Avwact DBlIr Not Frsas Rm Tha WsRthsr for tha dtotrlet eteg to ha I m lapbara are at T p. to,.t PbvttellaM SefM ly.tM a I e f 0 . a waoihM ___ Maty <yDw*aa af Oak Wataihiny to Novaaahar. RMwan. RajuMHii -------- I to ha at tha Qaatafana hema MMdlatowii.. oat aad Mtaa JaabM Engagad to Wed 25th Season Tho Raathovao oammtttaa mora Pataaaen and Albart Itoavl- 'iliionlToim ■s~ 9,465 Olaodr with emtSered An warn ** r^ S K t tha BraakwMara X Sadeyt aeneragy fair and aaal la- r ta i Wampfoa Maach, K . M. Of Glee Gub iiattfIjflEuFtttttg m m lb IS- "m*. «>. !'»• 0t Ammum. Mcknid Tooa. a M y a a y ^ y Mtmdtad ar ""A City o f Vlttaga Charm a t Mr. aad Mra. A lfrid Itoootto mrw II III tkat • n * H L * * of i t XAka atroot, who haa boaa a BeethoTens to Start to tm wui iMcf tfc* <><■*• lant at tha. Ifawlactaa Hcana (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE roUmaNTi -------at M ’JO, aad wU Arrange for tibe Pro* Send Them LXVnL, Na M7 an rnga td> NANCH18TBR, CONN, SATURDAY. AUGUST 18,1849 ra t Loouat M m t, ... CMpplad qUMtan far tha y it U thraa wMka, abeordlaf to lafOr- gnuns Neat Week ------------------ matloB rocataad by Wa p a ^ t o CNN win haao to uadargo traatnaant for The ■aaaon of tha BaaU a long tln a to ocana. Would You Itather Drhe A Ruins of Burned AigUiier havan Oloa elub w U ba atartod NEW TONTIAC? Ifr. Md Kra. WlalliM Cfcaea rf Walthar Laagnam a t Son U i* Mwrtly, It waa anuounoad today. 1949 Senators Seeking .. Council of Europe’s M Kaia atmt ba^ ratanad af^ thatan church wlU attand Jh a out- Thto M Maaehaater muriaal or* ar ■naittnr M o waaka with fainl* tnc of laaguaa la tha Hartfoad aa hrid a pronriaent REASONABLY EARLY DELIVERIES Ha af thalr aeA. •ona, Sunday at S o|clo^ ^ SH U T In Ite fMM Mnoa Itr Ibnaar liM tirir x n . NatUa Walklay. Vlata clubhouaa. Want H a ru o ^ fiS I baa baan growing In an- ‘ W IT H O R w it h o u t TRA D ES Reason Freezers Z u m u r n Hin. Sfoaaoe. M aa. which la altuatad at Boana Vlato oallanea until today it la aouatod and Mountain roada . aa ona of tha laadlag ohocal gnupo Vote Re|ects Move m. dooUa-rlBC oaramoay at In tha atota. BALCH PONTIAC, Inr d , JaaMa*a church taaerrow Mr. and MraTwilHain Ford of Plana for the oondag aaaaon w ill SUphan atraat ai^ Mr. and M » OPiN KVBNIN 0 8 _______ Sent. to Notables aernliic at bIim o'clock, ICaa ba inltlatod at a nlieting of tha BtfbOM PtlUM win bo marrlad jc iS ^ U . Hyda of aaacuttvb aamarrittaa AugiiBt IS at iHCBfrmmisBT* MAffCHRmii to Baaard Baaavi(o; aad Klaa torad to Boaton ^ tha hoato a t Albatt Haavtoldan 4S land tha Tankaa-Rad to gama T o e G i b Ahrsys Ds Bsttar At Bilelill Lota C. OuataCMU win bacoma Biro atraat. Tha meeting win bb Snbeommittee Isdnes S m s tr o k * Csr im s D sr Ui • For Ireland Debate Thomaa Kanay and hla thraa a w tha brldo of Krwla J . PM a. ovar by tha club praal Of Llttls Rock Zoo Yak wera noUcad In anothar group. dent Oarl A . OuMafbon, a charter Subpoena for Hoff­ Accordlnf to r a i ^ amber. fm n ln ja a of Beaaoii’a Fum l- mora air aUrrlng te man, Milwaukee Ad­ Uttle Rock, Ark.. Aog. IS— Overwhelming Show of tna aad AppUana atora a than In Mancnaater yaatarday To Atiainu Ptogi— Ready to Try She*fl H eroine thalr faaU lla apaat Wadnaaday at Mr. and M ra John Bitokaea a t Ih a fan aoaaao w U apan with a vertising Man in Hope jrt—Ttia Uttle Rode aoo^f only Hands Turns Down At­ Mr- BaMOU'a oetta(a at Oovantry aftamoon. South road, aottoo, annoonca the program tha fbat Monm^r aft yak — a furry, oold weather angagamont of thalr daughter. Abor Day. AU anaeuttva camaHt- He ‘Msy Be Able to otUroal — died o f aurtotroko tempt to Call Up Par­ iiiia waa thalr annual Mar- Mra. Winiam J . Moora a n d ^ - Mlaa Ann Loutoa Brlckaoa, to Bd- Deepest EKve ehanta* day aoUnf. tea BMmbata are urged to attend Neiv Fall Colon in yaAerday. dran of Oraao *to«^ • « a p a n ^ ward J. Burk, aon of Mr. and Mra tha ptoamag aaaaten. Programa In Shed light on Snbject Zoo offlciato aald toe aal- tition . Problem Be­ thalr vacation at Clayton, n .t , e Frank Burk, of 17 Devon drtva wm ba IM oni. doalng aa mal'a temperature reached IM M ra Moora'a natlva town co Manchfater. i ^ I . Barton to Attempt to fore Assemblyt R e ­ TONICHT-PUBUC Laka Ontario. aprlng with tha annual oonoart ' Washington, Aug. IS— before dmth. Tibet to the no- PraoMant Ouatafaon wtoheo to —Ssnstors invsstlgsting fivs Uve habitat of too fur-boarlag % ■. jection of Bid Re­ Thomaa J. Bogara HarbartW. remind aU mambara of tha Joint •NYLON • k i . Peer Into Depths of SETBACK PARTY Tha aon horn Augnat S at lito - par cantors today sought a yak. sult of Point of Proce­ cheatar Mamorlal h o ^ ta l to Ito. Robb, Robort H. Goto. Rev. Fred oomadttae maethm la Mlddlatowa Maximum temperature In Pacific Ocean Today R . Edgar, mlntotar of tiM South Auguat lA Thto nwatlag win ba motive for the reported ship­ a m d c m u n -w i e a and M ra Jamaa Clubb of H yt» little Rock yeete^y waa 07 ¥ T dure Ballotting Today Mathodtot church; and Rav. W. attended by the Mendalaaohar Glee New Shoes ment of unssked-for home ford haa baan named Stephen 'a • d igreee. Smuggler'e Cove, CaUf., Aug. Ralph Ward, Jr„ who chib ooamlttae a t Watarbury aad « HOSIERY at toe buraed wroekago of a Nortoaast AltSaas Om m It wbldi eraabrd Tbnraday wbito Jamea Mra Chibb prior to her Mr. B d ^ , attended tha Rad to - frsdsers to Mrs. Harry Tru­ 18.—(P)—Man and science were Strasbourg, Francs, Aug. marriage waa Mlaa Dorothy the loeal gvoup to dtoeoaa plana la for a laadlag at Pertlaaf, Me., airport. Twaaty-sevea pameagere guided bg StowaHeoe Patri- Tankaa gama la Beaton yaatarday^ — man and other Washington S8, ef North Quiney, Maea., exesped threagh a rear Seer. ready today for a dramatic at­ 18— (JP)— By sn overwhslm- gan. B.N. H ia b i) y to the flrat Mr. Ward, who to mlntotw of Featuring notables. Chief Counsel WU- tempt to conquer the crushing ing show of hands, the Coun­ ^ dchlld of Mr. and Mra Mount Lebanon church, Pltte- pressure of ocean water more D Dottgan of SSI School atraat. burgh. Fa., to on hto vacation. Usm P. Rogers said th* cil of Europe’s Assembly to­ Senata'a apariiu Invaatlgattena Creek Rebels than a mile deep. KALI-STEN-IKS aubcommlttoa baa a aubporaa out Cool Air Mass 18 Narrowly Escape If all goes well, by nightfall day reject^ Ireland’! at­ for Marry Hoffman, MUwaukM Now Fleeing Otto Barton, 48, of Boston, Har­ tempt to call up the Irish r u p t u r e d ? ond ACROBAT SHOES adverttolag man whoaa namo vard-trained marine explorer, partition problem for debate. NOTICE. croppad in> la toatimoay at tho Finally Arrives will be the first human in his­ Ireland had sought to have Dan’S datoy—oao the now i n ^ THE SHOP or laquiry. Lawmakora hopod ha Death; Bombs Hurled tory to have peered into tha icy a n foatoroa af A|UM)N y. R. BRAimWAITB Government Troops At­ depths 6,000 feet down, where un­ the newly-creat^ Assembly m usses Sttod by anporta mlipit AMd aomo light on tho aub- take a hand in its long-stendlns SS P E A R L ST. For Children Of All Ages JtoL Canadian Breeze Brings known, presumably weird crea­ Private tlttlng raoaa WILL RB CLOSED THE tack Vitki Mountain tures live and sunlight never pen­ demands for union of 'Northern NORTHIEND. t; Ireland with the 8S-oounty ra- Qniiui*s Pharm aej W EEX.OF AUO. 18th A anmmittoa mambor aald prfv- Lower' Temperatures Homes of Two Negro: _. m • 1 ■ • etrates, PHARMACY In browR aad whit# saddle, rad ties, 2 strsp pnips sad S t r o n g h o 1 d Again Tha location for thto coloasal public to the eouth. atoly that ha haa aaoa lavoloM And Slaking Rainfall Ministers Are TargeuINcWS T ld b ltS Patricia Doaatllaa, au alrltoe DABUB SCkVICE brown tks for boys sad gfrls. ahowlBg that a froaaar waa amt dunking venture is near this cove Brittek Oppeeittee Btreeg with toe Oreek Army at Eo- on the soutbeeat shore of Sants stowardees for two weeka, w Strong oppoeiUon to tke can- im m « sg. iw. ssa to Mra. Truman at Indopmdanoo, In Renewal of Zon­ Called Front (JP) Wire hailed as a herolae alter all 27 CIto WMa PeMvery Mo., aad that.two wtro Ailppad aane, Oreece, Aug. 18— CUm- Hartford, Aug. 18—(F) — That Crus Island. 20 miles south of troverel^ propoaal came from cool air mass from Canada the ing Law Omtroversy Sants Barbara. penoas aboard a Northeast Air- moot British delegatss to tha 101- MaJ. Oon. Harry H. Yeugheo. muntot-tod guerrlUaa were re­ Uaes plaae that crashed aad ProAdmt Truman'a Army alda.
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