Hattoria 7: 9-223, 2016 A Revised New Catalog of the Mosses of Japan Tadashi Suzuki The Hattori Botanical Laboratory, Shimada Branch, 6480-3 Takasago-cho, Shimada-shi, Shizuoka- ken 427-0054, Japan Abstract. New catalog of the Mosses of Japan prepared by Dr. Zennoske Iwatsuki (2004) is revised. This revised catalog lists all names of genera and species of mosses described or reported from Japan, based on literature available to the author up to the end of January 2016. The catalog is now comprised of 1270 species of mosses belonging to 342 genera. These taxa are listed in alphabetical order. Each valid epithet is followed by author citation, literature, distributional area in Japan, and Japanese name. Introduction The New Catalog of the mosses of Japan was compiled by Iwatsuki (2004). Since then, many species of mosses were added to the Japanese moss flora. At the same time many species were reduced to synonymy. Moreover, nomenclatual changes have been made for many mosses recorded from Japan. Dr. Zennoske Iwatsuki had entrusted me with revision of this catalog. I decided to publish this revised catalog. Table 1 shows various lists of Japanese mosses published since 1929. During past 87 years, the number of moss genera reported from Japan has continuously increased from 228 genera (in 1929) to 342 genera (in 2016). This indicates that Japanese bryologists have added more genera to the Japanese moss flora, but at the same time, bryologists around the world have split also many genera of mosses. During the same period, taxonomical revision works were carried out by many Japanese bryologists, and subsequently, number of species of Japanese mosses were reduced due to synonymy. At the same time, many moss species were newly described and added to the flora. In balance, there are more species reduced to synonymy than newly proposed. Some bryologists may consider Japan as a country where the moss flora has been fairly well studied. This revised catalog lists 342 genera and 1270 species of mosses occurring in Japan. These 1270 species include nine newly described species and about 120 species newly added to the bryoflora in the past 12 years. Many of these species are minute in plant size and we can expect more species will be discovered in Japan in the next decade. 9 Alphabetical list of species 1. The revised catalog list is in alphabetical order. All names of genera and species of mosses described or reported from Japan are based on all literature available to the author up to the end of January 2016. 2. The valid and accepted epithets are printed in boldface. They are followed by author citation, distribution areas in Japan, and Japanese name (in katakana). 3. The area considered in this catalog includes Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu (including Isl. Yakushima), Ryukyu, and the Bonin and Volcano Islands. 4. The equal sign (=) indicates both taxonomic and nomenclatural (heterotypic and homotypic) synonyms. The style is otherwise similar to that used Wijk et al., Index Muscorum (1959-1969). 5. Specifically, “Synonym” means a heterotypic taxon, while “Other use” refers to a homotypic taxon. 6. If the occurrence of taxon in Japan (although it is reported from Japan) is doubtful, it is preceded by an asterisk (*). 10 Table 1. List of Japanese mosses published since 1929. Year Author (s) Literature Genera Species 1929 Iisiba Catalog of mosses of Japan 228 1040 1954 Sakurai Muscologia japonica 290 1553 1973 Iwatsuki & Noguchi Index muscorum japonicorum 291 1271 1979 Iwatsuki & Noguchi Index muscorum japanicorum suppl. 298 1213 1991 Iwatsuki Catalog of the mosses of Japan 321 1183 2004 Iwatsuki New catalog of the mosses of Japan 332 1135 2016 Suzuki, T. A revised new catalog of the mosses 342 1270 of Japan Fig. 1. Map of Japan 11 Abietinella Müll.Hal. (Thuidiaceae). モミシノブゴケ属. Abietinella abietina (Hedw.) M.Fleisch., Musci Fl. Buitenz. 4: 1497 (1923). Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku. モミシノブゴケ. Abietinella abietina var. histricosa (Mitt.) Sakurai, Muscologia Japonica: 127 (1954) = A. histricosa. Abietinella histricosa (Mitt.) Broth. in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pfl. ed. 2, 11: 327 (1925). Honshu. フ トモミシノブゴケ. Acanthocladium Mitt., hom. illeg. = Wijkia (Sematophyllaceae). Acanthocladium concavifolium Cardot, Bull. Soc. Bot. Gen. sér. 2, 4: 382 (1912) = Wijkia concavifolia. Acanthocladium doii Sakurai, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 46: 506 (1932) = Wijkia concavifolia. Acanthocladium fauriei Cardot, Bull. Soc. Bot. Gen. sér. 2, 4: 382 (1912) = Brotherella fauriei. Acanthocladium foliolatum Cardot, Bull. Soc. Bot. Gen. sér. 2, 4: 382 (1912) = Heterophyllium nemorosum. Acanthocladium gonoi Broth. ex Iisiba, Cat. Moss. Japan: 247 (1929) = Wijkia hornschuchii, fide Iwatsuki & Noguchi (1979a). Acanthocladium hornschuchii (Dozy & Molk.) M.Fleisch., Musci Fl. Buitenz. 4: 1206 (1923) = Wijkia hornschuchii. Acanthocladium japonicum Broth. & Paris., Rev. Bryol. 31: 65 (1904) = Wijkia hornschuchii. Acanthocladium minakatae Broth. in Sasaoka, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 35: 69 (1921), nom. nud. Acanthocladium nakanishikii (Duby) M.Fleisch., Oefv. Finsk. Vet. Soc. Foerh. 62: 41 (1921) = Brotherella henonii, fide Tan & Jia (1999). Acanthocladium orthothecium Thér. & Dixon in Sasaoka, Shokubutsu Shumi 3: 167 (1934), nom. nud. Acanthorrhynchium M.Fleisch. (Sematophyllaceae). Acanthorrhynchium papillatum auct. non (Harv.) M.Fleisch.: Z.Iwats. & Sharp, J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 30: 301, f. 5 (1967) = Rhaphidostichum boschii ssp. thelidictyon, fide Seki (1968). Acidodontium Schwaegr. (Bryaceae) ウリゴケモドキ属 (新称). Acidodontium longifolium (Par.) Broth. in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 1(3): 561 (1903). Honshu, fide T. Suzuki (2014-b) ナガバウリゴケモドキ (新称). Acidodontium megalocarpum (Hook.) Ren. & Cardot, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 31(1): 162 (1893). Honshu, Kyushu, fide T. Suzuki (2014-b) ウリゴケモドキ (新称). Acroporium Mitt. (Sematophyllaceae) フデノホゴケ属. Acroporium diminutum auct. non (Brid.) M.Fleisch.: Sakurai, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48: 391, 420 (1934) = Clastobryopsis robusta. Acroporium flagelliferum Sakurai. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48: 391 (1934) = Isocladiella surcularis. Acroporium laosianum (Broth. & Paris.) Broth. in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pfl. ed. 2, 11: 437 (1925) = Ectropothecium zollingeri. Acroporium nipponense Sakurai. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 64: 197 (1951), nom. illeg. incl. spec. prior. = Isocladiella surcularis. Acroporium secundum (Reinw. & Hornsch.) M.Fleisch., Musci Fl. Buitenz. 4:1283 (1923). Kyushu, Ryukyu. シマフデノホゴケ. Acroporium suzukii Sakurai. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 46: 504 (1932) = Acroporium secundum. Acroporium yakushimense Sakurai, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 47: 342 (1933) = Oedicladium rufescens var. yakushimense. 12 Actinostoma Reimers & Sakurai = Entodon (Entodontaceae). Actinostoma japonicum Reimers & Sakurai, Bot. Jahrb. 64: 553, f. 20 (1931) = Entodon diversinervis. Actinostoma tokyense (Besch.) Sakurai, Muscologia Japonica: 151 (1954) = Entodon tokyensis = Entodon sullivantii. Aerobryopsis M.Fleisch. (Meteoriaceae) ヒカゲノカズラモドキ属. Aerobryopsis assimilis (Cardot) Broth. in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pfl. 1: 819 (1906) = Pseudobarbella attenuata, fide Noguchi (1976). Aerobryopsis doii Sakurai, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 47: 336 (1935) = Pseudobarbella laosiensis, fide Noguchi (1976). Aerobryopsis kiushiuensis (Broth.) Nog., J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., ser. b, div. 2, 3: 17 (1936) = Pseudobarbella attenuata, fide Noguchi (1976). Aerobryopsis leptostigmata (Müll.Hal. ex Geh.) M.Fleisch., Hedwigia 44: 306 (1905). Ryukyu. Aerobryopsis mollissima Broth., Ann. Bryol. 1: 20 (1928) = Pseudobarbella laosiensis, fide Noguchi (1976). Aerobryopsis parisii (Cardot) Broth. in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pfl. 1: 820 (1906). Shikoku, Ryukyu. ヒ カゲノカズラモドキ. Aerobryopsis subdivergens (Broth.) Broth. in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pfl. 1: 820 (1906). Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Ryukyu. ミズスギモドキ Aerobryopsis subdivergens ssp. scariosa (Bartr.) Nog., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 41: 301, f. 28 (1976). Kyushu, Ryukyu, fide Noguchi 1976. オニノタスキ. Aerobryopsis subdivergens var. robusta Cardot, Bull. Soc. Bot. Gen. sér. 2, 3: 276 (1911) = Aerobryopsis subdivergens, fide Noguchi (1976). Aerobryopsis wallichii (Brid.) M.Fleisch., Musci Fl. Buittenz. 3: 789 (1907). Excluded from Japanese flora (Noguchi 1976). Aerobryum Dozy & Molk. (Brachytheciaceae, fide Goffinet et al., 2008) サナダゴケモドキ属. Aerobryum ferriei Broth. in Paris, Ind. Bryol. Suppl. 2 (1900), nom. nud. = Aerobryopsis parisii. Aerobryum nipponicum (Nog.) Sakurai, Muscologia Japonica: 105 (1954) = Aerobryum speciosum var. nipponicum. Aerobryum speciosum auct. non (Dozy & Molk.) Dozy & Molk.: Reimers & Sakurai, Bot. Jahrb. 64: 544 (1931) = Aerobryum speciosum var. nipponicum. Aerobryum speciosum var. nipponicum Nog., J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 3: 98, f. 42 (I948). Honshu, Ryukyu. ミハラシゴケ. Aloina Kindb., nom. cons. (Pottiaceae) ロカイゴケ属. Aloina leptotheca Broth. in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pfl. 1: 428 (1902) = Tortula leptotheca. Aloina obliquifolia (Müll.Hal.) Broth. in Nat. Pflanzenf. 1(3): 428 (1902). Honshu, fide Kiguchi, Iwatsuki & Tateishi (1998). ハリロカイゴケ. Aloina rigida (Hedw.) Limpr., Laubm. Deutschl. 1: 637 (1888). Honshu. fide Kiguchi, Iwatsuki & Tateishi (1998). カタロカイゴケ. Amblystegiella Loeske = Plaltydictya (Amblystegiaceae). Amblystegiella fauriei Cardot, Bull. Soc. Bot. Gen. sér. 2, 5: 321 (1913) = Platydictya fauriei. Amblystegiella jungermannioides (Brid.) Giac., Atti Ist. Bot. Univ. Lab. Critt. Pavia ser. 5, 4: 262 (1947) = Platydictya jungermannioides. Amblystegiella spurio-subtilis (Broth. & Paris) Broth. in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pfl. 1: 1026 (1908) = 13 Orthoamblystegium spurio-subtilis. Amblystegium Bruch & Schimp. (Amblystegiaceae)
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