account emplo,·ees. Materials Management Director Joseph restoration is the second phase. The Parker said severaffactors, including time contractor that will be selected "ill do thing the new office doesn't have quality work at lhe fastest possible p,1ce:· air, and it got pretty hot in here frame allocations and technical requirements, make it difficult 10 allach Varghese added. Ii, \\eek," Wiggins s:iid. Because of its structure. the S1uden1 Student Loan and Collections even a ball park figure to the fire damages and subsequent reconstruction. Accounts Office was not considered a total h..ted immediately above Student loss by the insurance company, according Long, familiar Student Acounts lines resume In School of Communications IIS. suffered fire damage was not ··contractors have a range of areas they while contractors begin "~' Building renovations of fire damaged offices. !led. Employees. however. are have to adequately respond to. After a 10 Wilson. Administration provides financial aid outreach programs in dorms students.1\vo yeari. ago, Interim President Joyce "We have initiated negotiations in the Office By Sadarle Chambliss Ladner, who was then the Vice President of of Academic Affairs 10 talk with the deans about Hilltop Staff Writer Academic Affairs, formed a retention commille~ offering a larger percentage of undergraduate A2 Tompo courses at later times for students that have to In an attempt to increase enrollment at Howard to come up with recohunendations for changes A3 People in lhat area. The committee outlined the number work." he said. "Flexible class times means University, lhe Office of the Vice-President of greater job opportunities and keeps students at A4 Pulse Academic Affairs in conjunction with the Office one problem a!> a lack of financial assistance.
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