2019 Federal Excise Tax - Rural Airports Revised: November 12, 2019 This information has been prepared for the IRS by the Office of the Secretary of the Department of Transportation, Research Division (OST-R). This list was prepared on 2019 data provided by the FAA and is based on 2017 enplanement statistics. Airport distances are calculated from a start and end latitude and longitude based on a constant compass course for a rhumb line between the points (loxodrome) using an Albers Equal Area Projection. Airport coordinates are based on FAA and National Imagery and Mapping Agency Data. If an airport does not appear on the list, and an airport administrator has information that may render an eligible, please send an email to: [email protected] Please include in email: - Airport(s) in question - Reasons why the Airport(s) should be considered 'Eligible'. - Feel free to include the IRS Conditions and appropriate justification, passenger traffic numbers for the second preceding year, pictures of non-paved roads with street names and cross-street names, names of island airport resides - The email sender's contact information LOCID IATA CITY AIRPORT STATE COUNTRY ADK ADK Adak Island Adak AK US AKK AKK Akhiok Akhiok AK US KKI KKI Akiachak Akiachak AK US AKI AKI Akiak Akiak AK US 7AK Akutan Akutan AK US KQA KQA Akutan Akutan AK US AUK AUK Alakanuk Alakanuk AK US 4AK7 Aleknagik Aleknagik Mission Strip AK US 5A8 WKK Aleknagik Aleknagik /New AK US Z25 Aleknagik Tripod AK US Z33 Aleknagik Aleknagik AK US 6A8 AET Allakaket Allakaket AK US AFM ABL Ambler Ambler AK US 80A American Creek American Creek AK US AK81 AOS Amook Bay Amook Bay AK US AKP AKP Anaktuvuk Pass Anaktuvuk Pass AK US 00AK Anchor Point Lowell Field AK US AK00 Anchor Point Anchor River Airpark AK US 3C3 Anchorage Campbell Lake SPB AK US 6AK5 Anchorage Fire Island AK US AGN AGN Angoon Angoon AK US ANI ANI Aniak Aniak AK US ANN ANN Annette Annette Island AK US Z43 Annette Tamgas Harbor AK US ANV ANV Anvik Anvik AK US K40 Anvik Anvik AK US ARC ARC Arctic Village Arctic Village AK US AKA AKB Atka Atka AK US ATT ATT Atmautluak Atmautluak AK US ATK ATK Atqasuk Atqasuk Edward Burnell Sr Memorial AK US ATU ATU Attu Casco Cove CGS AK US BNF BNF Baranof Baranof Warm Springs Float and Seaplane Float AK US BRW BRW Barrow Wiley Post-Will Rogers Memorial AK US BTI BTI Barter Island Barter Island AK US BQV BQV Bartlett Cove Bartlett Cove AK US Z47 Basin Creek Engstrom Field AK US AK02 Bear Creek Bear Creek 1 AK US Z48 BCC Bear Creek Bear Creek 3 AK US Z52 Bear Lake Johnsons Landing AK US WBQ WBQ Beaver Beaver AK US KBE KBE Bell Island Bell Island Hot Springs AK US Z58 Bethel Hangar Lake AK US Z59 JBT Bethel Bethel AK US 2A4 Bettles Vor Lake Waterlane AK US BTT BTT Bettles Bettles AK US 6A7 Big Lake Brocker Lake AK US 85AK Big Lake Marion AK US 86AK Big Lake Hoppe's AK US 91AK Big Lake Kucera AK US AA01 Big Lake West Beaver AK US AA02 Big Lake Horseshoe Lake AK US AK48 Big Lake Haggards Landing Seaplane Base AK US D71 Big Lake Beaver Lake AK US L95 Big Lake Jones Landing AK US 37AK BMX Big Mountain Radio Relay Site (U.S. Air Force) Big Mountain AK US Z91 KBC Birch Creek Birch Creek AK US 5BK Black Rapids Black Rapids AK US AK97 BSW Boswell Bay Boswell Bay AK US BYA BYA Boundary Boundary AK US KTS KTS Brevig Mission Brevig Mission AK US AK98 Buck Creek Buck Creek AK US BVK BKC Buckland Buckland AK US AK75 Candle Candle 2 AK US 15AK Cantwell Golden North Airfield AK US TTW Cantwell Cantwell AK US CDE Cape Decision Cape Decision Lighthouse AK US LUR LUR Cape Lisburne (Air Force Station) Cape Lisburne LRRS AK US EHM EHM Cape Newenham (Air Force Station) Cape Newenham LRRS AK US Z71 CZP Cape Pole Cape Pole AK US CZF CZF Cape Romanzof (Air Force Station) Cape Romanzof LRRS AK US 26AK Cape Sarichef Radio Relay Site Cape Sarichef AK US CEM CEM Central Central AK US CIK CIK Chalkyitsik Chalkyitsik AK US 5CD Chandalar Camp Chandalar Shelf AK US WCR WCR Chandalar Lake Chandalar Lake AK US 05AA Chatham Chatham AK US CFK CYF Chefornak Chefornak AK US C05 NCN Chenega Chenega Bay AK US VAK VAK Chevak Chevak AK US CKX CKX Chicken Chicken AK US AJC KCQ Chignik Chignik AK US Z78 KBW Chignik Chignik Bay AK US KCL KCL Chignik Lagoon Chignik Lagoon AK US A79 Chignik Lake Chignik Lake AK US CZN CZN Chisana Chisana AK US CZO CZO Chistochina Chistochina AK US CXC CXC Chitina Chitina AK US 9A3 CHU Chuathbaluk Chuathbaluk AK US CRC IRC Circle Circle City AK US CHP CHP Circle Hot Springs Circle Hot Springs AK US 96AK Clam Gulch Hackney Landing AK US CLP CLP Clarks Point Clarks Point AK US KCC KCC Coffman Cove Coffman Cove AK US 1AK3 Cold Bay Port Moller AK US CDB CDB Cold Bay Cold Bay AK US Z87 Cold Bay Blinn Lake AK US CXF CXF Coldfoot Coldfoot AK US KCR KCR Colorado Creek Colorado Creek AK US Z93 Copper Center Copper Center 2 AK US AK30 Cordova Strawberry Point AK US CDV CDV Cordova Merle K (Mudhole) Smith AK US CKU CKU Cordova Cordova Municipal AK US K29 CIL Council Council AK US 1AK0 Craig Craig CG AK US 5C5 Craig El Capitan Lodge AK US CGA CGA Craig Craig AK US 1AK1 Crevice Creek Crevice Creek AK US 01AA Crooked Creek Donlin Creek AK US CJX CKD Crooked Creek Crooked Creek AK US 1AK2 Crosswind Lake Crosswind Lake AK US DCK DCK Dahl Creek Dahl Creek AK US 37AA Deadhorse Point Thomson Airstrip AK US 4AK1 Deadhorse Inigok AK US AA03 Deadhorse Central Pad AK US AK15 Deadhorse Alpine Airstrip AK US AK78 Deadhorse Badami AK US SCC SCC Deadhorse Deadhorse AK US DEE DRG Deering Deering AK US 11AK Delta Junction Rocking T Ranch AK US 29AK Delta Junction Remington Field AK US 45AK Delta Junction Cherokee AK US 72AK Delta Junction Trophy Lodge AK US 76AK Delta Junction Pogo Mine Airstrip AK US 9AK4 Delta Junction Arctic Angel AK US AA22 Delta Junction Delta Daves AK US AK09 Delta Junction Wingsong Estates AK US AK35 Delta Junction Buffalo Row AK US AK77 Delta Junction All West AK US D66 DJN Delta Junction Delta Junction AK US BIG BIG Delta Junction Ft Greely Allen AAF AK US AA15 Dillingham Shannons Pond AK US AK21 Dillingham Nushagak AK US DLG DLG Dillingham Dillingham AK US DM2 DIO Diomede Diomede AK US AK23 Dutch Harbor Driftwood Bay Air Force Station AK US EAA EAA Eagle Eagle AK US D72 Eagle River D&C Fire Lake Flying Club AK US EII EGX Egegik Egegik AK US KKU KKU Ekuk Ekuk AK US KEK KEK Ekwok Ekwok AK US ELV ELV Elfin Cove Elfin Cove AK US ELI ELI Elim Elim AK US MOS MOS Elim Moses Point AK US 1Z9 ELW Ellamar Ellamar AK US ENM EMK Emmonak Emmonak AK US 3AK1 Eureka Skelton AK US 2Z2 Eureka Creek Eureka Creek AK US EXI EXI Excursion Inlet Excursion Inlet AK US 2Z5 Fairbanks Chena River AK US 2Z6 FAK False Island False Island AK US KFP KFP False Pass False Pass AK US 0AA4 Farewell Farewell AK US FKK Farewell Lake Farewell Lake AK US TNW Farewell Lake Tin Creek AK US 3Z1 Feather River Feather River AK US 2AK3 FIV Five Finger Five Finger CG AK US FLT FLT Flat Flat AK US FYU FYU Fort Yukon Fort Yukon AK US FNR FNR Funter Bay Funter Bay AK US GBH GBH Galbraith Lake Galbraith Lake AK US GAL GAL Galena Edward G Pitka Sr AK US GAM GAM Gambell Gambell AK US KGZ KGZ Glacier Creek Glacier Creek AK US 28AK Glacier View Gates Ranch AK US 5AK4 Glennallen Snowshoe Lake Airport and Seaplane Base AK US 3Z8 GDH Golden Horn Lodge Golden Horn Lodge AK US GLV GLV Golovin Golovin AK US GNU GNU Goodnews Goodnews AK US GSZ GMT Granite Mountain Granite Mountain AS AK US KGX KGX Grayling Grayling AK US 8AK1 Gulkana Jacobus Field AK US GKN GKN Gulkana Gulkana AK US GST GST Gustavus Gustavus AK US 0AA6 Haines Big Salmon AK US 18AA Haines 18 Meadows Aerodrome AK US 3Z9 Haines Haines AK US 9AA9 Haines Airkat Airpark AK US AA35 Haines 35 Mile Lodge AK US AK74 Hannum Creek Upper Hannum Creek AK US HWI HWI Hawk Inlet Hawk Inlet AK US 7AK7 Healy Era Denali AK US HRR HKB Healy Healy River AK US AK33 HED Herendeen Bay Herendeen Bay AK US 2AK5 Hinchinbrook Johnstone Point AK US 2AK6 HGZ Hogatza Hog River AK US HYL HYL Hollis Clark Bay AK US HCA Holy Cross Holy Cross AK US 0AK7 Homer Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Airstrip AK US 2AK4 Homer Bootleggers Cove AK US 46AK Homer Bear Cove Farm AK US 4AA4 Homer South Peninsula Hospital AK US 5BL Homer Homer-Beluga Lake AK US 98AK Homer Eastland AK US AK17 Homer Glacierview Strip AK US AK18 Homer Camp Point AK US HOM HOM Homer Homer AK US OL99 Homer Lookout AK US HNH HNH Hoonah Hoonah AK US OOH Hoonah Hoonah AK US HPB HPB Hooper Bay Hooper Bay AK US 4Z5 Horsfeld Horsfeld AK US 80AK Houston Morvro Lake AK US HUS HUS Hughes Hughes AK US HLA Huslia Huslia AK US HYG HYG Hydaburg Hydaburg AK US 4Z7 WHD Hyder Hyder AK US 19AK ICY Icy Bay Icy Bay AK US 2AK8 Icy Cape Icy Cape AFS AK US IGG IGG Igiugig Igiugig AK US ILI ILI Iliamna Iliamna AK US 2AK9 Independence Creek Independence Creek AK US KIB KIB Ivanof Bay Ivanof Bay AK US 4Z9 Jakolof Bay Jakolof Bay AK US AK60 Jensens Fort Jensen AK US 5Z1 Juneau Juneau Harbor AK US AFE Kake Kake AK US KAE KAE Kake Kake AK US 8AK7 Kaktovik Bullen Point Air Force Station AK US 1KC KKK Kalakaket Creek Radio Relay Site Kalakaket Creek AS AK US KAL KAL Kaltag Kaltag AK US 5Z4 Kanakanak ANS Hospital AK US 5Z5 Kantishna Kantishna AK US Z90 Kantishna Stampede AK US KYK KYK Karluk Karluk AK US KKL KKL Karluk Lake Karluk Lake AK US KXA KXA Kasaan Kasaan AK US KUK KUK Kasigluk Kasigluk AK US AK5 KPV Kasilof Encelewski Lake AK US 5Z9 BKF Katmai National Park Lake Brooks AK US RK1 Kavik River Kavik Strip AK US 03AK Kenai Joe Clouds AK US 2R3 Kenai Island Lake AK US 2VI2 Kenai Redoubt View Seaplane Base AK US 3AK5 DRF Kenai Drift River AK US 17AK Ketchikan Ketchikan
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