E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 No. 101 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was last day’s proceedings and announces Stephanie’s uncle and those we have called to order by the Speaker pro tem- to the House her approval thereof. lost to pancreatic cancer. pore (Ms. FOXX). Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- f nal stands approved. f f DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER HONORING ARMY SPECIALIST PRO TEMPORE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TERRY J. HURNE The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the fore the House the following commu- gentleman from Kansas (Mr. YODER) (Mr. COSTA asked and was given per- nication from the Speaker: come forward and lead the House in the mission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his re- WASHINGTON, DC, Pledge of Allegiance. June 26, 2014. Mr. YODER led the Pledge of Alle- marks.) I hereby appoint the Honorable VIRGINIA giance as follows: Mr. COSTA. Madam Speaker, it is FOXX to act as Speaker pro tempore on this I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the with a heavy heart that I rise today in day. United States of America, and to the Repub- honor of the life of Terry J. Hurne, JOHN A. BOEHNER, lic for which it stands, one nation under God, United States Army Specialist, who Speaker of the House of Representatives. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. died on June 9, 2014. Terry made the ul- f f timate sacrifice while serving the PRAYER ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER United States in the Logar province of PRO TEMPORE Afghanistan in support of Operation The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick Enduring Freedom. J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Specialist Hurne was raised in Eternal God, we give You thanks for Chair will entertain up to 5 requests Atwater, California, graduated from giving us another day. We pause in for 1-minute speeches on each side of Atwater High School, and joined the Your presence, and ask guidance for the aisle. military in 2007. During his time in the the men and women of the people’s f Army, Terry served two tours in Af- House. PANCREATIC CANCER ACTION ghanistan, and for the past 5 years, he Enable them, O God, to act on what NETWORK LETTER served as a generator mechanic and a they believe to be right and just, and builder. He was assigned to Company to do so in ways that show respect for (Mr. MCKINLEY asked and was given B, 710 Brigade Support Battalion, 10th those with whom they disagree. In this, permission to address the House for 1 Mountain Division, stationed in Fort may they grow to be models and good minute.) Drum, New York. examples in a time when so many in Mr. MCKINLEY. Madam Speaker, I our world are unable to engage grace- rise today to share a letter from a 10- His family and friends will hold fully with those with whom they are at year-old, Stephanie Santilli of Phi- memories of Terry in their hearts for- odds. lippi, West Virginia. She wrote: ever. His smile, his laughter, his kind- As we approach this next recess, and Seven-and-a-half years ago on October 4, ness to everyone will never, ever be for- the celebration of the birth of our Na- 2007, my Uncle Jim passed away due to pan- gotten; his fondness for sports, and a tion, bless our great Nation, and keep creatic cancer. His cancer was found too late big lover of animals, especially his dog it faithful to its ideals, its hopes, and because of being misdiagnosed too many Trinity. He will be remembered as a times, and a CT scan finally found the can- its promise of freedom in our world. hero who fought for our freedoms. cer. His son Isaac was only 9 when his father Terry is survived by his wife, Natalie, Bless us this day and every day, and died. He is missed by so many. I hope that may all that is done within the peo- some day a cure a found so other families as well as his father, his mother, step- ple’s House be for Your greater honor don’t have to go through the same pain we mother, three sisters, and a brother. and glory. have. It is with great respect that I ask my Amen. Her story is just one of many across colleagues in the U.S. House of Rep- f the Nation. For every 100 people diag- resentatives to honor the life of our nosed with pancreatic cancer, only six fallen soldier, Army Specialist Terry THE JOURNAL survive. Hurne, an American patriot who did The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Madam Speaker, by funding the re- extraordinary things. Chair has examined the Journal of the search to develop a cure, we honor God bless him. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H5771 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:04 Mar 21, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\JUN 2014\H26JN4.REC H26JN4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H5772 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 26, 2014 CELEBRATING EDNA YODER’S As Representatives in a democratic that lifts labor standards around the 103RD BIRTHDAY government, we have a duty to prevent world, not encourages a race to the (Mr. YODER asked and was given voter discrimination and make sure bottom. We cannot afford to offshore permission to address the House for 1 that every citizen’s voice is heard. any more of our jobs. Let’s pass a good minute and to revise and extend his re- f trade bill. marks.) EXPORT-IMPORT BANK f Mr. YODER. Madam Speaker, I rise this morning to ask my colleagues to (Ms. DUCKWORTH asked and was RECOGNIZING MR. HERSCHEL join me in celebrating my grandmother given permission to address the House LUCKINBILL FOR HIS SERVICE Edna Yoder’s birthday. for 1 minute.) TO OUR COUNTRY Born on June 28, 1911, my grand- Ms. DUCKWORTH. Madam Speaker, mother will turn 103 on Saturday, and last summer more than 100 businesses (Mr. FOSTER asked and was given I couldn’t be prouder of her. She and attended a forum I held in permission to address the House for 1 my grandfather, Orie Yoder, spent Schaumburg, Illinois, to learn more minute and to revise and extend his re- their lives working on a farm and rais- about the benefits of the Export-Im- marks.) ing their four children, including my port Bank of the United States. Since Mr. FOSTER. Madam Speaker, I rise father, Wayne Yoder. She is a very then, businesses in my district have today to recognize Herschel Luckinbill principled and humble woman who be- told me time and again how the bank’s of Montgomery, Illinois, as the Illinois lieves strongly in her family and her services keep them competitive in the Veteran of the Month for June 2014. faith. global marketplace and create good- The title of Veteran of the Month is be- Over the past 103 years she has lived paying American jobs. They know we stowed upon individuals who have been through the Great Depression, the Dust need to reauthorize the Export-Import exceptionally dedicated to honoring Bowl, and two world wars, to name a Bank now. veterans and improving our commu- few. She has seen a lot, and to this day For decades, the Export-Import Bank nity. tells great stories, has a wonderful and has helped American exporters sell A Navy veteran of the Vietnam War, cheery sense of humor, and, of course, their products overseas. It provides Mr. Luckinbill has taken great effort dispenses plenty of advice. their financing, credit, and insurance to continue his service beyond Active Each day when I get up in a nation of to grow their businesses abroad when Duty. As a member of the Aurora Vet- prosperity and freedom, I think of my other options are simply not available. erans Advisory Council, Mr. Luckinbill grandmother and people of her genera- Last year, these investments led to represents the interests of veterans in tion who worked themselves to the $37.4 billion in exports that created our community. Mr. Luckinbill orga- bone, who helped build this great coun- more than 200,000 jobs right here in nized efforts to bring The Vietnam try so that their children and chil- America. Moving Wall to Aurora in 2013, giving dren’s children would have the oppor- This week, a USA Today editorial the community and the next genera- tunity to realize their dreams. stated: tion the opportunity to honor the fall- Today, my grandmother spends her One of the most vexing economic develop- en. Working as part of the organization time working puzzles, playing games, ments in recent decades has been the decline Honor Flight Chicago, Mr. Luckinbill playing in the bell choir, and, of in manufacturing jobs. An industry that em- has helped World War II veterans fly to course, keeping up with her many ployed nearly 25 percent of the workforce in Washington to view the monuments grandchildren, great-grandchildren, the 1970s today accounts for only 7.8 percent that were erected in their honor.
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