May14-1913.Pdf (12.81Mb)

May14-1913.Pdf (12.81Mb)

THr1Ta NA1MO_^REE^,ZK5:5^ f r ------—r:r=:r=T:r- mmi r»ww w SE)iniii®i .U.V- «« ««W IWAHHE U •—J «J»a FW SUMMWSBYKAIH CIMBEW ^ « uaur. A,-. imESSIIIATIE TED:F(iyk • lyric Placed on U» wllaeae et^ _ __ ta^n^nWence aiatad be WtHlUffl - Vi^w Church. H|» the fourth day ol lUr<M U a- patroMgc ol aU ^nl.^‘£T^»tr‘^£.'l^tiSlon of ^ ,Ur*y li^ op«a. Tt- P*- “ * ±4 wMh Mr *1*®^ Hitthie-HiveriHitchle-Hivere boutooui ESS1^3Hi:e-E^bout 70 yaarcye^r. otof age,age. •»«jd J^i^tth a-«ri-U>« [S^ba beW^ Jt^h. * “„ b*d been o«*up^ In PKXOB this «sr.r. “ti^t-o^>nd^ .■ng' up he fctumbled , th^ polUon ^ ' =■ w .t u» Z -■- — srs."- twrive fei toto «a-^ ' Thoa Martin. Wait* r:Ma- «1 -own th. “i-tr __ ___ wng we— « houre of hard tfortL e-i<wrt* chin, L. B. Warn. Hr*. Jordan, who ^ a*"^ ________________ ;-' rE“sr: = —:-r. JT. SSr™'i.-J?'=r-r^^ -^;r i: u.e ___ _ -It*. aaeauM, ClaimMig mssimMii ' ir:=ngrunoT::i'rrd^^^^^^^^^ GERMAN ofr=-:-':r:3s thle. '‘ ^S=^lthat they rirould be drownal. I sill «£ MO li!i^bar** and broughtb«>ught fortoforth a*.er^um-tU--------- away. i -- , ehout » t®H ^forrlec^ only flurried «.d wurtlea at. t« ruMdth.^ Lond*K»nd charge.charge, a**- “ ^time, „ae yI ,«trodfeared «If they g«<x»good Bey k~Hit=s=s«5?^Lsi=^^ pleading -not guilty .oC Ug .~'^.'-».-?t ‘ . charge. TR.Ai.NMEN"* THURIBLE FATE |~o\rat'an emty bo^ i« tha Doml^ ^ Z tn «nall compa-- He apo^ ^ ^rfl." Wdn t htar accu.^ *n^ eatlo^ofa wonmnof t^*;;;;^^ - - ->^™inc when the -- TlU^od a man. being -.t^.,, your old ehop away. M W I Tonight" :; r^d with xapeiu. IM utt^ ^ bim aay about blowing ienatUing to fll^t appeared to bare ottered '‘olcnoe W. and threatened to blow ^ ' Hla ■Eordahlp i a-ed tea artra rtage nan —- .tend , train-. U |lN8ANE P CRIME ,ameml ered the I8th J*'®'*" the ladles put i - At of to theblU alter aMts heard shouting outalde. ;how." Be and wont out: saw crowd ol crowd, chiefly f IS about aOO pereoda. “‘“"'^’^’paraqna- ■«- wodd with umbrallea. calling noUung w ------------— .i!^r„.*?(l^^r?rif.after many;«.»y|en, Hon.— C.„J._^^y-■ _ ----- . - r wab. etc. Heywood Uv- Inward.. Tb. crowd ; years' eeparration. pUca. he made for the stair*, cro^ , ^;„^amlll«d by f A. to who and 'JiSi form-- with umbluUa*. Ta- ! wo. «aV _uur bo, U causing muc» ^v.—------ DE3TROY MAIL. ::S^a ',arg.aud.-n«,l. ^lU .eSmed to be the didn't consider the pSti ^.leg bblwaan iung«« — pight. to wltn«wa this drama from «ned witness rile names the wor.M,^ ^ umbrella was a >, !>r k-nmch. Mtea FoUon U given ^ ^•^tha 8<»^ ^-^':srS: bring utter-1 very '°“t'»«- and other«• t^atthat Chairman Bionom ■ delrisrad by a letter "**™^ wi wltnees to clear He} v^ ^2; teUigibU anewer, :::jad .cop. m -•^^b, ”„e™lwa.deliTer«ltoy ^thin tfca last • — false report of the Pc;^”f i" rden !“ Th. -pm*ag* HM jrit mneUa wouldn't n.ove. threaieoed Grieve, miner, stated prospect ol s-ring h. r in th fluids poured Inb : S^bor. Mr. Bordro' at„,t. H IW arson aqnml «*®«‘^, ' realistic drama ol year. .. a treat ^m-agettee. "'^ni^ln.-.. said 1 wouldn't riroe! --------avenu. I Mid«.id that Mr.«r. Blondln hahad done .-tan^dUte." “^T any mors boraea In Cr “dor the clrcumstar^. ‘jr^rr^ Si "S^“S. S., 10.1.. .< honorabla nrina mlnUt*' ** r brains out. »y wu- ^ and tieyww- -Trr:»«£"r£ " i^re.'dur:ng'"^ ‘ri.‘Tha wcn^ d®- ywood were upstair.. The witnces passed Tapelluj. , .tin tobmno Miad with fuagmwdm and „an>eanor of ib« «u*d wa« very ex- ^ ^ ^^her scends from the hi<*<* ‘ to tte 1 I illSE'«S1^3^rr£ S?w..mHaPoorwtdow^J^ estdrcgsof tiTv.t'cartriil^^^aturi-d f the torment ol hades, usd eomn. to “‘’So.e-exmnlned by Coun-d ton- There was another prosecution , ^ ^ j^de end not beautiful end. I. noAhSn, to» arising out Of some women who were .j^ inddent only happened ; frot. From what Nanai™ ^ whom he Identified at the. ^ nrtnutea Wltneae wM men el Mias Felton's wor: Mie wtH ™Hc court after. Wdn't one of,|^^^i„„ „„ the corn-: Dunamulr SL rompli* this f«it with no rittlc «.mnn holding an uml>rella d'"®*'. j - _p. went downwrhea be eaw the XTto heroeU. and sitlafactlon '^d heavy lifting by T He^ori t bear the crowd ^ut lOO feet from her friends. laughing. Women were mosU.v.^ th, crowd being «reen puil^hlng him, followed by the crowd ^ know what ^ JdTaingiug “<» dhnclng act. __The 1 o, mubrella. were flying In ^l dl^ ^t Klerot-rd'e. mw B^- BAStBMI W - --^^rrng “^rwalal-/- TNrture# are well eelerted. S«t kll un wood ------ aeero to be In eufflclena strong huiguage. aharp. didn't ,e been 100 foot danger to ,. much ) M^lally "The Little ,®®y‘® j| There wee Heywood'' s sort.™., -. ■“I, iX. Mm, .11. .< «“'• 7“ . Demand I > .tall* for a few second. ^Jl^unget the crowd. She Ju-t follow- . frsa-:-'s-?Ff rr*;- ««•-i“Tr n > “■ > with the *««*•• tie brain* After tha bulk of the . =r.=sSe orrfwd 1 , . .era angry with Haywood Umw* f en '-returned fmMii and said to me < Bjy shop. 1 bad com. „( a tov shoeing horses, the »owd^ HminH .t«, Kr.t ^ - tbsTlway. some of ths crowds' .purie. May U.- TM. Bhelm. rol- : were crytng out and i*^ ' to me from the e.dewaUce. X . cams y4 ■ ^ but T dldn t uee bad tTmturn to them till after they did. •“'* Briiwriw* ' some folk, a.'®- thbly a ecaPt. 9 tell mm VO a- ----- , w,rn « —------- MBWL She Ml down doss to ^ m troubls bMora. th Tapella whan ho • "u^. ehe wn. married, without •_ ^ ^ was P®*^ t odt-Wdron. ««.-m thought Heywocl Siro the atrort: w.^ to blow my OPENS SUNDAY witn«a hadn't hanm-r ■ « being treated fairly. ^ up. —^ hi, hand or that TapelU -aid l^, ^ui.^ eaw «» . ■«*» • ‘ **• theM^ whm the crowd in Vuffhbtf- wnea “• — . ..... - vVW Mm Klsreteed looking oat. .M. tertlfled that about i.M ontM tUPT^ w«* being tessKH- Klerrtem. l»h««mke to Klerrteml. tM UtM. :;:rooon Of 18th KovembH. ^ TapMU thb. Klerrt^ ■'»>. — .hMitine and running on the aide- ,.ti„naKtv he w'la, ae lropHod|,^ing be (Mdnt need gh<ri w^^^ Mr. Heywood in a crowd told Kle.^ L„t trad. In team ha# bee^ 1 0, uUt 150 to 800, prodd^ bW ^ m the houa.loua. ^he Pl«typiMty dfof i^J|2.^2*^toworujv^^ erttV- wlth umWrrilaa. It was a very an „ go away,— they started ttriwaan ti« o tn— waaL^ nutldm^tiei. m.d ^ gry crowd whit* e Brewing Co., m»A 1 dldn t see Tapella there td reeog- P®*^ «rited. not the wotoro. |a»d* t want bU couvr that day. 4rbl«. My busland wm. at ^ ^ t^ ^ evanescent^ foot of the •*»'*• I • *2 “ «uaa th* erow«l we# on tha glraat. at*,. Th# crowd w -ithof- ^ hla Art at him and tbrast* « . —7 - _ b.h# aa*aaw to b.b* ^w I w*lk;walk; h.ha MtWt ' ^ do for him. 1 heard one of th* . i.Ai— w«e at th* w. *Km >s KMsOssd Wbanwnan ««#*oin» —e^— *h*" Wsahaa It t^*S- lS2!Zi M. -cwd wart ~it a. * — THECANADIAN BANK Tlte SttilM Cirriip) Works CONVICT ACCUSED WM. BSNMCTT, ira|u HAVX OmBI 4 OF COMMERCE OF 25 MURDERS fosenl Biacksmithing Fishing 77^ _____________ bib EDWARD WAI.KEB, C.V.O., D.C.L. Prertdfflt. AI^aXAlTOER LAJRD, JOHN AIR- aod Horse Sfauesiig Besliw^ 0«rmllUiUOtw.____________ Laaveii worth, Kaa., May 12. - Id's Uvsry Sta- ' > handle all Tackle 'Pw«mty-Jive CAPITAL, $16,000,000 R88T, $12,600,000 > me wUb CALLANDLOOKOVimOUR the bun. three years m JUasouri, ^ LARGE AND OOMPLETB Colorado, Iowa and Ulmois Vy GIVE U« A CALL. STOCK OF RODS AND TAO- IS of blows from an a>A are OfS- ‘ >11 Wallace SL . rho»ii3I» TOURISTS and TRAVELLERS KI.E BEFORE YOG BUY. , , ertbed to Baary X jSs Moors, now mitv in the Missouri penl- 1 KVonciBco, Seatt tentinry, according to a theory an ­ .d Mi cvecjr b tu tj nounced today by.U. W. McClaoghry W.fl.MflBTJII orW, i’he A.&B. Im able to oiler uiwurpaaaed li I travailing public, a si^ecial agent of the at any point on the ALWAYS A FULL STOCK OF Journay tha world c Choquea anind Letters of Credit 1 lusUoo, after an exbnuative study of ■oed by thia Bai i difflcultiea the so-called axe manlers. STABLES FARM AND GARDEN TOOLS bro«l, e ON HAND. Henry Lee Moore wtnt to the peni­ Is the plac gel First-( lass Chsq^ and DrafU i aU the countries of the world In sterling, franca, tentiary at Jefferson City alter being fllas. '''eiUx(her single or doubts ■^ks. lire. Kronen, ate., can be oashed or purchased at reasonable rates. found guilty of the murder of Also Coal,ual. Wood.Wood, 8a Gravel, and rislght. mother and grandmother, Mrs. Mar>- itanaimo Branch, - E. H; BIRD, Manager Wilson and Mrs. George Moore. XainsTO- J. HACKER Columbia, Uo., in December lost Ow SgecM ^[der Department ProopUy Attended is FIVE-ACRES. C «MA-in the Bveninf on Pay. Day until 9 o’clock Moore on trial, made damag- GENERAL TEAMING ond contradictory Walter Akenhead and Farm Work.

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