Member Services Chris Oliver Executive Director Please ask for: Member Services Direct Line: (01322) 343430 To: All Members of the Council Direct Fax: (01322) 343974 E-mail: [email protected] CC: Distribution List DX: 142726 DARTFORD 7 We welcome calls via Typetalk Your Ref: Our Ref Date: Dear Councillor Cabinet Advisory Panel A – Monday 20 September 2010 Further to the despatch of the Agenda for the above meeting, the following items, which were marked 'to follow', are now enclosed: 10. Long Valley Community Hall and Adjoining Land (Pages 1 - 6) 15. Government Policy Changes Affecting the Council (Pages 7 - 14) 17. Revenue Budget Monitoring 2010/2011 (Pages 15 - 26) 21. Benefits Service - Progress Against Improvement Plan (Pages 27 - 32) Yours sincerely, Member Services MEMBER SERVICES Civic Centre, Home Gardens, Dartford, Kent DA1 1DR ¦ t: 01322 343434 ¦ w: www.dartford.gov.uk Page 1 Agenda Item 10 CABINET 23 SEPTEMBER 2010 LONG VALLEY HALL AND ADJOINING LAND Ward Longfield and New Barn 1. Summary 1.1 The Council has received an approach from Longfield and New Barn Parish Council to acquire these properties. 2. RECOMMENDATIONS 2.1 That the land and premises shown by black verge on the plan attached as Appendix A be declared suitable for transfer to a local Parish Council. 2.2 That the Project Director be authorised to enter into negotiations with the Longfield and New Barn Parish Council to transfer the property on terms to be approved by the Managing Director in consultation with the Deputy Leader of the Council and Head of Legal Services. 3. Background and Discussion 3.1. Officers have been approached by the Longfield and New Barn Parish Council to acquire the freehold interest in the property known as Long Valley Hall and adjoining land at Longfield, as shown by black verge (for identification purposes only) on the plan attached as Appendix A. 3.2. The property comprises three distinct areas as detailed below:- (a) Long Valley Community Hall, Social Club & Car Park. There are three leases in existence for these premises. The Parish Council has been granted two of these: a lease of part of the Long Valley Hall for a term of 20 years from 11 May 2010 at a rent of £1,400 per annum subject to 5 yearly rent reviews and a lease of an area for a Children’s Play Area at a peppercorn rent expiring in November 2024. The remaining part of Long Valley Hall is leased to Long Valley Sports and Social Club for 20 years from 11 May 2010 at a rent of £6,500 per annum subject to 5 yearly rent review. (b) Long Valley Sports Ground. This area of approximately 4.7 acres is currently leased by the Parish Council for 25 years from 15 November 1999 at a peppercorn rent. (c) Longfield Chalk Bank. This has an area of approximately 4.8 acres and is a “Site of Nature Conservation Interest”. It is currently being managed by Kent Wildlife Trust under the terms of a Licence from this Council with no payment involved. 3.3. The Council wishes to encourage asset transfers to appropriate authorities where such a transfer is judged to be in the interest of both authorities and local residents. Long Valley Hall building is in an Agenda Item 10 Page 2 CABINET 23 SEPTEMBER 2010 extremely tired condition and would ideally benefit from reconstruction. The Parish Council has submitted a planning application (ref 10/0070/FUL) to this Council, as Local Planning Authority, for the demolition of the existing community hall and parish office and erection of a two-storey detached building to provide community hall including parish office, new flood lit 5-a-side all-weather football pitch and revised car parking arrangements. The Parish Council has now followed this up with the approach to acquire the freehold interest in this property. Officers are of the view that it is appropriate that this property be disposed of to the Parish Council as it is a local community facility. 3.4. Members approval is sought to declare the property and adjoining lands suitable for transfer and to authorise the Project Director to enter into negotiations with the Parish Council to dispose of the property on terms to be approved by the Managing Director in consultation with the Deputy Leader of the Council and the Head of Legal Services. 4. Relationship to the Corporate Plan To ensure that regeneration in Dartford is sustainable and of benefit to all of our communities. 5. Financial, legal, staffing and other administrative implications and risk assessments Financial Implications The proposal will result in a capital receipt being obtained but a loss of rent of £7,900 per annum. Legal Implications Part of the land is held as public open space. Under Section 123(2A) of the Local Government Act 1972, before transferring ownership of the land, the Council must give notice of its intention to do so by advertising for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper circulating in the area. Any representations received would have to be considered before any disposal could proceed. Under Section 123 of the 1972 Act, the Council can dispose of its land without the consent of the Secretary of State provided that the disposal is at the best price that can reasonably be obtained. Staffing Implications None. Administrative None. Implications Risk Assessment No uncertainties and/or constraints at this stage. Page 3 Agenda Item 10 CABINET 23 SEPTEMBER 2010 6. Details of Exempt Information Category Not applicable 7. Appendices Appendix A - Plan BACKGROUND PAPERS Documents consulted Date / Report Author Section and Exempt File Ref Directorate Information Category Long Valley Hall 25.8.10 David Fletcher Valuation Not Project Director Services applicable 01322 343073 Managing Director Page 4 This page is intentionally left blank Page 5 Agenda Item 10 Page 6 This page is intentionally left blank Page 7 Agenda Item 15 CABINET 23 SEPTEMBER 2010 GOVERNMENT CHANGES AFFECTING THE COUNCIL 1. Summary 1.1 To inform the Cabinet about policy changes made by the Coalition Government which affect this Council 2. RECOMMENDATION 2.1 That the Cabinet note the policy changes made by the Coalition Government which affect this Council 3. Background and Discussion 3.1. A number of important legislative and policy announcements have been made which directly affect the Borough Council. The purpose of this report is to give the Cabinet a general overview of what the Government has announced and the key aspects of those announcements. 3.2. The Coalition Government is underpinned by the Coalition Agreement entitled "The Coalition: our programme for government". Section 4 of the document sets out the programme in relation to Communities and Local Government. This includes giving Local Authorities a power of general competence which will allow Councils to take action in any area which they consider appropriate, unless there is a specific legal prohibition. 3.3. The Government has announced that it is to allow Councils to create or revoke by-laws without having to gain permission from the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. Councils will have to demonstrate that they have consulted local residents about the proposal. The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government has also announced a streamlined process for organising street parties and is asking Councils’ to reduce the amount of signage and barriers currently found on highways. 3.4. The agreement announces the abolition of Regional Spatial Strategies and the Infrastructure Planning Commission. Planning decisions in areas such as housing numbers are now to be taken by Local Authorities and the targets set at regional level are to be abolished. 3.5. The Secretary of State has written to Local Authority Leaders to advise that he intends to abolish Regional Strategies and that he expects local planning authorities and the Planning Inspectorate to treat that as a material planning consideration. There has been no indication as to 1 Agenda Item 15 Page 8 CABINET 23 SEPTEMBER 2010 whether documents such as the County Structure Plans are to be revived or whether any sub regional arrangements around issues such as infrastructure will be for local groupings to decide upon. 3.6. Whilst housing numbers have now become a matter for this Council to decide upon it should be noted that the Council has already granted planning permission for over 13,000 new homes. 3.7. Proposals have been published to introduce a “new homes bonus” to encourage house building. Details of the scheme will be provided in a consultation paper to be produced after the spending review, however it has been suggested that this will involve Councils receiving a grant worth 100% of Council Tax revenues for these properties, for a six year period after completion and 125% of revenues for affordable homes. 3.8. With the abolition of the regional spatial strategies the Government has abolished the Regional Development Agencies, including the South East England Development Agency (SEEDA). The Government has also announced that the Government Offices, including the Government Office for the South East (GOSE), are to be abolished, subject to the consequential changes involved being resolved through the Comprehensive Spending Review (this mainly involves issues around the regional management of civil contingencies). 3.9. The regional development bodies will be replaced with Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEP’s). These will be bodies consisting of representatives of Local Authorities and business. They would represent groups of upper tier authorities and reflect the natural economic geography of the areas they serve and hence cover real functional economic and travel to work areas. There has been no mention about the future of Local Strategic Partnerships and Community Planning.
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