II the Mizoram

II the Mizoram

.. - Regd. N�. N� 907 • The Mizoram .��. , ; '.... ,.,. EXTRA ORDINARY "",,", Published by Authori�Y:' . Vol. XXVII Aizawl. Monday. 25.5.1998, Ivaistha 4, S.E. 1920, Issue No. 102 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-llOOOl' II . No.56/98(1)/Iud.1II Dated: 13th May, 1998. Vaisakha 23, 1920 (Saka) NOTIFICATION In pursuance of sub paragraph (2) of paragraph 17 of the El ection Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 1968 • .tn. Election Commission of India makes the fo llowing amendments to its Notification No.56/98/IUD-III, dated 10.1.1998, namely- , 1. In place of Table II appended to the said Notifieatioll, the following Table shall be substituted :- • . , EX-I02/98 2 TABLE-II STATE PARTIES • ----- ----- I Sl. Name of the I Name of the State Party Symbol Address lNo. State/Union I Reserved I I Territory 11 I I I I I 1 2 I 3 4 5 l. Andaman & Indian Congress (Socialist) Charkha National Camp Nicobar Office, Servant Islands Qr. No. 5, North Avenue New Delhi-I 1000I. 2. Andhra Pradesh I. NTR Telugu Desam Lion Road No. 13, Party(Lakshmi Parvathi) Banjora Hills, Hyderabad- 500034 (Andhra Pradesh) 2. Telugu Desam Bicycle Telugu Desam Party Office, II House No. 3-5- 837, Sultan Manzil, Hyder­ • guda, Hydera­ bad 500029 (Andhra Pradesh) 3. Arunachal I. Arunachal Two Daos Arunachal Pradesh Congress Intersecting Congress House. Bank Tinali, Itanagar-791111 (Arunachal Pradesh). 2. Janata Party Haldhar 5, Pandi! Pant within Marg, New Wheel Delhi-llOool. (Chakra Haldhar) 4. Assam 1. Asom Gana Elephant Head Office:­ Parishad Gopinath Bor­ doloi Road, Guwahati- 781001 (Assam) 0 3 Ex-I02/98 ---------- . I 2 3 4 5 ---------- ----" ---- � 2. Autonomous Boy & Girl Head Quarter- Diphu Stare Demand Karbi Ang- Committee long-782 460 (Assam) • S. Bihar 1. Jharkhand Bbw & BariatU Road. Mukti Morcha Arrow Rauchi 834008 (Bihar). 2. Rashtriya Janata Hurricane 2, Moti Lal Dal Lamp Nehru Place, Akbar Road, New Delhi- 110011. 6. Chandigarh Samajwadi Janata Wator· 16, Dr. Rajendra Party (Rashtriya) Tap Prasad Road. New Delhi . 7. Dadra & Shivsena Bow & Shivsena Bhavan,- . , Nagar Arrow Gadkari Chowk, Haveli Dadar, Mumbail , 400028 (Maharashtra). • 8. Goa 1. Maharashtrawadi Lion C/o Baban A_ Gomantak Naik 'Anant' Dada Vaidya Road, Panaji- 403001 (Goa) 2. United Goans Two Dongrim Nuvem, Democratic Party Leaves PO-Majorda Salcete-403713 (Goa). 9: Gujarat Ali India Rashlriya Trumpet Mrudul Tower, Janata Party. 2nd Floor, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad- 380009 (Gujarat). 10. Hatyana 1. Haryana Viku' Boy & Kothi No. 136/22 Party Girl Sonipat Road, Rohtak (Haryana) . • 2. Haryana Lok Dal Spectacles 24, MLA Flats, (Rashtriya). Sec-3, Chan- digarh. Ex-102J98 4 ---- ----- --------- ---- 1 2 3 4 5 ----- ll. Himachal Himachal Vikas Congress Telephone Samkhetar Bazar, Pradesh Mandi-175OOI (Himachal Pradesh). 12. Jammu & Jammu & Kashmir Plough (i). Sher-e- Kash- • Kashmir National Conference. mlf Bhavan, Residency Road,. Jammu (Jammu & Kashmir). (ii) Nawai Subh Complex, Zero Bridge, SrinagaF (Jammu & Kashmir). 13. Karnataka Lok Shakti Coconut d, Lodi Estate, Tree New Delhi- . bearing 110003. Fruits � 14. Kerala 1. Kerala Congress Bicycle State Committee Office, Near Star , Theatre Junction .. Koltayam South (Kerala). • 2. Kerala Congress (M) Two State Committee Leaves Office, Near Fire Station, Kotta- yam (Kerala). 3. Muslim League Kerala Ladder Kerala State State Committee Committee, Leag". House. Red Cross Road, Calicut-32 (Kerala). 4. Revolutionary Spade & 37, Ripon Street Socialist Party Stoker (Muzaffar Ahmed Sarani) Calcutta-700016 lW.st Bengal)_ • 5 Ex-I02j% ------- -- I 2 3 4 5 ----- 15. Maharashtra J. Republican Party Rising ENSA Hutmeut-! of India Sun Block, Maha- palika Marg, A zad Maidan, Mumbai-40000l (Maharashtra). • 2. Shivsena Bew ShivseDa Bhavan, and Gadkari Chowk, Arrow Dadar. Mumbai- 4OC028 (Maharashtra). 16, Manipur J. Federal Party of Rising Mojorkhul, Manipur Sun Impbal-795001 (Manipur) 2, Manipur People's Bicycle People's Road, Party Impbal-795001 (Manipur) 3 . Manipur State Cultivator Babupara, • Congress Party Cutting Imphal-79500l Crop (Manipur) • 4. Rashtriya Janata Dal Hurricane 2, Moti La1 Nehcl Lamp Place, Akbar Road, New Delhi-IIOOI!. 17. Meghalaya J. All Party Hill Leader's Two P,O, Tura Cban '- Conference Leaves mari, West Ga�-�, (Armison Marak Group) HiIIs-794002 (Meghalaya) 2. Hill State People's Lion Kench's Trace, Democratic Party Laban, ShilloOf- 793004 (Meghalaya). 3, People's Democratic Two Mawlai Movement Swords & Nongkwar. a Shield Shilloog-79300S (Meghalaya). 4, United Democratic Drum Lumsohphoh. Party Lower Mawpre :1, Shilloog-793OO_ (MeghaJaya)• • [ ·,-102/98 6 1 2 3 4 6 ---""--- • 18. Mizoram Mizo National Front Star General Head- quarters, Zarkawt. Aizawl (Mizoram) 19. Nagaland 1. Nagaland People's Cock Burma Camp, • Council Dimapur-797112 (Nagai and). 2. Lck Shakti Coconut 83, Lodi Estate, Tree New Delhi- bearing 110003. Fruits 20. Orissa Biju Janata Dal Conch N a veen Nivas, Aerodrome Gate, Bhubaneswar- 751009 (Ori85a). 21. Pondicherry 1. All India Anna Two 275, Avvai Dravida Munnetra Leaves Shanmugam Salai, - Kazhagam Royapettab, • Chennai-600014 (Tamil Nadu). 2. Dravida Munnetra Rising 'Anna Arivalayam' Kazhagam Sun 268-269, Anna • Salai. Teynampet, Chennai-600018 (Tamil Nadu). 3. Tamil Maanila Bicycle Satyamurthy Congress (Moopanar) Bhavan, General Patters Road, Chennai-600002 (Tamil Nadu). 22. Punjab Shiromani Akali Dal Scales House No. 256, Sector-9 C, Chandigarh. 23. Rajasthan All India Indira Congress Lady 2680, Chooriwa- (Secular) Offecing lan, Delhi-llOO06. Flowers 24. Sikkim 1. Sikkim Democratic Umbrella Upper Deorali, Front Gangtok, East Sikkim. • 7 Ex-102/98 I 2 3 4 5 ----- _._- • 2. Sikkim Sangram Elepbant Sangram Bhavan, Parisbad Jewan Theeng Marg. Gangtok (Sikkim). 25. Tamil Nadu I. All India Anna Dra- Two 275. Avvai vida Munnetra ]eaves Shanmugam Salai Kazbagam Royapettah. Chen- nai-600014 (Tamil Nadu). 2. Dravida M unnetra Rising 'Anna Kazhagam Sun Arivalayam' 268- 269, Anna Salai. Teynampet, Chennai-6ooo18 (Tamil Nadu) 3. MarumaIarchi Top 'THAYAGAM'. Dravida Munnetra No.141, Rukmani. - Kazbagam Lakshmi Pathi Salai. Egmore, 'Chennai-6()()()(}8 • (Tamil Nadu) 4. Tamil Maanila Bicycle Satyamurthy Congress (Moopanar) Bhavan, General Patters Road, Chennai-600002 (Tamil Nadu) 26. Tripura I. Revol utionary Socialist Spade & 37. Ripon Street Party Stoker (Muzaffar Ahmed Sarani), Ca1cut�a- 700016 (West Bengal) 2. Tripura lIpajati Juba Two Abhoyanagar, Samity Leaves Agartala-7�9005 (Tripura) 27. Uttar Pradesh Samajwa<li Party Bicycle 18, Copernicus Lane. New Delhi 28. West Bengal I. All India Forward Lion 28, Gurudwara Block Rakab Ganj Road. New Delhi-. 110001 • Ex-102/9g 8 -----.--- ------ --- --- ---- ---- I 2 3 4 5 2. Revolutionary Socialist Spade & 37 Ripon Stroet Party Sloker (M uzaffar Ahmed Sarani), Ca1cutta- 700016 (West Bengal) 3. West Bengal Flowers 30-B, Harish • Trinamool Congress & Grass Chatterjee Street, Ca1cutta-600026 (Wesl Bengal) II. In Table-III appended to the Notification (i) After lbe existing entries at SI. No. 612, the following entries shali be inserted under oolumns (1), (2) and (3), respectively :- 613 Panchal Morcha 137 B I, Gautam Nagar, New Delhi- 110049. 614 All J&K Peoples Patriotic Front Jawaharnagar, House No. 97, Police Station, Ragh Bagh, Srinagar (Jammu & Kashmir). • 615 Agar Jan Party V-949, Aggarwal Wali Gali, Near Main Krishna Gali, Maujpur, De1hi·110053. 616 Sarvahara Samaj Party 68-A Block, Darulsbafa, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh). • 617 Hindustani Gareebwadi Party 61, Aggarwal Cho:.be", Vikas Marg, Veer Savarkar Block. Shakarpur. Delhi- 110092. 618 Democratic Janta Dal (J & K) 344 EP, Cristen Colony (Shaheedi Chowk), Jogi Gate, Jammu (Jammu & Kashmir). 619 Loktantrik Jan Samta Party C-7/166, Yamuna Vibar, Delhi-110053. 620 Manipur People's Party Qtr. No. I, Type-IV, Babupara, (Democratic) Impbal-795001 (Manipur) 621 Maraland Democratic Front Saiha-796901, Chhimtuipui District (Mizoram) 622 Kanchee Aringer Anna Dr.vida No. lOA, Natham Mettu St., Chengal­ Makkal Kazhagam pattu (Tamil Nadu). 623. Rashtriya Bahujan Ekta Party Alok Nagar, Air Force, Bareilly-24Jl22 (Uttar Pradesh). 0 624. Saroa Sevll Pally B-51, Pratap' Vibar, PuH,Nangloi, I>elhi-llOO4l. .. 625. Mhil Bbaratq.a Bharat Mata­ Oflice-Nanourbsr, Pln4254-12, Putra Paksha. Distt. Dbuli.. Qtfaharaslrtra). (ii) (a) Agmiaost Sl. No. 69 relating. to 'AILlndiaSocial JusTice, Movement' for the existing entry in column (2) tbe entry 'Democcati<:. I� Party' sball be substituted. (b) Against SI. No. 168 relating to 'Bbaratiya Surajya Paksha' for tbe existing entries in columns (2) and (3) tbe entries 'HindSwarajya Gana­ tantra Parly' and'S-4I, Panchsheel Park,New Delhi-11001T respect,,,ely. sball be substituted. '. (c) Against81. No. 178 relating 10 'Bbrasbtacbar Virodhi Dal' for the existing entries in column (3) the entries '�202A/317, Gall Np. 11 , Shivpuri, WestSagarpur, New Delhi- l10046' shall be suostituted. (d) AgainstSI. No. 190 relating to 'Chhattisgarh KiSllD M�Samajwadi Party' for the existing entry in column (2) the entty 'Chhattisgarh Kisan Mazdoor Party' shall be substituteit .' , t €e) Against JiI. No. 371 relating to 'Mauav Sewa Sangj!' for the e]listing • entty in column (2) the entty 'Manav Sewa Party' snail be substitl/tell. (f) Against S1. No. 438 relating to 'Pragatisheel Party' for the existing entries • in column (3) the entries 'Il l, Badsnah Nagar, Lucknow-226OU7 (Uttar Pradesh), shall be substituted. (g) Against S1. No. 478 relating to 'Rashtriya Lok Dal' for the existing

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