trJ lte OF THETA TAU ■ B i iDonald kD. Curtis , Grand Regent ^filing, 1951 Volume XL Number 2 The Iwir A IR of T H E T A T A I I §PRnrw, i®5 1 VOLUME XL N U M B E R 2 I Tketa I GU Fraternity Founded at the University of Minnesota October 5,1 /904 FOUNDERS Erich J. Schrader Isaac B. Hanks W. M urray L ewis Elw in L. V inal EXECUTIVE COUNCIL D. D. C urtis, Omicron Honorary ' 1 9 ..................................... Grand Regent Clemson, South Carolina A. D. Hinckley, Theta ' 2 7 .................................................Grand Vice Regent 90 Morningside Dr., New York 27, N. Y. Erich J. Schrader , Alpha ' 0 5 .............................................................Grand Scribe Box 244, Reno, Nevada Paul Mercer, Omicron ’2 1 Grand Treasurer 1415 Grand Ave., Keokuk, Iowa J. M. D aniels, Nu Honorary ’2 2 ..................................................Grand Marshal Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa. Frank W. Edwards , Omicron ’2 8 ...................................Grand Inner Guard 10648 South Wood St., Chicago 43, 111. T. C. Brown , R ho' 3 1 ..............................................................GrandOuterGuard M.E. Dept., North Carolina State College, Raleigh, N. C. DELEGATE AT LARGE N. B. Ames, Gamma Beta ' 1 7 ...........................................Past Grand Regent 8 Westwood Dr., Washington 16, D. C. THE GEAR OF THETA TAU P. L. Mercer, Omicron '21 and J. W. Howe, Omicron ’24 . Editors Engineering Building, Iowa City, Iowa ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS AN D CLUBS Central Ohio— James W. Smelker, 392 E. Buchwald Blvd., Columbus 2, Ohio X Chicago— Nick Trbovich, 4225 Ivy Street, East Chicago, Ind. _ — , j Cleveland— James R. McKinney, 715 Union Bldg., Cleveland 15, Ohio /J7 £ u t //Q Tfiitcrnnmntain —J. W. Jenkins, P. O. Box 403, Salt Lake City, Utah Kansas City — Donald L. Flanders, 5007 Wyandotte, Kansas City 2, Mo. Los Angeles— Ben E. Gumpertz, 5715 Sunnyslope, Van Nuys, Calif. 'R ational Capitol— Charles F. Myers, 106 N . George Mason Dr., Arlington, Va. Northwestern— Geo. T. Hanson, 706 Locust St.. Anaconda, Mont. \T w in City— Remus N. Bretoi, 324 Walnut St., S.E., Minneapolis 14, Minn. VSouthwestern— Robert L. Houston, University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. Louisville Alumni Club— c/o Theta Tau1 2022 S. First St., Louisville, Ky. \F o rt Wayne Alumni Club— Robt. J. Winner, 163 5 Broadway, Fort Wayne 2, Ind. ARCHITECTURE. Alpha Rho Chi, Alpha Zeta. CHEMISTRY, Alpha Chi Sigma. COMMERCE. Alpha Kappa Psi1 Delta Sigma Pi. DENTISTRY, Delta Sigma Delta. Phi lambda Kaooa. Pii Omeea. Xi Psi Phi. E^iyCATION. I Theta Phi. Phi Alpha Delta, Phi I .. MEDICINE. Alpha Kappa Kapp: i. PHARMACY. I Chapters A lpha , Founiteil October 15, 1904 - - - - University of Minnesota (Chapter house) 324 Walnut St., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Beta, Established March 26, 1906 - Michigan College of Mining and Tech. (Chapter house) 1405 College Ave., Houghton, Michigan Gamma , Established Noiem ber 8, 1907 - - - Colorado School of Mines c /o Dr. Leslie W. LeRoy, Colo. School of Mines, Golden, Colo. D elta , Established May 23, 1 9 1 1...................... Case Institute of Technology Theta Tau Box, Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland, Ohio Epsilon, Established Maj' 4, 1 9 1 1..................- - University of California Theta Tau Box, Hearst Mining Bldg., Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, Calif. Z eta, Established April 17, 1 9 1 2.......................................... University of Kansas (Chapter house) 1602 Louisiana Street, Lawrence, Kansas T h eta , Established May 26, 1914 ------- Columbia University c/o Prof. Nelson S. Fisk, Col. of Eng., Columbia University, New York City Iota , Established February 5, 1916 ------ Missouri School of Mines c /o Prof. J. B. Butler, MissouriSchool of Mines, Rolla, Mo. Lambda , Established April 29, 1920 .................................. University ofUtah c/o George W. Carter, College of Engineering, Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City Mu, Established January ), 1922 ------- University of Alabama P. O. Box 2043, University Alabama Xi, Established January I), 1 9 2 ) .................................University of Wisconsin c /o Dr. G. A. Rohlich, 9 Hydraulics Laboratory, Univ. of Wis., Madison, Wis. O micron , Established February ), 1923 - - - - State University of Iowa Box 44, Iowa Memorial Union, Iowa City, Iowa Pl1 Established May 26, 1923 - .......................................University of Virginia c /o Prof. H. L. Kinnier, Col. of Engr., University of Virginia, University, Va. R ho, Established February 16, 1924 - N. C. State College of Ag. and Eng. c /o Prof. T. C. Brown. M.E. Dept., N. C. State College, Raleigh, N. C. Sigma , Established November 29, 1924............................Ohio State University (Chapter House) 47 East 16th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio T au , Established December 12, 1 9 2 )...................... - - Syracuse University c o Prof. Bart J. Conta, Col. of Applied Science, Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, N. Y. Upsii.on, Established April 7, 1928 University of Arkansas (Chapter House) 612 Storrer St., Fayetteville, Arkansas Phi, Established April 21, 1928 Purdue University (Chapter house) 416 North Chauncey, West Lafayette, Indiana C hi, Established April 23, JflJO........................................... University of Arizona Theta Tau Box1Engineering Bldg., University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. Psi, Established May 7, 19)2 -------- Montana School of Mines Theta Tau Fraternity, Care of Montana School of Mines, Butte, Montana Omega , Established March 26, 1 9 ) 2...................... S. Dakota School of Mines (Chapter house) 107 Kansas City St., Rapid City, S. Dak. Gamma Beta , Established March 16, 19)) - George Washington University Student Union Office Bldg., George Washington Univ., Washington, D. C. Delta Beta, Established May 20, 19)9 - - - - University of Louisville (Chapter house) 2022 S. First St., Louisville, Ky. The Ralph Nusser [lighteenth Biennial Convention I [eld In Kansas City The Eighteenth Biennial Convention ing and 16 file drawers of Theta Tau gathered momentum slowly. AU records were about 50 percent de- through Wednesday, December 27, the Executive Council and delegates ar­ When all delegates had been checked rived by plane, train, and car. The by the Credentials Committee the offi­ Grand Regents' suite on the IOth floor cial list was prepared. These men were of the President Hotel became busier the legislators for the biennium and hour by hour as national officers ar­ accepted their responsibility in all seri­ rived and began checking delegates’ ousness. credentials. By nightfall a goodly THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Norman B. Ames, Gamma Beta 17. Grand group of delegates with clammy hands Regent were gathered in the room awaiting Donald D. Curtis, Hon. Omicron. Grand Vice their turn with the Credentials Com­ Regent Erich J. Schrader. Alpha '01, Grand Scribe mittee. Talk turned to war and mili­ tary service or to entertainment after John M. Daniels. Hon. Nu, Grand Marshal the Committee had worked them over. Guard Erich Schrader was full of stories T. C. Brown, Hon. Rho. Grand Outer Guard DELEGATE AT LARGE about the Reno flood. Forty years of Ralph W. Nusser. Zeta '28, Past Grand Regent Theta Tau records had been soaked PAST GRAND REGENTS and in many instances ruined in that Russell G. Glass. Sigma '24 disaster. Brother Schrader’s office THE GEAR OF THETA TAU J. Vi'. Howe. Omicron '24, and Paul Mercer, stood SI inches deep with muddy Omicron ’21 water which rose quickly due to a flash CHAPTER DELEGATES flood in the middle of the night and Beta: Lionel Larson, 'JI then quickly receded. Everything in Gamma: Harry Don Adams. '12 the office but the steel desk was float­ Delta: Eugene Skerl, 'SI THE GEAR OF THETA TAU the highest Zeta, Lambi Gamma Bet. due to the untiring efforts of Grand Regent Ames who spent the night THE GEAR OF THETA TAU 7 (until 5:30 a.m.) laying out the work. "God give me the fortitude to endure The Convention then received re­ the things I can not change, the cour­ ports from the members of the Execu­ age to change those I can change, and tive Council. The Grand Regent led the wisdom to discern the one from off with an excellent report on his the other.” activities during the biennium. He re­ Grand Vice Regent Curtis followed counted his contacts with the adminis­ with a short report. Brother Curtis tration at Carnegie Tech which re­ completed 21 years as Grand Marshal mained adamant in its resolution to at the beginning of the biennium and dictate membership requirements to the duties of the Vice Regent seemed professional fraternities. This makes it mild in comparison. He had however impossible for Theta Tau to maintain assisted in a Regional meeting at Nu chapter. The appointment of John Washington and in judging the Daniels to fill the vacancy occasioned Schrader Award contest. by the resignation of George Carter At this point a recess was called as Grand Marshal and the appointment during which the memorial service for of Erich Schrader to the newly created those brothers who had died during office of Executive Secretary were the biennium was conducted and the executive actions taken by the Grand Convention photograph was taken. Regent early in the biennium. Two Grand Vice Regent Curtis presided prospective chapters were mentioned, over the afternoon session which one of them being quite acceptible. started with the report of the Grand The growth of the fraternity’s mem- Scribe. Brother Schrader gave the ership to more than 12,000 with assets exact membership figure as 12,153, an in excess of $66,000 was noted and the increase of 1087 during the biennium. four regional conferences described. In this period the Grand Scribe had The Grand Regent’s report closed with written a total of 2,734 letters on Fra­ several recommendations which, if fol­ ternity business! He specifically cau­ lowed, would produce strong chapters tioned the chapters against the initia­ and in his conclusion he asked the dele­ tion of seniors who would be in the gates to remember the simple prayer: chapter too short a time to learn any­ THE GEAR OF THETA TAU thing about the fraternity.
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