8568 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE April18, 1991 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Thursday, April 18, 1991 The House met at 10 a.m. H.J. Res. 222. Joint resolution to provide PRAISING THE ACTIONS OF OUR The Chaplain, Rev. James David for a settlement of the railroad labor-man­ TROOPS AND THE PRESIDENT'S Ford, D.D., offered the following pray­ agement disputes between certain railroads NEW WORLD ORDER er: represented by the National Carriers' Con­ ference Committee of the National Railway (Mr. BARTON of Texas asked and We see in our world, 0 God, the power Labor Conference and certain of their em­ was given permission to address the of might and all the forces of our in­ ployees; House for 1 minute and to revise and vention, and yet we do not see as clear­ S.J. Res. 16. Joint resolution designating extend his remarks.) ly the power of the spirit. We confess the week of April 21-27, 1991, as "National Mr. BARTON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, that we so easily recognize the might Crime Victims' Rights Week"; and I rise today to pay tribute not only to used between individuals or nations, S.J. Res. 119. Joint resolution to designate the soldiers of Operation Desert Storm, but we fail to admit the power of the April 22, 1991, as "Earth Day" to promote the but also to their Commander in Chief, spiritual forces that truly touch the preservation of the global environment. President George Bush. Their decisive lives of people. Teach us, gracious God, victory over aggression, combined with to see the energy of the spirit, encour­ the triumph of democracy over com­ aged by loyalty and integrity, by faith­ ALOIS BRUNNER, MOST WANTED munism, has fueled the President's fulness and allegiance, by steadfastness NAZI CRIMINAL pursuit for a new world order. Our and fidelity so that we truly claim the troops, the vanguard of the world-wide human gifts that You so freely bestow. (Mr. McNULTY asked and was given coalition united against Saddam Hus­ permission to address the House for 1 In Your name, we pray. Amen. sein, are the first heroes of the new minute and to revise and extend his re­ world order. marks.) As we continue to welcome home our THE JOURNAL Mr. MCNULTY. Mr. Speaker, Adolf heroes, we must remember the reasons The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam­ Eichmann called him "one of my best for which they were called upon. ined the Journal of the last day's pro­ men." A Greek deportee said, "He per­ Threats and aggression to our national ceedings and announces to the House sonified Teutonic sadism in all its hor­ security interests remain, and our abil­ his approval thereof. ror." Both were referring to Alois ity to protect ourselves must remain as Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour­ Brunner, the most wanted Nazi crimi­ well. The President's hope for a new nal stands approved. nal alive today. world order is firmly rooted in this This man was personally responsible idea. for sending to their deaths more than Meanwhile, as our Secretary of State PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 120,000 Jews from Austria, Germany, works with foreign leaders for a perma­ The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman France, Slovakia, and Greece. He nent end to the causes of conflict in from New York [Mr. McNULTY] please flogged his victims with a horsewhip the Middle East, we must show the come forward and lead the House in the made of thin leather thongs threaded world that we remain committed to the Pledge of Allegiance. with iron wire, and then terrorized his ideals we see being adopted daily in Mr. McNULTY led the Pledge of Alle­ Jewish victims with a pistol aimed Eastern Europe and elsewhere. Indeed, giance as follows: against their necks, foreheads, or tem­ the hard work of freedom, requires I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the ples. commitments both here and abroad. To United States of America, and to the Repub­ Near war's end, he sent 180 children these goals, and the hope of a new lic for which it stands, one nation under God, from Jewish-run orphanages to their world order, we must remain true. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. deaths, including 34 children from Louviciennes, France. For his crimes against humanity, PASS THE FAMILY MEDICAL MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Alois Brunner was sentenced to death LEAVE ACT A message from the Senate by Mr. in absentia in 1954 by French courts in (Mrs. SCHROEDER asked and was Lundregan, one of its clerks, an­ Paris and Marseilles, but he escaped given permission to address the House nounced that the Senate had passed a capture. He also is wanted in Austria for 1 minute and to revise and extend bill and joint resolutions of the follow­ and in Germany, but since 1955, he has her remarks.) ing titles, in which the concurrence of lived in Damascus under the protection Mrs. SCHROEDER. Mr. Speaker, as the House is requested: of the Syrian Government, which pro­ the Select Committee on Children, S. 64. An act to provide for the establish­ vides ~im with bodyguards, and he Youth, and Families, looks at the Tax ment of a National Commission on a Longer boasts about his crimes with impunity. Code we find indeed it is not family School Year, and for other purposes; The time has come, Mr. Speaker, for friendly. As we have looked at many S.J. Res. 77. Joint resolution relative to Alois Brunner to be brought to justice, telephone rates and procedures for Operation Government programs, we find that is Desert Storm personnel; and for him to be returned to Germany for not family friendly, either. S.J. Res. 102. Joint resolution designating trial. That is why I am introducing One of the most amazing things is the second week in May 1991 as "National today a resolution expressing the sense that when we look at the private sec­ Tourism Week." of the House that the President of the tor, we also find it is not family friend­ United States personally call upon ly. One of the most amazing things President Assad to permit without that has come out as we talk· to young ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER delay the extradition of Alois Brunner families is they tell us that their chil­ The SPEAKER. The Chair desires to for trial in Germany. dren are sick in the morning or some­ announce that pursuant to clause 4 of Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to thing happens to their day care, they rule I, the Speaker signed the following join me in cosponsoring this important do much better off phoning the office enrolled joint resolutions on Thursday, resolution, because this man has hid­ and telling their employer they had car April 18, 1991: den long enough. trouble. People are sympathetic to car DThis symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., D 1407 is 2:07p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. April 18, 1991 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 8569 trouble. They are not sympathetic to protect the privacy of sexual assault Senator BYRD has been criticized re­ when something happens to your fam­ victims. cently for getting some Federal offices ily arrangements. That is a very seri­ I am introducing such legislation, and agencies to move to West Virginia. ous condemnation on what the work­ and urge my colleagues to join me in With the costs in this city, it just place is really like and how families this effort. makes good sense to move some of are not welcome. these departments and agencies to This body will shortly have a chance some of the smaller cities, small town, to turn that attitude around by passing USE AMERICAN STEEL TO and rural areas across this Nation the Family Medical Leave Act that REBUILD KUWAIT where the land and building costs are will make the Federal Government a (Mr. WELDON asked and was given much less and where the cost of living much more family friendly employer permission to address the House for 1 is also quite a bit lower than in Wash­ and it will say to the private sector minute and to revise and extend his re­ ington. that people should be able to have time marks.) Madam Speaker, $24 million is just off without pay when they have a baby, Mr. WELDON. Madam Speaker, the too much for a one-quarter acre piece adopt a baby or when a baby is criti­ fires continue to burn. What is perhaps of property, with no building on it. A cally ill. the worst ecological disaster in our his­ church there now will be moved. I certainly hope this body passes it We should substantially reduce the this time and that the President signs tory is currently taking place in Ku­ wait as an estimated 6 million barrels appropriations for the International it this time, because the more we lis­ Monetary Fund if they are going to ten, the more we realize there is a lot of oil a day continue to burn in over 600 oil wells. spend money in a foolish, ridiculous of rhetoric about families, but there is way such as this. very little follow-through in all sectors This past Tuesday I appeared in of our economy and this is a chance to Houston, TX, with Red Adair, the most make a breakthrough to change it. internationally famous firefighter in terms of oil fires in the world at a con­ SUPPORT THE CRIME VICTIMS ference in Houston with over 1,000 ex­ RESTITUTION ACT OF 1991 ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER perts in the techniques of suppressing (Mr.
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