Congratulations Final ROTC Exams Cadets Ominous VOL. XIX. No. 22—EIGHT PAGES PROVIDENCE COLLEGE, PROVIDENCE, R. I., MAY 8, 1957 CENTS A COPY Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Celebration Former P. C. Dominican Performs New Pakistan Missionary Duties Four Friars Commemorate Ordination Father Hyacinth Putz. O.P. former• ly a professor of Theology and mod• On Monday, May 20. in the Com-j ern languages at Providence College, munity Chapel at 4:45 p.m., a Sol-1 and a prefect in Stephen Hall, now omn High Mass will be celebrated byl I engaged in Dominican missionary the Reverend Philip C. Skehan, O.P.,1 work in Pakistan, has written sev• to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniver-j eral members of the clerical faculty sary of his ordination to the priest-I I at the College of his activities. hood. At the same time. Low Masses] will be said on the adjoining altars' The American Dominicans of St. by the Reverends Walter A. Mur-j Josephs Province have been en• laugh. O.P., John C. Rubba, O.P., and • trusted with the care of a Pakistan Edward L. Skelly. O.P. mission 35,000 square miles in area, over which are scattered some 3.000 Fr. PuU Catholics. The area comprises the Father Murtaugh Rahimyar Khan, a large city to the southwestern portion of the Punjab The Reverend Walter A. Murtaugh, far north. Both Moslem and Catholic in what was formerly the north of O.P., chairman of the physics de• patients and students will be ac• India The life of a missionary in partment, was born here in Provi• cepted in the finished institutions. such a situation is one of continual dence on April 7, 1903. He is a grad• Father Putz and Father Scheerer i tours to the villages, or "chaks," as uate of La Salle Academy and Provi• have been touring the "chaks" of ' they are called in Punjabi. The pres- dence College, Class of 1924. He was Bahawalpur, a typical tour taking ap• i ent complement of the mission con- professed at St. Joseph's Priory, Som• proximately four days, Father Puts I sist of four priests and a brother, erset. Ohio, and was ordained in writes: "Yesterday we began a tour but it is expected that it will be in• Washington in 1932. Father Mur• at Sadiqabad down along the border creased shortly by more priests and taugh has studied at Ohio State, and of Sind, but a single day of rain, Fr. Rubba brothers and by the Dominican Sis• Fr. Murtaugh the first since our arrival, changed received his Master's Degree in Sci• ters from Sparkill. N. Y. ence from Catholic University in even many of the roads into quag• 1943 He has written a laboratory Father Luke Turon, the mission mires. The catechist was stranded process manual, and has contributed doctor, is now practicing medicine by mud in one of the villages and articles to several science periodicals. at Holy Family Hospital in Rawal• could not meet us However, we did Father Rubba pindi. Father George Westwatcr is make two stops during which we administered nine First Communions, The Reverend John C. Rubba. O.P.. the pastor and the mayor of Loreto, three infant Baptisms, convalidated a professor of Spanish, was born on a Catholic village in the north Fa• marriage, and said Mass twice . October 30, 1903, in Hammonton, N. ther A L. Scheerer, Brother Thomas when we arrived home ... we felt J. He attended Providence College I Aquinas, and Father Putz are at the our trip wa^ far from being in vain." for two years and left to be pro• central station, where the mission has acquired twelve acres of land, upon Father PuL: cues on to describe how fessed at St. Rose's. Springfield, Ky. Mass is said on all sorts of impro• In 1926 Father Rubba was awarded ! which it is planned to erect a Cath• olic center with church, rectory, con• vised altars, indoors and out, and ex• his A.B by the Chicago Aquinas vent, hospital, girls' and boys' grade plains how confessions are heard Philosophical Studium. In 1934, two and high school. Similar plans are whenever and wherever possible. years after his ordination in Wash• ' being formulated for Loreto and for (Continued on Page 8) ington, he went abroad and studied at the Milan and Florence Universi• ties for four years, and received de• grees of Ph.D. and S.T.Lr., and Doc• tor of Letters. Father Rubba was Lecture On Optometry assigned to the Providence College ; faculty in September, 1938, and is now a member of the language de• Fr. Skelly Fr. Skehan partment. At present he is the mod-^ Completes AED Season erator of the Third Order of Saint * Dominic. IN ME MOR I AM Green, Dean of the Massachusetts Father Skehan Rhode Island ALPHA will bring In your prayers you are asked College of Optometry, will be guest The Reverend Philip C. Skehan, this year's series of lectures in the Instruction Series to remember the repose of the healing arts professions to a close on speaker. His topic will be "Choosing O.P., born on September 20, 1901, in soul* of the fathers of William next Monday evening. May 13. For a Caner in Optometry" Anderson, Indiana. He graduated Pilkington, '58, and John Wid- the benefit of students who might be i from Providence College and was Dr. Green is a graduate of the Given Over Radio interested in optometry, Dr. Ralph H. (Continued on Page 7) Massachusetts College of Optometry and the Illinois College of Optometry, receiving the degree Doctor of Op• "Innocente Come Prima." a comedy tometry from the litter in 1930. He in one act, adapted from "Yorick." has been affiliated with the Boston was presented on Doctor Salvatore Junior Promenade Ready school since that time .md has served G. Scotti'5 "Learning is Fun" pro- ¡ as Director of the College clinic, As• gram, May 5, over Radio Station | sistant Dean, and has b< ;n Dean since WJAR. The characters were enacted 1946. by members of Dr. Scotti's Italian Queen Finalists Selected The lectures on Monday evening 104 class. Anthony Miele, 59. por• will bepn at 73(1 pjn. in the auditor• trayed Il Pretore (the Judge); Rich• This Friday night. May 10. 1957, This year's she (or the Prom, the : Invitations have been sent to each ium of Albertus Magnus Hall. It is ard DeNoia, '59, enacted the role of the Class of 1958 of Providence Col- Rhodes - on - the • Pawtuxet Ballroom, of the ladies who will attend the hoped that all students interested in La Vecchia (the old woman); and lege will hold its greatest social event will be extravagantly decorated by Prom. Guests of honor will include optometry will avail themselves of Frank DePetrillo, '59, was L'Usciere during the three year course here— the widely known and sought after the Very Reverend Robert J. Slavin, i the opportunity to meet and talk with (the usher). Another sophomore. the Junior Promenade. Maurice Brule, who, with Ray, will O.P.. President of the College, the ! Dr. Green. All biology majors are ex• John Powers, served as narrator for Music for the Prom will be sup- create a sublime atmosphere for the Reverend John P. Kenny, O.P., mod- pected to attend the production. : plied by the great Glenn Miller or- dancing couples from nine that even- erator of the Junior Class, and mem- I chestra. with Ray McKinley conduct- ing to one the next morning bers of the Administration and fac• Dr Scotti. professor of Italian at ing Ray and the group have at- Six finalists for Queen of the ulty. Providence College, has conducted lamed a central foothold in the in- Prom have been chosen by a com- Gentlemen are reminded that if the program, which is sponsored by ternational spotlight, and have just m.ltce headed by Joe Bell and Jack they haven't bought their bids yet. the College, for several weeks, and has had as guests from time to time, arrived home after playing before Welsh They are as follows: Miss to make sure they do so before Fn- various educator*, students of Italian, packed auditoriums and music houses Jean Gavil of Cranston, escorted by day. In spite of the large number and outstanding Italian-Americans. on their good-will tour throughout Dick Conway; Miss Anne Mane Gor- of men who have already made a Guest speaker Easter morning was ! free Europe Many of the old songs man of Cranston, escorted by V.n definite note in attend.ng, there are the Very Reverend Robert J Slavin, that made the Miller band a hit prior Ferraioli; Miss Catherine Lacourse of still a few tickets remaining, none O.P.. President of the College. to Glenn's disappearance over the South Attleboro. escorted by George of which will be sold at the door, waters of the English Channel dur- Desormeaux; Mrs Edward Murphy Admission to the dance will be by The program is heard over WJAR ing World War II were played, and of Cranston, escorted by her hus- this ticket only Parking for cars is each Sunday at 10 30 a m will be played this Friday, along band. Miss Mary Lou Pugliese of free in the Rhodes spacious parking with the currently popular and re- Johnston, escorted by Pete Gabnele; grounds Photos on page 8. A twenty-five-lecture series per• quest numbers In the last ten yesn and Miss Msryann Rybar of Green- taining to Industrial Relations ended there have been a number of orches- wood, escorted by Charlie Duggan.
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