![March IA Through Che Right Poured Millions of Dollars Made the Greatest Contributions 27](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
ENTERTAINMENT Wildwmunin III liliS ISMi Check out thc new GAGV • The all-female troupe i^sswB ConimunityC^cotcT Community Center News presents Fit^ Wotttett Wearittg SactJon A page! tbo Same Dress. Interview: Ti>e new Corpus Chnsti Page BIS Fahh Community..^ 6 I ^^ Opinkxi: Medkal maHjuana: the Green Pirty view. 8 Makingthe Scene: Sweethearts have a ball. „ 14 ft Entertainmenc RCMC, more».» .1 Columni»is*.,-«,»....««*^.«„ „..^ Gay Groups „ ! 2 Communicy Center News. 15 Number 311 ^rftiBwIIIVMS ....»••••••• I•«*»..«.»>..«...*..»«.•« I ^ Mwd»^999 A Publication ofthe Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley Equality begins at sweetheart Baii NewsFronts home, Mar<3i 21-27 • LOCAL AND STATE Nominations due Albany Lobby Day to include rally, exhibits for annual awards By Susan Jordan we have come to know from our The Gay Alliance ofthe Genesee Are you concerned about the pas­ nation's capical." Valley is now accepting nomina­ sage of anti-discrimination and hate All 50 staces. as well as the Dis­ tions for the annual Vicki and crimes laws in N.Y.S.? Want to tricc of Columbia and Puerto Rico, Vinnie Cup awards, and for the counter the lies the radical right is will see EBaH activities, which will Alliance's Friend ofthe Commu­ telling about you in Rochester, in hopefully help to councer the re- nity Award, which will be pre­ Albany and around the country? lentiess and well-financed rightwing sented at the GAGVs annual Feel it's time to let your elected campaigns in every soice that spread dinner on April 26. representatives know that you de­ lies about the gay communicy and The Vicki and Vinnie Cups are serve equal, not "special;* rights? advocate for the continuation of The Gay Alliance's Sweecheart Ball on Feb. 13 at the Four Poincs awarded yearly by Arnie Pegish Equality will b€Sgin at home for bigotry and discnmination. Lasc year Sheracon was a heart-warming success. See Making che Scene, p. 14. to the woman and man who have Rochestarians March IA through che Right poured millions of dollars made the greatest contributions 27. with evencs including an inter* into the anti-gay marriage campaign CO the Rochester LGBT commu­ faith service. On March 22. the in Hawaii, and now a move is on Co nity in the past year, working pass laws in an increasing number New York State segment of the throM^ di»^Qay AUteJiosr THH national Equality Begins ac Home of states which would ban gay adop- Friend ofthe Comnriunity Award. (EBaH) cainpaign ^toiki arrive m Al­ Uon and fos(;ttr pareriuog. WCMII erosexual wotnan or man who bany, in che form of che Empire passed a law banning gay adoption has achieved most In support of Scace Pride Agenda*s annual Lobby on Jan. 22. and simitar m^isures, Day on March 22, which chis year backed by the Righc, are under gay rights in the past year. will feacure a rally, several exhibics consideration in Texas, Oklahoma, Nominations should be sent 'frhairvAip.Way:':^Fre«l)^^^^ on gay issues, and roundcable dis­ Indiana and Arkansas. EBaH orga­ to the GAGV Nominations Com­ (TAMFS) a missi^ii project of thei; Ni^l^ Ctty,^Northem Calk cussions wich che chairs of I I Sen­ nizers feel that the fucure ofthe gay mittee, 179 Attantic Ave., Roch­ ,:'P<j]^town'Unit^':,P)Pcaty^^ rv^jpn ace and Assembly committees. rights moveTnent will be decided in ester N.Y. 14607-1255. by April 4C|^urch (DUPC) Jn* piMf^n^^ The goal of che national EBaH iarge pare in scate legislacures over 13. For more information, call whh the Westminsters 6l^b>^^;t^^ Evangelists program, organized by the National che nexc several years. tiie GAGV at 244-8640. Full in­ ViarvChurch|ofTibu Gay and Lesbian Task Force, is to Each day of che week will have a formation on che annual dinner hositing a iiatiorud. LeadenJilp i^^on wkJ to pjan, nct^iyork and draw national accention co the need theme: on Sunday. March 21 ic wttl ^11 be published in the April for hace crimes laws, civi! righcs be people offaith, affirming congre­ isaueofthe&np^Cbset procections. supporc for our fami­ gations; on March 22 awareness of ESPA, Network lies and opposition co che Radical old and young gays; on March 23, Right*s anti-gay initiatives ac che employnrkent and housing non-dts­ report on the stace level. Kerry Lobel, executive crimination; on March 24. social director of NGLTF, said, ''Equality justice action day, spotiighting sex­ : the.^Reyer«ia:Janii»^^^^ state of the state Begins at Home is not an 6nd poinc i^auiie Spahr, ism, racism and ablism; on March •f • •• The N.Y,S. Lesbian and Gay Health DUPC, has buc a beginning point. We are going 25, anti-violence day; on March 26 and Human Services Networic, in CO make our scacewide -organiza­ grassroots politics, spotiighting in- cotlat>oration with the Enr>pire ing grassroots: p dons scronger. mobilize more district visits; on March 27, family, State Pride Agenda, lias issued people, regiscer more vocers and with an emphasis on our ri^c to the first ''State of che Scate Re­ demand greater acountability from marry and raise children. port on Lesl>lan and Gay New our stace legislators and EBaH plans for New York State Yorkers and Their Families." policymakers. Ic is this organizing at include a peaceful demonscration The report finds that discrimi­ che scace level chac will ultimately against anti-gay empk>ymenc poll- nation, stigma and violence are counter the hostility and gridlock Equality contbnMd on p. 3 the areas tiuit most concem and affect queer New Yoribars. The study summarizes statewide re­ search on tha health and social Albany bans and- scmmnation in services waibre challenMS fodt^fiys and Albany's Common Council unani­ discriminatory practices and ser­ This includes ftjnds through tha of a soHdtation of bids, ia|oaaar'-:anar Tvaavninanos van- mously actopced an ordinance on vices.*' said Conti. Community Development Block provisk>n of a City service induda ous sthiltegles for overcoming ex­ Feb. f. banning discriminacion in Prior CO Its amendment, die Hu­ Grant program, grants to support a daitsa an dtecriminatory prac^ isting barriers to full heakh and the provtsk>n of Oty servlcas. man Ri^ts Law prohitoed discrimi­ die arts and cultural activitias and, ticas prohibtod under tha l-faman social services. Sponsored by 6ch Ward Com­ nation on the basis of race, sex, this yaar» a naw youth services Rights Law. Additionally, any con­ Tha report ra-affirms what mon Council Member Richard creed, color, religion, national ori- grant program. tractual arranfements ancarad into most of us In tha gay connnunH^y Conti. the ordinance extends the 1^, sexual orientation, a^e, cfisabft- "^ a result of this ordinance, wouM be rec|uirad fio include a already icnow: because wa lack non-discriminatory provisions of ity, or marital status In areas of OTfanlntJons providing sarvicas stipulation that tha contractor, legal protection from discrimina­ the City's "Omnibus Human R^hti empkiymeiit, pubUc accommodk* Ibndad wkh public d<>liars wW ba awardaa or grantaa shaH not an* tion, wa can ba firad or lose our Law" to include any sen^ic« pro­ tions, housinc and r«al proparty raquirad to do so on a nen-dis- (1^ bl a dtaerimbiatiory pracdca housingbacautawaaraparcaivad vided diracdy or iodirecc^ tbromh transactions. criminatory basif,'* said Conti. proMWiad under tha Human lUi^ ^ f^f, and wa haVa no la|^ ra* a pant or award of luncb or on a "Tba Ci^ of Albany anmaHy bl adMon to proMbitlv« dis­ Law. course. VVa axpartanea cHsaiml- contractual basis. a^vards mSions of dolars in frants crimination ki tha provision of Qty Tba Human Ri|htt Law, consid­ natlon In nnadkal care and^lra ''Adoption of this ordlnanc« rap- and contracts to a wida ranf* of sarvicas, tha ordlnancaraquiras that ered controversial at tha tinna, was lass INcaly to racaiva pravantiva orptnizations to support a varleqr any notice of iha avaHubllity ofa or^gbialiy aduptadby llM Couaiioii resents a significant r«-comi¥^tment L<»cal naws continuad on p* 3 of the Common Coundl to non- of sarvfcas and avants," Conti said grant or award of fimds, or notica AM>aifiy cocidiMaao on p» 3 HQ nor w» wo b* a forum fer ongoing dis- LCTTEIIS TO THE EOITOM: pytea bocwwn Mivfduab. We reserve Grant continuad from p. I than the average white heterosexual to be Thsepmiem ef columniKs, •dfcoHsl wrlc- tho righc CO edit fer spaca and darity. W« cies at Cracker Barrel restaurants (Fishkill); victims of violent crln>e and assault; we are «rt mi odftsr comrtbuUng wrHmt trs wtt princ anof^meus lacBan IT tho nama chair own sn4 do noc neonssrwy rsMct and phono numbtt* ara prowided to tha a town mMtingto fight radsm within LGBT harassed k% the workplace and our families the eoMscti^ sftiatdv of the Gay AMuiM Edicor; ConOdandoMiy WiM ba ra^octod. communiti«s, sponsored by Gay Men of do not receh^e standard funlly i>enefits. Perspectives ofthe GawMVaHty or ths Empty OoMt. Subminfefts ara duo by tho ISth of tha African Descant and other POC groups In WFiat may be new Information even to the W« wM prim kRnrt at the odttor^s discre­ month at: Manhattan (caU 212-414-9344); a demon- gay community is that certain groups within tion and on a ipace svaUibto buis.W« WfH Tho CifiptT Cloaet, 179 Aduftk Ave. stration in Queens at Sen. Frank Padsvan's our community are especially vulnerable: Viewpoints that matter not print psrtonal attacks on indMduah. Rod)OAarNYI4«07-l2S5 offict to draw attention to his opposition to youth, the elderly, people of color and Immi­ M^f^^l^P^^^^M the state hate crimes bill; a "Celebration of grants, all of whom are poorly serewi by Family" event held by Marriage Equality in health and social services providers.
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