August 2011 Vol 19 No 7 EENVIRONMENTALNVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERINGENGINEERING • TheThe FFrackingracking DebateDebate • DisasterDisaster RiskRisk ManagementManagement • FisantekraalFisantekraal WastewaterWastewater TreatmentTreatment PPlantlant WWesternestern andand SouthernSouthern CCapeape PProjectsrojects SSAICEAICE ANDAND PROFESSIONALPROFESSIONAL NNEWSEWS • CESMM3CESMM3 forfor SouthernSouthern AAfricafrica • PhotoPhoto CompetitionCompetition WWinnersinners Civil Engineering | August 2011 1 INGREDIENTS Values Mining & Aggregates, Industrial Minerals, Trust 100% Readymix, Concrete Products, Contracting International. Integrity 100% Vision Respect 100% Accountability 100% (IÀFLHQWZHOOPDQDJHGUHVSRQVLEOHKRQHVW highly motivated, effective and reliable systems, Teamwork 100% VWURQJÀQDQFLDOVWUXFWXUHLQQRYDWLYHIRFXVHG Customer sustainable growth, transformation initiatives, Satisfaction 100% FDULQJ SHRSOHDQGSODQHW VDWLVÀHGVWDNHKROGHUV © Black empowered, JSE-listed Afrimat is one of the largest suppliers of a broad range of construction and industrial materials. Telephone: +27 21 917 8840 Facsimile: +27 21 914 1174 www.afrimat.co.za Maxx Corporate Communications P CA Winner of the 2009 Pica Award A W A R D S I N NER 20 07 in the Construction, Engineering and Related W W I N N E WR I 2N 0 N 0 E 8 R 2 0 0 9 FOR EXCELLENCEFOR IN MAGAZINEEXCELLENCEFOR IN MAGAZINEEXCELLENCE IN MAGAZINE PUBLISHING ANDPUBLISHING JOURNALISM AND JOURNALISMPUBLISHING AND EDITORIAL Industries category for the third year running August 2011 Vol 19 No 7 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING r 5IF'SBDLJOH%FCBUF r %JTBTUFS3JTL.BOBHFNFOU r 'JTBOUFLSBBM8BTUFXBUFS5SFBUNFOU1MBOU 8FTUFSOBOE4PVUIFSO$BQF1SPKFDUT SAICE AND PROFESSIONAL NEWS r $&4..GPS4PVUIFSO"GSJDB r 1IPUP$PNQFUJUJPO8JOOFST Civil Engineering | August 2011 1 ON THE COVER The AfriSam Slagment Operation in Vanderbijlpark has provided ground ON THE COVER granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) over the last 40 years for the construction of AfriSam had committed itself to reducing its burden on the environment long before it became fashionable to do so major structures, including buildings, dams, bridges, roads and water-retaining structures AfriSam wins M&G “Greening the Future” award 4 FROM THE CEO’S DESK SOUTHERN CAPE Right down the middle 3 Light-gauge steel frame development in the Southern Cape 43 OPINION Is it us, or is it climate change? 6 MARKET CONTRIBUTION Post-tensioning: the right solution 47 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING OMB Waste Logistics takes waste underground 50 August 2011 Vol 19 No 7 On fracking in the Karoo, open forums and Amanzimtoti rehabilitation of dune PUBLISHED BY SAICE Block 19, Thornhill Offi ce Park, slopes using Green Terramesh 52 Bekker Street, Vorna Valley, Midrand the power of public opinion… 9 Private Bag X200, Halfway House, 1685 Mezzanines in minutes 54 Tel 011 805 5947/48, Fax 011 805 5971 http://www.civils.org.za [email protected] The importance of independent construction CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Manglin Pillay quality assurance (CQA) services for the IN BRIEF 56 [email protected] Tel 011 805 5947/8 installation of geosynthetic lining systems 12 World’s fi rst commercial wave power plant EDITOR inaugurated Veolia to upgrade Bellville Wastewater Verelene de Koker [email protected] Disaster Risk Management – planning for Works Corobrik pavers beautify PE inner city Tel 011 805 5947/8, Cell 083 378 3996 Sika stands up for sustainability and health & EDITORIAL PANEL Marco van Dijk (chairman), Irvin Luker (vice-chairman), resilient and sustainable societies 16 safety Mapei helps to reinforce concrete columns Seetella Makhetha (president), Manglin Pillay (CEO), Dawie Botha, Wally Burdzik, Johan de Koker, Gerhard Precast concrete standards and the CPA Lady Heymann, Jeffrey Mahachi, Jones Moloisane, Michelle S&P JV on track with Cape Town’s Fisantekraal Theron, Linda Erasmus (communications manager), civil engineer wins 2011 L’Oréal-UNESCO Fellowship Marie Ashpole, Zina Girald, Verelene de Koker (editor), Cathy van der Westhuizen (editor’s assistant), Barbara Wastewater Treatment Plant 20 Spence (advertising) ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATE SAICE AND PROFESSIONAL NEWS SA R575.00 (VAT included), International US$ 122.00 Quantitative Analysis of EIA for A new standard system of measurement for civil ADVERTISING Barbara Spence, Avenue Advertising Environmental Engineers 25 engineering quantities in southern Africa (CESMM3) 62 [email protected] Tel 011 463 7940, Fax 011 463 7939 Winners of the AfriSam-SAICE Electronic Cell 082 881 3454 Public transport and the environment Photo Competition 2011 DESIGN AND REPRODUCTION 64 Marketing Support Services, Menlo Park, Pretoria – the way forward 30 The United Nations Conference on Sustainable PRINTING Ultra Litho, Johannesburg Development for 2012 – Regional Workshop for Africa 66 The South African Institution of Civil Engineering WESTERN CAPE Strengthening ties with our Nigerian colleagues 67 accepts no responsibility for any statements made or opinions expressed in this publication. Consequently nobody connected with the publication of the magazine, Implementation of school construction SAICE UCT Student Chapter – visit to the Berg River Dam 68 in particular the proprietors, the publishers and the editors, will be liable for any loss or damage sustained Obituary – Professor Richard Loewenthal by any reader as a result of his or her action upon any in the Western Cape 35 statement or opinion published in this magazine. (or Richard the Lionheart!) 70 ISSN 1021-2000 Upgrade of rental stock in the City of Cape Town 40 Diarise This 72 Civil Engineering | August 2011 1 D110602 Mapei Exhibition Green 2.ai 1 25/07/2011 09:42 MAPEI is G D for the ENVIRONMENT Put MAPEI in your specifications for your next LEED*-certified project Four ways Mapei helps you contribute to LEED certification points: • Recycled Product Content Mapei is heavily committed to utilizing post-industrial materials • Low-VOC Products Green Label Plus-certified adhesives • Indoor Air Quality Initiatives Mapei’s Low Dust Technology helps reduce dust up to 90% during pouring and mixing compared with common Mapei’s cementitious adhesives • Regional Production Facilities Reduces the environmental impact of transportation 70% of Research and Development goes toward formulating Eco-friendly solution Visit us at the Green Building Convention & Exhibition 26 -28 October 2011 stand 56-57 United States Italy Canada * Our Commitment To The Environment Cape Town International Convention Centre More than 150 MAPEI products assist Project Designers and Contractors create innovative LEED (The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified projects, in compliance with the U.S. Green Building Council www.mapei.co.za Contact us: +27 11 552 8476 or [email protected] ADHESIVES • SEALANTS • CHEMICAL PRODUCTS FOR BUILDING FROM THE CEO’S DESK Right down the middle I HAVE NEVER BEEN one to enjoy golf. engineering capacity to pursue the na- I think it is boring like London weather. tional demands of social and economic Th e one good thing about golf, though, development. And why is there inade- is that it is an excellent barometer for quate project roll-out from the biggest the state of the economy – the more golf civil engineering client, when the develop- players on the golf course, the more en- ment goals have already been announced couraging the state of economic activity from the highest points of administration in the country. But our golf courses are in the country, to the tune of some R800 starting to appear dejected and forlorn billion over the next three years? with the scarcity of visitors. A civil engi- It appears the weakness is a lack of neering colleague from a well-established knowledge on how to identify projects engineering fi rm in South Africa jokes and how to spend the allocated money. that the company’s golf diary remains Th is is evident in the lack of structures, largely unscheduled. Th eir principal processes and systems in government to engineers are hardly on the golf course manage infrastructure spend. Th en there these days; they are too busy scampering is the cauldron of unsuitably qualifi ed around the local and international market So it appears that South African engi- individuals, ineff ectually occupying tech- places sniffi ng for work. Th is is not a good neers are starting to experience unemploy- nical engineering posts, nervously man- sign – not for improving handicap, and ment. Despite living in South Africa where aging engineering projects, and second- most certainly not for the infrastructure “job creation” and “unemployment” appear guessing the allocation of funds. engineering economy. in everyday conversation, it is uncommon But I am a prisoner of optimism, Other senior engineers and heads of to hear the words “engineer” and “unem- so allow me to enter in a ray of hope by departments that I have been commu- ployment” in the same sentence. In fact, referring to our well accomplished 2010 nicating with, appear to share the same it leaves a frustrating void akin to worry. FIFA World Cup. Despite the incapacities sad sentiment. Some companies with And the South African government has the and inabilities, our world-class stadiums excellent management and administrative audacity to bring engineers (together with confi rmed that South Africans can dream skills had the foresight to plan for lean other professionals) from Cuba en masse, with deadlines. When fi rst-world sceptics times, and are able to sustain their people with full and comprehensive packages, to and cynics said we
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