Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association rainian Wee Vol. LIV No. 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 9,1986 25 cents 9SS9? Demjanjuk's lawyer to leave for Israel Renewed interest in Medvid case as Mr. Demjanjuk's lawyer. Expresses optimism He stressed that he intends to conti- pressures Senate to move resolution nue representing his client and that Mr. by Roma Hadzewycz Soviet custody. Many members of Demjanjuk's defense and his family Congress and the Ukrainian commu- JERSEY CITY, N. J. — the defense "have never given up on him." attorney for John Demjanjuk, who is nity said he had been coerced into Mr. O'Connor expressed confidence leaving the United States. suspected of being a Nazi war criminal that his client would be exonerated and Times reporters Clyde H. Farns- known as "Ivan the Terrible," said he he noted that the evidence he has worth and Joel Brinkley looked into expects to be in Israel by this weekend in amassed proves the following: evidence that lends support to the "two order to represent his client in that ь Mr. Demjanjuk is not "Ivan the country. Medvids" theory and interviewed many Terrible"; of the people involved in the Medvid Mark O'Connor also said he plans to a he was never at the Treblinka death appear before the Ministry of Justice affair, checking into inconsistencies camp in any capacity; which have been raised by members of and the bar association there in order to e he was a German prisoner of war make an application to practice in Israel Congress and during Senate hearings. held by the Germans in Rivne and The main points which the Times Khoim; and reported are: a he was in the Ukrainian resistance ь Some observers have said the man forces headed by Gen. Pavlo Shandruk. who appears in surreptitious photo- The attorney also pointed out that it graphs taken by Navy Lt. James R. is unbelievable that someone as no- Geltz when Mr, Medvid was back torious as "Ivan the Terrible," someone aboard the Soviet vessel is not the man who committed war crimes on the scale who appeared in photos taken of Mr. of those perpetrated by Dr. Joseph Rep, Jack Kemp Medvid when he first jumped ship. As a Mengele, would be unknown. result of the incident, Lt. Geltz has been It is incredible, he said, that there reprimanded and is leaving the Navy. by Natalia A. Fedoschak would be no record indicating the # Discrepancies remain between identity of "Ivan the Terrible" and JERSEY CITY, N.J. — A recent doctors' reports when Mr. Medvid was noted that it is impossible that no one — first examined by U.S. authorities and other than five witnesses in Israel — New York Times article h^s fueled renewed interest in the case of Myroslav later statements at Senate hearings. would know about a criminal of such (Continued on page U) magnitude. Medvid in the national media and has Mr. O'Connor said he has witnesses increased pressure on the Senate leader- who will testify in court that Mr. ship to put to a vote a resolution that Demjanjuk is not "Ivan the Terrible." would create a special panel to Kowalchuk arrested, Among those witnesses is an Austra- thoroughly investigate the attempted lian, Chaim Sztajer, who says he knew defection of the Soviet seaman. then freed on bail the notorious Ivan and has identified Apparent discrepancies surrounding another man, a Lithuanian living in the Medvid affair have also prompted JERSEY CITY, N.J. - Serge Ko- Chicago, as the sadistic killer. Rep. Jack Kemp (R-N.Y.) to announce walchuk, who is accused of being a Attorney Mark O'Connor Meanwhile, the Associated Press his intention to introduce a similar re- member of the Nazi-controlled police in reported that an 85-year-old Civil War solution in the House. western Ukraine, is free on bail after veteran in Spain who was interned in At a press conference held March 5 U.S. authorities arrested him on Unconfirmed reports Treblinka stated that he witnessed the with the Senate resolution's sponsor, February 28 at his home in Philadel- killing with a knife of Ivan the Terrible. Sen. Gordon Humphrey (R-N.H.), the phia. say Yurchenko He was killed by a man named Adolfo. congressman said he would introduce Mr. Kowalchuk was released on Joaquim Garcia Irbez provided the $5,000 bail later that same day. information in an interview with a Texts of statements by Sens. Hum- On February 24, the Supreme Court was executed Spanish publication, Diario de Sada- phrey and Simpson appear on page 5. let stand a federal appellate court WASHINGTON — National Public bell. і decision stripping Mr. Kowalchuk of vadio reported that Vitaly Yurchenko, Mr. O'Connor was optimistic about a parallel legislation in the House. The his U.S. citizenship. According to The the former KGB agent who re-defected trial in Israel because he said Israelis "do congressman's office said such a resolu- New York Times, the U.S. Justice to the USSR in November 1985 after not trust Soviet evidence" and they "do tion would be introduced by the end of Department plans to try to deport Mr. giving Soviet secrets to the United not allow it in normal circumstances." the week. Kowalchuk. States, has been executed by the So- However, Laura Kam, assistant to the The New York Times front-page Mr. Kowalchuk's attorneys have 25 viets. press consul at the Israeli Consulate in story, "Was Soviet Seaman Switched days from the date of the Supreme Court NPR quoted an unidentified Reagan New York, when questioned about the for a Non-Defector," appeared on ruling to file for a re-hearing of the case, administration official as saying that he use of Soviet evidence, said she cculd Sunday, March 2. It detailed the at- reported Americans Against Defama- had received two unconfirmed reports not say if it were going to be used. She tempted defection of Seaman Medvid tion of Ukrainians. that Mr. Yurchenko had been executed would only say that evidence from a ; and his subsequent return to the Soviet The court's February 24 ruling came by a firing squad. variety of sources was being examined. Union. The article looked into allega- in a brief unsigned order declining to The Associated Press reported that Another reason for Mr. O'Connor's tions made by several members of review lower court findings. State Department spokesman Bernard optimism was that evidence that Mr. Congress and other people involved in Mr. Kowalchuk entered the United Kalb said in reference to reports of the Demjanjuk was a Nazi war criminal has the Medvid case that the man who States in 1950. He became a naturalized execution, "I don't have anything on not yet been tested in U.S. courts, and jumped ship on October 24 in Belle U.S. citizen in 1960. that." furthermore, "no court has looked Chase, La., may not have been the man The denaturalization case was filed White House deputy press secretary behind the judgements of (Judge) who later told U.S. officials that he by the Office of Special Investigations Edward Djerejian said, "We have no Frank Battisti." wanted to return to the Soviet Union. in 1977 and was tried in October 1981. independent confirmation that Yur- Mr. O'Connor did, however, voice Mr. Medvid had jumped from the His citizenship was revoked in July 1983 chenko was executed in the Soviet concern that Israel's Prime Minister Soviet freighter Marshal Koniev the when the court found that Mr. Kowal- Union. He said the NPR report was Shimon Peres has said that the purpose night of October 24 and sought political chuk had concealed his wartime activity based on information that was several of the Demjanjuk case was to teach a asylum in the United States, During the on his application to enter the United weeks old. (Continued on page 11) next few days he was twice returned to States. 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 9,1986 No. 10 A GLIMPSE OF SOVIET REALITY Winds of change across Ukraine JERSEY CITY, N. J. — The winds of Liquor restrictions, the farm bosses change are blowing across Ukraine. say, have helped to improve labor An overview: 27th Congress Mikhail Gorbachev's reforms are productivity and have put less toll on setting a new tempo for the work the workers' families. routines of everybody from regional In related news, a group of farmers in of Communist Party of Ukraine party bosses to Ukrainian blue collar Lokhvytsia was recently told that workers, who are being pressed to find wheat imports from Canada will be by Roman Solchanyk "shortcomings and omissions," main- ways to improve agricultural and labor discontinued within five to 10 years. tained Mr. Shcherbytsky, "are miscal- production quotas. Instead, Canadian farm equipment The defining characteristic of the culations in planning, imbalances in the The first sign of "the most profound now being duplicated by Soviet fac- 27th Congress of the Communist Party volume of production and resources in changes in a generation or more" in tories will be used to replace Canadian of Ukraine, which was held in Kiev certain branches, violation of technolo- Ukraine arrived "like thunder" in with Soviet wheat. February 6-8, was criticism of higher gical and labor discipline and a rhyth- Ukraine when the local Communist According to The Globe and Mail, party and government organs in the mic approach to work, and also compli- Party boss told about 400 locals in the Soviets had to purchase $2 billion republic for a variety of shortcomings cations of the conditions for extracting Poltava to follow examples being set by worth of Canadian grain in 1984, and in over the five-year period since the valuable minerals." entrepreneurs in the West, according to December they signed another five-year previous congress.
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